The Black Sacrament -- A Guide To Black Mage

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The Black Sacrament -- A Guide to Black Mage
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Serveur: Siren
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user: AKs0n
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By Siren.Akson 2022-11-05 00:29:10
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Ramuh.Austar said: »
cMAB = 1 + (caster Magic Attack Bonus ÷ 100)

(1 + 552 / 100)

tMDB = 1 + (target Magic Defense Bonus ÷ 100)

(1 + -32 / 100)

(1 + 552 / 100) / (1 + -32 / 100) = 9.588

how are you this stupid
So now your Math is suggesting the Target has MDB of -32 then?

So then you are jumping to the conclusion that the Target has 0 MDB from the Start and -32 after Debuffs. That's definitely not part of the Bgwiki Formula
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
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By Ramuh.Austar 2022-11-05 00:29:27
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yes. 0 - 10 - 22 = -32

-32 / 100 = -0.32

1+ -0.32 = 0.68

(1 + 552 / 100) / 0.68 = 9.588
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2022-11-05 00:35:51
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Ramuh.Austar said: »
yes. 0 - 10 - 22 = -32

-32 / 100 = -0.32

1+ -0.32 = 0.68

(1 + 552 / 100) / 0.68 = 9.588
I am assuming MDB is Canceled out while you yourself are suggesting the MDB as 0 from the Start and then MDB Down Debuffs multiply the Dmg from that point forward

Thats an interesting Theory tbh and very well may indeed be TRUE

Yet that also may not be True neither and simply Multiplying ea. Magic Burst Bonus separately also increases the MBD minus adding everything then multiplying by 1.98 which may ALSO be TRUE as well included. So we now have 2 seperate Theories of How the MBD is Calculated via SE
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Jakey
Posts: 300
By Quetzalcoatl.Jakey 2022-11-05 00:44:52
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Siren.Akson said: »
Ramuh.Austar said: »
yes. 0 - 10 - 22 = -32

-32 / 100 = -0.32

1+ -0.32 = 0.68

(1 + 552 / 100) / 0.68 = 9.588
I am assuming MDB is Canceled out while you yourself are suggesting the MDB as 0 from the Start and then MDB Down Debuffs multiply the Dmg from that point forward

Thats an interesting Theory tbh and very well may indeed be TRUE

Yet that also may not be True neither and simply Multiplying ea. Magic Burst Bonus separately also increases the MBD minus adding everything then multiplying by 1.98 which may ALSO be TRUE as well included. So we now have 2 seperate Theories of How the MBD is Calculated via SE
If only we had things like the scientific method and basic algebra skills to figure out which is true. I'm sure if you keep at it you'll uncover the truth of the great Magic Damage conspiracy and what BG wiki doesn't want you to know.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2022-11-05 00:49:11
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Asura.Geriond said: »
Siren.Akson said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
Siren.Akson said: »
So you added 100 towards your MAB via why?
Because players have native 100 MAB even without any gear or traits. If you are naked then add 100 MAB, your damage doubles, IE going from 100 MAB > 200 MAB.

I ALRDY ADDED OUR MAB +100 and came up w/ a value of 517 COMBINED w/ ALL our BUFFS via GEO and COR and ALL yet you have GEAR from the FUTURE that does NOT even EXIST yet?

Your Math is FAKE. Third time I caught yall pushing FAKE MATH.
I used the gear set that Austar posted on page 39. I can guarantee that every single piece there exists. When adding up their MAB, don't forget to include the augment MAB on the pieces that can be augmented (for example, augmented Marin Staff +1 has 68 MAB, not 28 MAB).

100 innate MAB
371 MAB from gear
40 MAB from BLM job traits
50 MAB form BLM gifts
30 MAB from Bolstered Entrust Indi-Acumen
61 MAB from Crooked +8 XI Wizard's Roll

That adds up to 652.
The "innate MAB" that you spoke about is alrdy calculated via adding "40 MAB from BLM job traits + 50 MAB from BLM gifts" + 10 MAB from Merits into Spell Potency = 100 "innate MAB"

So you basically just added an additional 100 MAB then claimed such was never added yet was indeed alrdy Calculated by yourself to begin w/, right?

