Ranger is a ton of fun, but it's an undeniable fact that pound for pound melee dd's have a higher damage ceiling than a shooting ranger. It's just the caveat that comes with the safety of attacking from distance.
Bahamut.Celebrindal said:
»Gear it properly with good versatility and proper buffs, Ranger can be your DPS in -again- about 90% of situations for this game. You'll just be there a bit longer. But...for those unique moments that might be rare but do still exist, sometimes the Ranger is the only tool that works. So enjoy being the Round Peg that truly belongs in that hole; and enjoy being the brute force blitz you can force into most other holes ;)
Pretty much that, well put by both! And that safety of attacking from distance is quite a major perk, obviously.
Prob also worth mentioning that Trueflight is something of a niche among DDs, very strong light/magical WS has a lot of value that isn't as easily replicated by other "heavy DDs" (with the significant exception of SAM using hybrids like Jinpu).
It's also a great job on slightly older, but still relevant, "endgame" events. RNG is awesome in Dyna Divergence, Trueflight murders waves 1-2 and can one-shot statues easily, RNG does great damage in wave 3 too. It's fantastic for Omen on pretty much any boss, and for blowing stuff up on the floors and hitting objectives. I find that Ambuscade is also often quite RNG-friendly.
If you're meleeing it does similar Savage numbers but can't wear any of the top melee armor the other jobs can wear and survival/debuffs becomes an issue
Ehhh maybe slightly worse melee gear selection, but Malignance isn't THAT much of a compromise and comes with strong defensive stats. And if you want to go more all out DD, there are still reasonable options like Tatenashi +1.