The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide (v2)
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 354
By Ragnarok.Phuoc 2017-12-07 19:21:01
Yes, clearly. I mean, there's no other explanation for my having only leveled and geared that one job for years. I mean gosh, I jumped on the bandwagon way back when the game launched and SMN was only treated like a gimp WHM because I knew, one day, it would be the most OP job in your eyes. Yes, the years of not getting party invites, of being told to level a 'useful' job, of not even being able to have my Avatar out for a hot second before running out of MP.
Please, tell me how I'm a bandwagoner. About how I don't enjoy the job.
You got 7 99s and 9 75s, that's not 1 job leveled/geared all these years.
No one knew SMN was gonna get the best /ja for zergs but that doesnt make it the most op, outside AC its a very good and versatil job but it doesnt excel in dmg for example.
About the last sentence, being a bandwagoner or not doesnt have anything to do with liking the job, you can be a career summoner and not like the job/not know the basics of the job like for example the best gear for volt strike.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6,052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2017-12-07 19:35:28
Yes, clearly. I mean, there's no other explanation for my having only leveled and geared that one job for years. I mean gosh, I jumped on the bandwagon way back when the game launched and SMN was only treated like a gimp WHM because I knew, one day, it would be the most OP job in your eyes. Yes, the years of not getting party invites, of being told to level a 'useful' job, of not even being able to have my Avatar out for a hot second before running out of MP.
Please, tell me how I'm a bandwagoner. About how I don't enjoy the job. there's a difference between you, with a nirvana in 2014
and some guy who's played over 3 years of 99 without touching smn and wants to pretend he's not jumping on the bandwagon because he played it at 75
there's also nothing wrong with jumping on a bandwagon, the more people doing it the more likely it will finally get fixed
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,213
By Asura.Frod 2017-12-07 19:57:44
Yes, clearly. I mean, there's no other explanation for my having only leveled and geared that one job for years. I mean gosh, I jumped on the bandwagon way back when the game launched and SMN was only treated like a gimp WHM because I knew, one day, it would be the most OP job in your eyes. Yes, the years of not getting party invites, of being told to level a 'useful' job, of not even being able to have my Avatar out for a hot second before running out of MP.
Please, tell me how I'm a bandwagoner. About how I don't enjoy the job.
You got 7 99s and 9 75s, that's not 1 job leveled/geared all these years.
No one knew SMN was gonna get the best /ja for zergs but that doesnt make it the most op, outside AC its a very good and versatil job but it doesnt excel in dmg for example.
About the last sentence, being a bandwagoner or not doesnt have anything to do with liking the job, you can be a career summoner and not like the job/not know the basics of the job like for example the best gear for volt strike.
I have several jobs 99 and literally only SMN geared.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 354
By Ragnarok.Phuoc 2017-12-08 06:33:40
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »Yes, clearly. I mean, there's no other explanation for my having only leveled and geared that one job for years. I mean gosh, I jumped on the bandwagon way back when the game launched and SMN was only treated like a gimp WHM because I knew, one day, it would be the most OP job in your eyes. Yes, the years of not getting party invites, of being told to level a 'useful' job, of not even being able to have my Avatar out for a hot second before running out of MP.
Please, tell me how I'm a bandwagoner. About how I don't enjoy the job. there's a difference between you, with a nirvana in 2014
and some guy who's played over 3 years of 99 without touching smn and wants to pretend he's not jumping on the bandwagon because he played it at 75
there's also nothing wrong with jumping on a bandwagon, the more people doing it the more likely it will finally get fixed
Dont think it will get fixed soon, its nowhere close of what the bstwagon was, i barely see summoners in ragna despite the ac cheese but on the bstwagon, it was 100+ daily on a 500 population server lol.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,213
By Asura.Frod 2017-12-08 07:21:45
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »Yes, clearly. I mean, there's no other explanation for my having only leveled and geared that one job for years. I mean gosh, I jumped on the bandwagon way back when the game launched and SMN was only treated like a gimp WHM because I knew, one day, it would be the most OP job in your eyes. Yes, the years of not getting party invites, of being told to level a 'useful' job, of not even being able to have my Avatar out for a hot second before running out of MP.
