Trump Talk™
Serveur: Hyperion
Posts: 701
By Drama Torama 2015-08-16 20:54:15
Some of this discussion has gotten pretty personal. Let's tone it down a little, please.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2015-08-16 20:57:25
We export more services than we import, so guess what, we just got a huge unemployment issue that cannot be immediately resolved.
So people in India call customer support and get us or what? What services are we exporting more of than we import? Well, since you don't know anything about businesses, I guess I can answer that for you.
USA exports a lot of research/development services, professional and trade services, and management services. June 2015 showed that US exported $61 billion in services alone, and only imported $41.4 billion
Services are the only thing we really export, we import a lot of real and tangible goods.
I guess you learned something today.
First off, the mods have already cautioned us about personal attacks, yet you attack me in this post and make two remarks about disabilities in the previous. For someone who cried over a jab about pokemon, you don't shy away from inviting ire.
Secondly, we export high dollar professional services and that also includes investment and banking services for foreign investors. By volume we import far more than we export.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-08-16 22:04:39
I didn't attack you. You don't know anything about business, so I was being helpful in your answer.
If you did know anything about business, you would have known the answer before you asked it. Either way, where's the attack?
Secondly, we export high dollar professional services and that also includes investment and banking services for foreign investors. By volume we import far more than we export. I'm sure you have some information on the volume of services we export. Why don't you share that with us?
But I would appreciate it if you just wouldn't guess at your information.... If you want to make a statement, why don't you, you know, bring sources with you? Hell, I hardly ever see you source your thoughts or opinions, let alone actual fact.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2015-08-16 22:50:41
I didn't attack you. You don't know anything about business, so I was being helpful in your answer.
If you did know anything about business, you would have known the answer before you asked it. Either way, where's the attack?
You didn't answer my question, either way. I know the difference between a trade balance and payment balance. The reason there is a positive payment balance is because it includes anything not a physical good, like investing in US companies. It's basically saying that Burger King sells more than Pizza Hut so they must sell more pizza.
I asked which services we export more of than we import...
Quote: Secondly, we export high dollar professional services and that also includes investment and banking services for foreign investors. By volume we import far more than we export. I'm sure you have some information on the volume of services we export. Why don't you share that with us?
But I would appreciate it if you just wouldn't guess at your information.... If you want to make a statement, why don't you, you know, bring sources with you? Hell, I hardly ever see you source your thoughts or opinions, let alone actual fact.
There are only a few major categories where we export more than we import, you can compare them here if you like. Royalties, licensing, FDI... Transportation is the only category we net positive that even has a tangible flow the other way.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 485
By Lakshmi.Deces 2015-08-17 01:02:32
1) Tariffs would bring boat loads of money from American companies who have slave labor as their bottom line in other counties, in time driving manufacturing jobs back into where they belong. Thus allowing millions of Americans to actually have a life and contribute to society & it's debts. So, you want to start paying more for American made products? By all means, go ahead and start doing it.
Most everyone else will not agree with you.
2) Build an physical border that would be for the most part a one time investment, rather than every year employing thousands of worthless border patrol agents who hand out water & bologna sandwiches to illegals, The border wall be bought israel works just fine, so stop your nonsensical arguments now.. Ending this anchor baby nonsense would remove a lot of incentive for the illiterate people who have no respect for this nation & for which it stand. Saving untold 10's if not hundreds of millions in tax payers money for education. That alone could pay for a border wall in a decade.
You have no clue as how much immigration has helped this country. Hell, by "physically" keeping the immigrants out, you still have not even come close to solving the real problem, which is the rampant crime that immigration (legal or not) brings with it.
3) Trade deals, that is a given those deals were written not with Americans (other than a handful) best intentions. I don't understand, you want to get rid of trade deals? If so, how is any of these trade deals, as you put it, not in America's best interest?
4) Or we can continue as we are, start a World War & killing off millions living here effectively hitting the rest button.
Going by your post, you wish for a xenophobic America, cut off from the rest of the world. I hate to break it to you bub, but in today's global economy, by doing that would make America into a 3rd world country. We do not have the means to survive at our level of consumption. A lot of our products are imported not because of "cheap labor" (it's a good reason, but not the main reason) but because we don't have the resources on hand to produce that product, nor the materials (newsflash, most materials "made in America" are imported, but assembled in America to have that stamp on it...) to survive.
