Jack of All Trades: A Guide to Red Mage
By Boshi 2017-05-16 13:22:09
Composure gear only increases duration for spells om other players, and only really involves 3 pieces specifically for that
Serveur: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2017-05-16 15:53:27
As for times when composure is down, many families can dispel jas, and nothing is punier than a RDM without buffs. Something like a Dahak's full dispel move right after you used composure can wreck your dps as you're now recasting all of your buffs, some twice to cover until composure is ready again. A good composure down set means one cast of a buff until composure is back, meaning more time to swing or cast offensive spells or party cures.
By OmniKroe 2017-05-16 16:37:57
Okay thank you for clearing that up. I wasnt sure if it was a xispellable thing or not either. So for buffing myself i would use telchine 3/5 as apposed to empy even when composure is up.
This is all very valuable information thank you
Although you could say in a dispel heavy fight it wouldnt matter if your buffs had duration or not anyways. Just pointing that out!
By Afania 2017-05-22 15:42:16
Been reading past few pages about weapon combos and the different posts are bit confusing to me at the moment. Is savage blade now the go to WS?
Not to sound rude but this question has been asked and answered over and over and over again.......with A LOT of detail and very, very useful information already. Which part do you not understand?
Almace tends to be better at lower buff,
More attack you gave sequence wins out.
This is just with the single ws though, again if someone spamming something where you'd be making lights cdc almasce is better for the group.
Could also make the excal kor>sav>cdc arguement
Piercing weak you got mandau/ternion, also murgleis would win if using a sword mainhand vs the other 3. 
Top Rows: no additional buffs than ones below
Bottom Rows: corsair 11s on sam/chaos
Target Tojil for all of these.
(note: the way i did dagger i forgot i took off suppo so all of the results with a dagger about a single 1 dps short. I didn't feel like retaking all the ss just for that)
Capped magic haste, Dia3
composure on, Temper at 30%
sublime Sushi+1
gain-dex for almace, gain-str for sequence
generic geo frailty
The Colada used in the Almace comparisons is an extremely unrealistic dmg+20 dex+15 acc20 att20 da+4% and is there mainly to showcase the importance of offhand delay.
In this situation acc is capped, but attack is not quite capped.(which should favor ipetam over ternion)
For all of them I just left enspell at 30, it's hard to judge how much it'll do, for the majority of stuff this is an underestimate. Clearly higher enspell dmg favors ternion.
WS sets used:

Taeon: acc/att20, critrate3, critD3
note: only on the hands: jhakri+2 seem to win if attack is lacking

note: this set generally wins
at capped attack:
head despairD, ring Rufescent, hands Atrophy+3
additional note on tp sets:
Taeon body 20/20/7/7/2 beats ayanmo even on trivial fodder, but it's never a big gap.
Taeon hands 20/20/7/7/2 beat ayanmo even adjusting for 15 enspell dmg
dw cape generally wins, especially with sam rolls on. stp cape falls off very fast when sam roll comes on. Stp cape holds up better for sequence than it does for Almace (even da cape comes stronger with very low sam rolls). But in general the dwcape -vs- eabani/reiki -vs- suppo/carmineDleg gaps are very small.
For tp taeon 20/20/7/7/2 generally seems to win which is probably due to rdm's low attack. Only on trivial fodder does the critdmg+3% augment in that dusk slot seem to matter, which I was surprised about.
~~ Additional note: for same almace conditions:
no rolls: 1952.935
11sam/chaos: 3174.735
By zaxtiss 2017-05-22 16:14:21
Hey all, i havent been able to find a referance to this in the RDM guide but i heard enhancing skill 500 + effects temper now? i know 500 used to be the cap for most if not all spells but anyone know if its not for temper and any other spells?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
By Bahamut.Odaru 2017-05-22 16:24:42
Hey all, i havent been able to find a referance to this in the RDM guide but i heard enhancing skill 500 + effects temper now? i know 500 used to be the cap for most if not all spells but anyone know if its not for temper and any other spells?
Its potency is determined solely by Enhancing Magic Skill:
Enhancing Magic Skill < 360 : DA % = 5%
Enhancing Magic Skill ≥ 360 : DA % = floor( ( Enhancing Magic Skill - 300 ) ÷ 10 )%
Enhancing magic skill equipment only enhances this spell at the time it is cast. It may be removed afterwards to retain the bonus it provides.
