You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,830
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2022-10-21 11:54:45
Carbuncle.Samuraiking said: »Starting to play RNG and COR a bit more these days, gearing them up to, at least, and the sheer amount of weapon sets I am making in my (Selindrile) luas are getting obnoxious to cycle through. Is there a way to make two separate weapon sets with some simple edits?
I want to keep the weapon sets that are built in right now with F7, but remove the range weapons from them, and have range-only weapon sets that I can swap between with ctrl+F7 as well. This would pare it down from about 4 sets per weapon to 5ish base weapon sets and then just one for each ranged weapon on a separate function.
this honestly feels like a very specific 'lua function' question rather than a RNG/COR question, and you might get better/faster answers either in the Windower Support subforum, or if the discord channel devoted to Selindrile's stuff is still active (I know he's 'retired' per se), there is probably ideal.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 167
By Carbuncle.Samuraiking 2022-10-22 04:54:55
I figured out a work around. What I wanted would require some of the lib files to be edited and defined which is too much work. Someone else suggested I just repurpose the Idle function and add ranged weapons to the sets. It works more or less fine. I do need to disengage if I want to change guns in the middle of a fight, but otherwise it works just fine.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27
By Bahamut.Punishment 2022-10-23 11:37:03
Want some critiques on options for my "Beginner" Ranger sets. I have a lot of randomly acquired things I can use for it, but still need to fill out AF/Relic/Empy sets, still working on Odyssey as well. I based these on what I have and what I think I can acquire without too much difficulty to get this barebones viable for content. Looking to not spend more than 30-40 mill getting it set up, so most of it is free or cheap.
ItemSet 387774
ItemSet 387777
ItemSet 387775
ItemSet 387776
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,841
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-10-23 17:32:08
Everything looks very decent for not breaking the bank.
The bigger question is what do you want to bring this to? Holliday is a good starter gun, but RNG has 7 REMA weapons and more than half of them are good for one thing or another. That's really where the money starts leaving in a hurry because they are very worth making. I'm mostly trying to keep your expectations relevant
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27
By Bahamut.Punishment 2022-10-24 07:33:39
I just wanted to get something decent set up and then I was considering getting Fomalhaut as my first aeonic. I've read it's a decent all round option and gives the best bullet, so it worth getting even if you use a different gun just for the bullets.
I made the mistake of making a rema on a job I didn't set up yet before and was very disappointed with the results, So I'm trying to get the ranger to a baseline before I bother with a rema.
As far as what I wanna bring this to, there are many ambu months with ranged strategies, as well as some omen and Odyssey bosses. But I just wanted a ranged DPS in general and I already have a decent COR on my alt.
Serveur: Phoenix
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Posts: 1,841
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-10-24 12:28:31
You'll definitely get a baseline for standard tp phase that way. You can play with Hovershot and Velocity shot to see how you like it, since they are pretty important.
The Aeonic gun is a great choice for a first weapon if you can get your hands on one for the bullets. It props up Last stand nicely. Too many hot radiances can make you pull hate pretty fast.
If you like the play style, you'll find yourself picking up a couple of REMA because they let you play differently like white damage on empyreans or dealing almost no enmity with relics. Definitely take time to put together a decent set for Trueflight as it is just as unreasonable as Leaden Salute in situations where it shines.
Serveur: Odin
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Posts: 219
By Odin.Demhar 2022-10-24 12:38:26
Fomalhaut & Annihilator are very cost effective great weapons for starting up and working your way to Armageddon and Gastraphetes to expand your arsenal.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27
By Bahamut.Punishment 2022-10-24 12:51:16
I have high hopes the prime bow will be good, and gandiva looks interesting. I already play MNK so I'm no stranger to white damage builds lol. But figured Fomalhaut is a good starting point.
Is Ullr a decent starter bow or should I save my points for capes? I know bows are kinda underserved at the moment so not a good main weapon unless it's gandiva with the proper crit gear, but it looked neat enough for skillups and variety/funsiea.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 300
By Quetzalcoatl.Jakey 2022-10-24 13:09:37
Bahamut.Punishment said: »I have high hopes the prime bow will be good, and gandiva looks interesting. I already play MNK so I'm no stranger to white damage builds lol. But figured Fomalhaut is a good starting point.
Is Ullr a decent starter bow or should I save my points for capes? I know bows are kinda underserved at the moment so not a good main weapon unless it's gandiva with the proper crit gear, but it looked neat enough for skillups and variety/funsiea. Ullr is great for a lot of other jobs either as a ranged option, Skillchain potential or for stats, usually mag acc. If just looking for skillups and such its fine but not really what you want to use for damage on RNG.
