By Asura.Ayahuasca 2018-11-23 23:17:21
3 years later but I wanted to say that I asked myself same question after getting them 119 cause +15%dmg actually sounds huge, and it is! My merlinic crackows got +15MAB on them with +39MAB (34m.acc and fast cast 3% as well tho) for a total 54MAB, when I'm in freenuking gear i hit 351MAB, while with Empy feet+1 I get back to 297MAB, gain 23 elemental magic skills and under Klimaform + correct weather matched to spell, 15% flat dmg increase after the MAB calculation etc.
Target: matamata near home point in Morimar Basalt Fields
after spamming many times mostly tier II, I always only got 2 results out of my nukes, a full unresisted dmg and a partially resisted nuke dmg. Always same values, 0% magic crit hit or variance, however these are the results:
Merlinic Crackows Stone II unresisted = 6702, resisted = 5280
Empy 119 feet Stone II unresisted = 6882, resisted = 5420
I'm impressed to be honest to see empy+1 feet win against +54 MAB in the feet slot, but numbers say that whenver conditions to make the 15% dmg apply are met, they still totally win in terms of pure raw dmg.
Keep in mind however that you lose depending on your augments up to +40 magic acccuracy, which can lead to worst overall results/resists on higher lvl/magic evasive NMs from endgame!
(p.s. tested without obi equipped)
Edit: forgot also to say that for both sets overall magic dmg+ was 250