This spell is no longer capped at 500 Enhancing magic skill. (information needed)
Source: https://www.bg-wiki.com/bg/Temper
EDIT: RDM99 Enhancing this set(164) + RDM master(440) would give you 604. You could dual wield Pukulatmuj +1 + NQ for more enhancing, but probably not enough to break another tier. I may have missed some pieces for this set, but this gets you over 600 with master at the very least. You could also dual wield swords with NQ stikini rings for the same amount of skill.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 497
By Bismarck.Dekusutaa 2017-05-22 16:27:38
Quick question on the quick magic JP upgrade path.
How does it work/proc exactly? Do I need to invest in quickcast gear for it to work at all?
By zaxtiss 2017-05-22 16:46:19
Hey all, i havent been able to find a referance to this in the RDM guide but i heard enhancing skill 500 + effects temper now? i know 500 used to be the cap for most if not all spells but anyone know if its not for temper and any other spells?
Its potency is determined solely by Enhancing Magic Skill:
Enhancing Magic Skill < 360 : DA % = 5%
Enhancing Magic Skill ≥ 360 : DA % = floor( ( Enhancing Magic Skill - 300 ) ÷ 10 )%
Enhancing magic skill equipment only enhances this spell at the time it is cast. It may be removed afterwards to retain the bonus it provides.
This spell is no longer capped at 500 Enhancing magic skill. (information needed)
Source: https://www.bg-wiki.com/bg/Temper
EDIT: RDM99 Enhancing this set(164) + RDM master(440) would give you 604. You could dual wield Pukulatmuj +1 + NQ for more enhancing, but probably not enough to break another tier. I may have missed some pieces for this set, but this gets you over 600 with master at the very least. You could also dual wield swords with NQ stikini rings for the same amount of skill.
whats the "floor" in that equation?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2017-05-23 02:26:21
EDIT: RDM99 Enhancing this set(164) + RDM master(440) would give you 604. You could dual wield Pukulatmuj +1 + NQ for more enhancing, but probably not enough to break another tier. I may have missed some pieces for this set, but this gets you over 600 with master at the very least. You could also dual wield swords with NQ stikini rings for the same amount of skill. The highest you can get without swapping main/sub slot is 604 indeed, atm, and that's with 2x Stikini HQ.
Weapon slots available you can reach 18 with staff+grip (15+3) or 21 (pukuHQ+puquNQ).
I'm super gimp. With my gear, without swapping weapons, the best I can get to atm is 587, just 3 short of the 590 tier Q_Q
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2017-05-23 09:05:42
Hey all, i havent been able to find a referance to this in the RDM guide but i heard enhancing skill 500 + effects temper now? i know 500 used to be the cap for most if not all spells but anyone know if its not for temper and any other spells?
Its potency is determined solely by Enhancing Magic Skill:
Enhancing Magic Skill < 360 : DA % = 5%
Enhancing Magic Skill ≥ 360 : DA % = floor( ( Enhancing Magic Skill - 300 ) ÷ 10 )%
Enhancing magic skill equipment only enhances this spell at the time it is cast. It may be removed afterwards to retain the bonus it provides.
This spell is no longer capped at 500 Enhancing magic skill. (information needed)
Source: https://www.bg-wiki.com/bg/Temper
EDIT: RDM99 Enhancing this set(164) + RDM master(440) would give you 604. You could dual wield Pukulatmuj +1 + NQ for more enhancing, but probably not enough to break another tier. I may have missed some pieces for this set, but this gets you over 600 with master at the very least. You could also dual wield swords with NQ stikini rings for the same amount of skill.
whats the "floor" in that equation?
First, this information is mentioned in the guide at least twice: once under the Enhancing Magic list and again in the Enhancing skill set I posted. Temper I/II and Enspells I are the only spells affected past 500 atm. Second, you can do a quick search on BG for most of this info as they tend to keep it pretty up to date. https://www.bg-wiki.com/bg/Floor
The set that is posted in the guide gives exactly 600 enhancing with max JP, merits and augments on Ghostfyre. With HQ Stikini it gives 606, with the unity sword it gives 617 and 627 if dual wielded.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10278
By Asura.Sechs 2017-05-23 09:25:59
Fun fact about Temper 1.
