Mog Safe 2 Glitch ??

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mog safe 2 glitch ??
By 2018-08-28 09:30:31
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Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1418
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-08-28 09:51:43
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punishment from SE for Botting
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-08-28 10:01:06
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Can you access Mog Safe 1? MS2 is linked to 1, so if you have access to one, should have the other. Are you sure it's Mog Safe 2 and not Mog Locker, linked to the Aht Urghan quest line?

Try exiting and entering again and retrying. Also try another town/nomad moogle and see if that fixes it.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1418
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-08-28 10:19:53
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I always find it helpful to login from a different pc.

I know not everyone has 2nd pc w/ game setup, but it quickly tells you if its a client issue or account issue.

I would assume client issue.
By 2018-08-28 11:39:46
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2018-08-28 11:43:43
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Sometimes... ***just stops working for no (apparent) reason. It's irritating.

And then 5 minutes later it's all good again.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2018-08-28 12:18:14
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*Clicks Auction House*
*Strange 5-second delay*
"The auction house is unavailable for trading at this time"
*click AH two seconds later*
*works fine*
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dannyl
Posts: 1550
By Bahamut.Dannyl 2018-08-28 15:43:10
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user error
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1758
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2018-08-28 15:49:34
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When you zone into a mog house if you open your menu too quickly, within 5 seconds or so, mog safe 2 will be greyed out. Much like Merit points and Job Points if you open the status menu right after zoning. The fix should be just closing all the way out of your menus and reopening them. You have to completely close all the menus though, you can't just go out to the main menu.