Sch>blm only for healing and buffing. Now Scholar/blm may be able to stack up the MAB and stick a mean single spell but can SCH do it over and over one after the other? NO!! JAs will run out. This is from a person whose char lvl 75 blm whm rdm sch.
No nashira for scholar either.
BLM and WHM are the true master mage jobs. RDM enfeeble god. Scholar is just a throttle and limited to JA timing.
I am hoping that some new lvl 75ish scholar gear is released this nest update. For now Goliard is worth going for!
I also think it would be cool if the Zenith were extended to sch. Who knows SE could do it they have expanded the jobs per gear before. When Nahira and Homam first came out Blue Mage wasn't on it for instance.