The "i Got Screwed Over" Thread

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the "i got screwed over" thread
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By 2020-06-28 23:19:17
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Serveur: Bismarck
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user: ltantonio
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2020-06-28 23:32:21
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Shichishito said: »
once joined a party on sam. was back when it still took a while to get to a camp. equipment was average, nothing fancy like o.kote or jujitsu gi but i brought food and paid attention.
a couple minutes in some taru BLM casts warp II and i get kicked out without a word.
wow, you literally stole my story from "the good old days" thread...
Posts: 976
By Prong 2020-06-28 23:32:27
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The whole "joining an LS that collected currency and you never saw it" IMO was always just, "cost of doing business."

From my experience on multiple servers is, the VAST (I'm talking probably 99%) majority of the FFXI player base don't want to, "make a party." They don't want to research how to pull an event/kill an NM, they don't want to hit that "invite" command, most don't even want to be party lead in an alliance.

So, especially back in the day before everyone had 6 accounts, if one person was willing to actually lead a group or *gasp* entire linkshell, they earned certain privileges for doing so which was, a free relic or two. You even saw it when Abyssea came along, the guy/girl willing to shout to form an alliance got to come the lvl 30 job and they usually had a buddy or two as well and everyone else was only invited if they had a useful job. I guess if people had an issue with any of that, they just had to step up, be a leader, not a follower. Most refuse to do that.
By 2020-06-28 23:45:46
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Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Dre
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By Bahamut.Jezard 2020-06-28 23:59:11
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PremonitionHex said: »
Prong said: »
The whole "joining an LS that collected currency and you never saw it" IMO was always just, "cost of doing business."

From my experience on multiple servers is, the VAST (I'm talking probably 99%) majority of the FFXI player base don't want to, "make a party." They don't want to research how to pull an event/kill an NM, they don't want to hit that "invite" command, most don't even want to be party lead in an alliance.

So, especially back in the day before everyone had 6 accounts, if one person was willing to actually lead a group or *gasp* entire linkshell, they earned certain privileges for doing so which was, a free relic or two. You even saw it when Abyssea came along, the guy/girl willing to shout to form an alliance got to come the lvl 30 job and they usually had a buddy or two as well and everyone else was only invited if they had a useful job. I guess if people had an issue with any of that, they just had to step up, be a leader, not a follower. Most refuse to do that.

I was so good at making parties back in EXP PT FFXI Era that I had JP BRDs on blind invite status and Maiev took away Maat's Cap Relic status on FFXIAH because he was trying to peen on his blog about solo'ing to 75 on SAM and got jealous.

Still worth it. I was everything that was fun and exciting about this game and he was a jealous, epeen loving ***.

Kind of like where we are at now with the game. If we weren't, we wouldn't be dissing Rua for his stance on tanking, we wouldn't be watching RMT spamming shouts for job points on every server, and we wouldn't be selling/buying wave 3 clears.

Those abyssea party's were th best. I was leveling a alt who in a group I made. People were demanding I kick my alt cause it was sitting there doing nothing. I was on my main with a pretty op know then single handed carrying the group and people still complained and demanded she get kicked. I kicked them instead lol.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Dre
Posts: 58
By Bahamut.Jezard 2020-06-28 23:59:49
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Bismarck.Ruzaki said: »
Had some minor ones like my CoP static replacing me after telling me it was fine to take a week's break for travel, and the Sky LS convincing me (by far leading in points) to let a PLD have the first cuisses to "help the LS" and then disbanding as soon as he got them.

The worst was being dumped by the only people you considered friends. Early on, I found an LS and within that we had a static who did everything together. We exp'd up, we did missions. I only played with these people and almost nobody else, so I was very reliant on them both socially and for progress. One day, they invite me to the PT just to tell me that I'm no longer a part of it. I think it was to do with having a personality clash with one member, and our job setup not being ideal. It was quite upsetting, I felt like I'd gotten too far in the game without networking with others and was a bit lost. I quit the game for the first time shortly after and it has affected my views on online friendship ever since.