If you gain Temper 1 from RUN gifts first, when you level RDM after that, you'll find out you won't have to use the Temper scroll.
That was really odd lol
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2017-05-23 15:29:23
Fun fact about Temper 1.
If you gain Temper 1 from RUN gifts first, when you level RDM after that, you'll find out you won't have to use the Temper scroll.
That was really odd lol
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 196
By Asura.Inuyushi 2017-05-23 15:45:07
It's the same for any spell learned through gifts. If you master GEO before leveling RDM or BLM, you'll already have the Tier V spells ready to go without having to buy a scroll.
By eliroo 2017-05-27 10:34:06
What is the current consensus of the Enriching Sword? Is it better than Colada? Thinking about Running that + Ternion +1 until I decide that my Excal is worth 100 more million.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2017-05-27 12:21:06
Afania: I suppose the confusion is just in the amount of situational options, mandau for piercing, then seems Sequence beats Almace with 11 SAM DRK rolls? Excalibur was even mentioned.
I also have hard time seeing how Ternion+1 is working over an AG. Seems if I am understanding right that AGMurg/AGAlmace even falls behind and I guess it just is hard to understand.
Also you werent being rude, I am so far out of the loop these days I feel like a toddler trying to grasp it all again.
I honestly dont want to put the inventory space or DM augment towards WSD+10 for savage unless it is massive compared to CDC spam.
My set looks like this *CURRENTLY
ItemSet 351536
To put it this way, with Taeon body head with max augs for acc/attack WSacc WSD 3%, and Chironic Slippers with WSD 9% on them, even though I have a total of 24~27 more Weaponskill Damage I could theoretically get in the set through max Dark matter augments:
With XI SAM/Chaos + Gain-STR without GEO bubbles, with non-saboteur Dia III on Selkit, I Savage Blade for around 31K at ~1200TP. And as we've been over from a DM perspective, my set isn't even remotely close to perfect.
I personally don't use a CDC set on RDM at all, but I do play BLU quite a lot, and my experience from how to gear CDC on BLU would seem to indicate it's very unlikely you will ever achieve those kinds of numbers with CDC on RDM given it's lack of critical hit gear, seeing as it's difficult to do so even on BLU.
Call it an argument from ignorance if you want, but it does seem like the path forward for melee on RDM is Savage Blade with Sequence and DM augmented WSD gear, and any other option under full party buffs would likely lag very far behind.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3333
By Siren.Kyte 2017-05-27 12:32:18
CDC is still the way to go if it's providing full SC damage and Savage Blade isn't.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-05-27 12:44:19
Why would you emphasize non-Saboteur Dia III? Saboteur doesn't affect the defense down.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2017-05-27 12:57:53
CDC is still the way to go if it's providing full SC damage and Savage Blade isn't.
That all depends on how far it's lagging behind.
If your CDC is hitting for 13k then you get CDC 13K > CDC > 15K > Light 15K for a total of 42K, that falls WAY behind doing 2 31K savage blades.
Besides, if you are doing a melee burn and WS are coming in too fast to SC consistently, which happens a lot when you get 4+DD's, SC's become an afterthought.
Also if you are solo and you ever fail to close that SC, you lose damage, not to mention Savage Blade is more consistent that CDC is anyway, due to it relying primarily on the fTP modifier of the first hit. Chant Du Cygne on the other hand to get respectable damage relies heavily on it's ability to critical hit, which in and of itself is inconsistent.
Essentially what I'm getting at is:
In order for SC's to win out over the sheer damage delta between CDC and Savage Blade, you have to: 1) have an ideal amount of melee in your party, 2) have an ideal CDC set, 3) be fighting a monster that takes full damage from light, and/or it has to not be an NM that you don't want to skillchain on (that rules out a pretty large chunk of content by itself) and 4) not fail to close the chain for any number of reasons.
Besides, if it's all about being helpful in the long run, if you're running with a BLU that has a sequence/savage set, you can use Excal to open light on that with KOR. Or, a PLD can open with attonement into Savage blade for light, just because savage blade doesn't make light off itself doesn't mean it doesn't make light at all. And if your group isn't coordinating well enough to do at least this much, they probably aren't paying much attention to skillchaining in the first place.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2017-05-27 12:58:58
Why would you emphasize non-Saboteur Dia III? Saboteur doesn't affect the defense down.
