Bismarck.Nekhekh said: »
preshot to final shot macro help.
/equipset pre
/equipset mid
/equipset final
is there a wait needed or would that work?
/equipset pre
/equipset mid
/equipset final
is there a wait needed or would that work?
/equipset to /equipset unfortunately does need a wait in between lines (1 second or more, IIRC). And when you add that wait, the shot will often mess up and leave you in wrong gear - especially if you mash a macro, when Rapid Shot procs, etc.
However... if you use Windower (but not Gearswap), you can get around this with a little trick of using one Windower gear set (.txt file in your windower/scripts) and one ingame /equipset - which requires no <wait> and is very reliable.
(1) I build 3 ingame /equipsets for preshot with varying amounts of snapshot, based on whether I have no flurry, flurry 1, or flurry 2 - let's say those are /equipsets 50, 51, and 52 in the game.
(2) Then do as many Windower ranged "midshot" sets (the gear you want to hit the shot in) as you like. 98% of my shooting is in one of three midshot sets: STP focus, a Double Shot up set, and a crit set (very important for Empy). Personally, I just do 3 consecutive macro pages with the same structure (but incorporating the applicable preshot set in any macros on that page), and manually switch between them based on how much flurry I'm getting.
Then the appropriate macros would look like:
Line 1: /equipset 50
Line 2: /ra <t>
Line 3: /console exec [path to your windower set for whichever midshot set you want, for example "RNG/Stp.txt"]
Won't work with Equipset to Equipset, or from Windower macro to Windower macro. But it works great if you mix and match one equipset and one Windower macro. Little bit of voodoo there, but lets me avoid Gearswap, which I don't care for (not due to "it's cheating" type reasons, I just don't ever feel 100% in control using GS and that bugs me). BTW, same approach works fine for fast cast sets for spell casting.