Gandiva can do well for certain scenarios (primarily where you can take advantage of true shot range) but otherwise I would stick to marksmanship.
Yes Fomalhaut is a very good weapon to start with, you'll want the ammo regardless and it's a pretty flexible weapon that can do well with both trueflight and last stand and the white damage build doesn't make much sense with it so you can hold off on that which makes your builds a bit simpler and less expensive.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,830
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2022-10-24 13:16:32
Bahamut.Punishment said: »I have high hopes the prime bow will be good, and gandiva looks interesting. I already play MNK so I'm no stranger to white damage builds lol. But figured Fomalhaut is a good starting point.
Is Ullr a decent starter bow or should I save my points for capes? I know bows are kinda underserved at the moment so not a good main weapon unless it's gandiva with the proper crit gear, but it looked neat enough for skillups and variety/funsiea.
Hit me up any time, guy^^ Always down to talk pewpew.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,841
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-10-24 13:27:11
Bows are in a weird place right now. Guns win across the board EXCEPT for the trueshot distance being further back for Bows. If you can stand at ~10 yalms for Gandiva, then bows are pretty ok. If you aren't in trueshot distance for either then guns look a lot nicer.
Guns are also all AGI on WS which makes them easy to gear for since they are accurate and with more and more r.atk being available, they hit hard/consistently. Bows are built so that they should get greater benefit from fSTR because the weapon damage is higher and a general 20% STR mod on WSs makes you think that they would hit harder. But they just don't. Refulgent Arrow is decent with 60% STR mod and can self SC but it doesn't make Radiance like Last Stand. Further, Apex Arrow does Radiance but uses full AGI like guns do (betrayal).
There isn't a break away amazing bow WS to show off the difference between the weapon types, so it boils down to just hanging on the trueshot window.
Also if you like MNK AM3, then you'll love Dead Aim and the ranged crit damage formula. It's pretty great.
Serveur: Cerberus
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Posts: 1,868
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2022-10-24 17:44:57
One of my favorite things to do on COR with fomalhaut is doing 5-step radiance. RNG can do it too, but can use all ranged WS.
RNG can do:
Last Stand => Wildfire => Trueflight or Savage Blade => Last Stand => Last Stand.
it's pretty fun to do, a little harder on RNG than COR, but it's pretty nice. On cor, it was fastest damage when CPing until I got death penalty, likely similar on RNG unless you get Gastra.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,841
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-10-28 08:17:03
I was playing around with my moonshade yesterday. The occ. boosts damage based on TP works just like a full 5/5 empy set bonus that doubles damage. It only works for physical damage and you need to keep 3000 tp if you want the damage to be doubled.
I was shooting apex bats in dho for 8~9k on AM3 crits and occasionally I would do 16k when the earring went off. I didn't get it to work well with 2 set pieces from the empy set because of the large range of damage that set can activate on instead of just double damage.
I can see using it if AM3 builds are your ONLY solution to the basement bosses WS lockouts. I changed mine back to tp bonus BUT I switched the first stat to 4 mab for trueflight and RDM WSs. That 4 atk that was on there before probably wasn't doing anything significant.
By SimonSes 2022-10-28 09:34:51
I was playing around with my moonshade yesterday. The occ. boosts damage based on TP works just like a full 5/5 empy set bonus that doubles damage. It only works for physical damage and you need to keep 3000 tp if you want the damage to be doubled.
I was shooting apex bats in dho for 8~9k on AM3 crits and occasionally I would do 16k when the earring went off. I didn't get it to work well with 2 set pieces from the empy set because of the large range of damage that set can activate on instead of just double damage.
I can see using it if AM3 builds are your ONLY solution to the basement bosses WS lockouts. I changed mine back to tp bonus BUT I switched the first stat to 4 mab for trueflight and RDM WSs. That 4 atk that was on there before probably wasn't doing anything significant.
I was considering it for fun for years, but now with JSE earrings its even hard to consider for white damage set. Every JSE earring with 7-9% PDL is basically better for one slot assuming capped attack, which I imagine should be the case for those bosses and then on avg this moonshade is only +5% white damage on avg at 3000TP, when Odr for RNG is like +3% all the time.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,841
By Phoenix.Iocus 2022-10-28 12:30:46
Yeah in any party with good buffs, I can't see it being a good idea with PDL or Hovershot taking a lot of the wind out of its sails. If the RNG set bonus for empy was always double damage and the gear was worth considering 5/5 in a crit build, then two separate 5% procs could be very attractive. But none of that is close to true.