Good point, that's neither here nor there though.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2017-05-30 12:44:03
I agree with Bryne 100%. Savage Blade is the WS of choice for RDM. I consider CDC a situational WS for spamming Light with a group. The difference in damage between RDM and BLU CDC is staggering. Solo, a RDM could do well self chaining multiple WS's, not just spamming CDC.
Afania: I suppose the confusion is just in the amount of situational options, mandau for piercing, then seems Sequence beats Almace with 11 SAM DRK rolls? Excalibur was even mentioned.
I also have hard time seeing how Ternion+1 is working over an AG. Seems if I am understanding right that AGMurg/AGAlmace even falls behind and I guess it just is hard to understand.
It's not hard to understand at all. RDM is not BLU. RDM have extremely low delay daggers available which is a huge factor. And remember that an offhand RMEA weapon must be taken at face value in terms of damage and accuracy (no stats or additional effects except Sequence's STP and Almace's DEX). The high damage on an offhand weapon doesn't outweigh the high delay and pretty much all of Ternion's stats are applied to the mainhand. The low delay helps the overall DPS. Same goes for Mandau, except it does more damage outright instead of increasing the TA.
It's kinda DW 101. You don't want a high delay offhand if you can't offset the delay or if the benefits of the weapon aren't worth the slow swing. AG swords are supposed to be mainhand. Almace is the exception thanks to that DEX.
By eliroo 2017-05-30 13:17:46
I agree with Bryne 100%. Savage Blade is the WS of choice for RDM. I consider CDC a situational WS for spamming Light with a group. The difference in damage between RDM and BLU CDC is staggering. Solo, a RDM could do well self chaining multiple WS's, not just spamming CDC.
On this note, where does this put Exaclibur as a mainhand? Sequence will obviously provide bigger Savage Blade numbers but Excalibur allows you to create light from Savage blade. Which is better overall? Especially for Soloing or partying with mostly supports.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34
By Asura.Berlon 2017-05-30 13:19:25
I agree with Bryne 100%. Savage Blade is the WS of choice for RDM. I consider CDC a situational WS for spamming Light with a group. The difference in damage between RDM and BLU CDC is staggering. Solo, a RDM could do well self chaining multiple WS's, not just spamming CDC.
On this note, where does this put Exaclibur as a mainhand? Sequence will obviously provide bigger Savage Blade numbers but Excalibur allows you to create light from Savage blade. Which is better overall? Especially for Soloing or partying with mostly supports.
Just finished my Excalibur, so interested in this also! I guess it will hold me over till I've managed to farm the 50k beads!
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-30 13:23:19
..... so this is the same of RDM melee nowadays .... sad.
Sequence + Almace is going to be the go-to build for damage. Savage vs CDC is extremely situational as CDC should beat it but RDM's gear availability tends to limit CDC's damage potential though Temper II and multi-hit heavily favor CDC. Against low level weak ***with minimum buffs (which is where you'd see melee RDM) Savage should win, though there is a situation where that changes.
Red Lotus Blade -> Flat Blade -> Savage Blade -> CDC for double light
Pretty interesting combo if SC damage works on the target. Also
Red Lotus Blade -> Flat Blade -> Requiescat -> CDC for darkness
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2017-05-30 14:10:02
My opinion should be taken with a grain of salt because of my absence from the game.
I also should have prefaced my previous statement with "damage-wise". In a group, usually one of two things happen: either it's pure melee spam (no consideration for making a SC) or deliberate multi-steps. 9 times out of 10, CDC is the safest option in a spam group because it can make Light/Darkness easier than Savage, especially if a BLU is in the party. Solo, like I said, you can multistep (with or without CDC), making Savage usually a better pure damage WS.
Sequence + Almace is going to be the go-to build for damage. Savage vs CDC is extremely situational as CDC should beat it but RDM's gear availability tends to limit CDC's damage potential though Temper II and multi-hit heavily favor CDC. Against low level weak ***with minimum buffs (which is where you'd see melee RDM) Savage should win, though there is a situation where that changes.