We have abundant food and metals, and enough energy to survive, but nothing else. We may be able to create our own building materials for a while, but at the level of growth we have been sustaining for the past few decades, we would run out of those very quickly.
And that's basically it. Everything else we use is generally imported.
What you are demanding is economic suicide. Quote: So, you want to start paying more for American made products? By all means, go ahead and start doing it.
Most everyone else will not agree with you.
You have a false, narrow minded argument there, Since the shitty free trade deals like nafta were implemented allowing a select few companies through lobbying both houses of congress and a presidents signature to be made legal for the exportation of manufacturing to places that have slave labor work conditions, did the product those companies produce become cheaper to the American consumer who they turned their back to? NO, no way in hell, the profits were sucked up to the top. A side affect of these trade deals is that companies who decide not to become unamerican globalists for whatever reason are punished because they have to compete against a globalist company who can now take thier profits and lobby the computation out of existence & preventing small business to grow. Real american huh? Your points are invalid.
Quote: You have no clue as how much immigration has helped this country. Hell, by "physically" keeping the immigrants out, you still have not even come close to solving the real problem, which is the rampant crime that immigration (legal or not) brings with it.
No, it does not come close to solving the problem, but it sure is one hell of a start. I really do not see any benefit from illegal aliens being treated as american citizens, I really hope you are not making that case. Between the drugs, diseases, illiteracy, and exporting money to their worthless families back home promoting artificial population growth allowed in the environment that will only continue to spin a self vicious cycle faster out of control.
Somebody referenced the pos will come under and around the border. Well, put the agents around the border and blockage them. As for going under, sure, maybe a handful will get under while transporting narcotics. But you are a fool to believe that such expensive tunnels would be used to transport illegals, they would be found and shut down before they paid for themselves. Your points are invalid.
Quote: I don't understand, you want to get rid of trade deals? If so, how is any of these trade deals, as you put it, not in America's best interest?
As previously stated above. If you are making the didactic case for how great globalization is, then you are making the case the case of the merits of slavery. Just because you made it in life and have had no problem stomping others back to get where you were & to preserve your prerogative that does not mean your children or grandchildren will have a chance at having a life due to the ambiguities you have created & laid out for them. I would say you handicapped them at your selfish desires. Your point is invalid.
Quote: Going by your post, you wish for a xenophobic America, cut off from the rest of the world. I hate to break it to you bub, but in today's global economy, by doing that would make America into a 3rd world country. We do not have the means to survive at our level of consumption. A lot of our products are imported not because of "cheap labor" (it's a good reason, but not the main reason) but because we don't have the resources on hand to produce that product, nor the materials (newsflash, most materials "made in America" are imported, but assembled in America to have that stamp on it...) to survive.
We have abundant food and metals, and enough energy to survive, but nothing else. We may be able to create our own building materials for a while, but at the level of growth we have been sustaining for the past few decades, we would run out of those very quickly.
And that's basically it. Everything else we use is generally imported.
What you are demanding is economic suicide.
How is that Utopian globalist economy thingie working out for us & the rest of the world? Our so called service sector economy is a joke that is unsustainable. our education system is pathetic and can not sustain your myth, Yeah, lets H-1b visa all of america's jobs to infinity & beyond. Much of that consumption, maybe 1/6 are from people how have no right being in this country. Materials or raw materials? America has just about every raw material I can think of, excluding maybe some rare earth minerals (they are named that for a reason) and we can buy them or exploit the counties that do have them America has never had a problem doing that.....
Take a look at the world and you will see everything you made the case for that we have been doing, is what is wrong with what we have been doing and has been "economic suicide". Everything I stated would promote growth & put Americans back to work, you on the other hand argue how great the selling out American jobs is & this country for the disillusion machination of slavery. Your points are all invalid.
I think I have finally met the first person who supports jeb bush. Gross, my party sickens me more & more every day.
Just remember, if history is par for course, a bush does not defeat a clinton.
I'm trying to figure out who best represents you & your views in the following, I think it is Eleanor Clift.
