despite my best efforts, I can't get this to work. it wont even load for me when I go to load it. that's straight off the current version aswell without any mod from me. any suggestions ?
so ive managed to get it working and entered all my gear sets. the actual gear swaps only seem to work when I am idle with no pet, it reverts to my idle set and when I engage with my pet. it changes to my hybrid tp set.
nothing happens when I use the toggles to change into my other sets, such as DT.
please advise.
It may be best at this point to join on us on discord (link in first post). Its a bit easier to help you trouble shoot issues and the community is really nice and can pitch in advice.
If all sets are truly filled out then it comes down to what Offense Mode and Hybrid Mode you are in. To see the default shortcuts for commands on the UI Window you can use the following command '//gs c hub keybinds' or '//gs c hide keybinds' (all of these are listed on the main github page).
If you are fighting and you want to focus only on pet sets then you need to be in "Trusts" OffenseMode to leverage only the Pet Focused sets. Otherwise when your pet is fighting and you are not then it will use the sets.idle.Pet.Engaged.[HybridMode]
Otherwise when you are fighting with your pet OffenseMode by default is MasterPet and to switch between a more specific set you then cycle your Hybrid Mode or change your Offense Mode depending on the situation.
Your default Offense Modes that come with the Gearswap:
F9 - Cycle Offense Mode
These are for when you are fighting with or without Pet
When you are IDLE and Pet is ENGAGED that is handled by the Idle Sets
state.OffenseMode:options("MasterPet", "Master", "Trusts")
Each Offense Mode has a corresponding base set:
sets.engaged.MasterPet -- A set that you share gear between you and your pet
sets.engaged.Master -- A player only focused set
"Trusts" is special as it takes advantage of sets.idle.Pet.Engaged -- A pet only focused mode. This allows you to be engaged, but all gear is pet focused.
Your default Hybird Modes that come with the Gearswap are:
Ctrl-F9 - Cycle Hybrid Mode
Used when you are Engaged with Pet
Used when you are Idle and Pet is Engaged
state.HybridMode:options("Normal", "Acc", "TP", "DT", "Regen", "Ranged")
Example for sets.engaged.MasterPet (the focus of this is allow you to create a set that shares gear between you the player and the pet):
sets.engaged.MasterPet -- By default this is Normal
sets.engaged.MasterPet.Acc -- Accuracy Player and Pet Focused
sets.engaged.MasterPet.TP -- TP Player and Pet focused
and so on...
Notice the above are just a combination of the Offense Mode and Hybrid Mode.
Our gearswap does customize the base idle sets to allow for pet focused sets to be equipped.
When you are fighting and want to focus only on your pet then the "Trusts" Offense Mode is what you need to have on. When you not fighting and your pet is active and fighting then the base set is on otherwise like above can further be changed by the Hybrid Mode you have set:
sets.idle.Pet.Engaged -- By default this is Normal
sets.idle.Pet.Engaged.Acc -- Accuracy Pet Focused
sets.idle.Pet.Engaged.TP -- TP Pet focused
and so on...
I hope this helps!