The samethjng happened to me with me and Ace hell. I camped it for days and kited it for over 30mins on them and someone camp and lotted over me. I raised hell about it but it was ignored. I did get them back tho over a novio earring from our first JoL kill. A of member of our me who never came to anything but for things he wanted. He had a ton of points and basically for out bid everyone but me since I was one of the most active member and built up a ton of points myself. We always send out bids in to the leader after drops and everyone started congratulating him before anything was announced. I smiled at all the rage people were having when it was announc I get the earring. I did get screwed over by another of member on a Riddle. He was a war that would tp in heca gear. He aimed to be the best war cause he had ebody and riddle.
Posts: 4324
By RadialArcana 2020-06-29 01:20:34
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Old FFXI was built on screwing you over honestly, I still can't believe I put up with all the HNM nonsense for as long as I did just to get an Ebody and Dalmy. The sheer length of time you had to repeat content to get anything at all from it was ridiculous, then the guilt tripping to keep doing it after you capped to get everyone else their stuff.

I guess since the game barely ever got any updates at all it was HNM or quit though. I remember when I finally did quit FFXI the first time and went to play another MMO, I was blown away it would have monthly maintenance and "free" content patches for the sub fee. This was such an alien concept to me at the time, outside of paid expansions ffxi barely ever got updates or maintenance at all.

Modern FFXI is far less screw you over than old, we get far more for the sub than we used to also. Which is ironic since they had so many more people working on the game back then.
Posts: 605
By ashcrow 2020-06-29 01:32:45
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RadialArcana said: »
Old FFXI was built on screwing you over honestly, I still can't believe I put up with all the HNM nonsense for as long as I did just to get an Ebody and Dalmy. The sheer length of time you had to repeat content to get anything at all from it was ridiculous, then the guilt tripping to keep doing it after you capped to get everyone else their stuff.

I guess since the game barely ever got any updates at all it was HNM or quit though. I remember when I finally did quit FFXI the first time and went to play another MMO, I was blown away it would have monthly maintenance and "free" content patches for the sub fee. This was such an alien concept to me at the time, outside of paid expansions ffxi barely ever got updates or maintenance at all.

Modern FFXI is far less screw you over than old, we get far more for the sub than we used to also. Which is ironic since they had so many more people working on the game back then.

its not that hard u just get tod and stand still between window's, HNM system was better u know why? The second before the pop by the end of the window ur heart starts racing if the nm has not popped yet,don't you remember that rush?

EVEN if your not into THE HNM SYSTEM, not all Abjurations / gear from HNM required to do content, Missions/ COP Rewards with ABC (ancient beast coin) Af +1/Relic ETC, I dont want to ***in our current version of ffxi ( iam addicted to it) but its a *** cookie cutter game right now. You dont have an idris? You dont do Dynamis wave 3. That was never the case in the older game.

Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: arakon
Posts: 141
By Carbuncle.Arakon 2020-06-29 02:15:46
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1-2 weeks after I level DRG to 50 (first main job), they announced the TP return nerf and kicked off loldrg. I only managed to solo DRG to level 75 when ToAU bird camps became available.

ToAU nerfed my Alchemy income with free meds from Assaults.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: SSJAV
By Fenrir.Uzugami 2020-06-29 03:50:41
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Back when in the 75 days when Einherjar was still a LS-event, my LS at the time had a point system that spanned Limbus/HNM/Sky/Sea/Einherjar, only Dynamis was seperated. We kill odin and Ebody abjuration drops and I have enough points to bid for it (It worked as a silent bid process. You bid points once to win) I bid all of my points and the LS leader ended up closing the bids "Early" to give it to a LS member they liked for half the cost that I had bid for, annoyed me but w/e fast forward like 2 weeks and we're doing Bahamut and Bahamut's Mask drops and I do the same thing and win it, only for people to throw a fit I didn't pass it over for someone else in the LS who was a "Main" PLD but used his points on other ***prior to the event.
Posts: 592
By Drayco 2020-06-29 06:43:26
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Lots of people bashing the old dynamis leader system, which I kind of understand... but if you've never ran a 50+ member LS then you're just not going to understand the work required.

Setting up 2 alliances and having to coordinate everybody's jobs sucks. Having to pay attention to what everybody is doing in the run. God forbid you're also the puller or main tank creates even more work. On top of all that, having to pull up the attendance point list when something drops and figure out who get's the drop.

