By kavisherdrick 2020-11-25 03:10:26
Hmm... really?
Whelp... As any Scholar would say... "Time to test out this hypothesis for verification and use fact based logic to confirm or deny said hypothesis into a theory for further review or debate!" (lol...)
Job used: SCH/RDM 99 (2100 JP)
Location: S. Gustaberg
Enemy for test: Huge Hornet (Lv 0, and does not vary)
Gear used: Hachirin-no obi (to ensure weather bonus consistency)
Abilities Used: Dark Arts, Add.-Black, Ebullience,
Spells used: (Earth day) Sandstorm II, Klimaform, Stone V
Will cast Stone V first to get a base, then add the Empy +1 feet and cast again dividing the Klimaform number by the base number. Thanks to the waist obi the weather bonus always applies to the test.
Stone V : 3460 dmg. (w feet, no Klimaform) (Base)
Stone V : 3979 dmg. (w feet & Klimaform) (Base+15%)
In summary, the boots are providing the +15% Kimaform bonus.
Last but not least this was a simple test done outside S. Gustaberg. IF there is anything I got incorrect, lemme know for further debate and/or testing. Hope it helps!
Fenrir server.
*edited to correct earlier mathing issue - thanks Chiaia*