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By Vectivus 2015-08-17 03:12:17
Well said deces. I too agree that America would better off with all those points besides the wall thing. It just reminds me of Germany when it was split in two. We just need to oust immigration officials who do not comply with deportation and install those who would.
Also to add the United States of America was not xenophobic before we started the league of nation's then the United nations. We still had international trade without treatise. So this nonsense that it would be the downfall of the nation is false. Your absolutely right about globalization as well it had not served the United States of America's interest at all and only benefits multinational corporations who I think personally are traitors. Meanwhile local business gets the shaft from competition with slave waged nations out of these trade deals. I'm not a fan of world government. I believe in national sovereignty. That does not mean I can't be friends or do business with folks from around the world. Thanks for being a patriot deces.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 485
By Lakshmi.Deces 2015-08-17 05:45:19
Thank you, I usually agree with just about everything kingnobody says, but the only thing he brought against me was, wasted rectitude of the mind.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-08-17 07:15:50
You didn't answer my question, either way. I did answer your question. You asked:
What services are we exporting more of than we import?
Which I replied:
USA exports a lot of research/development services, professional and trade services, and management services. June 2015 showed that US exported $61 billion in services alone, and only imported $41.4 billion
Your own source even showed that.
So, what are you bitching about now?
There are only a few major categories where we export more than we import, you can compare them here if you like. Royalties, licensing, FDI... Transportation is the only category we net positive that even has a tangible flow the other way. Actually, I don't even think you read your own source. Or know how to read it.
Out of all the services we export/import, only Insurance Service do we import more than we export. Look at pages 8 and 9 and compare each category to each other. Make sure to use the right numbers too. I have faith that you won't fail.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9983
By Asura.Saevel 2015-08-17 07:28:06
Well to be perfectly honest the USA needs to get protectionist with it's domestic economy. Right now we are the only country playing by the rules and honoring our trade agreements. We make these agreements that are supposed to allow trade between countries without restrictions yet all our trade partners have instituted various domestic policies aimed at curtailing imports and keeping their domestic production competitive against foreign production. Right now we are the only ones not doing this and it shows with the massive trade imbalance.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-08-17 07:36:47
You have a false, narrow minded argument there, Since the shitty free trade deals like nafta were implemented allowing a select few companies through lobbying both houses of congress and a presidents signature to be made legal for the exportation of manufacturing to places that have slave labor work conditions, did the product those companies produce become cheaper to the American consumer who they turned their back to? NO, no way in hell, the profits were sucked up to the top. A side affect of these trade deals is that companies who decide not to become unamerican globalists for whatever reason are punished because they have to compete against a globalist company who can now take thier profits and lobby the computation out of existence & preventing small business to grow. Real american huh? Your points are invalid. Sure, whatever you say bub.
Say, do you know about the economic theory called "Supply and Demand"? I'm sure if you look it up, and apply it to real world situations prior, and even apply it to historical price of goods (adjusted for inflation of course, because inflation is what drives the nominal price up, but not the real price), you would see how silly your argument is.
Actually, I have to ask you, do you even have any secondary education? Because it sounds like you are parroting a bunch of talking points without any real thought into it at all....
No, it does not come close to solving the problem, but it sure is one hell of a start. I really do not see any benefit from illegal aliens being treated as american citizens, I really hope you are not making that case. Between the drugs, diseases, illiteracy, and exporting money to their worthless families back home promoting artificial population growth allowed in the environment that will only continue to spin a self vicious cycle faster out of control.
Somebody referenced the pos will come under and around the border. Well, put the agents around the border and blockage them. As for going under, sure, maybe a handful will get under while transporting narcotics. But you are a fool to believe that such expensive tunnels would be used to transport illegals, they would be found and shut down before they paid for themselves. Your points are invalid. A) Let me ask you this then: Are immigrants human to you? Or are they just second-classed citizens? Hell, do you even live in an area where illegal immigration is a problem?
B) Another set of questions: By stopping immigration by physically making a border, are you really stopping the flow of drugs and crime in the nation? Do you not realize that most of our crime is created by citizens themselves, and thanks to technology, drugs can be home-grown right here in the USA?