If RDM had access to something better than Taeon for CDC like BLU does, CDC would be better in most situations. Being stuck in Taeon really hurts CDC when Savage gets Jhakri+2, Carmine+1 and Despair.
I don't like ranking the RMEA's because they all are very unique and in different situations, each on excels or falters in different ways. In the grand scheme of things, Excalibur is pretty niche, especially if you have Sequence or Almace already. KoR gives unique SCing options almost exclusive to RDM (let's be honest, PLD isn't going to be multi-stepping like us). Is it as powerful as the other guys? Not so much as Sequence is simply more powerful damage-wise and Almace's AM is ridiculous. But it can be useful. If your attack in gear is low, Excalibur bumps you up a significant amount, and the additional effects and AM are icing on the cake. I'd say it is also the best RMEA in a tanking situation.
Tl;dr, if you have a Sequence or Almace on the horizon, I would focus on getting those than dumping resources in Excal, especially since Excal has to be AG to even be better than a good Colada.
By eliroo 2017-05-30 14:16:44
Cool, thanks for answering. I will probably forgoe dumping another 100m into my excalibur for now.
Further more I would like to bump this question:
What is the current consensus of the Enriching Sword?
Is it worth 5 mil or should I just get a Colada and call it a day?
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Ragnarok.Rydal 2017-05-30 14:21:50
Is it worth 5 mil or should I just get a Colada and call it a day?
If you hate dealing with Colada's randomness or don't have any access to RMEA, it's the best alternative. It might be a cheaper investment than a Colada if you haven't gotten a good one yet, and you can focus stones on other gear or sell them.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2017-05-30 16:18:33
..... so this is the same of RDM melee nowadays .... sad.
Sequence + Almace is going to be the go-to build for damage. Savage vs CDC is extremely situational as CDC should beat it but RDM's gear availability tends to limit CDC's damage potential though Temper II and multi-hit heavily favor CDC. Against low level weak ***with minimum buffs (which is where you'd see melee RDM) Savage should win, though there is a situation where that changes.
Red Lotus Blade -> Flat Blade -> Savage Blade -> CDC for double light
Pretty interesting combo if SC damage works on the target. Also
Red Lotus Blade -> Flat Blade -> Requiescat -> CDC for darkness
Even that is situational.
For BLU, this is true in the majority of cases, but RDM is not BLU. This is precisely what we were just arguing about, with SAM roll and other buffs, Ternion +1 as a significantly lower delay, and under full buffs Savage blade sees massive bonuses, whereas simply pushing up attack and DEX by 50 from Almace sub is NOT going to do the same amount of work that it does for BLU, considering the delay.
It is as I said before, in situations where you are trying to spam light on things that take full, or extra damage from light, CDC will win, with Sequence/Almace being your best option, in almost any other situation, Sequence/Ternion +1 would beat it.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-30 17:09:01
For BLU, this is true in the majority of cases, but RDM is not BLU. This is precisely what we were just arguing about, with SAM roll and other buffs, Ternion +1 as a significantly lower delay, and under full buffs Savage blade sees massive bonuses, whereas simply pushing up attack and DEX by 50 from Almace sub is NOT going to do the same amount of work that it does for BLU, considering the delay.
That makes exactly zero sense ....
Off hand delay only matters when your main hand only multi-attack procs, basically Mythic AM3 / Joyeuse / Ridill type stuff. Otherwise it gets averaged into your main hand delay for determining TP gain and TP return from weapon skills.
Sequence is 240, Almace is 224, the total is 464 with 36 DW your looking at 297 delay, divided by two gives you 148.5 per hand for TP calculations. The whole "use lower delay off hand cause it's faster TP" was a myth from 2003 spread by people who had no idea how delay and TP gain were calculated.
When choosing an off hand your looking for a weapon that provides the most total power, AG Almace's 158 DMG and 50 DEX far outweigh Tern's 100 DMG 15 AGI and TA +4. The only competition for off hand is a Colada augmented with DMG / STR / Acc and possibly DA or WSD for spamming Savage Blade.
And dude, stats experience diminishing returns so Almace's 50 DEX has a bigger impact on RDM precisely because it doesn't have as much DEX as BLU does. Going from 350 to 400 is a smaller increase then from 280 to 330.