Tried the method as shown in the JP video but with a more traditional setup.
Tank, Healer, Cor, Bard, Heavy Dps, Smn
It's reliable if everyone does their job right and people are in sync. The tank always tends to die on the last 3 mobs though. A sacrifice worth making.
Even with the the Savage Blade cor doing double the dmg of the Savage Blade war we were still consistently getting wins.
Songs HM, Min5, Mad2, Scherzo. Minne5 on the tank instead of min5.
Smn does a lot of buffing. Earthen Armor (Titan), Lunatic Voice for silence and Wind's Blessing for magic shield (Siren), Diabolos for Noctoshield and Dream (Shroud MDB).
The hardest part has got to be the tank in this setup. They get stripped of weapon/shield and caught in FC/midcast a lot.
The mijin gakures were a joke with this setup, on average, doing about less than 200 dmg for people with full buffs.