New HTBF Shinryu 2.0

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New HTBF Shinryu 2.0
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Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 2995
By Shiva.Thorny 2021-08-10 06:35:01
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Seun said: »
If everything shares slots then I may be right that a higher drop rate applying to everything. The items you don't count are* cockblocking you.

You can't have over 100% droprate in one slot. Slots are almost certainly set up as a distribution, it's very unlikely to be coded in a way that higher droprates would change the distribution.

It was ***from the start, the patch just increased merit cost while providing a comparatively smaller benefit to higher difficulties where slots were already likely to occur.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 91
By Asura.Selindrile 2021-08-12 10:33:49
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Asura.Chiaia said: »
Now 2 things that are technically a bot but we do support though have changed a bit are auto join and auto invite, we see this as almost only QoL though we do relize (Chinese) RMT do take advantage of them these days. SE also kinda added there own system a few years ago but still not the same.

If you go by the strict definition of bot, automation that responds to an incoming event, as opposed to a timed script that you initiated directly, there's tons of things in my GS files, and in all of Windower that fit that definition.

As well as the ones you mentioned, things like Announcetarget, Answeringmachine, AutoEnterKey, Enternity, Lottery/Treasury can all be considered bots pretty easily, if you're really strict even things like Macrochanger, Rawr, Pouches, Roll Tracker (Prevention of you rolling off a lucky number), or even things that do nothing other than display onscreen realtime data should probably be be considered a bot and I'm pretty sure there's tons I missed, all these things are doing something in response to an event that you didn't initiate directly.

What determines acceptability in people's minds is what that automation is doing, and in what way, and the end effect it has, where that distinction lies though, varies wildly from person to person.

Asura.Chiaia said: »
It's because v4 GS hands them all this info / events instead of needing to know how look it up yourself using other Windower stuff or even ashita imo already.

I agree with this overwhelmingly, GS tracks so much stuff already, it's extremely convenient and easy to design around as opposed to separating it, not to mention the added bonus of keeping automation together to prevent conflicts, so that for example your Automatic Stunning Addon isn't trying to stun while your "job helper" addon is trying to maintain a buff, etc, and not having to re-create the same variable tracking across many addons, which is just more loaded into memory.
Posts: 17966
By Viciouss 2021-08-12 17:42:36
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So, Blu/thf can handle this solo on VE/E, aye?
Posts: 314
By Starbucks 2021-08-19 18:44:15
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I don't think a DD can solo this on E without Monberaux and/or the cabbage.
By Shichishito 2021-08-19 19:20:06
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tldr. yes, BLU can do VE/E, not sure if i'd /THF tho, /DRG is probably a better choice.

i've successfully done N befor with yoran, ygnas, monberaux, selh'teus... still trying to figure out the 5th.

figured a DRG doesn't hurt so i tried shikare z but according to wiki she doesn't have dragon killer or ancient circle, still can -na tho. Rahal has dragon killer but not very usefull on a PLD. ingrid/ II is a option as she focuses on cursna, a dedicated dispeler like ajido-marujido could make sense but he's squishy. probably boils down to a bard, maybe joachim as he can also -na, or king of hearts for the refresh, dia III, -na and extra cures.

can you believe we only have 1 DRG trust? Flaviria (UC) and she wears a PUP costume...

in my experience trusts tend to die a lot after the 50% mark so you got to keep yourself alive with magic and sanguine blade, not sure if N is possible without tizona for MP reasons but i've had scenarios with 3 WHM trusts out and chugging 11 holy waters with purity ring, gishdubahr sash and blenmot's ring equipped and still died to doom. you'll also see BS like paralyze + doom or even better terror + doom... good game design as usual. i assume that's what they ment when they sad they'd make it more annoying than lilith.

Starbucks said: »
I don't think a DD can solo this on E without Monberaux and/or the cabbage.
what makes you believe monberaux is a necassity on E?
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2021-08-19 19:23:14
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Shichishito said: »
figured a DRG doesn't hurt so i tried shikare z but according to wiki she doesn't have dragon killer or ancient circle, still can -na tho. Rahal has dragon killer but not very usefull on a PLD

Shinryu is not classified as Dragon
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-08-19 19:25:26
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ShikaZ does circle wiki's aren't infallible lol, she just won't use it on a not dragon, she'll use it on quetz/naga/azi
By Shichishito 2021-08-19 21:01:51
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SimonSes said: »
Shinryu is not classified as Dragon

guess that narrows the 5th trust choice down.

