FFVII Remake... It's Official! (Discussion)

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FFVII Remake... It's official! (Discussion)
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Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 235
By Cerberus.Laconic 2015-06-17 21:46:53
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Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kawar
Posts: 1774
By Sylph.Kawar 2015-06-17 21:47:25
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Asura.Vyre said: »
Shiva.Onorgul said: »
I wonder if this will make the story tolerable. Or even comprehensible. In fairness, that's a problem most Final Fantasy games have, even if you don't get sucked into spending 15 hours on sidequests.

Hey, y'know what'd make me actually give a damn about this tripe? In addition to giving the characters personalities and story arcs (seriously, excise Cloud, Aerith, and Sephiroth, and it's a peanut gallery of stereotypes with static motivations), how about making the characters meaningfully different? They're just Materia slots with a small handful of useful Limit Breaks and a couple ultimate weapons that vary in degree of tediousness.

But, again, in fairness, it's not like FFVI was a lot better and people wank off about that convoluted mess with a pointless second half nearly as much as FFVII.

If Squaresoft wants to see any of my money ever again, make an offline version of the FFXI stories. Tell me any of you wouldn't kill to roll up a character like the one you played, then go around recruiting party members like how the Trust system vaguely works in order to play a classic Final Fantasy game in Vana'diel. And, hey, except for Chains of Promathia, it's a reasonably comprehensible story, too, and the closest it comes to emo whining is when "Crawling in My Skin" starts up whenever Zeid appears on screen.

Genuine question: you lot who are whining about "Oh god, I hope it's a remaster and not a remake," why would you want a remaster? Oh boy, now the characters don't look like origami polio victims and Cloud's forearms aren't bigger than his legs. So what? If I need to wave my JRPG fanboy willy around in the air right now, I'm a Dragon Quest man. I adored Dragon Warrior IV and played the hell out of it. The only reason I prefer the DS remake is because, duh, it adds some needed gameplay improvements and extra content. If it was just a graphical update, I'd yawn.

If you really need those full-motion Tifa jiggle physics to get off now that you're no longer 12-years-old, there's plenty of that on DeviantArt.
Guys, I found a troll.
I second that for once people are not trying to make the case i am a troll.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kawar
Posts: 1774
By Sylph.Kawar 2015-06-17 21:51:21
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Odin.Jsmooth said: »
People seem so worried about what they are going to change! I welcome whatever SE puts out. If I wanted the same game, I'd play the original! This remake will most likely not be better than ps1 release. You know the story and the outcome already! Updated graphics, voice overs, added cutscenes, whatever they add or change, the original is still the original. I agree with SE's outlook on what this game will be, not a port, but a remake.

Being able to relive the game in whatever fashion SE decides is more then enough for me to buy it and play it!
i said this from the time i heard about this on the stream. you could tell me the game is 500 bucks and i would buy it. from what they said in the video it sounds like some new big bady. Please make a cameo for sep that is all i want. do not bring him back yes he was and is the best boss next to jet in my option and the clown from 6 out of all the ff game bosses and story villeins. but bring a dead guy back would i do not know *** up the story.also the point of a remake is to do something new and still add to the old story in some way.

I a very die hard ff7 welcome this with open arms and i cant wait.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13624
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-06-17 21:53:03
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Er, Kawar, it's not a sequel. Sephiroth will be there.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Viciouss
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By Shiva.Viciousss 2015-06-17 22:01:31
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VII is not without flaws and I'm positive Nomura knows every single one of them and will try to address them while remaining true to the premise.
Materia wasn't the best system (to be truly honest, it is the worst along with FF8's draw system) as the only thing that really separated the characters was their limit breaks and a lot of them were crap. Sure the positive was you could play with the characters you liked but there was no job/class system. And I think this is one of the changes Nomura can make, give each character a specific role in battle.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Highwynd
Posts: 726
By Asura.Highwynn 2015-06-17 22:06:57
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Shiva.Viciousss said: »
VII is not without flaws and I'm positive Nomura knows every single one of them and will try to address them while remaining true to the premise.
Materia wasn't the best system (to be truly honest, it is the worst along with FF8's draw system) as the only thing that really separated the characters was their limit breaks and a lot of them were crap. Sure the positive was you could play with the characters you liked but there was no job/class system. And I think this is one of the changes Nomura can make, give each character a specific role in battle.

That was the point. Create a classless system which had never been tried before. I applaud them for the materia system because it allowed you to customize your character and "multiclass" them. In a way there was a job system, except the players aren't what leveled up, the jobs were the materia, and each new materia was the equivalent of a job level up or purchasing a new spell, metaphorically speaking. Getting the Throw materia would be an FF5 equivalent of unlocking Ninja, or finding the Comet materianwould be the equivalent of buying a Level 7 black magic spell.

It even let you "build your own class" because each materia had stat bonuses and penalties. If you create a mage, their magic power and MP and increase but your strength will suffer. Equip summon spells and they become like a summoner, which historically had lower hp than fighters, thus summons reduced your max hp, etc
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 145
By Cerberus.Kaeviathan 2015-06-17 22:11:21
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Megumi Takayama said: »
Josiahkf said: »
I bet the success or reception of this remake will decide whether others in the series get the same treatment so I'd hold off for now.