You might get away with it for some of the stronger empy set DDs in low man parties, but I have a well geared RNG and play with a well geared SCH. I can't see myself going that direction.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,092
By Asura.Bippin 2022-10-28 14:59:53
Can someone help me with selindrile's rng xml Go to his discord, but also there is no xml files.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,830
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2022-10-28 15:43:53
Can someone help me with selindrile's rng xml, I just can't make it work for Ranged WS/Savage Blade spam, using/avoiding Hauksbok Arrow. it keeps giving me flow.lua: 354 error and rng.lua: 379, I've spent something like 4 hours and meh total meh
Thanks in advance This is the second time in a week you've asked questions in the Ranger forum specifically tied to the workings of a single person's Lua, when better locales exist to find such answers from a pool of people who all use these Luas. Please, for your success and our sanity, ask these questions there, not here.
By Lederic 2022-10-30 13:42:20
Is there an up to date RNG guide?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,092
By Asura.Bippin 2022-10-30 15:48:05
Is there an up to date RNG guide? Nope
By angelofsky 2022-10-30 17:35:46
anyone has an updated gearswap they want to share?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 166
By Asura.Otomis 2022-11-01 10:36:42
Having not played/updated Rng in ~10 years, I have recently started to put some sets together, upgrading Annihilator to 119, working on R15 now, have R15 Formalhaut. However, I did do not have Gastraphetes and it could be some time before I do.
Decided to go with toss some stones at Holliday, Here's what I have noticed and worth looking at:
Magic Attack Bonus Caps at 25, shares slot with WSD and other special augs.
Agi seems to cap at 20.
Ranged Acc/Atk. cap at 30.
Gun Damage caps at 30.
In ~1k stones I have seen all caps, just not capped together, which is obviously the goal. Might be a good idea as hold over while making Gastraphetes.
Edited to "Bold" Holliday as it has nothing to do with Nyame R25, which I have, lol.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 202
By Cerberus.Darkvlade 2022-11-01 10:42:38
if able to augment Nyame, oseem becomes irrelevant other than for phalanx & refresh mostly
Serveur: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2022-11-01 11:48:57
There's really no reason to mess with Holliday if you have Fomalhaut
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 166
By Asura.Otomis 2022-11-01 12:29:44
There's really no reason to mess with Holliday if you have Fomalhaut
The 500 TP bonus & 40 Macc will win out over 27 Agi and 24 MAB (best I could get in 2k stones) On Holiday, specifically for Sortie E boss Sch + Rng Skillchain?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,092
By Asura.Bippin 2022-11-01 12:38:42
Would depend on WS but for something like TF the Tpbonus should be better unless you are above ~2250TP
By fillerbunny9 2022-11-01 13:03:20
rather than burning gil for perfect augments on Holliday, I would say to just make Annihilator. with the wealth of PDL that Ranger gets, I feel it would be a better long term investment.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 166
By Asura.Otomis 2022-11-01 13:20:16
Would depend on WS but for something like TF the Tpbonus should be better unless you are above ~2250TP
Well damn, calculating 5(Forma) shots vs 6 shots (Holliday) /ra to gain TP needed, the bigger ranged attack hits and 9 Holliday WSs @2750 (~40084) vs 11 Forma WSs @2250 (~36697). Formalhaut Wins in the series vs my Current Augment ~44k Loss.
One would need to get a perfect Augment to break even. 30 DMG, 25 MAB, 20 AGI, 20 Rng/Acc-Atk.
Thanks for making me think it through. However, If you do not have a REMA gun, it seems that augment path would be the best bet.
28-30 DMG, 18-20 AGI, 15-20 Rng/Acc-Atk, 22-25 MAB range.
The perfect augment does not require Fern stones. I was getting max in each category with Pell/Taupe.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,830
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2022-11-01 16:24:35
rather than burning gil for perfect augments on Holliday, I would say to just make Annihilator. with the wealth of PDL that Ranger gets, I feel it would be a better long term investment.
I'll say it every chance I get: Annihilator might be the most undervalued RMEA out there, and not enough Rangers appreciate its potential. That aftermath of Ranged Attack+10% means a hell of a lot more now that we have a gluttony of +PDL gear and we need more +ratk than ever to fill that glass up.