Hey guys. I took Speedyjim lua from another post. Not sure if it the latest version. It has been working for me and I put in all the equip and fixed it up as best as I can.
I have 2 requests please.
1) I am looking to add a capacity mode "Cntl+f11" where idle back becomes the capacity back (still switches to other stuff but comes back to that)
2) for the life of me I can't get the drain/aspir gear working. The dark gear works fine but not for aspir and dark. one problem i face was when i gave my self thunderstorm it would not equip stuff but I fixed that. only thing it dint fix was aspir.
here is the past bin http://pastebin.com/M2E6Fx8X
Much appreciate. Feel free to comment on the lua it self , I notice from some of the gear its a bit old. But I am using it as a guide for the gear , since the guide it self is a little outdated.