I really hope they hire David Scully for Barret

Nah, it's gotta be Mr. T.
Barret is the only character in the FF universe that I have changed the name. It wasn't something against it, it just seemed more suitable to me for Barret to be named Mr. T at the time.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: koumei
Posts: 1052
By Ragnarok.Kongming 2015-06-17 22:12:14
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Cerberus.Laconic said: »
Is this supposed to be deliberately ironic?

I mean, kids these days are pretty stupid so I honestly can't tell
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Finuve
Posts: 63
By Garuda.Finuve 2015-06-17 22:17:23
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as long as they dont do something stupid like ape 15's combat and make it an action RPG or remove the world map this should be good. They've already alluded to things like cross-dressing scene still being there so the charm of the original should pull through
By 2015-06-17 22:18:00
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Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13624
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-06-17 22:19:48
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The materia system isn't going anywhere. It's too entrenched in the story. They may specialize the character "jobs" a tad, but even then it isn't quite as cut and dry with the FFVII characters. Yeah, some more obviously fit job tropes than others (Yuffie=thief, Tifa=monk, Cid=dragoon), but the characters were never designed to be so one-dimensional in combat.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Naten
Posts: 1979
By Asura.Natenn 2015-06-17 22:53:01
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Materia system was awesome, they'll add materia/new sidequests/online features for gold saucer maby? Its going to be a looooong waitt though i think ><
By Draylo 2015-06-17 22:56:18
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Cerberus.Laconic said: »

The 90's were the best
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Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: JeanPaul
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-06-17 23:01:20
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It's not official until we get some more Hey Arnold.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 94
By Odin.Jsmooth 2015-06-17 23:01:20
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That meme should of listed "Terminator" also!
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: cevkiv
Posts: 549
By Asura.Ivlilla 2015-06-17 23:06:42
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Asura.Highwynn said: »
Nojima wrote FF7, AC, and CC, we have to just trust in him. The story is virtually his child, he's the George Lucas of the FF7 world.

You do understand the problem with Episodes 1, 2, and 3 was that, unlike Episodes 4, 5, and 6, there was no one to tell George Lucas he was a *** idiot, no one who could reel him in when he was a *** idiot, and no one who could veto his decisions?

The major reason that Episodes 1, 2 and 3 suck as hard as they do is because of George Lucas. I mean, "He's *** George Lucas, are YOU going to tell him he's wrong about Star Wars?" is what pumped out three shitty movies.

"You're tearing me apart", "Younglings", etc, etc
Posts: 12932
By Pantafernando 2015-06-17 23:26:52
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Shiva.Onorgul said: »
I'm a Dragon Quest man. I adored Dragon Warrior IV and played the hell out of it. The only reason I prefer the DS remake is because, duh, it adds some needed gameplay improvements and extra content. If it was just a graphical update, I'd yawn.

I really liked lots of dragon quests games, namely dragon quest 3 (that i played in my gbc), the trilogy 4-5-6 (though i just played 4 and 5, and jesus, dq5 is epic), 8 was awesome, and for some reason i couldnt play 7 (i think at time, i couldnt bear playing as a fisherman) and 9.

But 2 things i never liked dragon quests series: first is the voiceless main protagonist. Some people says its because it personifies the player in the main char, but imo, the good story/game always start with a good protagonist, that you think interesting, and i never could symphatize with a mute guy. Second is the horrible first person battle. Man, imagine your kogarasumaru you worked half a year to create, after so many pain and blood to... Just to see a scratch in the screen... Seriously.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Naten
Posts: 1979
By Asura.Natenn 2015-06-18 01:34:53
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its gonna be the greatest thing ever, stop hating on ff7. i been watchin reaction to the remake videos for hours everyone acted like i did, we got emotional and excited as hell.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9814
By Asura.Saevel 2015-06-18 03:12:05
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Asura.Highwynn said: »
Shiva.Viciousss said: »
VII is not without flaws and I'm positive Nomura knows every single one of them and will try to address them while remaining true to the premise.
Materia wasn't the best system (to be truly honest, it is the worst along with FF8's draw system) as the only thing that really separated the characters was their limit breaks and a lot of them were crap. Sure the positive was you could play with the characters you liked but there was no job/class system. And I think this is one of the changes Nomura can make, give each character a specific role in battle.

That was the point. Create a classless system which had never been tried before. I applaud them for the materia system because it allowed you to customize your character and "multiclass" them. In a way there was a job system, except the players aren't what leveled up, the jobs were the materia, and each new materia was the equivalent of a job level up or purchasing a new spell, metaphorically speaking. Getting the Throw materia would be an FF5 equivalent of unlocking Ninja, or finding the Comet materianwould be the equivalent of buying a Level 7 black magic spell.

