BG Ambuscade Archive:
Old Thread:
Key Item Locations:
Survival Guide → Caedarva Mire
Dvucca Isle Staging Point
Chief Sergeant Assault: Operation: Snake Eyes
Logical NIN Solo E/General Mechanics (2020):
NIN Solo E (JP):
RDM Solo E (JP):
Ruaumoko Kite Method (2018):
Ejiin Mewing Method (2018):
Kishr Tank Hold Method (2020):
Key Notes:
Bozzetto Bigwig:
Posses Draw-In
Uses the following TP moves:
100~80%: Animating Wail, Mangle, Leaping Cleave
80~60%: The Bigwig's weapon will break, summons adds, and uses Hex Palm as well as Spinal Cleave.
60~30%: The Bigwig equips it's secondary weapon. Gains en-death while adds are out wand will use Unblest Jambiya as well as Gen'ei Ryodan
Unblest Jambiya - 15' AoE drain (removes shadows).
Gen'ei Ryodan - Conal damage, stun, and a single dispel (removes 5 shadows)
50%: Uses Perfect Dodge
30~0%: Weapon breaks again, resummons any defeated adds, and casts Utsusemi: San frequently. Loses the en-death effect while adds are out and will use Phantom Whorl as well as Enforce (on VD only). The Bigwig may be silenced to stop the Utsusemi spam, but this will require an immunobreak to land. When the Bigwig is at 30% or lower the adds will gain access to a move named
Triple Reversal (see Adds section below).
Adds are immune to sleep.
Adds will use their respective 1-hour special abilities and standard Qutrub TP moves.
The Astrologers will cast typical BLM spells including, T4 nukes, Sleep II, Poisonga, and Ice Spikes.
The Astrologers are susceptible to silence.
BigWig 30%~0%:
The rate of activation on the Bigwig's endeath effect increases the more players continue to damage the Bigwig.
Caitsith.Mahayaya said:
»Food is required! Killing faster as non-NIN is more important since less time spent in the battle which is less room for error. Being stunned with no shadows up isn't a big deal in this fight and buffers should reapply buffs immediately (as you unstun) if you lose them or they're trash. We usually only want WAR and DRK this month since NIN DD is crap compared to those jobs.
Yeah, 2h empyrean is beastly this month, lol. I have no doubt that empyrean nin would be the most optimal choice because of dmg and more shadows.
But vast majority of NIN that I've seen, do mediocre dps and die/got dispelled anyways. I don't know one single nin hardcore enough to do empyreans.
Not sure if something changed from last time but any DPS should be able to hit 99k WS this month. My BRD is hitting 99k Mordant Rime every time with just BRD buffs (no COR, no GEO, just honor/madrigal/minuetx2 and Dia3 from RDM). Pretty sure our NIN was hitting cap damage on every WS as well. Setup is NIN PLD RDM BRD...and 2 spots for uh. Stuff.
1) Mewing Strategy: This is the most reliable strategy, with reasonable clear speed.
*See Kishr's video posted above.
DD pulls NM to the corner and tank kites adds around the pillar when they spawn. BRD keeps elegy on Bigwig.
DD keep shadows up to prevent endeath kill, rdm keeps dia3, slow II on megaboss, silence on astrologers when they pop, then dps when they are not casting. SMN cure the tank.
At 30% tank stop kiting and hold all mobs away from megaboss in one place so mewing lullaby can land on all the adds, smn spams mewing lullaby on cooldown to prevent Triple Reversal fires off. Rdm will need to recast silence on Astrologers as soon as silence wears off.
At 30% when NM spams enforce, just let the DD sit at single digit HP. Nin should toss some vokes before wsing to help the lesser shadow DDs eaten by a potential multi attack.
2) Kiting Strategy: This strategy is identical to mewing strategy except the tank kites all the adds from start to finish, no mewing lullaby used. Healer will need to silence the adds.
3) Killing Adds Strategy: This strategy is the slowest strategy but most reliable of all. Instead of kiting adds, DDs will kill all adds that spawned. There are 2 waves of adds total. Once adds are dead, NM will no longer us endeath nor triple reversal, therefore removed all the potential possibility to wipe.
4) PUP/Mewing Strategy on Difficult: PUPx2 COR SMN PLD and any mage capable of Silence. PLD tanks adds in corners with SMN mewing while dual PUP engage matons on boss in the center, as pets are immune to the Qutrub's Endeath, unlike Wrathare's.
Maton setup is Beast/Companion's; VE head/SS body; Wind/2x Fire; dual Inhibitors but no Speedloaders (skillchains always cap dmg and Speedloaders just slow them down) and just let the matons continuously 3-step skillchain on boss. At around 50%, the boss will PD, after which you can switch to Light/Thunder/Fire and use OD to zerg down the remainder of the boss's HP. The 3m20s duration of OD is enough to take out about 50% of the boss on D with 10-15s of duration to spare. A PUP/RDM should also Diaga to wipe Utsusemi: San shadows.
It may be kinda slow compared to using real DD setups, but it's pretty safe and easy as you don't need to worry about Triple Reversal, shadows, endeath, dispels or the like. And OD is pretty easy to reset with Wild Card as even a 5 will work.