Please, tell me how I'm a bandwagoner. About how I don't enjoy the job. there's a difference between you, with a nirvana in 2014
and some guy who's played over 3 years of 99 without touching smn and wants to pretend he's not jumping on the bandwagon because he played it at 75
there's also nothing wrong with jumping on a bandwagon, the more people doing it the more likely it will finally get fixed
Dont think it will get fixed soon, its nowhere close of what the bstwagon was, i barely see summoners in ragna despite the ac cheese but on the bstwagon, it was 100+ daily on a 500 population server lol.
Come to asura, we have more nirvanas per square inch than all other servers combined. Ag nirvanas are so common i had to do hvergelmir just to stand out.
By clearlyamule 2017-12-08 10:25:24
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »Yes, clearly. I mean, there's no other explanation for my having only leveled and geared that one job for years. I mean gosh, I jumped on the bandwagon way back when the game launched and SMN was only treated like a gimp WHM because I knew, one day, it would be the most OP job in your eyes. Yes, the years of not getting party invites, of being told to level a 'useful' job, of not even being able to have my Avatar out for a hot second before running out of MP.
Please, tell me how I'm a bandwagoner. About how I don't enjoy the job. there's a difference between you, with a nirvana in 2014
and some guy who's played over 3 years of 99 without touching smn and wants to pretend he's not jumping on the bandwagon because he played it at 75
there's also nothing wrong with jumping on a bandwagon, the more people doing it the more likely it will finally get fixed
Dont think it will get fixed soon, its nowhere close of what the bstwagon was, i barely see summoners in ragna despite the ac cheese but on the bstwagon, it was 100+ daily on a 500 population server lol. Meanwhile back in the bstwagon days where people claimed all they saw were bst shouts blu and blm still generally had more people on each on my server
By Scintila 2017-12-09 13:45:49
BiS garland set?
By Tarage 2017-12-09 23:18:56
Yes, clearly. I mean, there's no other explanation for my having only leveled and geared that one job for years. I mean gosh, I jumped on the bandwagon way back when the game launched and SMN was only treated like a gimp WHM because I knew, one day, it would be the most OP job in your eyes. Yes, the years of not getting party invites, of being told to level a 'useful' job, of not even being able to have my Avatar out for a hot second before running out of MP.
Please, tell me how I'm a bandwagoner. About how I don't enjoy the job.
You got 7 99s and 9 75s, that's not 1 job leveled/geared all these years.
No one knew SMN was gonna get the best /ja for zergs but that doesnt make it the most op, outside AC its a very good and versatil job but it doesnt excel in dmg for example.
About the last sentence, being a bandwagoner or not doesnt have anything to do with liking the job, you can be a career summoner and not like the job/not know the basics of the job like for example the best gear for volt strike.
Just because I have them leveled doesn't mean I have them geared idiot.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23
By Shiva.Isolation 2017-12-11 14:25:19
I've been looking over many post. I know taking my nirvana to 119 is a must, but what is the benefit of afterglow? Or is it not needed?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2017-12-11 16:18:22
what exactly is supposed to be broke the fact that smn can kill a hard nm easier than other jobs? its no different than a blm death mb setup or traditional tp zergs if smn is broke then so is everything else because its perfectly balanced the way it is
Speed vs Safety. The most important rule in balance.
You can either succeed (high) at the cost of speed (slow). BLM burst is VERY slow, and safe. RNG is VERY slow, and extremely safe. (barring idiots, of course.)
Or you can Risk and Rush. And overfeed TP and maybe fail with a zerg.
