He doesn't share the same viewpoints as you do. He doesn't share my viewpoints either, but I don't consider him "The Enemy" because of that.
It's almost like you wish another Cold War, or worse!
Well, you can consider him the enemy for his actions then, like everyone else is doing.
I don't consider him an enemy, nor should anyone else (in power) because that is:
A) Counterproductive to any attempt of diplomatic ties associated with Russia. You would be amazed at how much the US can get done with foreign affairs if we don't treat anyone who disagrees on us as "The Enemy." That includes public perception, because that drives politicians to making the statements they make to help get themselves reelected (when you have warmongers such as yourself as constitutes, your representatives will pander votes by saying that we should go to war with Russia)
B) Hypocritical for us to mess in the affairs of Russia. If the Russians really hate Putin, they would have gotten rid of him by now. To continue to claim that Putin is the second coming of Hitler (or third, depending on where Trump fits on your list) would make the Russian public's perception of US even worse, which will worsen ties between countries (see point A).
Fine, we get it, you hate Putin because he isn't a progressive like you are. Just don't demand that we go to war or attack Putin because you don't like him.