got lots of -2dt this campaign on my merlinic items and TH.
1 shalwar w/ -2dt AND 2cure pot received, what a combo xD wouldve been nicer if both where higher but you should always be pleased with what you get!
1 merlinic shalwar got 8 drain/aspir and 1 TH (nice combo item~)
altho TH+1 on chironic body with 13acc (also a bit nice for tping ^.~).
Total count so far is TH+4 on my scholar ^^ besides thief, any other job more benefiting from TH is a solo sch xD
my alt got nice pet augs on his valorous head and legs and heavy acc/att+ on his feet (+40s) and quadrulpe att+3 on his valorous legs. also quadrulp att+3 on his merlnic legs
i though TH3 was the cap for NON THF, is that incorrect?