Oh wow so NOW the progressives believe that Russia conducts political attacks and sabotage but only when it helps the conservative parties. But them doing the
exact same thing back during the cold war, a political ideology war when they were even more politically active then now, is somehow unbelievable. Damn talk about cognitive dissonance.
Russia or it's cold war version, the Soviet Union, has been interfering in domestic politics of western nations since the end of WWII. The original goal was to foment and assist Progressive Socialist uprisings or political movements to combat western capitalism. Now that time is over and they are just trying to influence countries elections to get more favorable people elected.
Funny part, every nation does this one way or another. Every time a Canadian or Italian poster tries to influence people to vote for Hillary, they are creating foreign influence on American elections. The interesting part is that the combined effort of all those foreign nationals would likely have more impact via social stigma (don't wanna be labeled a nasty racist misogynist Islamophobic Trump supporter) then any Russian influence to the opposite. Hacking people is far easier then hacking machines.