'attempt To Call A String Value'

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'attempt to call a string value'
Posts: 5
By sheeny 2018-03-21 13:04:30
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I can't get either craft or equipviewer addons to work. Normally my addons work automatically or with commands but these two don't respond to their commands and if I try to //lua load them I get 'Lua runtime error: attempt to call a string value'. Normally I don't have to //lua load but I tried since they're unresponsive.
They're in their respective addons folders.

What am I likely screwing up?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Akaden 2018-03-21 14:57:33
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I've found this is a pretty generic "you screwed up the syntax somewhere, but it's so bad we don't know where".
Basically, comment out what you can, where you can ("-- comment here") or delete the added/edited code until you find the segment that makes it work.
Then scour that code until you recognize a syntax error. Usually it's an extra ) or }, or a missing =, or an = where it should be a ==.

Edit: I just reread your message. You're likely not the editor of these addons, but if you did change something, my comments would apply to you. Best bet would be to make sure those addons are up-to-date and unedited.
Posts: 5
By sheeny 2018-03-22 15:47:39
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They're both unedited. I've deleted and redownloaded everything multiple times but nothing works. It all started with Equipviewer and I just gave up but now that I tried Craft and get the same error I became more determined to investigate.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Asura.Zegreus 2018-03-22 16:05:48
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Did you right click them in github and select save link as? If this is the case, it will embed the lua in a bunch of html tags and you will get that error.

Try opening the raw text and copying and pasting and saving as a lua.
Posts: 5
By sheeny 2018-03-22 18:23:25
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I did it from raw.

I think it's got to be some basic installation mistake like that though. I've had lots of prior trouble with plugins but these two addons are giving me the real headache.

I've got my /addons/ folder, I have the addons in their respective subfolders. I've got the lua files, and any assorted extras, from github and I have them saved as actual .lua's (sometimes they'd come up as .txt but I fix them) yet no-go. I've been using other addons for a year without issue and they autoload and run fine.

Can't figure out where I'm going wrong on something as simple as download and place in the right folder.