So I Was Searching Multicutlural Rap Songs Around

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so i was searching multicutlural rap songs around
Posts: 164
By swaggernaught 2015-09-24 20:30:26
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and of all rap songs this band seem's to be the most acceptable to me they have both cultural middle eastern rap songs and Arabic its very bedouin and gulf accent that make sense if your into Semitic language. rap songs check this out
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if you did not like the first one because it had too much middle eastren * semutisim Arabic culutural poetic high voice songs check this out a rap song from the middle east
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Posts: 164
By swaggernaught 2015-09-24 20:31:35
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look at the left guy in the middle of the video LOOOOOOOL (first video)
By 2015-09-24 20:32:59
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By swaggernaught 2015-09-24 20:36:09
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Josiahkf said: »
How do you feel about Inuit hip hop dub step throat singing?
(Not remixed, the actual tracks)

i dunno what to say iam from the middle east the last hip hop songs i ever listned are from the sub saharan and immortal technique + tech 9 after 2 pac the rest looks so *** up and sounds so *** up but yet again am being honest
Posts: 164
By swaggernaught 2015-09-24 20:38:50
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not only that it does not sound rap as any more i did like pharaoh monch as well but me being honest i like the high pitch in semetic alphabet that adapts rap lets be honest the sub sahrans are the first to rap who ever denies need to research. The sub Saharan's are very very close to Arabic Culture (not talking about Islam alone)
Posts: 164
By swaggernaught 2015-09-24 20:41:21
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So who did enjoy the first song and the second song? the first song is a bedouin arabic Semetic song dedicated to those from the same cuiture as mount sinai and the african bedouin semetic literature to this day Arabs cant understand this language unless they come from a bedouin background as i am. The second song is mostly a multi cultural rap song with arabic + english to attract the new generation
Posts: 164
By swaggernaught 2015-09-24 20:48:49
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Yet no one cares of the development of the middle east the past 10-20 years and people fake to to care the *** is wrong with the west and Britain?
Posts: 164
By swaggernaught 2015-09-24 20:51:25
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People need to *** Change!
Posts: 164
By swaggernaught 2015-09-24 21:01:04
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MY dad is around 80-90 years old right now he told me a story that yemen used to be where all the Arab People came from and they migrated to Saudi arabi + oman and the emirates in which it was called the Hijaz after christanity reached to yemen and the king was so angry that the people converted from judaisim to christanity that he started to burn their houses + villages and kill innocent people therefore people moved to mecca to Ishmael Country + alot of them lived in a Nomadic life style he told me it was what was told from his grand and grand great father before him + his great ancestry before The Islamic Civilization.
By 2015-09-24 21:20:56
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Posts: 164
By swaggernaught 2015-09-24 21:29:55
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Josiahkf said: »
swaggernaught said: »
Josiahkf said: »
How do you feel about Inuit hip hop dub step throat singing?
(Not remixed, the actual tracks)

i dunno what to say iam from the middle east the last hip hop songs i ever listned are from the sub saharan and immortal technique + tech 9 after 2 pac the rest looks so *** up and sounds so *** up but yet again am being honest
Yeah it's good to be honest about it, no worries.

People focus on their location and the people nearby more than worldwide, I think it's just Human nature to.

Lastly I'm at work bud, can't play YouTube videos.

i understand iam going to sleep its 5 am here :D