Where is your Source for that 100 innate MAB if not what I pointed out itself?
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-11-05 00:51:02
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because (100 + 552) / (-32 + 100) is the same thing as (1 + 552 / 100) / (1 + -32 / 100)
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2022-11-05 00:56:36
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Ramuh.Austar said: »
because (100 + 552) / (-32 + 100) is the same thing as (1 + 552 / 100) / (1 + -32 / 100)
I fully grasp such yet he is still Inflating our MAB via BS numbers that DO NOT exist
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-11-05 00:58:47
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what doesn't exist
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2022-11-05 01:03:13
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Asura.Geriond said: »
100 innate MAB
371 MAB from gear
40 MAB from BLM job traits
50 MAB form BLM gifts
30 MAB from Bolstered Entrust Indi-Acumen
61 MAB from Crooked +8 XI Wizard's Roll

That adds up to 652.
Such should be 552 since I alrdy explained the only "innate MAB" we have is via Traits and Job Points and Gifts + Merits in Potency

I say we have 500 innate MAB then. Why not.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2022-11-05 01:04:43
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(100 + 552) / (-32 + 100) = (1 + 552 / 100) / (1 + -32 / 100)

don't look at it as "innate MAB" then and look at it like the formula is.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 389
By Bahamut.Suph 2022-11-05 01:37:05
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Siren.Akson said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
100 innate MAB
371 MAB from gear
40 MAB from BLM job traits
50 MAB form BLM gifts
30 MAB from Bolstered Entrust Indi-Acumen
61 MAB from Crooked +8 XI Wizard's Roll

That adds up to 652.
Such should be 552 since I alrdy explained the only "innate MAB" we have is via Traits and Job Points and Gifts + Merits in Potency

I say we have 500 innate MAB then. Why not.

Its innate 100 MAB because if you have no MAB from gear or traits at all and add +1 MAB in gear it add 1% to your damage = (100 + 1)/100 = +1% damage.

If we have 500 innate MAB then +1 MAB would be (500 + 1)/ 500 or +0.2% damage.

This is like, simple math
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Aquatiq
Posts: 286
By Asura.Aquatiq 2022-11-05 02:03:29
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My learning disabled *** always thought of it this way so I didn't have to look at ugly equations/fractions-within-parentheses- you start with 100% magic attack as a level 1 walking out into gustaberg. 100% just means "default". You are doing "normal damage", 100% of what the spell would do, unmodified. Forget about the concept of some innate "positive numerical value" that needs modifying.
Now pretend the gear you equip and the buffs you get say "magic attack/defense bonus +1%", and every 1% of that type (meaning no affinity/special stuff) is just additive. You're computing the same thing, no fractions in parentheses, no "what happens to the 100?", if that makes things easier. With 100 MAB from gear I am doing a running total of 200%, aka double the damage of if I were naked. 500 MAB from gear = 600%/6x damage.

So you do, in fact, add everything up including gear/traits/buffs/etc., as additive %'s on top of that original 100%, which came from merely existing, not from having special job traits/etc.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2022-11-05 02:32:28
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Bahamut.Suph said: »
Siren.Akson said: »
Asura.Geriond said: »
100 innate MAB
371 MAB from gear
40 MAB from BLM job traits
50 MAB form BLM gifts
30 MAB from Bolstered Entrust Indi-Acumen
61 MAB from Crooked +8 XI Wizard's Roll

That adds up to 652.
Such should be 552 since I alrdy explained the only "innate MAB" we have is via Traits and Job Points and Gifts + Merits in Potency

I say we have 500 innate MAB then. Why not.

Its innate 100 MAB because if you have no MAB from gear or traits at all and add +1 MAB in gear it add 1% to your damage = (100 + 1)/100 = +1% damage.

If we have 500 innate MAB then +1 MAB would be (500 + 1)/ 500 or +0.2% damage.

This is like, simple math
I viewed (100+0)/(100+0) = 1 as being simply a way to evade the whole 0 MDB equation of everything / 0 always = 0

So when showing (100+552)/(100-32) I immediately realized whomever was just assuming Ongo v15 as having 0 MDB which made perfect sense and now everything added up when before simply having the assumption of 0 MDB but Minus MDB Down Debuffs and doing the Math the Bgwiki Method via adding all total MB Bonus percent as a Total I was coming up w/ drastically less MBD than simply Multiplying each MB Bonus individually in Order which also Added up to MBD ranges witnessed while adding such together did NOT do such.

