Our requirements are as follows:
1. You must have 2+ Lv. 75 jobs having one of these jobs is preferred. [WHM COR BRD RDM BLM]
2. If online, you are expected to come to these events if you signed up.
3. You must be flexible job wise (no complaints about going to events on a certain job).
4. Appropriate subjobs should be leveled (rdm/drk, pld/nin, etc.)
5. You must have all city clears.
6. Having ventrilo access is preferred.
Another note for people interested in applying -- if you're going to whine about lotting items, don't apply.
Information to include:
In-game Name:
Jobs at 75(Subs leveled):
Play time(specify exactly how many hours you can play and what times):
Amount of merits(Be very specific):
Access to Ventrilo:
Who has referred you to this linkshell?:
If you want greater chances at getting accepted into this linkshell, a suggestion for you is to put some effort into your application. Good grammar and spelling always helps, but it doesn't have to look like a resume. If we see that there is little effort made into the application, we might think "Oh, this guy doesn't put a lot effort into such a simple application. Maybe he won't put any effort in our events." Put your name in the title so we can distinguish your application from others.
Something to know about us:
We currently operate during the EST timezone. Dynamis starts Monday and Friday 10 P.M. EST and Einherjar starts Wednesday and Sunday 9 P.M. EST. We finish whenever we're done with that event.
If any questions please send Krispy a /tell ingame or leave a message. Thanks.
Website : http://TheKrew.forumotion.net