I'm at 25-30hrs of gameplay and I'm close to the end of Setsuna. Need last dungeon/zone and some side stuff, so probably like 10hrs.
Game is lovely but it's hard to give a balanced, unbiased opinion.
It's easy to jump from one extreme to another. From people who bash it because "meh it's just an indie RPG" (hint: it's not) to people who exagerate into praising it (game has several limits alas)
Overall I loved it, it's been a nice dive in the past, but even though it's only right to judge the "worth" of money in a relative/subjective way, 40$ is still too much.
I bought TWO copies of this game (yes, I'm crazy, damn me)
The thing is that SE always described Setsuna as an "experiment" title doen with a relatively low budget, and that more titles like that, with much higher budget, would have come if Setsuna met their expectations.
Thing is: did Setsuna meet their expectations? Because regardless of how much it sold or not (we don't even know that) we have no clue what their expectations were.
I'm really really hoping it did because I see Setsuna as a lovely premise of what could come if SE were to invest more for additional titles.