Gearswap LUA
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 21
By Phoenix.Bunas 2016-04-27 22:15:51
Was wondering if someone could dropbox their NIN Lua for gearswap. Looking to add this to my classes I have geared since the wardrobe II addition.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 687
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2016-04-28 10:54:47
Orestes's LUA
This is probably the best place to begin these days. You'll need hardly any modification with it. And Ores is usually around these forums, hangin about.
This is also in one of the two most popular NIN threads.
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2016-05-19 21:04:31
Ive been looking for a new Lua as the one I have I dislike quite a bit haha. Oretes's seems quite out of date though, anyone have anything more up to date? aka accounts for haste2 lol.... oh and maybe a mestsu part.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 430
By Quetzalcoatl.Orestes 2016-05-19 23:29:00
fwiw, it does account for haste2, but haste2 is not a unique buff according to SE so it has to be done as a toggle. It is what it is.
I don't have Kikoku, hence no metsu, but you're free to add it yourself.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 441
By Quetzalcoatl.Khajit 2016-05-23 17:01:13
I noticed about 2 days ago in ambuscade that it does not notice the existence of Mighty guard.
Eg. I had mighty guard and a single march on but the lua determined that I had only 15% haste on.(no haste because mages forget the damn spell exists or ignore my request to not have goddamn slow active so i couldn't just pretend i had haste 2 on)
Is that a problem with the .lua itself or is there some other file that determine's haste values which needs an update?
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 687
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2016-05-24 11:50:33
Sorry I didn't fully explain that in /l chat Khajit.
There's a portion of the lua (at least in mine, I'm sure it's in Ores's as well) that determines your haste level.
A function that probably looks like "determine_haste" or something. It contains some branches for your haste totals depending on the buffs you currently have and your haste toggle (for haste 1 or haste 2)
You'll have to adjust that to account for the extra scenario now of Mighty Guard's haste value (15%) in the grand scheme of it all.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 430
By Quetzalcoatl.Orestes 2016-05-24 12:48:16
I've updated my lua to account for mighty guard. I tried to make the logic more legible as well. I haven't tested yet though.
relevent portion Code
function determine_haste_group()
-- assuming +4 for marches (ghorn has +5)
-- Haste (white magic) 15%
-- Haste Samba (Sub) 5%
-- Haste (Merited DNC) 10% (never account for this)
-- Victory March +0/+3/+4/+5 9.4/14%/15.6%/17.1% +0
-- Advancing March +0/+3/+4/+5 6.3/10.9%/12.5%/14% +0
-- Embrava 30% with 500 enhancing skill
-- Mighty Guard - 15%
-- buffactive[580] = geo haste
-- buffactive[33] = regular haste
-- buffactive[604] = mighty guard
-- state.HasteMode = toggle for when you know Haste II is being cast on you
-- Hi = Haste II is being cast. This is clunky to use when both haste II and haste I are being cast
if state.HasteMode.value == 'Hi' then
if ( ( (buffactive[33] or buffactive[580] or buffactive.embrava) and (buffactive.march or buffactive[604]) ) or
( buffactive[33] and (buffactive[580] or buffactive.embrava) ) or
( buffactive.march == 2 and buffactive[604] ) ) then
add_to_chat(8, '-------------Max-Haste Mode Enabled--------------')
elseif ( (buffactive[33] or buffactive.march == 2 or buffactive[580]) and buffactive['haste samba'] ) then
add_to_chat(8, '-------------Haste 35%-------------')
elseif ( ( buffactive[580] or buffactive[33] or buffactive.march == 2 ) or
( buffactive.march == 1 and buffactive[604] ) ) then
add_to_chat(8, '-------------Haste 30%-------------')
elseif ( buffactive.march == 1 or buffactive[604] ) then
add_to_chat(8, '-------------Haste 15%-------------')
if ( buffactive[580] and ( buffactive.march or buffactive[33] or buffactive.embrava or buffactive[604]) ) or -- geo haste + anything
( buffactive.embrava and (buffactive.march or buffactive[33] or buffactive[604]) ) or -- embrava + anything
( buffactive.march == 2 and (buffactive[33] or buffactive[604]) ) or -- two marches + anything
( buffactive[33] and buffactive[604] and buffactive.march ) then -- haste + mighty guard + any marches
add_to_chat(8, '-------------Max Haste Mode Enabled--------------')