If such is indeed the case that Math pans out as Additional then the Formula should work w/o Malaise but still allowing ourselves to hit excessive MBD... for instance

MAB 367 Gear + 50 AM2 + 100 JP —> 517(+90) GEO
( 100 + 607 ) / ( 100 + 0 ) 7.07 • 2310 —> 16332
— MB Trait
1.13 • 16332 —> 18455
— MB Job Points
1.2 • 18455 —> 22146
— MB Gifts
1.23 • 22146 —> 27239
— MBI Gear
1.4 • 27239 —> 38135
— MBII Gear
1.13 • 38135 —> 43093
— 2-Step SC Bonus
1.35 • 43093 —> 58175
— Double Weather
1.25 • 58175 —> 72,718.75
— Affinity
1.0 • 72,718.75 —> 72,718.75

72,719 Stoneja MB

While on the other hand

MAB 367 Gear + 50 AM2 + 100 JP —> 517(+90) GEO
( 100 + 607 ) / ( 100 + 0 ) 7.07 • 2310 —> 16332
— MB Bonus Total
2.09 • 16332 —> 34133
— 2-Step SC Bonus
1.35 • 34133 —> 46080
— Double Weather
1.25 • 58175 —> 57600.92
— Affinity
1.0 • 57600.92 —> 57600.92
- Gambit
1.3 • 57600.92 —> 74881.19
- Earth Shot
1.31 • 74881.19 —> 98094.37

98,094 Stoneja MB

Mind you Stoneja is our 2nd Strongest spell so only Stone VI would be able to Cap MBD w/o Malaise via additional Bonuses as listed. Accumulative Bonus + Day Bonus + Quanpur obviously would push Stoneja over Cap sooner. While when doing MBD vs Ongo w/ simply having Subtle Sorcery up the MBD was more in line w/ my own Version rather than the Bgwiki version.

Now that I have witnessed the assumption that Ongo has 0 MDB plus -32 w/ Debuffs I am still under the assumption that we should be Multiplying ea. MB Bonus individually in Order regardless cuz otherwise the MBD doesnt seem to match in game via simply having nothing more than Subtle Sorcery up w/ the Listed Debuffs included.

Stoneja MB via Multiplying ea. MB Bonus separately —> 72,718.75
Stoneja MB via Adding all total MB Bonus together —> 57,600.92

Maybe I am indeed WRONG yet in my mind I aint hitting below 70k via Stoneja when I simply pop Subtle Sorcery after putting up Impact let alone Burn. Maybe my memory is skewed idfk. I just never witnessed such weak MBD before unless Rayke off &/or Subtle Sorcery.
( I dont ever recall our Group 1 Merits being an Affinity Bonus but rather just a simple MAB+2 per ea. Merit but ok w/e)
Posts: 380
By llAKs0nll 2022-11-05 03:23:08
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Also…… If I have 500 MAB vs Target 0 MDB the Equation
(100+500)/(100+0) = 6 doesn’t make sense to me at all whatsoever

When in my own mind my Magic Damage should actually be • 5 not 6
(500)/(100+0) = 5 which would make a lot more sense tbh since I don’t actually have 600 MAB so shouldn’t seriously be doing • 6 my Magic Damage

…..but what dafuq do I know. I need to go back to schooling for retards or something

Y’all are claiming we do • 6 our Base Dmg due to MAB/MDB difference even when we should be doing • 5 the Magic Dmg via possessing 500 MAB.

That’s nifty. I like that!