It even let you "build your own class" because each materia had stat bonuses and penalties. If you create a mage, their magic power and MP and increase but your strength will suffer. Equip summon spells and they become like a summoner, which historically had lower hp than fighters, thus summons reduced your max hp, etc

This is all fine and dandy ...in theory, but in practice all it leads to is players discovering some OP combo and abusing the living sh!t out of it. Just like they do in every other game system.

You didn't "create your own class", you would find out which matria had the best Min/Max ratio and build around abusing that. Mimic + KoTR linked to HP Absorb along with the Master Matria being game braking as f*ck. It was worse then FFVI's magicite system.

The gameplay was great, the story was good though I feel it was extremely / immature while trying to be serious, but hey it's a game so I let it slide. I absolutely loved the characters, I only wish they were a bit more unique statistically and ability wise. Not as bad as FFXII's "every character is identical at the end of the game" though.
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2015-06-18 06:51:56
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Shiva.Viciousss said: »
Materia wasn't the best system (to be truly honest, it is the worst along with FF8's draw system
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4009
By Odin.Godofgods 2015-06-18 08:17:07
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materia was a fine system. I was to young the very first time i played it to rly understand it lol

heres hoping they dont change the w-item glitch tho... One of the best glitches ever!
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2015-06-18 08:22:49
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Odin.Godofgods said: »
materia was a fine system. I was to young the very first time i played it to rly understand it lol

heres hoping they dont change the w-item glitch tho... One of the best glitches ever!
I'd be fine with fixing it as long as they fix some of the item rates, but hey.
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Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: tidis
Posts: 3927
By Cerberus.Tidis 2015-06-18 08:24:44
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When I get to Costa del Sol I will yet again get Big Guard, I always do it and I always will.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4009
By Odin.Godofgods 2015-06-18 08:28:24
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Jetackuu said: »
Odin.Godofgods said: »
materia was a fine system. I was to young the very first time i played it to rly understand it lol

heres hoping they dont change the w-item glitch tho... One of the best glitches ever!
I'd be fine with fixing it as long as they fix some of the item rates, but hey.

elixer use and stat maxing would just take to long without it
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4009
By Odin.Godofgods 2015-06-18 08:30:26
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The ‘Final Fantasy VII’ Remake Will Make Changes To The Game’s Story And Gameplay

Perhaps the biggest story of this year’s E3 was that Square Enix has finally relented to fan demands and will be remaking Final Fantasy VII. Not a re-release or remastering, but a full, from-the-ground-up remake. So, the question becomes, what kind of changes can we expect for this new version of Final Fantasy VII?

Yhe new Final Fantasy VII will obviously have much better graphics, but, according to Final Fantasy producer Tetsuya Nomura, the remake will be much more than an aesthetic overhaul.

“I can’t get go into details, but this is not a simple remake. Let’s say for argument’s sake that we only pretty up the graphics for current gen hardware, I don’t think that would surpass the original version.

The original version is a game that came out in 1997, and if you look at it today, you can feel how dated the graphics and the game system are. We haven’t shown any gameplay yet, but since we’re updating them quite a bit, please look forward to that.”

Okay, so the battle system is getting an overhaul. I can deal with that, as the original battle system could be rather clunky at times. But what about the game’s story? That’s the part of Final Fantasy VII that’s really held up in the minds of most fans, but it’s apparently being revamped, too…

“Since we now formally revealed Kazushige Nojima’s name for the scenario, there will be more plot devices in the story, so I think you can also look forward to that.”

Extra plot devices? Maybe they’ll finally address this little plot hole (20-year-old SPOILERS ahead)…

What do you think about the proposed changes? Is Final Fantasy VII sacred, or is it in need of some renovation?

Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4009
By Odin.Godofgods 2015-06-18 08:31:17
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ignoring the plot whole in logic of that last comment... i hope there careful with messing with the plot line.
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Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: tidis
Posts: 3927
By Cerberus.Tidis 2015-06-18 08:33:47
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My friend and I just call it cutscene death, you're only at risk of permanent death in a cutscene.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 17
By Phoenix.Scarve 2015-06-18 09:21:54
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Characters don't exactly "die" in a battle, they're K.O'ed! Of course, it makes complete sense that an omni-potent being can cast Super Nova on your party and crushes them with comets and, you know, incinerates planets along the way with the Sun. But, you still survive! Katanas to the back are completely different.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13624
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-06-18 09:34:10
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Not to mention the fact that the protagonist gets riddled with bullets in literally the first fight.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2015-06-18 10:21:17
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That's an unavoidable mechanic of RPG's. Imagine Dark Souls where dying meant you had to restart the game. In order for characters to have mortality, they have to break that wall, and no amount of plot devices can really change it.

I did like the system in Tactics, where if a KO'd party member wasn't revived within a certain number of turns, they would be lost forever or cause you to lose the battle in the case of main characters.

I guess I'd be welcoming to a new type of battle system, the turn-based ATB system in FFVII was largely the result of the hardware of the era. But, that system was kept in use for quite a while after it was unnecessary because it is the iconic battle system for RPG's.
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