elseif ( (buffactive[604] or buffactive[33]) and buffactive['haste samba'] and buffactive.march == 1) or -- MG or haste + samba with 1 march
( buffactive.march == 2 and buffactive['haste samba'] ) or
( buffactive[580] and buffactive['haste samba'] ) then
add_to_chat(8, '-------------Haste 35%-------------')
elseif ( buffactive.march == 2 ) or -- two marches from ghorn
( (buffactive[33] or buffactive[604]) and buffactive.march == 1 ) or -- MG or haste + 1 march
( buffactive[580] ) or -- geo haste
( buffactive[33] and buffactive[604] ) then -- haste with MG
add_to_chat(8, '-------------Haste 30%-------------')
elseif buffactive[33] or buffactive[604] or buffactive.march == 1 then
add_to_chat(8, '-------------Haste 15%-------------')
You also have to add mighty guard to job_buff_change() where the above function is triggered. Code
if S{'haste', 'march', 'mighty guard', 'embrava', 'haste samba', 'geo-haste', 'indi-haste'}:contains(buff:lower()) then
if not midaction() then
What do you guys think about having another haste mode for trusts? (similar to how you toggle Haste2). I was thinking, Joachim/Ulmia are most likely casting March's without any bonus applied, so they'll equal 19% magic haste instead of the 31% you'd get from ghorn.
I considered making it automatic. Something like.. Code
function job_pretarget(spell, action, spellMap, eventArgs)
-- determine if we're using trusts
if spell.type == 'Trust' then
But.. this would toggle true if you call ANY trust, so it wouldn't be a good catch all. That's why it could be done manually as well. Then i wonder if this overkill lol
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 687
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2016-05-24 17:13:53
No, no Ores... it's never overkill. :D
A toggle for marches is probably right up this lua's alley. :D
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[70 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Azagarth 2016-08-02 10:47:18
So I have bought a new comp and started my GS from scratch. I noticed my utsu San is was only getting 5 shadows which means its not recognizing my usts set and then it dawned on me that san had to be entered in manually if i remember correctly to be looked at as if it was ni or ichi. I just forget where you add it too, was it motes files? Could anyone help on this?
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[34 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Azagarth 2016-09-05 01:23:36
So I am looking for a very in depth nin lua. Automatic haste changes (recognizes haste2 and MG or atleast a toggle), 3 acc tiers that affect all sets, MAB/resit/MBD sets that recognize san for relic+2 head or ni for other head, obis, lugras, fast feet, auto -dt for sleep/terro/etc, enmity tank set, cp mantle, ws sets base on acc tiers, and and most important a futae reognition please! basically all the bells and whistle a nin could use and then some :D.
I am just not smart enough to code this myself.....
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[313 days between previous and next post]
By Gunshin 2017-07-15 01:18:38
Is there a working up to date version of Orest's NIN lua? I have his old one but its getting runtime errors for 'is_sc_element_today' tried removing it completely still got the error
By hushmunkey 2017-07-23 19:27:28
This is just Ores' lua w/his haste update and a casting toggle for free, enmity, and bursting.
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[106 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Bahamut
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Posts: 29
By Bahamut.Witchbane 2017-11-06 13:52:56
So I am looking for a very in depth nin lua. Automatic haste changes (recognizes haste2 and MG or atleast a toggle), 3 acc tiers that affect all sets, MAB/resit/MBD sets that recognize san for relic+2 head or ni for other head, obis, lugras, fast feet, auto -dt for sleep/terro/etc, enmity tank set, cp mantle, ws sets base on acc tiers, and and most important a futae reognition please! basically all the bells and whistle a nin could use and then some :D.
I am just not smart enough to code this myself.....
Azagarth, did you ever find a fully kitted out NINJA lua?
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[65 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Odin
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Posts: 1350
By Odin.Slore 2018-01-10 10:14:18
If he did he did not say. I been watching thread hoping for one to pop up out of the kindness of peoples hearts haha.