What if I have 500 MAB vs 2 MDB. Shouldn’t the Equation read as such instead
500/1.02 = 490.19 but then we carry the decimal point over to adjust such to 4.9
Posts: 363
By ksoze 2022-11-05 03:28:32
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llAKs0nll said: »
I need to go back to schooling for retards or something

Don't we all
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 389
By Bahamut.Suph 2022-11-05 03:36:36
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llAKs0nll said: »
Also…… If I have 500 MAB vs Target 0 MDB the Equation
(100+500)/(100+0) = 6 doesn’t make sense to me at all whatsoever

When in my own mind my Magic Damage should actually be • 5 not 6
(500)/(100+0) = 5 which would make a lot more sense tbh since I don’t actually have 600 MAB so shouldn’t seriously be doing • 6 my Magic Damage

…..but what dafuq do I know. I need to go back to schooling for retards or something

Y’all are claiming we do • 6 our Base Dmg due to MAB/MDB difference even when we should be doing • 5 the Magic Dmg via possessing 500 MAB.

That’s nifty. I like that!

So in your own mind, if you have 0 MAB from traits, gear etc

0 / ( 100 + 0) = 0

You should always be doing 0 damage no matter anything else?
Posts: 380
By llAKs0nll 2022-11-05 03:39:31
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Bahamut.Suph said: »
llAKs0nll said: »
Also…… If I have 500 MAB vs Target 0 MDB the Equation
(100+500)/(100+0) = 6 doesn’t make sense to me at all whatsoever

When in my own mind my Magic Damage should actually be • 5 not 6
(500)/(100+0) = 5 which would make a lot more sense tbh since I don’t actually have 600 MAB so shouldn’t seriously be doing • 6 my Magic Damage

…..but what dafuq do I know. I need to go back to schooling for retards or something

Y’all are claiming we do • 6 our Base Dmg due to MAB/MDB difference even when we should be doing • 5 the Magic Dmg via possessing 500 MAB.

That’s nifty. I like that!

So in your own mind, if you have 0 MAB from traits, gear etc

0 / ( 100 + 0) = 0

You should always be doing 0 damage no matter anything else?
Well ofc not cuz I do have INT but ofc

Lv.1 BLM has 0 MAB but w/e Race’s INT

What if I have 500 MAB vs 2 MDB. Shouldn’t the Equation read as such instead
500/1.02 = 490.19 but then we carry the decimal point over to adjust such to 4.9

I tried editing what you quoted but we’re too fast so I will just simply ask you instead
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 389
By Bahamut.Suph 2022-11-05 03:42:38
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llAKs0nll said: »
Bahamut.Suph said: »
llAKs0nll said: »
Also…… If I have 500 MAB vs Target 0 MDB the Equation
(100+500)/(100+0) = 6 doesn’t make sense to me at all whatsoever

When in my own mind my Magic Damage should actually be • 5 not 6
(500)/(100+0) = 5 which would make a lot more sense tbh since I don’t actually have 600 MAB so shouldn’t seriously be doing • 6 my Magic Damage

…..but what dafuq do I know. I need to go back to schooling for retards or something

Y’all are claiming we do • 6 our Base Dmg due to MAB/MDB difference even when we should be doing • 5 the Magic Dmg via possessing 500 MAB.

That’s nifty. I like that!

So in your own mind, if you have 0 MAB from traits, gear etc

0 / ( 100 + 0) = 0

You should always be doing 0 damage no matter anything else?
Well ofc not cuz I do INT

Lv.1 BLM has 0 MAB but w/e Race’s INT

What if I have 500 MAB vs 2 MDB. Shouldn’t the Equation read as such instead
500/1.02 = 490.19 but then we carry the decimal point over to adjust such to 4.9

I tried editing what you quoted but we’re too fast so I will just simply ask you instead

try it with 0 MAB and try make it make sense
Posts: 380
By llAKs0nll 2022-11-05 03:47:58
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Bahamut.Suph said: »
llAKs0nll said: »
Bahamut.Suph said: »
llAKs0nll said: »
Also…… If I have 500 MAB vs Target 0 MDB the Equation
(100+500)/(100+0) = 6 doesn’t make sense to me at all whatsoever

When in my own mind my Magic Damage should actually be • 5 not 6
(500)/(100+0) = 5 which would make a lot more sense tbh since I don’t actually have 600 MAB so shouldn’t seriously be doing • 6 my Magic Damage

…..but what dafuq do I know. I need to go back to schooling for retards or something

Y’all are claiming we do • 6 our Base Dmg due to MAB/MDB difference even when we should be doing • 5 the Magic Dmg via possessing 500 MAB.