Asura.Eiryl said: »
ShikaZ does circle wiki's aren't infallible lol, she just won't use it on a not dragon, she'll use it on quetz/naga/azi
good to know. wish we had more complete info on trusts.
Posts: 314
By Starbucks 2021-08-20 04:16:28
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Shichishito said: »
Starbucks said: »
I don't think a DD can solo this on E without Monberaux and/or the cabbage.
what makes you believe monberaux is a necassity on E?
All I know is that I got raped on several different DD jobs and trusts get wiped out. I am putting it down to not having Ygnas or Monberaux, either/or. I did say and/or - not saying it is that for sure, could be a lack of Ygnas.
Posts: 314
By Starbucks 2021-08-20 05:03:21
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Actually the last 2x I entered VE it used Cataclysmic Vortex right away and then killed everyone right after. He used draw in on trusts before it too, all within 20 seconds it is draw in > vortex > kill everyone.
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2021-08-20 05:09:50
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You need to attack it, go under wing, disengage, so trusts will run to you under wing, engage and hit it, move under wing on opposite side. Use Selhteus as one of the trusts.
Posts: 314
By Starbucks 2021-08-20 05:27:53
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SimonSes said: »
You need to attack it, go under wing, disengage, so trusts will run to you under wing, engage and hit it, move under wing on opposite side. Use Selhteus as one of the trusts.
Thanks, I will try it. I used Selhteus at first but he didn't seem to use rejuvination even when everyone had low HP.
Posts: 15208
By Pantafernando 2021-08-20 08:40:44
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Shinryu is that class called “Supreme being” or whatever.
Posts: 4
By Solux 2021-08-29 12:13:59
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Mighty Guard is what got me on Normal. I couldn't do enough damage to counter it's HP restore portion. Instantly healing it for 10%hp - never got it down more than that before it popped back up to full using the tp move every 15-30seconds. Oh-well, back to the drawing board. Support only with minimal tp feed.

Trust-wise if you want to survive a fight use Selh'teus, Iroha II, Lehko Habhoka, Arciela. They all have TP moves to aoe restore HP, the first 2 being the most reliable.
Assuming silence isn't an issue: Prishe II, and Nashmeira II come to mind outside of the single target whm and/or /WHM trusts

Good luck everyone! (P.S. drop rate still sucks)
Posts: 4871
By RadialArcana 2021-08-29 13:17:48
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You know one of the best things about this new HTBF is an easier way to learn mighty guard.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2021-09-01 09:43:33
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For those that RDM solo Shinryu on D/VD, how do you handle putting enfeebles back up when they wear? I've been having some issues balancing DT vs MACC vs Enfeebling potency so that I can quickly land the enfeebles but don't get killed by a big hit. Do you use MACC food or MEVA food?

Also, do you bother to erase Mighty Guard's regain? It doesn't seem to make him WS that much more and he almost seems to use MG more often when Regain is down, but that might just be eyeballing errors.

The drop rate change seems to have moved Shinryu from the new style HTBF drop rate (~20% N, ~50% VD), to the old style (100% N, 100% of 2 drops on VD), so I think it was actually a small net gain in terms of merits spend > drops.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Jakey
Posts: 300
By Quetzalcoatl.Jakey 2021-09-01 14:59:57
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Asura.Geriond said: »
For those that RDM solo Shinryu on D/VD, how do you handle putting enfeebles back up when they wear? I've been having some issues balancing DT vs MACC vs Enfeebling potency so that I can quickly land the enfeebles but don't get killed by a big hit. Do you use MACC food or MEVA food?

Also, do you bother to erase Mighty Guard's regain? It doesn't seem to make him WS that much more and he almost seems to use MG more often when Regain is down, but that might just be eyeballing errors.
I cast in between ws's, getting hit with ws in casting gear can be dangerous I use rustic fish for food.

I dispel if I'm not too busy but yeah he 0s out a significant amount of the physical hits I do to him after mighty guard so he gets way less tp regardless.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Velner
Posts: 433
By Fenrir.Velner 2021-09-01 16:09:56
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Asura.Geriond said: »
For those that RDM solo Shinryu on D/VD, how do you handle putting enfeebles back up when they wear? I've been having some issues balancing DT vs MACC vs Enfeebling potency so that I can quickly land the enfeebles but don't get killed by a big hit. Do you use MACC food or MEVA food?

Also, do you bother to erase Mighty Guard's regain? It doesn't seem to make him WS that much more and he almost seems to use MG more often when Regain is down, but that might just be eyeballing errors.

The drop rate change seems to have moved Shinryu from the new style HTBF drop rate (~20% N, ~50% VD), to the old style (100% N, 100% of 2 drops on VD), so I think it was actually a small net gain in terms of merits spend > drops.

It's definitely not 100% drop on N or a 100% 2x drop on VD. I have done plenty on D with no drop at all and VD with only one drop. However, it does appear on VD with only TH4 a 2x drop is much more frequent than a 1x.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2021-09-01 16:43:56
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For those no drop fights, did everyone have one of the items by any chance? Rings, earrings, and pebbles are such a high drop rate that people quickly fill up on them, and if it tries to drop something everyone has, it'll drop nothing even if it's a 100% rate.

