Military Parade - A DD Bard Guide
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 250
By Cerberus.Dekar 2020-08-18 02:38:27
As odd as this sounds, would it be a good idea to eliminate the DA all together? Maybe use Ashera (dream), Agony Jerkin +1, good Chironic? I'd have to steer clear of the Augment on Sailfi.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2020-08-18 03:01:47
nah I wouldn't do that, DA is okay to have but DA doesn't necessarily harm you by having it. Ashera and Agony+1 (or a really good Chironic) would be better than Ayanmo+2, but I would not avoid augmenting Sailfi, DA will still boost your DPS(think of offhand swings too), just not as much as normal.
In regards to your second equip set, I dont think you can split ambu cape augs? as nice as that would be...I think you can only do either STP or DW, but not both. so I would say DW+10 on cape and Telos/Cessance or Telos/Brutal. on /DNC using Haste Samba you're good, need 1% more for /NIN, but the set is still quite formidable.
By Figure 2020-08-18 03:23:33
you can also get haste +3% on linos
By SimonSes 2020-08-18 08:28:52
Lets first sums up that set. Like Bruno said, you cant divide augment to DW and STP on the back. So lets assume only solution which is 10%DW back and Dedition's/Telos earrings.
So that set without the body piece would have:
9%QA, 6%TA, 6%DA and 56 Store TP
With AM3 UP
Adding 7%DA will result in 2% faster TP generation
Now adding 10 Store TP will result in:
a) With 81 Store TP Samurai Roll: 2.47/2.37 = 1.04219, so ~4.2% faster TP generation
b) Without Samurai Roll: 1.66/1.56 = 1.06410, so ~6.4 faster TP generation
Store TP is clear winner
Without AM3 UP
Adding 7%DA will result in ~4.18% faster TP generation, so about exactly the same as 10 Store TP with 81 Store TP Samurai Roll.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2020-08-23 07:27:20
Anyone able to run the numbers on if these DM chironic feet would beat Bihu +3 for Mordant?
STR6, Acc5, Atk5, WSD7
By Crossbones 2020-08-23 09:41:49
I don't see any way that those feet will beat bihu. Wsd doesn't do a ton for mordant and it's missing a lot of chr, dex, but most importantly, attack (str too) although that's not a mod). Can maybe use them for savage blade though (which imo you should be using anyway!).
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2020-08-23 10:20:16
I’m tired of using Naegling on like...every single job that can use it lol. From what I understand carn r15 is better dps anyway :p
But yea those are definitely good Savage feet. Can use them on my RDM as well.
By Crossbones 2020-08-23 10:55:26
Would be pretty hard to convince me carn is better dps (I actually think it's quite bad, especially maintaining am3 being involved) but I definitely feel you on every job using naegling. Even have a drg spamming 90k savage blades in my LS at this point lol. Glad they had the sense not to put dnc on it I guess.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2020-08-23 15:51:20
I mean I can see the argument for Naegling..obviously. It's very good. But R15 Carn quite bad? Idk about that fam...keeping AM3 up is only a pain in the *** for initial AM3. After that it's pretty easy to time getting 3k just as AM3 expires. And WS frequency under AM3 is going to be far greater under Carn AM3 than any other setup BRD has.
By Felgarr 2020-08-23 16:13:02
I mean I can see the argument for Naegling..obviously. It's very good. But R15 Carn quite bad? Idk about that fam...keeping AM3 up is only a pain in the *** for initial AM3. After that it's pretty easy to time getting 3k just as AM3 expires. And WS frequency under AM3 is going to be far greater under Carn AM3 than any other setup BRD has.
Yeah. This. I have Had 2 DD BRDs spamming mordant with Carn/Taming Sari and Carn/Barfawc against wave 2 bosses and agree with this sentiment.
Also, in the case of wave 2 bosses, and other fights in FF11, you need a few different types of damage or they'll all drop to ***. I had originally tried savage blade span against wave 2 bosses and without damage-type variety, my Savage Blades we're dropping to below 1000 very quickly.
So, sometimes, other weapons / damage types do have a place.
I just wish Mordant Rime / BRD wasn't so attack-starved. I feel like I must use 5/5 Bihu+3 in my WS set because Chrionic/WSD augments just don't matter at all.
