Random Politics & Religion #38: The 38th One

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Random Politics & Religion #38: The 38th One
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Serveur: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11336
By Garuda.Chanti 2019-07-19 15:05:05
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Nausi said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
LOL. Omar's anti-Israel legislation is dead on arrival, leaving Dems again in the awkward position of simultaneously defending and rejecting members of the Squad.

Based on interviews, most Dems understand the tactics that are being used but don't have a clue what to do about it. Their hand is being played for them. Meanwhile, AOC and her merry band of morons are all too happy to have the spotlight and they're too dense to realize that they're destroying their own party.
Democrats are the party of anti-semites after all.
So sayeth a member of the party of neo nazis.
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2019-07-19 15:06:00
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I don't expect you to understand what a heat index is nausi, mainly because you live in the North and aren't accustomed to 110 degree temps, but also because you are a dumbass. But the fact remains the excessive heat warning is going through Sunday and clearly states the heat index will be up to 110. So yes, debunked.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11336
By Garuda.Chanti 2019-07-19 15:06:45
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Trump's "Very fine people"

Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2019-07-19 15:14:33
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Viciouss said: »
I don't expect you to understand what a heat index is nausi, mainly because you live in the North and aren't accustomed to 110 degree temps, but also because you are a dumbass. But the fact remains the excessive heat warning is going through Sunday and clearly states the heat index will be up to 110. So yes, debunked.
I guess its too much to ask that you understand that when someone says the heat index is going to be 110, then it is in fact not actually going to be 110 degrees out.

Then again, you ARE the biggest loser here...
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2019-07-19 15:15:17
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
Nausi said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
LOL. Omar's anti-Israel legislation is dead on arrival, leaving Dems again in the awkward position of simultaneously defending and rejecting members of the Squad.

Based on interviews, most Dems understand the tactics that are being used but don't have a clue what to do about it. Their hand is being played for them. Meanwhile, AOC and her merry band of morons are all too happy to have the spotlight and they're too dense to realize that they're destroying their own party.
Democrats are the party of anti-semites after all.
So sayeth a member of the party of neo nazis.
Nazis are national socialists, thats a left wing ideology Chanti.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2019-07-19 15:16:56
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Live in the north Vuc? I mean it only legitimately gets 110 in like 2% of the country.

I mean you dont think 110 is common anywhere do you?
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2019-07-19 15:19:34
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Does anyone remember the lefty hashtag #deportmelania

Pepperidge farm remembers.
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2019-07-19 15:30:55
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Excessive heat warning remains in effect in NYC through Sunday folks, so if you live up there, take water with you everywhere you go. 110 can cause heat stroke for anyone.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2019-07-19 15:32:18
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and he tucks his tail between his legs.

Tough break Vuc
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2019-07-19 15:36:37
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Uh no, you have been 100% proven wrong. AOC was correct to warn folks about this weekend, if she even did, you of course didn't post a source.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2019-07-19 15:48:22
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I mean you already lost bud, stop digging. You’re just further embarrassing yourself.
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2019-07-19 15:49:43
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Wow, just checked AOCs Twitter, she literally says heat indices are expected to reach 110, which I already verified as factual. Imagine that.
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2019-07-19 15:50:31
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Nausi said: »
I mean you already lost bud, stop digging. You’re just further embarrassing yourself.

Nope, next time read the tweet, because you just caught lying.
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2019-07-19 15:54:32
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Nausi said: »
Hahaha Cortez trying to alarm people over the Global warming scam.

Lying that its going to be 110 in nyc this weekend (its not)
Insisting that this is abnormal because its... “only july”.

Send her home, shes done.

To recap, this is a complete lie, her warning tweet never mentioned global warming, abnormal temps, nothing. This is why we always have to call nausi out to post his sources.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2019-07-19 15:56:44
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Viciouss said: »
Nausi said: »
I mean you already lost bud, stop digging. You’re just further embarrassing yourself.

Nope, next time read the tweet, because you just caught lying.
I never said anything about a tweet.

Keep going, you can always lose some more.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2019-07-19 16:05:54
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It downright amazing the facts I don't like about the weather the media still continues to shill.

My weather station is reading 87 and the news is literally telling me its 91.

My personal station has a warm bias too as it is only about 3’ off the roof of my shed. So if anything it reads too hot.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2019-07-19 16:18:13
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It's hot in July that's all the proof I need of global warming. What is next it is cold in December...amazing.
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2019-07-19 16:23:02
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Nausi said: »
Viciouss said: »
Nausi said: »
I mean you already lost bud, stop digging. You’re just further embarrassing yourself.

Nope, next time read the tweet, because you just caught lying.
I never said anything about a tweet.

Keep going, you can always lose some more.

Post your source then. Because if it wasn't her tweet, what was it? I don't mind waiting, having already verified her tweet was 100% factual.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2019-07-19 17:03:35
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fonewear said: »
It's hot in July that's all the proof I need of global warming. What is next it is cold in December...amazing.