I've done about 8 TH4 N runs with 1 drop every time and about 10 TH8+ VD runs with 2 drops every time, but I dbox the common items to myself to not taint the visible drop rate. The Treasure Hunter values SE gave us does not have a category with a drop rate of "almost 100% even without much TH, but not quite" for a drop slot, so if what you're saying is true it'd have to be a new category they created since then, which is not impossible, but I'd personally bet against it.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Velner
Posts: 433
By Fenrir.Velner 2021-09-02 14:41:21
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Asura.Geriond said: »
For those no drop fights, did everyone have one of the items by any chance? Rings, earrings, and pebbles are such a high drop rate that people quickly fill up on them, and if it tries to drop something everyone has, it'll drop nothing even if it's a 100% rate.

I've done about 8 TH4 N runs with 1 drop every time and about 10 TH8+ VD runs with 2 drops every time, but I dbox the common items to myself to not taint the visible drop rate. The Treasure Hunter values SE gave us does not have a category with a drop rate of "almost 100% even without much TH, but not quite" for a drop slot, so if what you're saying is true it'd have to be a new category they created since then, which is not impossible, but I'd personally bet against it.

I do my runs alone and chucked the accessories specifically to see how often I was getting any drop. And you're talking 10 runs at TH8+. I've done 275 (3/275) at TH4. I'll do runs this weekend and get a screenshot but I have seen plenty of single-drop VD runs.
By a631563167 2021-09-02 23:03:22
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Fenrir.Velner said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
For those that RDM solo Shinryu on D/VD, how do you handle putting enfeebles back up when they wear? I've been having some issues balancing DT vs MACC vs Enfeebling potency so that I can quickly land the enfeebles but don't get killed by a big hit. Do you use MACC food or MEVA food?

Also, do you bother to erase Mighty Guard's regain? It doesn't seem to make him WS that much more and he almost seems to use MG more often when Regain is down, but that might just be eyeballing errors.

The drop rate change seems to have moved Shinryu from the new style HTBF drop rate (~20% N, ~50% VD), to the old style (100% N, 100% of 2 drops on VD), so I think it was actually a small net gain in terms of merits spend > drops.

It's definitely not 100% drop on N or a 100% 2x drop on VD. I have done plenty on D with no drop at all and VD with only one drop. However, it does appear on VD with only TH4 a 2x drop is much more frequent than a 1x.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2021-09-04 17:47:39
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I just had Cataclysmic Vortex OHKO me (1987 damage out of 1925 max HP) somehow, despite it being supposed to bring your HP to 1. It hit me while I was in my WS set, but that set doesn't have any DT+ or MDT+, and I had Shell V up, so I have no idea how it happened. I was fighting it on VD.

Any ideas?

Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-09-04 17:53:56
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Does your sanguine blade set have 1988 hp (or 21xx + shell or whatever), it calculated the damage in the exact frame to misdamage. Like when a cone attack hits the player in front and in back because it turned exactly at the right second.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2021-09-04 18:00:32
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No, my Sanguine set has 1925, and I didn't have any HP buffs. I also had 31% MDT at the time from Shell, so it should have done about 1300.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-09-04 18:38:43
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Maybe some weird rule/exclusion in the gs that happened or one of the trusts hp was used to calculate your damage from a misread.

Sometimes weird ***happens due to spaghetti.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2021-09-04 18:59:36
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I don't use gearswap or things like that, so it can't be that, and the only trusts alive were invincible bubble trusts, so it'd be incredibly weird for that to affect it (and they've got like 1500 HP at most anyway, so shouldn't raise the damage even if it did), though I guess it's not completely impossible given SE.
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2021-09-04 23:19:08
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Maybe you have some HP>MP convert gear?

Edit: Metamorph ring +1 maybe?

It would almost fit (could be rounding) since it's 60 HP to mp, it could count your life as 1985.

Another guess would be, that its darkness based and it got boosted by day?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Emba
Posts: 46
By Asura.Emba 2021-09-04 23:52:33
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I’ve died once or twice mid-WS during Sanguine from that exact tp move. It’s not a true “throat stab” type of skill because it absolutely has OHKO potential. The pixie hairpin in my sanguine kit is likely the culprit since it has no defensive stats nor is it an ilvl 119 piece.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: tace
Posts: 32
By Carbuncle.Tace 2021-09-05 08:02:21
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I've died from cata vortex on vd as whm a handful of times I'm usually miscast paralyna or erase I'm sure its prolly just hp movement with gs and bad timing. But I can tell you a pld can main heal a vd run when you die at 88% with no rr..
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 3185
By Asura.Geriond 2021-09-05 10:46:30
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I have a Metamorph Ring +1, but I don't use it or any other HP to MP convert gear in any of the sets I had available, and after home pointing I double checked to make sure I was entirely in my Sanguine set when I died. It wasn't darksday at the time, either.

Might just end up being an eternal mystery.
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