Anyone know how much stp from gear I would need for the different x-hit builds with Sam as SJ?
The answer to this question is, "Yes." Just "Yes" is the most complete answer.
And then this gem:
Also curious about how ouch STP I would need in my WS set as well.
Much ouch. As much ouch as you can handle.
But, seriously, holy smokes people, isn't it obvious? The OP wants to know how much STP he needs for every possible X-hit while he is a completely naked (except for Raetic Algol +1) WAR/SAM.
This is because omgwtfbbq the weapon is all that matters! So he spent all his gil on the weapon first and has no gear to support it.
No need to worry about buffs, he has none. I don't think Trusts would even party with a naked WAR. Well... Trion, Mayakov, Balamor and Zeid (Never again, I'm sure!) might, but they don't provide buffs.
The follow up question shows he is saving up for gear, and wants to know how much STP he should look to buy to move up the X-hit ladder. Anyone hate themselves enough to start with small purchases, like 1 STP from Brutal? And then gradually work to add the gears with ranges of 2+ STP?
This isn't too much to ask is it? It isn't like there are
resources out there with this
information, after all!