Asura: Recruiting For Odyssey Static

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Asura: Recruiting for Odyssey Static
Posts: 94
By ayer 2021-04-25 20:24:55
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Looking to recruit player for Odyssey Static.
  • Event time starting around 9pm-10pm PST

  • Must have flexibility to play different roles with appropriate gear and sets. Tank, DD, Support, etc. Please let me know what you have ready.

  • Building up access to V15 Bumba, with plans to augment Nyame gear.

Message me if you're interested, we can set up a trial and see if you mesh well with the group.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ayer
Posts: 23
By Asura.Phinneus 2021-05-16 22:05:39
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Still looking to recruit members.

Let me know what other jobs you have geared as well. Would like to take advantage of the mog amplifiers once we get to farming Bumba, so you'll need flexibility in job selections to get through the 3 back to back fights. Just need a couple more members to fill the roster.

Current progress on Bumba V15 acces:
Dealan Dhe - V15
Sgili - V15
U Bnai - V15
Gogmagog - V15
Aristaeus - V15
Marmorkrebs - V15
Gigelorum - V15
Raskovniche - V15
Procne - V0
Henwen - V15
Xevioso - V5
Ngai - V10
Kalunga - V15
Ongo - V0
Mboze - V0
Arebati - V15
Bumba - V15
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ayer
Posts: 23
By Asura.Phinneus 2021-05-20 03:25:32
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