C) How about illiteracy? Is that an immigrant-only problem, or a social issue that really needs to be addressed by education reform? Is there really an illiteracy issue at all? What is the illiteracy rate here in the US?
D) Exporting money? I know that immigrants (legal or not) exports money from the US to their families at their homes, but what of it? How is that hurting our economy now?
As previously stated above. If you are making the didactic case for how great globalization is, then you are making the case the case of the merits of slavery. Just because you made it in life and have had no problem stomping others back to get where you were & to preserve your prerogative that does not mean your children or grandchildren will have a chance at having a life due to the ambiguities you have created & laid out for them. I would say you handicapped them at your selfish desires. Your point is invalid.
Wait, what? Are you saying that, without these trade deals, these "so-called slavery" wouldn't exist in these countries we import from? Are you saying that we institutionalized the slavery ourselves just so we can get cheaper products? Your ramblings are getting random now....
How is that Utopian globalist economy thingie working out for us & the rest of the world? Our so called service sector economy is a joke that is unsustainable. our education system is pathetic and can not sustain your myth, Yeah, lets H-1b visa all of america's jobs to infinity & beyond. Much of that consumption, maybe 1/6 are from people how have no right being in this country. Materials or raw materials? America has just about every raw material I can think of, excluding maybe some rare earth minerals (they are named that for a reason) and we can buy them or exploit the counties that do have them America has never had a problem doing that..... Services are what we export more than import. Jassik's and my sources prove that. It's really the only thing we export anymore, we import far more things, including food, textiles, and parts, than anything else.
We cannot produce for ourselves the components needed or the products consumed by American citizens by ourselves, we would have imported such products, and have been for centuries. I wish I could tell you the specifics, but I'm afraid that it will go over your head and you will just cross it out/ignore it anyway.
But while we are going at extremes, why don't you do this for us: Go out in the middle of the woods and live by yourself without any outside help for a week, and come back and report to us how well you handled yourself. Remember, you cannot get any help from anyone at all, so you will have to be naked without camping gear, just roaming the wilds surviving on your own. That is basically what you are asking the US to do.
Take a look at the world and you will see everything you made the case for that we have been doing, is what is wrong with what we have been doing and has been "economic suicide". Why don't you tell us what your thought of "economic suicide" is, and what we are doing to create it. I think we can all use a good laugh.
Everything I stated would promote growth & put Americans back to work, you on the other hand argue how great the selling out American jobs is & this country for the disillusion machination of slavery. How would it promote growth when you just restrained it? Tell us how this is not restraining growth first, then tell us how it is promoting it. Go on.
I think I have finally met the first person who supports jeb bush. Gross, my party sickens me more & more every day.
Just remember, if history is par for course, a bush does not defeat a clinton. Actually, I support Scott Walker, and I will thank you for not making assumptions. Just ask next time.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-08-17 07:39:32
Well to be perfectly honest the USA needs to get protectionist with it's domestic economy. Right now we are the only country playing by the rules and honoring our trade agreements. We make these agreements that are supposed to allow trade between countries without restrictions yet all our trade partners have instituted various domestic policies aimed at curtailing imports and keeping their domestic production competitive against foreign production. Right now we are the only ones not doing this and it shows with the massive trade imbalance. That I will agree with. However, it's not to the point of no return, and I don't think it will get to that point.
Our consumption of goods is too great for it to get to that, and we are so very much wanting to export anything that we are willing to overlook a few bad players (mainly countries who aren't as economically strong as we are). Only real trade partner that we have a problem with is China, and like hell they will play by anyone's rules.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-08-17 07:41:32
Also to add the United States of America was not xenophobic before we started the league of nation's then the United nations. We still had international trade without treatise. So this nonsense that it would be the downfall of the nation is false. Your absolutely right about globalization as well it had not served the United States of America's interest at all and only benefits multinational corporations who I think personally are traitors. Meanwhile local business gets the shaft from competition with slave waged nations out of these trade deals. I'm not a fan of world government. I believe in national sovereignty. That does not mean I can't be friends or do business with folks from around the world. Thanks for being a patriot deces. We also did not have the technology nor the ability to transport goods/services like we did in the 1800s. To fall back on those policies like you are advocating is ludicrous at best...