That’s nifty. I like that!

So in your own mind, if you have 0 MAB from traits, gear etc

0 / ( 100 + 0) = 0

You should always be doing 0 damage no matter anything else?
Well ofc not cuz I do INT

Lv.1 BLM has 0 MAB but w/e Race’s INT

What if I have 500 MAB vs 2 MDB. Shouldn’t the Equation read as such instead
500/1.02 = 490.19 but then we carry the decimal point over to adjust such to 4.9

I tried editing what you quoted but we’re too fast so I will just simply ask you instead

try it with 0 MAB and try make it make sense
Level 1 BLM cannot prove the Only factor towards their M.Dmg as being INT itself since they process 0 MAB?

I admit I never Tested such. I guess I could created every Race then Test each Race’s M.Dmg vs one another compared to dINT of each other? I won’t but maybe somebody did?

The Answer is 4.9 btw. I know it is but w/e.

It’s not supposed to be (100+500)/(100+2) but w/e
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 389
By Bahamut.Suph 2022-11-05 03:52:02
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anything multiply by 0 = 0

if MAB/MDB is ever 0, you will deal 0 damage

make this simpler
If you have 100 dollars
you put it into a deposit account that give you Magic Deposit Bonus +7%
do you have 7 (0 + 7) dollar or 107 (100 + 7) dollars?

Now imagine its Magic Deposit Bonus of +500%

is it now 500 (0 + 500) dollars or 600 (100 + 500) dollars?
Posts: 380
By llAKs0nll 2022-11-05 03:56:25
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Bahamut.Suph said: »
anything multiply by 0 = 0

if MAB/MDB is ever 0, nothing else matter, you will deal 0 damage
You refused to read me telling YOU that two seconds ago…..?
I viewed (100+0)/(100+0) = 1 as being simply a way to evade the whole 0 MDB equation of everything / 0 always = 0
Dropping Logic now huh

That was MY Rendition viewing BGwiki Equation adding 100 towards 0 to avoid the pitfalls of results ending as 0 while YOUR Renditions did NOT make any sense whatsoever labeled as ”innate MAB” or ”innate MDB” when we DO NOT have MAB of 600 but only on PAPER via such broken Mathematics suggesting we do

Idk what to tell you but The Answer is 4.9 not 5.88 fcs
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 389
By Bahamut.Suph 2022-11-05 04:02:29
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llAKs0nll said: »
Bahamut.Suph said: »
anything multiply by 0 = 0

if MAB/MDB is ever 0, nothing else matter, you will deal 0 damage
You refused to read me telling YOU that two seconds ago…..?
I viewed (100+0)/(100+0) = 1 as being simply a way to evade the whole 0 MDB equation of everything / 0 always = 0
Dropping Logic now huh

I think you need to go back to school and learn how percentage and multiplication works. everything / 0 isn't = 0, its = infinity.

Try some number less than 100 MAB and you'll figure it out. By your logic, MAB of 100 should make you deal 100/100 damage = 1 damage.
Posts: 380
By llAKs0nll 2022-11-05 04:10:03
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Ima keep this Simple. One more time.

I have 500 MAB Vs 2 MDB


(100+500)/(100+2) = 5.88
500/1.02 = 490.19

Y’all never heard of carry over the Decimals since we want the actual Percentage?

The Problem of MAB/MDB
When MAB is 500 vs MDB being 2
The Answer is 4.9

Your supposed to Multiply your Magic Dmg by 4.9 not 5.88
Posts: 380
By llAKs0nll 2022-11-05 04:18:43
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Bahamut.Suph said: »
Try some number less than 100 MAB

I have 75 MAB Vs 5 MDB ok then. Let’s try that!

75/1.05 = 71.4285 but ofc we gotta ‘Carry the Decimal’
Since we are seeking the Percentage

The Answer is 1.71 since 0.71 is LESS than 1

You only add the 1 when it’s a Fraction less than One otherwise you are Diminishing your Total via Multiplying by Fractions

Just like we convert 35% SC Bonus into 1.35 to multiply by rather than 0.35

Y’all Math is OFF. Y’all Logic is OFF. Idfk what else to tell y’all. I only used y’all rendition assuming y’all knew more than me but in my OWN MIND I always knew…… it’s BROKEN Mathematics

I have 5x the Multiplier via 500 MAB vs 0 MDB yet y’all are telling me I have 6x the Multiplier.
That doesn’t even make sense at all whatsoever.

