Is he wrong? You crucify one, yet praise another for the same thing, if not worse.
One is a member of "The Team" and fighting for "The Cause" and is thus forgiven for all travesties. The other is a member of "The Other Team" and fighting against "The Cause" and thus must be destroyed using any and all methods available.
It's pure tribalism but on a much bigger scale and is pursued with a religious fervor. It's why I call the Progressive Ideology a cult, it has all the markers of a cult and it's members act exactly like members of a traditional cult do. To make it worse it's not even limited to a certain extreme sect, it's the entire damn Ideology. To be a member you need to pledge heart and soul to "The Cause", there is no room for half measures, compromises or moderates.
I'll be the first to point out the hard core Christian right, I even make fun of them frequently by mentioning how they need to pray to Jesus about which breakfast cereal to eat. I even acknowledge the extreme "capitalism at all costs / zero government taxes / ect.." group as being way out in the middle of left field. Yet go to any progressive and every last one of them must be a reasonable, tolerant, enlightened member of the best
Religion Ideology to every exist and anyone who disagree's must be dumb, intolerant and unenlightened. It's a level of fanaticism that truly makes me pause and wonder WTF sort of identity crisis must they be under to need that sort of unconditional belief.