Thanks to global warming, I recently got heat stroke with all the normal symptoms: nausea, headache, light-headedness, seeing dead relatives, hearing colors, weightlessness, speaking in tongues, meeting the Grateful Dead, etc.

On second thought, that could have been LSD. Either way, thanks Obama.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2019-07-19 17:16:58
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Viciouss said: »
Nausi said: »
Viciouss said: »
Nausi said: »
I mean you already lost bud, stop digging. You’re just further embarrassing yourself.

Nope, next time read the tweet, because you just caught lying.
I never said anything about a tweet.

Keep going, you can always lose some more.

Post your source then. Because if it wasn't her tweet, what was it? I don't mind waiting, having already verified her tweet was 100% factual.
Press conference.
Posts: 17764
By Viciouss 2019-07-19 17:38:31
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Nausi said: »
Viciouss said: »
Nausi said: »
Viciouss said: »
Nausi said: »
I mean you already lost bud, stop digging. You’re just further embarrassing yourself.

Nope, next time read the tweet, because you just caught lying.
I never said anything about a tweet.

Keep going, you can always lose some more.

Post your source then. Because if it wasn't her tweet, what was it? I don't mind waiting, having already verified her tweet was 100% factual.
Press conference.

Post it. It's not like she has daily press conferences, should be easily verifiable. Yet somehow, this one sounds fabricated.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11336
By Garuda.Chanti 2019-07-19 17:49:28
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Nausi said: »
It downright amazing the facts I don't like about the weather the media still continues to shill.

My weather station is reading 87 and the news is literally telling me its 91.

My personal station has a warm bias too as it is only about 3’ off the roof of my shed. So if anything it reads too hot.
Gee... do you suppose that the local news doesn't get its weather from your weather station?

I have two thermometers at my place, one on the south side one on the north. South reads 78, north reads 75 OH NOES!!! ONE OF THEM IS LYING!!!! (At the high school, the weather station used by local news and AccuWeather, its 76 BTW)

You and Vic argue about the STUPIDEST things in the STUPIDEST manner, but at least Vic gives references which is very small consolation.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2019-07-19 18:26:25
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This entire thread is dumb and you want to argue about the weather.

I hope global warming kills us all so we don't have to argue about it anymore.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2019-07-19 22:40:35
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
You and Vic argue about the STUPIDEST things in the STUPIDEST manner
Sometimes its just like acting out ffxiah’s very own “step brothers” reboot.

Chanti, in all seriousness, the question is, why does the local news report something that isn't true. The answer is somewhat complicated in detail, but can be simplified to “because it creates panic”
If a thermometer reads 90 then you can claim its abnormally hot, if you can claim its abnormally hot, the you cant cry global warming.. if you cry global warming then you can emotionally incentivize people to give up their money via guilt.

I have had my pws since 2016, since then it has hit a daily maximum of 90 degrees or more mAybe 8 days. That’s absolutely nothing compared to the sentiment which is reported.

It is not abnormally hot very often.
Posts: 557
By Eboneezer 2019-07-20 09:10:02
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fonewear said: »
I hope global warming kills us all so we don't have to argue about it anymore.

Well global warming apparently created ISIS. I haven't heard much about ISIS lately. Does that mean global warming is almost defeated? He was right, I'm starting to get tired of winning.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2019-07-20 10:49:01
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What is really funny about Vic and other liberals are they don't realize they are full of hate. I guess if everyone hates the same thing (Trump) it's ok to be hateful. That is the type of logic that would make a liberal's brain explode.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2019-07-20 10:51:22
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The hypocrisy of some of these liberals is astounding. It's amazing that they are even able to make a simple decision without contradicting themselves on everything.

They live in a world without logic or reasoning...a world of emotion and irrational thoughts rule. And if anyone challenges what they believe instead of debating they cry racism sexism bigot etc.

If a liberal ever came into contact with reality that would be a first.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2019-07-20 10:55:35
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The liberals in fact are their own worst enemy but never change liberals that would require some self reflection and self improvement. Who cares about being a better person if you can always call a Republican / Trump Hitler or a Nazi or some other juvenile name. Never actually debate policies or positions. Argue about emotions and feelings. That way you can claim you care more than I care! And only a caring liberal can save the world...that or Captain Planet!
By 2019-07-20 13:41:28
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Post deleted by User.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Slore
Posts: 1350
By Odin.Slore 2019-07-20 16:16:50
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Viciouss said: »
Excessive heat warning remains in effect in NYC through Sunday folks, so if you live up there, take water with you everywhere you go. 110 can cause heat stroke for anyone.

I hate to think Vic could post something reliable but I gotta agree on this. I am in NY heat index right now is 108f and I am up by Syracuse.
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