I will never feel bad for creating my first relic this way, I earned that ***. I also never took AF drops since I was getting currency.
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Serveur: Asura
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user: Vyrerus
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By Asura.Vyre 2020-06-29 07:33:11
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Old Dynamis structure made sense to me as a teen. I was getting let into the event for free, allowed to lot on gear I didn't have, for free, and learning about game content I wouldn't otherwise be in.

Only really started to be a problem when I started to get loaded down with being a work horse. I eventually became the MT on WAR/nin due to how much damage I dealt. I only really became upset with the structure when the screwing over occurred. It happened twice, each in a different shell.

In my first Dyna shell, I was a peon. However, all of the currency was being hoarded into the LS bank. They said they were going to make a relic for someone they could trust first, selected by the leaders. Well, they selected a non-officer, long time member. A DRK main. Long time member, but never really went out of their way for the LS, but also never missed events, so they figured they'd solidify this person's membership. Fund their apocalypse up to stage IV, with a hefty work up into the final stage... I get passed over on Adaman Hauberk adjuration, E. Bodyx2 for this guy and a MNK main officer. I was WAR main. My ToD and camping supplied that kill...

Well, after they gave this DRK E. Body and Stage 4 scythe with 1/2th way to final stage done, this person commands the LS into killing Byakko with pops they bought til they get Haidate for their WAR, that they do not intend to play. Then they quit the LS for the GF's LS, taking all that currency with them. Like a year and a half's worth of currency the E. Body, an M Kris, Haidates, and anything else they were gifted. Made my blood boil. What's worse is I helped that person beat COP before this, I lead the group for them that finally got them past 8-3 pots. I was livid. Shell broke after that.

Second Dynamis shell was more of a laid back screw over. Sponsor leader said that they'd sponsor the runs, take all the currency, complete their Apocalypse, and then let someone else sponsor if they were able to come up with the 1 mil gil every week. They finished Apoc, then immediately started working on Mandau, saying no one stepped up. There were about 7 people who wanted to step up, but he ignored them, and they didn't press the issue. I stuck it out with this shell till Dynamis changed. In hindsight I wish I hadn't, but hindsight is 20/20. Then again, I got to make him feel terrible when Abyssea came out. He was still grinding the WS hits and kill hits, and I show up to Einherjar with one of the first Vermeil Bhujs to ever drop on Asura. Out damage him for the whole run.

Also, I did get to lead people and be an officer in that shell I guess. It's not as hard as some of you are making it out to be, especially when people don't know the value of what they're doing. That said, a lot of people playing FFXI didn't know what they were doing on a basic level, so understanding the gravity and value of what was going on inside Dynamis was fairly uncommon anyway.

I suppose what made it enjoyable was the high amount of social interaction. My first use of voice comms for coordinating gaming. Ventrilo drama. Come to think of it, I was technically in 3 dynamis shells, it's just the second one went through a slight metamorphosis, from people I knew were screwing everyone over to someone I didn't think would screw everyone over. Went from Screwing-You to Screwing-You-Lite in terms of leadership. Old shell did points system lotting for relic armor, dreadful.

To end this post on a somewhat more positive note, I never got screwed over doing Limbus. Apollyons were my favorite thing, Temenos too bright for my eyes. I got Homam hands and pants without much fuss, despite not even really using my THF at events. I absolutely loved Apollyon SE I think... I'd always been a skill-up nutter, so that place was like all my Namedays coming at once on WAR. We split ABCs evenly always. Brutal Earring came into my possession quite quickly. I suppose my Dyna shells being tied in with my other endgame shells was also a reason I kept on with them in Dynamis. I was getting lots of other gear alongside the same people in different events, so the slight jip in Dynamis never felt too jippy.
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2020-06-29 09:06:09
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I never got the beef with the point system, it was fair as long as it was strictly adhered to. You put in the work, you get the reward. Can't complain about FLs either, yet people still do...
Posts: 438
By Xaander 2020-06-29 10:12:23
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Jetackuu said: »
I never got the beef with the point system, it was fair as long as it was strictly adhered to. You put in the work, you get the reward. Can't complain about FLs either, yet people still do...