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9983
By Asura.Saevel 2015-08-17 08:12:30
Well to be perfectly honest the USA needs to get protectionist with it's domestic economy. Right now we are the only country playing by the rules and honoring our trade agreements. We make these agreements that are supposed to allow trade between countries without restrictions yet all our trade partners have instituted various domestic policies aimed at curtailing imports and keeping their domestic production competitive against foreign production. Right now we are the only ones not doing this and it shows with the massive trade imbalance. That I will agree with. However, it's not to the point of no return, and I don't think it will get to that point.
Our consumption of goods is too great for it to get to that, and we are so very much wanting to export anything that we are willing to overlook a few bad players (mainly countries who aren't as economically strong as we are). Only real trade partner that we have a problem with is China, and like hell they will play by anyone's rules.
Every last one of our trade partners has implemented some form of domestic policy aimed at curtaining imports. And yes it has gotten that bad. China is just the most brazen of them, but Germany, UK, Italy, Japan, South Korea and Sweden all have either economic or social policies aimed at reducing foreign imports. And those are just the ones I know off the top of my head.
The one I am the most intimate with is South Korea, a country we have a FTA with. Now under this FTA, most US products are allowed to be sold in SK without having to pay an import tax or face import restrictions. In reality this doesn't happen. Any foreign produced product is subject to various "luxury" taxes that frequently total over 100% the value of the product. Furthermore they are also subject to various sales taxes and face stringent administrative overhead because of the paperwork required to track their distribution and sale. The overall result of this is a pair of Levi's 514 designer jeans costing 258,000 KRW (@220 USD at current exchange rates). The only places that carry those are big department stores because they are the only ones that can comply with the administrative red tape.
Duty calculator
Only supposed to be ~23% tax on them, yet realized tax is far far higher.
Domestic branded jeans on the other hand are not subjected to this tax. Further the shops that sell those domestic brands aren't required to keep such stringent books and frequently offer 10~20% discounts for cash purchases which go off the books. This is a pattern that is present in everything from food to books to automobiles. Anything domestically produced is cheaper usually by a factor of 2~3 then anything imported. Yet their own products are sold at value inside the USA.
Japan has a similar system setup, while European countries have domestic policies that focus on creating a social stigma around using non-local branded products. A form of economic nationalism and lowers demand for foreign products while increasing demand of domestic. They also employ various domestic taxes though not as horribly lopsided as Japan and Korea.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-08-17 08:20:31
I still don't think these taxes are as big of an issue as you say though.
Yeah, it curtails American products a lot, but it's not specific towards American goods though. That luxury tax is commonplace in smaller countries that cannot rely on GDP on sustaining itself as much as we can.
Those taxes are shitty, but at least it's not outright theft of product and intellectual property that China does. I think international copyright laws are more important to a global economy than luxury taxes aimed at high brand, high quality goods (I'm sure there are some domestic products in SK that fall under that tax too).
Serveur: Hyperion
Posts: 701
By Drama Torama 2015-08-17 08:33:25
It's ridiculous that I have to remind people of this, but reporting things because you disagree with them is a surefire path to losing access to the report button. Save it for the actual attacks and harassment.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2015-08-17 09:44:01
You didn't answer my question, either way. I did answer your question. You asked:
What services are we exporting more of than we import?
Which I replied:
USA exports a lot of research/development services, professional and trade services, and management services. June 2015 showed that US exported $61 billion in services alone, and only imported $41.4 billion
Your own source even showed that.
So, what are you bitching about now?
I'm not "bitching" about anything. I was making a point about the broad category of "services" when things like capital investment and royalties/licensing are tied up in it. Most of the cashflow comes from those, not from actually providing a service. We don't produce a net positive flow of service products, we just sell brand names, stocks, and dollars to outside investors. By the way, that also doesn't include capital inversions.
FYI, there are many schools of thought in business and this is economics anyway. I don't need to throw around trade lingo to try and prove my knowledge, but I also don't subscribe to the high risk/short term strategies that have caused a lot of instability and spawned all manor of shady and dishonest profit whoring at the expense of small investors.
Asura.Floppyseconds said: »Some of this discussion has gotten pretty personal. Let's tone it down a little, please.
Yes, but you see.