By SimonSes 2020-08-23 17:11:59
Yeah but that set also has 29% PDT and high meva, which is super helpful to not get killed or debuffed during WS, especially with WS frequency achieved at max buffs.
Also Cern setup doesnt require Centovente, so its actually allow you to use some DM augment QA Chironic pieces (which usually dont come with much accuracy), while with Centovente offhand BRD basically requires all accuracy you can get. B- in dagger and only 21 accuracy in gifts. I seriously dont even know how you guys play those BRDs with Centovente with such accuracy disadvantage. DNC has like native 110 accuracy more and access to Malignance and still has too low accuracy with Centovente for some more evasive targets in wave 2 and even more in wave 3.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 768
By Asura.Lunafreya 2020-08-23 18:33:57
My plan is to use Agony +1 R15 for Carn am3 up until ashera, although if you feel like you don’t need to DM chironic hands/head/feet then might as well shoot for the moon on body and see what ya get? Some crazy STP QA Acc aug would be great.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2020-08-23 18:42:37
R15 Agony+1 is a good substitute for Ashera. It doesn't offer much Accuracy, but when you don't need the Acc, it can be better than Ashera for DPS.
imo I think Chironic Doublet is probably the hardest of the set to make use of for DD, since the planets would have to align on your augments (as stated above, shoot for the moon sounds right) to beat out other options readily available. but you never know, maybe we'll see you in the DM thread this week :)
By Crossbones 2020-08-23 20:00:25
I find carn to only have value in long fights and there just aren't that many of those in the game. In the time it takes to get am3 you can get two and a half sb in which is around a 60k hole (at least) to get out of. Omen and wave 2 dyna bosses both usually die before the value of carn (imo) kicks in. Maintaining it is also a pain since you have to again hold to 3k tp at some point and use a ws that doesn't scale with tp, and that's assuming you even timed it optimally (not holding at 3k for too long and not letting am3 run out before you hit 3k). Don't get me wrong there are times I definitely prefer carn over other options but imo that's more an exception than the rule.
By SimonSes 2020-08-23 20:13:23
Omen and wave 2 dyna bosses both usually die before the value of carn (imo) kicks in.
You almost always reset buffs before those and there is literally 0 reason to not use Tactician roll on Cor and get at least 2 min regain, which should put you very close to 3000, assuming you had some TP left from fodders before boss. Also going back to my previous comment, Wave 2 boss fight is something where WSing in 39PDT (even 50 if you offhand SU5) and high meva can literally be most important thing of Carn build. You dont make damage laying on the ground.
By Crossbones 2020-08-23 22:21:24
Ya idk I don't ever die on brd pretty much and I've got a very large sample size of various fights so that's never been an issue for me. If anything I'm the last one alive besides the tanks and out of range wizards when the ***goes down. As for getting 3k to with tactician roll, idk what grandpas you have doing your buffs but that ***takes like a minute unless you add tactician roll for some reason then it'd take longer.
By SimonSes 2020-08-23 23:16:40
As for getting 3k to with tactician roll, idk what grandpas you have doing your buffs but that ***takes like a minute unless you add tactician roll for some reason then it'd take longer.
Not sure what you mean here, maybe you did some typo or something. Literally after you kill last fodder before going to boss or to place where boss will be pulled your cor can do tactician roll. Usually before people gather, leader call buffs, everyone synchronize, start rebuffing (cor can do 2nd roll beside tactician), etc. you should be at 3k tp or close, then cor change tactician to other optimal roll. Everyone has 3k tp ready at start of the fight (except Savage BRD who was doing buffs with Carn and switched to Naegling losing tp lol)
By Crossbones 2020-08-23 23:48:14
If that's how you play go for it usually we clear omen before first set of songs are even down unless it's a more specific boss like Kei or fu (not a strict endgame LS). Even enter second omen run with nitro down on occasion lol.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,298
By Asura.Sechs 2020-08-24 01:26:55
Other than Accuracy and lack of defensive stats, the problem with Chironic is the lack of haste.
You need means to compensate for that. Thankfully for us we've got a couple of nice options in the Legs slot for that.
There are also secondary means (like the Instrument/Ammo slot) but I'm not sure it's gonna prove DPS-worthy to go that route.
Of course there's the hands slot too, with the new Sheol B R15 ones.
Anyway the Spreadsheet on which me and (mostly) Nususu worked on is already in a pretty good state.
