what games ruined you for a entire genre?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,185
By Asura.Geriond 2021-07-01 16:11:36
I haven’t found another turn based battle system in an RPG like this, I love the fact that it’s not based (for the most part) on clicking the right button in the right order at the right time to work right, it’s so much better to be able to scroll through your entire ability/spell lists and see how that action will change your turn delay and can plan out your battle with ought having to rely on amazing reaction time to win. There are other things that made ffx really good but the battle system was by far the best ever. Octopath Traveler's battle system is like that.
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 368
By Pandemonium.Zeto 2021-07-01 21:04:07
Ragnarok.Jessikah said: »I think Final Fantasy X's battle system was one of the most well-polished of its kind. When a game gives you so many options, it's great that it doesn't rush you to make your decision.
Shame they got that far with combat systems and then they spun off into a completely different direction for all their games going forward. They've basically gone from a turn/atb based RPG series to hack n slash beat em ups given XV and 7R.
By Slowforever 2021-07-01 22:30:15
none, bad topic
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,113
By Asura.Aeonova 2021-07-03 08:48:33
I wouldn't say it ruined it for me, but going from 2D sprites to 3D really messed with me. About PS1/N64 gen. I eventually got really good at Goldeneye for N64 because my friends and I would always play that. I eventually unlocked every single secret and beat all the record times. It certainly wasn't easy.
It kind of nearly broke me into just wanting to go back to my comfortable SNES days. I still prefer older non-3D games for the most part; playing old SNES, PSP, and GBA on emulator.
You young whippersnappers get off my lawn!
By Lili 2021-07-03 09:19:42
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night set the bar so high, it's been impossible to scratch that itch ever since. The GBA/DS games kiiiinda got close but they're just an imitation, and it shows. Didn't manage to play Bloodstained yet, I hear it's good but I doubt it can capture the same essence.
So broken they adjusted it in the HD remaster
Huh, how so?
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,833
By Ragnarok.Jessikah 2021-07-03 10:05:28
I wouldn't say it ruined it for me, but going from 2D sprites to 3D really messed with me. About PS1/N64 gen. I eventually got really good at Goldeneye for N64 because my friends and I would always play that. I eventually unlocked every single secret and beat all the record times. It certainly wasn't easy.
It kind of nearly broke me into just wanting to go back to my comfortable SNES days. I still prefer older non-3D games for the most part; playing old SNES, PSP, and GBA on emulator.
You young whippersnappers get off my lawn! I was at the perfect age to make the transition from 2D to 3D because I had no brain cells devoted to criticism back then. Those first-generation 3D games were overwhelmingly pretty bad though. Most of them look really bad and you can tell developers had no idea how to craft controls for them. The only games I can think of on the N64 that really stood the test of time are the Banjo-Kazooie games.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-07-03 15:27:02
There were 2 genres of gaming in my high school/college years that really just never clicked with me- fighting games and FPSs. But there was one exception- 007 Goldeneye for N64. Completely ruined any other FPS for me just because I got exposed to it at just the right moment for that kind of competitive game vs an RPG which was almost all I played prior.
To this day, I've just never felt the draw of things like Halo, Call of Duty, etc...they just do it for me. But power weapons in The Stack with 3 fellow drunk buddies- that will always win out for me.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 584
By Asura.Meliorah 2021-07-03 15:41:34
I wouldn't say it ruined it for me, but going from 2D sprites to 3D really messed with me. About PS1/N64 gen. I eventually got really good at Goldeneye for N64 because my friends and I would always play that. I eventually unlocked every single secret and beat all the record times. It certainly wasn't easy.
It kind of nearly broke me into just wanting to go back to my comfortable SNES days. I still prefer older non-3D games for the most part; playing old SNES, PSP, and GBA on emulator.
You young whippersnappers get off my lawn!
I felt this way for a long while, then I just stopped clinging to what I liked so much and branched out, eventually just not having a favorite or opinion of visual style for whatever direction a game goes in. That also allowed me to drop the mentality that 'x-is my favorite game of all time and nothing can ever compare to it because it's so perfect and anything anyone ever has to say is flawed and wrong because I'm the only one that's right about everything and anything.'
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,113
By Asura.Aeonova 2021-07-03 16:41:36
Oh Lord. This thread reminded me of tank controls for things like Parasite Eve 2 and Resident Evil.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2021-07-03 16:44:25
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night set the bar so high, it's been impossible to scratch that itch ever since. The GBA/DS games kiiiinda got close but they're just an imitation, and it shows. Didn't manage to play Bloodstained yet, I hear it's good but I doubt it can capture the same essence.
So broken they adjusted it in the HD remaster
Huh, how so?
Quote: In the original Japanese and American versions it costs 12 MP, but for the European, International and the HD Remaster releases, the cost was increased to 36 MP with twice the delay
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,113
By Asura.Aeonova 2021-07-03 16:48:10
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night set the bar so high, it's been impossible to scratch that itch ever since. The GBA/DS games kiiiinda got close but they're just an imitation, and it shows. Didn't manage to play Bloodstained yet, I hear it's good but I doubt it can capture the same essence.
You better get your butt out there and play Super Metroid if you havn't.
Bloodstained is beautiful and has some really creative enemies. You can tell the devs were having fun. I mean... a giant cockerspanial dog head. A giant horned cat. A woman rocking out on a guitar.
My only gripe about Bloodstained was I didn't have everything memorized like Castlevania SotN. I would get frustrated being stuck in a position where I had to travel across a giant map in case I missed something on an ability opened up a new path. I mean I know you're supposed to explore and try new things, but I don't really want to have to watch a youtube video to do a playthrough. May as well just watch the playthrough.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 269
By Shiva.Humpo 2021-07-03 19:05:21
Half-Life: Alyx set the bar to high for me to VR games.
By Afania 2021-07-04 02:02:56
FFXI aside, what game did a certain aspect so well that you can't enjoy games of that genre anymore cause nothing released ever since meets that new standard?
Disco Elysium's writing quality is so good that whenever I play a new RPG I'd subconsciously compare the writing quality, then found myself unable to enjoy the story because other game's writing quality isn't as good as DE.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 85
By Shiva.Mlrlohki 2021-07-04 07:25:56
There's nothing one game does so much better than another that makes it unplayable and specifically ignoring XI... but the Auto-Run L1 is the only function I've missed and habitually used in absolutely any game where I run. ALWAYS hit L1. and get disappointed. It's a reflex.
I have fully rage quit games that had too much running and no autorun (at least, temporarily)
Goddess, yes. Of course, I also keep running into a similar situation with a rerun through the Mass Effect trilogy. ME2 and 3’s reload button is ME1’s grenade button. I’ve been wasting a bunch of grenades this run through.
FFXI aside, what game did a certain aspect so well that you can't enjoy games of that genre anymore cause nothing released ever since meets that new standard?