This is a Torama:
and this is what I see:
Oh my, I didn't even notice that. He's not a Drama Torama, he's a Drama Couerl!
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
By Siren.Mosin 2015-08-17 09:48:51
I remembered over the weekend that trump sued bill mahar for calling him an 'orangutan'...
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2015-08-17 09:52:19
I remembered over the weekend that trump sued bill mahar for calling him an 'orangutan'...
Sorta, Mahar made a joke about Trump's "agreement" with Obama. The one about how he'd donated a million to charity if Obama could prove he wasn't a Kenyan. So, Mahar's joke was that he'd donate 5 million to charity if the donald could prove he wasn't the result of a drunken romp between his mom and an orangutan. Trump sent him a short form birth certificate and demanded he pay up, then sued him when he didn't. I guess the lawsuit got dropped at some point.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
By Siren.Mosin 2015-08-17 09:54:24
aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww yeah, those whiskeys must be doing their job & killing brain cells after all!
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11477
By Garuda.Chanti 2015-08-17 10:11:23
Why is that King? Why are most things imported? Could it have anything with free trade agreements offshoring our jobs and helping hollow out the middle class? Possibly even with St. Ronald the President singly handedly changing us from the largest creditor in the world to the largest debtor in the world? Chanti, this is where we stop you from your crazy dementia and try to bring you back to the real world.
This is not a political issue. I don't care how you want to spin it, America is not as full of resources as you would like for us to think it is. We have quite enough resources to export raw materials. When you export raw materials you export jobs.
Quote: Or do you want us to go to a xenophobic America like crazy-guy up there? Have you even thought about it, what a xenophobic America would be like? Sure, we can grow most of our food and survive like that, but where will we get textiles from? Cotton is nice and all, but how can we grow both enough cotton and enough food for the whole nation? We don't even have enough farmers on hand to do that. We still grow cotton. We once had a thriving textile industry. We used to export cloth and clothing. Today we export cotton.
Quote: Then there are building materials. Sure, we can destroy forests to build for a year, and destroy another forest to build for another year, and so on/so forth. Eventually after a few years the first forest will grow back but our demand will just increase from there. Also, there isn't enough ore in the country to create the steel we will need for our growing society either. But yet we export logs.
And thanks to Mittens we no longer have the knowledge base to make specialty steel either.
Quote: Not to mention that a lot of our economy is international driven. We export more services than we import, so guess what, we just got a huge unemployment issue that cannot be immediately resolved. Once we made things in this country. Today we design web pages for people who make stuff for us. And import web page designers on h1B visas to do it.
Quote: Also, we just kicked out our foreign investments. So, there's more jobs that just went down the hole.
So, tell us how you expect us to survive as a xenophobic nation, shutting our borders completely down and destroying any and all trade between nations. You would have rioting in the streets by the end of the week when you do that! I amn't calling for closed borders. I am saying that to export raw materials rather than finished products is foolish.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2015-08-17 10:47:47
I remembered over the weekend that trump sued bill mahar for calling him an 'orangutan'...
Although this was silly, I would like to see lawmakers make it a crime to falsely accuse someone of racism. In 2015 and the age of social media, nothing is more damaging to a person's character, reputation or brand than to be accused of racism. It is thrown around too freely and easily. You can't just go around falsely accusing someone of being a child molester and the damage done to someone isn't far off from being branded a racist.
It should have civil liability as well.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2015-08-17 10:53:03
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »I remembered over the weekend that trump sued bill mahar for calling him an 'orangutan'...
Although this was silly, I would like to see lawmakers make it a crime to falsely accuse someone of racism. In 2015 and the age of social media, nothing is more damaging to a person's character, reputation or brand than to be accused of racism. It is thrown around too freely and easily. You can't just go around falsely accusing someone of being a child molester and the damage done to someone isn't far off from being branded a racist.
It should have civil liability as well.
There already is a law against it, it's called defamation. Slander doesn't apply to people in the public eye.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2015-08-17 11:10:13
It's not enough and it should apply to people in the public eye. It is beyond slander and worthy of it's own law.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2015-08-17 11:16:23
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »It's not enough and it should apply to people in the public eye. It is beyond slander and worthy of it's own law.