If some of you guys are curious about the dps of some specific Dagger setups and/or want me to give a couple of numbers please do ask :-)
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,298
By Asura.Sechs 2020-08-24 03:11:21
Last I heard the Taming Sari is BiS for Carn/MR spam. It is, but the difference wasn't too big over Tauret honestly.
I haven't Tested Ternion+1 R15 but I'm pretty confident it beats both options.
Quote: I'm not sure if I should focus more on MA or STP. If I recall correctly, AM3 and MA aren't optimal. There's no perfect rule that works in every circumstance, it depends.
Multiattack gets a greatly reduced return for the Main Hand once you activate AM3, but you get full return for it for the Off Hand.
So it's not like MA is completely useless.
A good piece with large amounts of MA can beat a piece with a small amount of STP even with AM3 up.
...not like BRD gets the luxury of this choice in many slots though, truth be said lol
By SimonSes 2020-08-24 08:26:38
If that's how you play go for it usually we clear omen before first set of songs are even down unless it's a more specific boss like Kei or fu (not a strict endgame LS). Even enter second omen run with nitro down on occasion lol.
Personally I dont do Omen bosses at all. Im just describing scenario of my LS doing it. We have extremely good and experienced players as LS core, but beside being great players they are also great people, so we keep getting new unexperienced, returning or cross servers players, so we usually have someone experienced leading the run and explaining strategy etc. Dynamis is for example almost always 18 real people and very often on non optimal jobs during RP farming runs. During wave 3 runs people wanting clears also come on some useful jobs and follow guidance instead of leeching in corner, so short pauses to rebuff before bigger objectives are a norm.
I can understand that group of people playing together a lot, knowing they roles from many runs, will just do everything automatically and faster, but is it matter what weapon has higher dps for Omen boss then or any other easy routine fights? I would probably keep using different weapons to make it less boring XD
For more difficult and new things in the future, you will always play more safely tho. Pre-buffing will be longer, there should always be time to give tactician (it helps all mythic/empyrean users not only mthic brd) before optimal rolls and playing with safer build will be preferred (assuming BRD will dps at all).
Lastly Carn is also by far the best dps when you can't dual wield (unless maybe in sceario with warcry Naegling could be close, but Im not sure. WS frequency difference while single wielding AM3 weapon vs single wielding non AM3 weapon is huge).
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 269
By Shiva.Phioness 2020-08-24 09:09:36
@ Crossbones and all other people who don't consistently use Mythics: You get initial AM3 up using Icarus Wing (and other options depending on content) and also COR/SCH prebuff, then keep the AM3 rolling throughout fight by keeping track of your timers. You start off with the advantage of having that 20% TA / 40% DA and keep winning ... its no contest if your proficient with your job.
I had a run with friends that I kept up AM3 during Dyana-D whole time and was rocking damage. Can't see a sword with bards-lack-of-TP-sets-unless-godly-darkmatter-rolls keeping up with AM3 Carny played properly.
By Crossbones 2020-08-24 09:12:02
Yeah that's fair everyone plays different. My group for example just gets the bloodlust once omen starts so good luck trying to catch anyone with tacticians roll before the boss floor since everyone is running around doing objectives or clearing so in that case it wouldn't work so well. I also agree with swapping weapons from time to time as it can get boring, master trial beastmen fight is really fun for that reason (twash / cento on brd melts the yagudo in like a minute).
By Crossbones 2020-08-24 09:17:01
I actually think non wave 3 dyna is one of the worst cases for mythic brd (personal opinion). Everything dies in about one ws and you burn a lot of am3 time moving between mobs and camps. Might vary by zone and composition but this is generally my experience. For wave 3 however it's no contest, carn all day, but that's a much different scenario.
Idk how wings will be helpful, don't they only give 1k (maybe not including stp) and you have a two hour cooldown where you can't use other meds?
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 269
By Shiva.Phioness 2020-08-24 09:35:53
The wings and prebuffs cut down on the lack of time building for the AM3 because you build TP so much quicker then a sword that lacks any TA/DA bonus at all.
