When I load the plugin, I get the 'Plugin: guildwork ...' text in console and 'Initializing Guildwork...' in chat window (if I'm already in-game), but nothing is shown from further commands (gw, guildwork, gw -h, gw -h flush, gw flush, gw flush --add, gw login... etc.). What I do get are some xml files in /plugins/, 'gwexe.tmp', 'gwjunk2.tmp', 'gwjunk3.tmp', each with a similar error:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Access Denied</Message><RequestId>...</RequestId><HostId>...</HostId></Error>
I thought it may be a permissions issue, because I recently moved my Windower folder, but even though writing to the /plugins/ and /plugins/gw/ folders should be possible now, still getting the same issue. Tried deleting the .dll and folder and redownloading using Windower launcher, didn't fix it.
Trying to download Guildwork using the
link on its site, I get:
<Message>Access Denied</Message>
Which looks... pretty familiar.
So right now I'm thinking: 1., possibly access issue related to my VPN, which I can try turning off in the morning, and 2., Even then, I'm not sure why I wouldn't be getting any log messages/errors from guildwork in game when I try running commands.
edit: Yeah, does seem to have been the VPN; turning it off and everything started working fine. Apart from an error message for that, something else I had forgotten to mention, unload/reload guildwork was hanging the game for so long that I had disconnected by the time it recovered; that is also fixed now. Would be nice if there was clearer feedback there.