Ok, I’ve been on TerpGlowDNC for a while and coming back to my VereGlowMNK and I have to wonder if I’m missing something important, or if TerpGlowDNC’s WS damage output just has me spoiled.
Just doing Arrapago II farming and my Rudra’s and Pyrrhic Kleos can rack up, by themselves, 13-20k damage (not talking selfchaining, just th individual WSs). But I’m lucky to get 6k on a VSmite. When I look at my current gear, I’m getting a base of about 1130 accuracy, 1300 attack, while my Dancer is at 1230 Att/Acc main and 1210 acc/1100 att off. I almost wanted to think it could be the accuracy not causing all 4 strikes of VSmite to hit, but this is on the Salvage bosses, not current content. My individual hits are around 5-700 per, not counting cries or the aftermath triple damage from Vere, but WSs are just not impressing.