Hillary Clinton 2016 Presidential Thread

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Hillary Clinton 2016 Presidential Thread
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Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2016-08-23 14:08:05
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Anna Ruthven said: »
Shiva.Viciousss said: »
Anna Ruthven said: »
So, according to Fox News, a judge has ordered Hillary to answer questions to some guy under oath.

....really? Again? I have a feeling this is how the next 4 years is going to be, every week someone is going to pull ***like this.

Yeah, written answers, its a joke. She won't even look at them, her lawyers will take care of it.
Well, apparently her lawyers are the reason for it. Her lawyers apparently removed personal emails from those turned over to the state department. I'm not sure how this is a Hillary thing instead of a Hillary's lawyers thing.

One of the things that comes with being a leader is the understanding that delegation does not free you from all consequences of your underlings' actions. If anything, this gives the impression that she's incompetent and/or a poor leader.
Or at the very least, willing to hire incompetent lawyers.
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-23 14:08:45
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Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
If anything, this gives the impression that she's incompetent and/or a poor leader.
Because she hired lawyers to do the work that lawyers do?
And in the same breath you blame Bush for the FEMA fiasco which he isn't solely in charge of.

You do realize that there are more than one person in the executive branch, right?
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-23 14:09:38
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Bloodrose said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Anna Ruthven said: »
Shiva.Viciousss said: »
Anna Ruthven said: »
So, according to Fox News, a judge has ordered Hillary to answer questions to some guy under oath.

....really? Again? I have a feeling this is how the next 4 years is going to be, every week someone is going to pull ***like this.

Yeah, written answers, its a joke. She won't even look at them, her lawyers will take care of it.
Well, apparently her lawyers are the reason for it. Her lawyers apparently removed personal emails from those turned over to the state department. I'm not sure how this is a Hillary thing instead of a Hillary's lawyers thing.

One of the things that comes with being a leader is the understanding that delegation does not free you from all consequences of your underlings' actions. If anything, this gives the impression that she's incompetent and/or a poor leader.
Or at the very least, willing to hire incompetent lawyers.
Still not helping her image.

Not only is she a bad leader, she can't even get competent people around her.
Serveur: Shiva
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user: Viciouss
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By Shiva.Viciousss 2016-08-23 14:09:50
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How has the FEMA response been this time around? Outstanding right?
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-23 14:12:10
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Shiva.Viciousss said: »
How has the FEMA response been this time around? Outstanding right?
Too early to tell.

But you already declared them a success.

They could end up doing 10 times worse than the Bush Administration and you would still declare them an absolute success.

So, your opinion means jack ***.
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Pleebo
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By Cerberus.Pleebo 2016-08-23 14:12:22
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Lol what does that have to do with my post? And when did I blame Bush for that?

Also where is this notion that these lawyers did anything wrong or incompetent? There wasn't even a complete story linked.
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2016-08-23 14:13:06
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I have no intention of helping her image.

If it looks like she has incompetent people working for her, that's her call, and it was a bad one.
Serveur: Shiva
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user: Viciouss
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By Shiva.Viciousss 2016-08-23 14:14:39
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Lawl, too early to tell? Maybe for partisan hacks. Its been almost two weeks, if it was as bad as Katrina, we would know about it.
Bug Hunter
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-23 14:14:56
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Bloodrose said: »
I have no intention of helping her image.

If it looks like she has incompetent people working for her, that's her call, and it was a bad one.
Which, for her, is actually an improvement.

Better to have incompetent people than corrupt people.

I heard she is going to throw her aides under the bus when the Clinton Foundation investigation results come out.
Serveur: Garuda
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user: Chanti
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By Garuda.Chanti 2016-08-23 14:15:18
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
In more Hillary Corruption news:

Experts: New Clinton State Dept. emails show donor ‘access,’ not ‘favors’
At least the "non partisan" committee admitted that there was a "Pay to Play" scheme going on. Even though they won't admit the favors being done.

