Summoner Gearswap (yep Another One :P)

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Summoner Gearswap (yep another one :P)
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By aisukage 2018-08-01 14:43:40
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Asura.Byrne said: »
You can actually comment out longer multiple line sections with


Just by the way :p

Just want to say i know this is like 8 months old but just seen this and is actually awesome to know. i been double dashing each line in certain sections so thanks for this.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [247 days between previous and next post]
Posts: 570
By dustinfoley 2019-04-05 19:35:31
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Just wondering if anyone else is still having an issue with this not unbinding all key binds. I constantly have issues with num pad 123 (assault, release, retreat)

is there a generic unbind all command i can add?
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [43 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Odin.Demandred 2019-05-18 14:07:10
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Would anyone know how to work in Pergatory's code to fix High Lag issues in placed like Omen and Divergence that cause problems switching to Midcast gear in time?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1387
By Asura.Pergatory 2019-05-21 10:06:37
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There's a variable called LagMode, currently at line 48. If you set that to true, it should work better in high-lag situations.

If you only want it on and off in certain situations, you can toggle it in-game with "//gs c LagMode"
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Odin.Demandred 2019-05-23 23:15:48
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I was hoping to merge that bit of code into this lua, but I am just switching to yours for now. I love the HUD, but i need that Lag Mode.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Boq
Posts: 31
By Ragnarok.Boq 2019-05-26 16:08:47
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Perhaps this is a question for Pergatory as I'm using his SMN lua as a base. I can't seem to get it to work such that Asteria and Lamassu Mitts +1 are equipped when Carbuncle and Cait Sith are out. I tried putting this:
function pet_aftercast(spell)
		if pet.isvalid and'Cait Sith' then
		equip({hands="Lamassu Mitts+1"})
		if pet.isvalid and'Carbuncle' then
		equip({hands="Asteria Mitts+1"})

But it doesn't seem to do what I'm looking for. I apologize I'm not particularly savvy with writing these codes. I'd appreciate any input!

full lua:
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1387
By Asura.Pergatory 2019-05-28 10:51:27
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It looks right, but putting it in pet_aftercast() will only equip it at certain times.

Try moving that logic to the end of the idle() function instead (around line 840). That way it's always checked whenever the Lua goes back to your idle gear.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Boq
Posts: 31
By Ragnarok.Boq 2019-05-29 19:39:13
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Hmm. I moved it to within the idle() function and it still doesn't seem to work. The Lua doesn't return an error when reloaded. It's not terribly important I suppose. But I appreciate you taking the time to suggest a fix.


I played around with it some more and managed to get it working. I figured I would update in case anyone in the future is searching for this.

As Pergatory suggested, I added some code in the function idle() section:
		if pet.isvalid and'Cait Sith' and IdleMode=='DT' then
			equip({hands="Lamassu Mitts +1"})
		elseif pet.isvalid and'Cait Sith' and IdleMode=='Refresh' then
			equip({hands="Lamassu Mitts +1"})
		elseif pet.isvalid and'Cait Sith' and IdleMode=='DD' then
			equip({hands="Lamassu Mitts +1"})
		if pet.isvalid and'Carbuncle' and IdleMode=='DT' then
			equip({hands="Asteria Mitts +1"})
		elseif pet.isvalid and'Carbuncle' and IdleMode=='Refresh' then
			equip({hands="Asteria Mitts +1"})
		elseif pet.isvalid and'Carbuncle' and IdleMode=='DD' then
			equip({hands="Asteria Mitts +1"})
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [258 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ayer
Posts: 23
By Asura.Phinneus 2020-02-12 03:21:48
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Tried playing with the lua a bit to add functionality for Siren. I must be missing something. Most of my edits were done in the lib.lua, adding the bloodpacts to the appropriate mappings. They show up on the HUD, but the actual ability won't go off. Anyone working on this?
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Xurion
Posts: 694
By Bismarck.Xurion 2020-02-12 05:34:29
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I haven't looked at the lua but my guess is your Windower resources need an update for it to work.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ayer
Posts: 23
By Asura.Phinneus 2020-02-12 06:28:56
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Bismarck.Xurion said: »
I haven't looked at the lua but my guess is your Windower resources need an update for it to work.

You're probably right. I'll test it out later.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Kaisr
Posts: 23
By Asura.Nilats 2020-03-02 19:48:12
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I added in code for siren, just resubbed to game and added the abilities to the right categories i think but here it is