How is it not enough? If there is a calculable financial injury from false statements made against you, you can claim defamation. Slander shouldn't apply to people in the public eye because it would drastically infringe on the first amendment. You aren't entitled to the same privacy if you have chosen to be in public eye as those who do not choose to. Changing that would require a constitutional amendment, and there is no way congress would pass a law that would half of them in court.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2015-08-17 11:25:49
Slander or libel do not cover enough the damage that being called a racist does to someone in America. The damage does is incalculable it is so large and beyond just financial damage.
It can apply to people in the public eye because it would not be slander. The injury done to someone by calling them a racist is worse than doing physical damage to someone. It is not legal to physically harm someone in the public eye.
False claims of racism are worthy of a new law.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2015-08-17 12:07:13
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »Slander or libel do not cover enough the damage that being called a racist does to someone in America. The damage does is incalculable it is so large and beyond just financial damage.
It can apply to people in the public eye because it would not be slander. The injury done to someone by calling them a racist is worse than doing physical damage to someone. It is not legal to physically harm someone in the public eye.
False claims of racism are worthy of a new law.
I hear a lot more racist statements than I hear people calling them racist. But, you're so focused on false accusations, you realize that half the Republican party would be in deep ***over the stuff they've said about Obama that is objectively false, right?
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3686
By Phoenix.Amandarius 2015-08-17 12:20:37
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »Slander or libel do not cover enough the damage that being called a racist does to someone in America. The damage does is incalculable it is so large and beyond just financial damage.
It can apply to people in the public eye because it would not be slander. The injury done to someone by calling them a racist is worse than doing physical damage to someone. It is not legal to physically harm someone in the public eye.
False claims of racism are worthy of a new law.
I hear a lot more racist statements than I hear people calling them racist. But, you're so focused on false accusations, you realize that half the Republican party would be in deep ***over the stuff they've said about Obama that is objectively false, right?
I am talking specifically about making false accusations of racism against individuals. I am not going to get into some vague argument where you imply half of Republicans are racists, there are no racist Democrats and Democrats always tell the truth.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2015-08-17 12:32:03
Phoenix.Amandarius said: »Phoenix.Amandarius said: »Slander or libel do not cover enough the damage that being called a racist does to someone in America. The damage does is incalculable it is so large and beyond just financial damage.
It can apply to people in the public eye because it would not be slander. The injury done to someone by calling them a racist is worse than doing physical damage to someone. It is not legal to physically harm someone in the public eye.
False claims of racism are worthy of a new law.
I hear a lot more racist statements than I hear people calling them racist. But, you're so focused on false accusations, you realize that half the Republican party would be in deep ***over the stuff they've said about Obama that is objectively false, right?
I am talking specifically about making false accusations of racism against individuals. I am not going to get into some vague argument where you imply half of Republicans are racists, there are no racist Democrats and Democrats always tell the truth.
I didn't say anything about racism, I'm taking about slander. You want a law that makes it illegal to falsely accuse someone of racism. How would you quantify a false accusation? Look at the cop that shot the kid in Ferguson. He made statements about black families while discounting that his own messed up childhood had any effect on him. Would you persecute people who called him racist? Does someone have to use a racial slur to be racist? What about preferential racism? What penalty would you assign to the crime?
By fonewear 2015-08-17 12:35:09
Why do people care if someone is racist ? That question to me is more intriguing. Like is it your sole mission in life to end racism ? Aren't there more important things in life (family friends etc) than to be a social justice warrior ?
Quote: US TV network NBC is cutting ties with Donald Trump over "recent derogatory statements" that the veteran businessman made about immigrants.
NBC said the company would now not be airing the Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants that are co-owned by Mr Trump.
Responding to the announcement, Mr Trump said he would consider suing NBC.
Earlier this month, he accused Mexicans of adding drugs and crime to the US as he announced he was seeking the Republican presidential nomination.
"They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some I assume are good people, but I speak to border guards, and they tell us what we are getting," he said in his speech on 16 June.
He also pledged to build a "great wall" on the US border with Mexico and insisted it would be paid for by Mexicans.
He later insisted he was criticising US lawmakers, not Mexican people. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-33321290
I'm honestly surprised with some of the shit he says. Even though I probably shouldn't be.