Example: You and a bard both die at same time to a mob, you guys recuperate get buffed and get into the thick of it again. Pop both pop a wing, and you WS, he waits a little more due to lower delay on weapons (swd vs dgr) and having to save more, then pops his. Now for the next 3 minutes, and if done properly (watching timers) for the next few hours has the advantage of +20%TA/40%DA. The other guy gets off more WS because the combination TA/DA allow him to get off WS before mob dies way more often then you, maybe even twice per yours because the sword delay is 240 vs 186. Its a big difference with AM3 up and lower delay, check it out dude and see for yourself.
By Crossbones 2020-08-24 09:55:59
Yeah I've done dyna D runs probably over a hundred times on brd and it just doesn't work out that way. Plus I don't wanna be blocked from using meds for two hours (is that still a thing? I thought it was) just so I can get 1k tp which takes like 6 seconds to get. It's not like I've never tried maining carn and I don't know how well it does, it's that I have tried it and that's why I've reached these conclusions. For, personally, dyna is the worst place of all to maintain am3. If your experiences are contrary to this keep doing what you're doing if it works for you. Also wanted to add that although the am3 increases tp gain significantly, it's only for the main hand so it's devalued vs 2h weapons am3 and significantly devalued if you happen to have fighters roll (I don't have this roll that often but sometimes it's the case).
By SimonSes 2020-08-24 09:57:31
The wings and prebuffs cut down on the lack of time building for the AM3 because you build TP so much quicker then a sword that lacks any TA/DA bonus at all.
Example: You and a bard both die at same time to a mob, you guys recuperate get buffed and get into the thick of it again. Pop both pop a wing, and you WS, he waits a little more due to lower delay on weapons (swd vs dgr) and having to save more, then pops his. Now for the next 3 minutes, and if done properly (watching timers) for the next few hours has the advantage of +20%TA/40%DA. The other guy gets off more WS because the combination TA/DA allow him to get off WS before mob dies way more often then you, maybe even twice per yours because the sword delay is 240 vs 186. Its a big difference with AM3 up and lower delay, check it out dude and see for yourself.
First of all, you sound like this guy who thinks that he is the only one who witnessed Carn in action. Im pretty sure Crossbones knows well how carn works and how much better it is in ws frequency. Second of all, you describe single usage of wing during 2h event as something important. Assuming you keep AM3 whole Dynamis, that first 3000TP you need to gather and how wing would help with that is super insignificant. Wing could be significant in some really short fight, not 2h event.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 164
By Asura.Splendid 2020-08-24 10:06:24
Omen and wave 2 dyna bosses both usually die before the value of carn (imo) kicks in.
You almost always reset buffs before those and there is literally 0 reason to not use Tactician roll on Cor and get at least 2 min regain, which should put you very close to 3000, assuming you had some TP left from fodders before boss. Also going back to my previous comment, Wave 2 boss fight is something where WSing in 39PDT (even 50 if you offhand SU5) and high meva can literally be most important thing of Carn build. You dont make damage laying on the ground.
Idk, Carn is nice. Especially R15 Carn. I agree with what Simon is saying. I’ve soloed Gin with Carn (and trusts). Also, just because something does the “most damage” doesn’t necessarily make it better. @Crossbones I don’t know if you have a Carn or not. Your Guildwork isn’t linked to your character so I can’t see. Regardless of whether you have “data” or not (share it if you do), the way you’re discussing things here it sounds like you’re making an excuse not to make a Carn—-if you don’t have it. And if you do I’m not sure what you’re doing wrong for you to be convinced that Savage Blade spam is the end all be all Bard DD setup.
As an aside I miss the old days when Bard wasn’t a job that fascinated players. Now a lot of “trophy” hunting BDE players want it to turn it into what COR is. In Bard’s current state it will never put out that type of damage. Bard can DD but COR it is not.
Honestly, all I wanna do is sing!
By Crossbones 2020-08-24 10:07:28
Like I can't lie using a sword feels way slower than dual daggers, that's obvious. But I've also done 4 step umbras on Kei as brd (don't recommend) using Aeneas / sari and that's not much less delay than naegling / cento. I'd be interested to see the actual tp gain difference percent wise between carn and sword using relevant sub weapons. After that just plug in your personal knowledge of the fight (an ambu fight or a particular dyna zone and setup) and then decide if building and maintaining am3 vs spamming savage is more appropriate given all the factors, if we wanna be real mathematical about this. I don't think there's a time where one will always beat the other, just pluses and minuses given each situation. That's why I made a twash as well (even tho I also play thf and dnc) just in case there's a time where that's optimal.