Does anyone have a self auto changing lua that changes per haste level? I got one for my blu but recently lost my nin when when I had to reinstall.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1419
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2018-01-10 12:17:08
I thought the hold up was that no one who plays nin is capable of making such a lua... :P
Serveur: Shiva
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Posts: 371
By Shiva.Spynx 2018-01-10 12:44:53
If he did he did not say. I been watching thread hoping for one to pop up out of the kindness of peoples hearts haha.
Does anyone have a self auto changing lua that changes per haste level? I got one for my blu but recently lost my nin when when I had to reinstall.
You can start from this created by Arislan. All his LUAs are amazing both in term of gearset coverage and extra functions (auto-haste detection with haste1/2 toggle, gear equip based on environment/buff conditions, etc). I highly recommend them for literally any job.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 687
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2018-01-10 13:33:13
You're welcome to mine.
Uses toggles for Haste/HasteII. Trust/+3/+7/Honor March for BRDs. Magic Bursting or resistant mobs.
You can construct your own haste tiers in the determine_haste function area, I wrote this area to count the actual haste values from the different sources you were receiving.
By Boshi 2018-01-10 13:39:55
This is the haste rule I use that's originally by Quetzalcoatl.Langly, I just tweaked it a bit and added a toggle for geomancy level when Cornelia came out.
If you want discussion about it Langy originally posted it around page 89 or 90 in the nin guide topic.
The Geo toggle has 3 levels:
first: first geo is 20%, 2nd is a normal geo bubble
2nd: first geo is normal geo bubble, 2nd is 20%
3rd: first geo is idris geo bubble, 2nd is 20%
I've been using this for pretty much all my jobs: RDM & BLU I take the haste toggle off and just make it always haste2, on dnc I just change samba to 10%.
Code function job_setup()
function user_setup()
send_command('bind !h gs c cycle HasteMode')
send_command('bind !m gs c cycle MarchMode')
send_command('bind !g gs c cycle GeoHasteMode')
function user_unload()
send_command('unbind !h')
send_command('unbind !m')
send_command('unbind !g')
function job_buff_change(buff, gain, buff_table)
-- If we gain or lose any haste buffs, adjust which gear set we target.
if S{'haste','march','embrava','haste samba','mighty guard','weakness','slow','elegy'}:contains(buff:lower()) then
elseif state.Buff[buff] ~= nil then
function determine_haste_group()
-- Gearswap can't detect the difference between Haste I and Haste II
-- so use alt+F9 to manually set Haste and alt+F10 to manually set March spell levels.
-- Haste (buffactive[33]) - 15%
-- Haste II (buffactive[33]) - 30%
------------------------------ Haste Samba - 5~10%
-- Honor March - 12~16%
-- Victory March - 15~28%
-- Advancing March - 10~18%
-- Embrava - 25%
-- Mighty Guard (buffactive[604]) - 15%
-- Geo-Haste (buffactive[580]) - 30~40%
h = 0
-- Spell Haste 15/30
if buffactive[33] then
if state.HasteMode.value == 'Haste I' then
h = h + 15
elseif state.HasteMode.value == 'Haste II' then
h = h + 30
--weakness -100%
if buffactive[1] then
h = h - 100
--slow -50%
if buffactive[13] then
h = h - 50
--slow geo -20% -selkit??