Nope, it just so happened that those very donors got what they wanted on a
separate request and had nothing to do with their donations to the Clinton funneling fund
King, its the exact same reasoning they use for "campaign contributions". The money isn't buying favors, its buying access.

I have said before that I consider both corrupt and corrupting.
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2016-08-23 14:16:08
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Bloodrose said: »
I have no intention of helping her image.

If it looks like she has incompetent people working for her, that's her call, and it was a bad one.
Which, for her, is actually an improvement.

Better to have incompetent people than corrupt people.

I heard she is going to throw her aides under the bus when the Clinton Foundation investigation results come out.
From a friend of a friend of an enemy?
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-23 14:18:51
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Shiva.Viciousss said: »
Lawl, too early to tell? Maybe for partisan hacks. Its been almost two weeks, if it was as bad as Katrina, we would know about it.
Right, how silly of me.

I completely forgot that, within minutes of FEMA setting down on a natural disaster, they wave their little wands and everything goes back to normal.

You do know that rebuilding Louisiana is going to take years, if not decades, right? Hell, they weren't even finished rebuilding after Sandy when this struck.

And remember, this was including 7 years of Obama's FEMA.

Their initial response is admirable, and I will give credit for when credit is due, however that doesn't mean that they can't *** up the entire show.

But only a partisan hack like you can't tell the difference.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-23 14:20:34
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
King, its the exact same reasoning they use for "campaign contributions". The money isn't buying favors, its buying access.

I have said before that I consider both corrupt and corrupting.
Which is why I think a Super PAC has a better chance at relaying the message than donating directly to the campaign victory fund.

What the Clinton Foundation is accused of doing goes well beyond campaign fraud, though.
Serveur: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11191
By Garuda.Chanti 2016-08-23 14:26:51
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Campaign contributions =/= campaign fraud.

$ for access = $ for access.
Bug Hunter
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-23 14:36:35
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
Campaign contributions =/= campaign fraud.

$ for access = $ for access.

I'm confused, you were the one who was saying that campaign contributions were like giving "access" to the person themselves.

Except the fact that campaign contributions are limited to $25k per family. I highly doubt any candidate is going to meet with every campaign donor in that case.

What is your argument again?
Serveur: Siren
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user: Lordgrim
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By Siren.Lordgrim 2016-08-23 15:23:10
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YouTube Video Placeholder
Bug Hunter
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-23 15:24:48
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Lordgrim, is that you?

Are we finally putting a face with the crazy?
Serveur: Diabolos
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user: Prodigy
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By Diabolos.Prodigy 2016-08-23 16:00:56
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Siren.Lordgrim said: »
YouTube Video Placeholder

It really is pitifully biased. All these news outlets. So blatantly obvious it's as if they don't even care anymore. Opinion news. Can't watch any of it anymore. It's like siblings fighting over toys.
Serveur: Phoenix
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user: xantavia
Posts: 449
By Phoenix.Xantavia 2016-08-23 16:03:14
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
A) Paragraph structure is your friend.

B) You accuse people of being brainwashed, while you don't show a lot of confidence that you aren't being brainwashed yourself by the conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones.

Especially when one can rattle off all of the talking points so quickly and fluidly. It almost sounds like programming.
Don't think it is programming, as much as a copy/paste response given to people who frequent such sites and are encouraged to use. Very similar to some letters to the editor you find in newspaper opinion pages.
Serveur: Phoenix
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user: xantavia
Posts: 449
By Phoenix.Xantavia 2016-08-23 16:07:37
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Siren.Lordgrim said: »
YouTube Video Placeholder
Don't feel like giving them the views, but are these legitimate points they are cutting off, or crazy conspiracy theories that are being interrupted? If the guest starts spouting off about Clinton killing people, or sitting on a comfy couch means she is weeks away from dying, I can't blame them for cutting the mic.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-23 16:09:08
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Phoenix.Xantavia said: »
Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
A) Paragraph structure is your friend.

B) You accuse people of being brainwashed, while you don't show a lot of confidence that you aren't being brainwashed yourself by the conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones.