Lines 235-301
    avatars = S{"Carbuncle", "Fenrir", "Diabolos", "Ifrit", "Titan", "Leviathan", "Garuda", "Shiva", "Ramuh", "Odin", "Alexander", "Cait Sith", "Siren"}
    magicalRagePacts = S{
        'Inferno','Earthen Fury','Tidal Wave','Aerial Blast','Diamond Dust','Judgment Bolt','Searing Light','Howling Moon','Ruinous Omen',
        'Fire II','Stone II','Water II','Aero II','Blizzard II','Thunder II',
        'Fire IV','Stone IV','Water IV','Aero IV','Blizzard IV','Thunder IV','Chaotic strike',
        'Thunderspark','Volt strike','Burning Strike','Meteorite','Nether Blast',
        'Meteor Strike','Conflag Strike','Heavenly Strike','Wind Blade','Geocrush','Crag Throw','Grand Fall','Thunderstorm',
        'Holy Mist','Lunar Bay','Night Terror','Level ? Holy','Impact','Zantetsuken'}
    enticersRagePacts = S{
	    'Impact','Conflag Strike', 'Fire II','Stone II','Water II','Aero II','Blizzard II','Thunder II',
	    'Fire IV','Stone IV','Water IV','Aero IV','Blizzard IV','Thunder IV'
    physicalEnticersRagePacts = S{
		'Mountain Buster','Rock Buster','Crescent Fang','Eclipse Bite','Blindside'
    meritPacts = S{
	    'Heavenly Strike','Wind Blade','Geocrush','Thunderstorm','Meteor Strike','Grand Fall'
    enticersWardPacts = S{
	    'HealingRuby II','Healing Ruby'
    healingWardPacts = S{
	    'HealingRuby II','Healing Ruby'
    hybridPacts = S{
	    'Flaming Crush'
    sets.cpmode = {back="Mecisto. Mantle"}
--    sets.dtmode = {
--	    main="Earth Staff",
--	    left_ring="Gelatinous Ring +1",
--	    right_ring="Defending Ring",
--    }
    pacts = {}
    pacts.cure = {['Carbuncle']='Healing Ruby'}
    pacts.curaga = {['Carbuncle']='Healing Ruby II', ['Garuda']='Whispering Wind', ['Leviathan']='Spring Water'}
    pacts.buffoffense = {['Carbuncle']='Glittering Ruby', ['Ifrit']='Crimson Howl', ['Garuda']='Hastega', ['Garuda']='Hastega II', ['Ramuh']='Rolling Thunder',
        ['Fenrir']='Ecliptic Growl', ['Siren']='Katabatic Blades'}
    pacts.buffdefense = {['Carbuncle']='Shining Ruby', ['Shiva']='Frost Armor', ['Garuda']='Aerial Armor', ['Titan']='Earthen Ward',
        ['Ramuh']='Lightning Armor', ['Fenrir']='Ecliptic Howl', ['Diabolos']='Noctoshield', ['Cait Sith']='Reraise II',['Siren']='Chinook'}

    pacts.buffspecial = {['Ifrit']='Inferno Howl', ['Garuda']='Fleet Wind', ['Titan']='Earthen Armor', ['Diabolos']='Dream Shroud',
        ['Carbuncle']='Soothing Ruby',['Carbuncle']='Pacifying ruby', ['Shiva']='Crystal blessing',['Fenrir']='Heavenward Howl', ['Leviathan']='Soothing current',['Cait Sith']='Raise II',['Siren']='Wind\'s Blessing'}

    pacts.debuff1 = {['Shiva']='Diamond Storm', ['Ramuh']='Shock Squall', ['Leviathan']='Tidal Roar', ['Fenrir']='Lunar Cry',
        ['Diabolos']='Pavor Nocturnus', ['Cait Sith']='Eerie Eye',['Carbuncle']='Soothing Ruby', ['Siren']='Lunatic Voice'}
    pacts.debuff2 = {['Leviathan']='Slowga', ['Fenrir']='Lunar Roar', ['Diabolos']='Somnolence',['Siren']='Bitter Elegy'}
    pacts.sleep = {['Shiva']='Sleepga', ['Diabolos']='Nightmare', ['Cait Sith']='Mewing Lullaby'}
    pacts.nuke2 = {['Ifrit']='Fire II', ['Shiva']='Blizzard II', ['Garuda']='Aero II', ['Titan']='Stone II',
        ['Ramuh']='Thunder II', ['Leviathan']='Water II',['Siren']='Welt'}
    pacts.nuke4 = {['Ifrit']='Fire IV', ['Shiva']='Blizzard IV', ['Garuda']='Aero IV', ['Titan']='Stone IV',
        ['Ramuh']='Thunder IV', ['Leviathan']='Water IV',['Fenrir']='Crescent Fang',['Siren']='Roundhouse'}
    pacts.bp70 = {
	    ['Ifrit']='Flaming Crush', ['Shiva']='Rush', ['Garuda']='Predator Claws', ['Titan']='Mountain Buster',
	    ['Ramuh']='Chaotic Strike', ['Leviathan']='Spinning Dive', ['Carbuncle']='Meteorite', ['Fenrir']='Eclipse Bite',
	    ['Diabolos']='Nether Blast',['Cait Sith']='Regal Scratch',['Siren']='Sonic Buffet'
    pacts.bp75 = {['Ifrit']='Meteor Strike', ['Shiva']='Heavenly Strike', ['Garuda']='Wind Blade', ['Titan']='Geocrush',
        ['Ramuh']='Thunderstorm', ['Leviathan']='Grand Fall', ['Carbuncle']='Holy Mist', ['Fenrir']='Lunar Bay',
        ['Diabolos']='Night Terror', ['Cait Sith']='Level ? Holy',['Siren']='Tornado II'}
    pacts.astralflow = {['Ifrit']='Inferno', ['Shiva']='Diamond Dust', ['Garuda']='Aerial Blast', ['Titan']='Earthen Fury',
        ['Ramuh']='Judgment Bolt', ['Leviathan']='Tidal Wave', ['Carbuncle']='Searing Light', ['Fenrir']='Howling Moon',
        ['Diabolos']='Ruinous Omen', ['Cait Sith']="Altana's Favor",['Siren']='Clarsach Call'}
    pacts.bprage1 = {['Fenrir']='Impact',['Ramuh']='Volt Strike',['Cait Sith']='Regal Gash',['Carbuncle']='Poison Nails',['Ifrit']='Conflag Strike',['Titan']='Crag Throw',['Diabolos']='Blindside',['Leviathan']='Tail Whip',['Siren']='Hysteric Assault'}

Then for summoning I added binding on windows+numpad period

name-SMN.lua line 92
send_command('bind @numpad. gs c smn siren')