I’m not exactly sure what sorta “Mathematical Equations” y’all seriously think y’all got going on here but I’m telling you. From the very Start I could tell I was witnessing the absolute butchery of Mathematics in Practice.
Siren.Akson said: »
BGwiki Magic Dmg Calculator —> E=mc2
• Meaning : It doesn’t Add Up to Dmg in Game
I just don’t know Math, right. I jus a wil wetarded huh?
It was blatantly obvious y’all were simply grasping for straws trying to decipher the code behind Magic Damage equations.

I’m only trying to FIX y’all BROKEN Math Equations. When it’s obviously WRONG.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 389
By Bahamut.Suph 2022-11-05 04:57:47
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Here's testing on COR/WAR using QD so no MAB traits

QD formula is just

floor[2*(Gun base dmg+bullet dmg)+damage gear]*(staff bonus)*(day/weather bonuses)*mab

So really the only variable i'm changing here is just MAB

The 2 shots

First shot - MAB 248, Magic Damage + 217

2nd shot - MAB 0, magic Damage + 217

+248 MAB = 6516/2052 = 3.18x damage, which is closer to 3.48x than 2.48x.
Posts: 9,216
By SimonSes 2022-11-05 05:05:54
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Bahamut.Suph said: »
Here's testing on COR/WAR using QD so no MAB traits

Keep in mind, you still have 14mab from gifts.

So it would be 262MAB and 14MAB in your test.

So base damage on COR with no gifts would be 1800 (2052/1.14)

6516/1800=3.62 which fits perfectly for 262MAB
Posts: 380
By llAKs0nll 2022-11-05 05:07:22
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I thought this was BLM discussion of Magic Damage rather than COR Dmg. Which means idk and idc to accept Broken Mathematical Equations simply cuz you cannot fully grasp your COR Dmg dealt

For the Record. Let it be known. I am no longer accepting y’all ”MAB/MDB” formula found on BGwiki. I cannot & should not just pick & choose which Broken Mathematics I do & do NOT allow simply via seeing the End Results.

It’s Wrong. I know it’s Wrong & I am an absolute idiot for assuming y’all just knew better than me which allowed me to accept such to begin w/ even when it’s obviously NOT calculated Correctly.

Either we MULTIPLY each MB Bonus separately or we do some absolute utter BUTCHERY of Mathematical Equations. I want REAL Mathematical Equations to decipher Answers. Not FAKE Math instead.
Posts: 9,216
By SimonSes 2022-11-05 05:32:48
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  • I

  • Me

  • mySelf

C-A-N W.r.i.t.e IT W====A====Y C00l3R >>>>then<<<< you |N y0Ur wE4k TROLL[ing] a77empts !! (^o^)
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Suph
Posts: 389
By Bahamut.Suph 2022-11-05 05:47:13
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llAKs0nll said: »
The Answer is 1.71 since 0.71 is LESS than 1

You only add the 1 when it’s a Fraction less than One otherwise you are Diminishing your Total via Multiplying by Fractions

So by this logic...
+ 99 MAB = 99/100 = 0.99 +1 = 1.99x,
+101 MAB = 101/100 = 1.01 +0 = 1.01x?

+99MAB deal more damage than +101 MAB yall lol....

oh damn, and i thought i tested cor cause cor has no "innate mab" lol....
Posts: 380
By llAKs0nll 2022-11-05 05:59:12
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Asura.Geriond said: »
(100+552)/(100-32) = 9.588
The REAL Math Equation would instead be
552/(100-32) = 8.11

Since via simply dividing by 100 gives ourselves the Percentage w/o having to move over the decimals which is what we wanted to begin w/ which is why you would instead just take 100 and then subtract 32 then divide into the MAB total the Difference.

You also Bolstered INT + MAB + Malaise

Yeah. I’m kinda done now. How many GEO you seriously bringing vs Ongo anyways a Full Alliance?
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