Especially when one can rattle off all of the talking points so quickly and fluidly. It almost sounds like programming.
Don't think it is programming, as much as a copy/paste response given to people who frequent such sites and are encouraged to use. Very similar to some letters to the editor you find in newspaper opinion pages.
Also, don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel, our "conspiracy theory of the month" newsletter, and give us your CC/SS information for safe keeping.
Serveur: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11191
By Garuda.Chanti 2016-08-23 16:51:03
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Garuda.Chanti said: »
Campaign contributions =/= campaign fraud.

$ for access = $ for access.

I'm confused, you were the one who was saying that campaign contributions were like giving "access" to the person themselves.
Garuda.Chanti said: »
King, its the exact same reasoning they use for "campaign contributions". The money isn't buying favors, its buying access....
Compare the bolded words please. Also I don't claim its merely buying access, I claim its bribery. The courts hold that its buying access and perfectly legal.

Except the fact that campaign contributions are limited to $25k per family. I highly doubt any candidate is going to meet with every campaign donor in that case....
No, just with the ones who bundle multiple $10,000 "contributions". Another reason why PACs should be illegal too.
Guide Maker
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-08-23 17:02:32
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The more I read this thread the more I think people don't know what pathological means. So much for crying about exagerations on Trump...
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2016-08-23 17:33:29
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YouTube Video Placeholder
Posts: 52
By Zululu 2016-08-23 17:42:13
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Democrats get most money from unions.
By 2016-08-23 18:16:21
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Post deleted by User.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-23 18:33:29
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Garuda.Chanti said: »
Campaign contributions =/= campaign fraud.

$ for access = $ for access.

I'm confused, you were the one who was saying that campaign contributions were like giving "access" to the person themselves.
Garuda.Chanti said: »
King, its the exact same reasoning they use for "campaign contributions". The money isn't buying favors, its buying access....
Compare the bolded words please. Also I don't claim its merely buying access, I claim its bribery. The courts hold that its buying access and perfectly legal.

Except the fact that campaign contributions are limited to $25k per family. I highly doubt any candidate is going to meet with every campaign donor in that case....
No, just with the ones who bundle multiple $10,000 "contributions". Another reason why PACs should be illegal too.
Actually, I wouldn't mind one bit if we take money out of elections and force the media to only cover so much on the candidates, and that they have to be equal time on all stations and all candidates.

That's the only way it could be considered a "fair" election, right? When you have to get your message across and not make this a reality TV show.
Posts: 50
By mithramegz 2016-08-23 18:38:13
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Garuda.Chanti said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Garuda.Chanti said: »
Campaign contributions =/= campaign fraud.

$ for access = $ for access.

I'm confused, you were the one who was saying that campaign contributions were like giving "access" to the person themselves.
Garuda.Chanti said: »
King, its the exact same reasoning they use for "campaign contributions". The money isn't buying favors, its buying access....
Compare the bolded words please. Also I don't claim its merely buying access, I claim its bribery. The courts hold that its buying access and perfectly legal.

Except the fact that campaign contributions are limited to $25k per family. I highly doubt any candidate is going to meet with every campaign donor in that case....
No, just with the ones who bundle multiple $10,000 "contributions". Another reason why PACs should be illegal too.
Actually, I wouldn't mind one bit if we take money out of elections and force the media to only cover so much on the candidates, and that they have to be equal time on all stations and all candidates.

That's the only way it could be considered a "fair" election, right? When you have to get your message across and not make this a reality TV show.
That would make things a lot more fair. Damon that pesky first amendment.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-23 18:43:05
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mithramegz said: »
That would make things a lot more fair. Damn that pesky first amendment.
A) #Wings4Rooks

B) This isn't a First Amendment issue. We are neither forcing a message on the media nor doing anything religious (unless you consider that they force the airing on Sundays only).

It could be on CSPAN, but nobody watches it anyway.

It could be on the major networks, but who's really going to keep track of the airings?

The only problem is having an actual, non-partisan, independent group of people handling this. And with the level of polarization in today's society, they just don't exist.
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