Yeah, decent explanation. Basically Augments are their own separate
multiplicative modifier to duration from gear that naturally has duration modifier.
So the composure set has the following bonuses that multiply duration of a spell
Composure + 4 pieces of empy gear: 1.35 modifier
Augmented gear (JSE neck, Colada, Ghostfyre): 1.49 modifier
Duration on gear (shield, hands, feet, ear, waist): 1.89 modifier
So durations end up being:
No merits: 180 * 1.35 * 1.49 * 1.89 = 684.3 seconds = 11:24.3 (with ambu cape: 655.2 seconds = 10:55.2) You actually lose almost 30 seconds of duration
With merits: 210 * 1.35 * 1.49 * 1.89 = 798.3 seconds = 13:18.3 seconds
Edit: The reason Ghostfyre cape ends up being better than Ambuscade cape is purely due to the fact that there is more bonus being provided by the gear that naturally has duration on it before considering the cape slot. If the augment gear actually had a higher base total than the natural gear, ambuscade cape would provide a bigger bonus.
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With Ghostfyre |
|||| |
With Sucellos |
No Merits |
11:24 seconds |
10:55 seconds |
With Merits |
13:18 seconds |
12:46 seconds |