if buffactive[565] then
h = h - 20
--elegy big bird one is -100%
if buffactive[194] then
h = h - 100
--samba 5%
if buffactive[370] then
h = h + 5
-- Geo Haste :: 35.4%(Dunna) :: 40.9%(Idris) :: 20% Cornelia Trust
if buffactive[580] then
if state.GeoHasteMode.value == 'Cornelia' then
if buffactive[580] == 2 then
h = h + 20 + 35.4
elseif buffactive[580] == 1 then
h = h + 20
elseif state.GeoHasteMode.value == 'Basic' then
if buffactive[580] == 2 then
h = h + 20 + 35.4
elseif buffactive[580] == 1 then
h = h + 35.4
elseif state.GeoHasteMode.value == 'Idris' then
if buffactive[580] == 2 then
h = h + 20 + 40.9
elseif buffactive[580] == 1 then
h = h + 40.9
-- Mighty Guard :: 15%
if buffactive[604] then
h = h + 15
-- Embrava :: (21% at lvl 99, 25.9% max)
if buffactive.embrava then
h = h + 21
-- March(es)
if buffactive.march then
if state.MarchMode.value == 'Honor' then
if buffactive.march == 2 then
h = h + 27 + 16
elseif buffactive.march == 1 then
h = h + 16
elseif buffactive.march == 3 then
h = h + 27 + 17 + 16
elseif state.MarchMode.value == 'Trusts' then
if buffactive.march == 2 then
h = h + 26
elseif buffactive.march == 1 then
h = h + 16
elseif buffactive.march == 3 then
h = h + 27 + 17 + 16
elseif state.MarchMode.value == '7' then
if buffactive.march == 2 then
h = h + 27 + 17
elseif buffactive.march == 1 then
h = h + 27
elseif buffactive.march == 3 then
h = h + 27 + 17 + 16
elseif state.MarchMode.value == '3' then
if buffactive.march == 2 then
h = h + 13.5 + 20.6
elseif buffactive.march == 1 then
h = h + 20.6
elseif buffactive.march == 3 then
h = h + 27 + 17 + 16
-- Determine CustomMeleeGroups
if h >= -1000 and h < 0 then
add_to_chat('Haste Group: SLOW -- From Haste Total: '..h)
elseif h >= 0 and h < 15 then
add_to_chat('Haste Group: 0% -- From Haste Total: '..h)
elseif h >= 15 and h < 20 then
add_to_chat('Haste Group: 15% -- From Haste Total: '..h)
elseif h >= 20 and h < 25 then
add_to_chat('Haste Group: 20% -- From Haste Total: '..h)
elseif h >= 25 and h < 30 then
add_to_chat('Haste Group: 25% -- From Haste Total: '..h)
elseif h >= 30 and h < 35 then
add_to_chat('Haste Group: 30% -- From Haste Total: '..h)
elseif h >= 35 and h < 40 then
add_to_chat('Haste Group: 35% -- From Haste Total: '..h)
elseif h >= 40 then
add_to_chat('Haste Group: Max -- From Haste Total: '..h)
(Note I was really anal about levels of haste and overdid it, you can simplify it). I changed the names to numerical values for my ease most people do "max" "mid" ect. You can't have a number in the word that's why they're spelled out.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1350
By Odin.Slore 2018-01-10 14:34:05
thanks all!
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 687
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2018-01-10 15:05:17
Hahaha! You really did go nuts with those levels. Love it.
I found I didn't have enough need to change gear that often (for those levels). But I do like the idea of adjusting for cornelia's geo haste vs player characters.
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[526 days between previous and next post]
By Mozer 2019-06-20 09:26:39
Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: »You're welcome to mine.
Uses toggles for Haste/HasteII. Trust/+3/+7/Honor March for BRDs. Magic Bursting or resistant mobs.
You can construct your own haste tiers in the determine_haste function area, I wrote this area to count the actual haste values from the different sources you were receiving.
Ehi guys could you link me any updated NIN lua? Thx
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 430
By Quetzalcoatl.Orestes 2019-06-20 09:46:45
Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: »You're welcome to mine.
Uses toggles for Haste/HasteII. Trust/+3/+7/Honor March for BRDs. Magic Bursting or resistant mobs.
You can construct your own haste tiers in the determine_haste function area, I wrote this area to count the actual haste values from the different sources you were receiving.
Ehi guys could you link me any updated NIN lua? Thx
What exactly does "updated" mean? Are you looking for gear?
That's a solid lua, and no reason why you wouldn't use it.
By Mozer 2019-06-20 09:56:55
I didn’t know if it was outdated after 1 year somehow... Then i’ll use it as template, thx :D
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 430
By Quetzalcoatl.Orestes 2019-06-20 10:34:56
Nah, it'll swap your gears.
I have one too, if you want a little variety. NIN.lua
Was wondering if someone could dropbox their NIN Lua for gearswap. Looking to add this to my classes I have geared since the wardrobe II addition.