If doing mage style solo, Tropical Crepes or Marine Stewpot is really the only gear you need to land sleep, gravity, binds and nukes. 12+ years ago, mage foods lacked macc. Then Pear crepes came along and more recently Marine Stewpot and Tropical Crepes. I remember when this was much harder 12+ years ago in AF because nukes and enfeebles were resisted on certain days. Fe'e would eventually develop a resistance to sleep and gravity. With such high macc food available today, very few resists, if any.
About 500 BST seals later doing old school RDM style:
Minimuse: Happy birthday cousin! I got a KC for your RNG!
Minidiva: Wait wut? For real? Those things don't exist.
I'm going to try NIN later today. I want to test if 119 AF3 NIN shoes loses it's 25% night time movement speed thingy when scaled down. I also want to see how Miso Ramen holds up at lvl 60.