Not every point system was designed fairly. Even the ones that were, the problem is what you mentioned. Most of time everyone had to strictly adhere to the rules, except for the leader and their closest cronies. Saw plenty of fair systems that suddenly worked differently with no prior warning in regard to whatever the very rarest items were at a given time. At that point, the rank and file are too invested with points to not put up with the *** and the cycle repeats. That was a common experience.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-06-29 10:16:14
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Sorta how communism works on paper, but never with real people.
Posts: 438
By Xaander 2020-06-29 10:24:42
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Leviathan.Draugo said: »
Sorta how communism works on paper, but never with real people.

Off topic, but the same could be said of trickle down economics. It's probably more analogous to the points system comment anyway. Either way, the healthiest way to deal with ideals and frameworks is to analyze them for the elements that work and then try incorporating those into your own system, instead of blanket adoption or denial of a new framework. Judging an entire ideal because it failed in certain applications loses out on the opportunity of growth by fine-tuning or transformation. Also, anything that can't adapt, perishes eventually. Keeping an open mind is key.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-06-29 10:40:42
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Xaander said: »
Off topic, but the same could be said of trickle down economics.
Don't conflate cronyism with capitalism.
Posts: 438
By Xaander 2020-06-29 10:43:43
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Xaander said: »
Off topic, but the same could be said of trickle down economics.
Don't conflate cronyism with capitalism.

They often go hand in hand these days.

Getting back on topic, pretty much everything Tanaka did screwed over NA from what I remember.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1388
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2020-06-29 10:50:21
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I think I'm starting to qualify for this thread. I just did 15 runs of Lilith in a row without a single drop. Wtf SE?
Posts: 225
By GwenStacy 2020-06-29 11:10:41
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Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget said: »
I think I'm starting to qualify for this thread. I just did 15 runs of Lilith in a row without a single drop. Wtf SE?

rookie numbers
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Aladeus
Posts: 347
By Fenrir.Aladeus 2020-06-29 11:11:12
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Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget said: »
I think I'm starting to qualify for this thread. I just did 15 runs of Lilith in a row without a single drop. Wtf SE?
uh i know ppl that have done way more than that without a drop. and sadly the drop rate seems better on VE than VD.. most of the drops i've gotten were from VE.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jedigamer
Posts: 262
By Bahamut.Jedigamer 2020-06-29 11:45:16
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I got everything from Lilith in under 100 fights. Talk about crappy luck.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: tace
Posts: 32
By Carbuncle.Tace 2020-06-29 12:42:55
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Reading this is reminding me of the old days, and people i knew back then in other ls's having the point systems ignored for friends, or gf's or the classic "ls bank" that magically disappears overnight, or gets hacked and ls leaders that disappear and reappear on a new server. Worst thing i can remember happening to me was i made front page of killing ifrit for claims of botting when i played on ps2 dialup like 2005. or being main tank for a CoP LS only to get kicked out by a friends bf cause i had to go to bed at 3am on a school day after getting every one (like 14 ppl) through promathia but him and i was worthless piece of ***taking air from the rest of the world how dare i log off. also in current ffxi lilith is a biotch i passed the hands to my friend when it 1st came out since all the weps droped on our first set of runs and im now only missing hands after hundered of runs haha.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Savannah
Posts: 1742
By Bahamut.Savannahlynn 2020-06-29 13:15:00
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Bahamut.Jedigamer said: »
I got everything from Lilith in under 100 fights. Talk about crappy luck.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kalmado7
Posts: 8
By Sylph.Kalmado 2020-06-29 13:15:08
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I'm just missing feet from Lilith and am now into the hundreds attempting to get them. At least that fight is relatively quick. I'm not looking forward to Odin.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kuwoobie
Posts: 765
By Sylph.Kuwoobie 2020-06-29 13:38:38
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I bought a single byne bill for the price of a 100 byne bill from a bazaar once ;-;
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Scwall
Posts: 339
By Quetzalcoatl.Commencal 2020-06-29 13:44:31
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Before the stopper was introduced to Neo Nyzul Isle
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Aladeus
Posts: 347
By Fenrir.Aladeus 2020-06-29 13:47:59
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Sylph.Kuwoobie said: »
I bought a single byne bill for the price of a 100 byne bill from a bazaar once ;-;
there are a couple of mules bazaaring on my server most of the time with several items of this nature. dont feel bad, just be careful.