SMN breaks this rule. It's the fastest, while being the safest. That cannot exist as an option, because it defeats the purpose of all other options, and therefor negates all other opions.
This is the worst case of safety:speed ratio we've ever had. (since Alexander nerf, which surprise was also SMN.)
By monkey33333333 2017-12-11 17:03:38
smn mythic dont need to be AG only if u want a glowy weapon and what to hit higher nms and ***like that but 119 and 119III are the same in the way of pet dmg
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23
By Shiva.Isolation 2017-12-11 17:52:27
smn mythic dont need to be AG only if u want a glowy weapon and what to hit higher nms and ***like that but 119 and 119III are the same in the way of pet dmg I thought so, thank you!
By Poovvipbovvip 2017-12-11 18:17:04
Afterglow effect can apply to yours trust as well, that will be the bonus if you solo a lot
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 241
By Cerberus.Mrkillface 2017-12-11 19:41:27
Afterglow is what? 30 seconds of tiny attack bonus? I doubt you'll notice the difference.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,213
By Asura.Frod 2017-12-14 13:13:32
Cerberus.Mrkillface said: »Afterglow is what? 30 seconds of tiny attack bonus? I doubt you'll notice the difference.
3ish minutes.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,304
By Asura.Sechs 2017-12-14 13:15:56
Cerberus.Mrkillface said: »Afterglow is what? 30 seconds of tiny attack bonus? I doubt you'll notice the difference.
3ish minutes. I think you misread Frod
By Pantafernando 2017-12-15 20:01:23
Hi, for flaming crush set i have gridarvor, spiritus and can buy was. What would be better for that?
Thanks in advance.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2017-12-15 22:25:48
Grioavlr is Flaming crush with some mab then espitirus
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 535
By Asura.Arico 2017-12-20 01:41:34
any idea why it's still doing precast set when conduit is up? There *should* be something in there to do it.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,445
By Asura.Pergatory 2017-12-20 12:15:36
Does it always do it, or only sometimes?
pet_midaction() can sometimes return false when it's actually true, due to lag.
I avoid Mote includes like the plague so my understanding of how they work is vague, but I would wager if you remove that condition and just have it always skip swap when conduit is up, it should work more consistently.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 354
By Ragnarok.Phuoc 2017-12-20 13:55:41
When i used GS and summoner, when the time came for AC something, i //gs disabled all with the equipment for that bloodpact and just rode the AC timer, 0 mistakes that way.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Cerberus.Dougg 2017-12-20 18:09:11
I'd start with changing line 428 into Code eventArgs.useMidcastGear = true
The comment says that's what you should use but then nowhere is it actually used in the code
Edit: I edited Bokura's gearswap, which is easier for me to work with and edit to suit my needs. Here is the copy I use, which already contains a solution I came up with Code -- *** Credit goes to Flippant for helping me with Gearswap *** --
-- ** I Use Some of Motenten's Functions ** --
function get_sets()
AccIndex = 1
AccArray = {"LowACC","MidACC","HighACC"} -- 3 Levels Of Accuracy Sets For TP & Physical/Magical BloodPactRage. First Set Is LowACC. Add More ACC Sets If Needed Then Create Your New ACC Below --
IdleIndex = 1
IdleArray = {"Movement","Refresh"} -- Default Idle Set Is Movement --
Armor = 'None'
Lock_Main = 'OFF' -- Set Default Lock Main Weapon ON or OFF Here --
message = 'ON' -- Set Default BloodPact Debuff/Buff Messages ON or OFF Here --
Kiting = 'OFF' -- Set Default Avatar/Sublimation Kiting Set ON or OFF Here --
Elemental_Staff = 'OFF' -- Set Default Precast Elemental Staff ON or OFF Here --
target_distance = 5 -- Set Default Distance Here --
select_default_macro_book() -- Change Default Macro Book At The End --
Cities = S{
"Ru'lude Gardens","Upper Jeuno","Lower Jeuno","Port Jeuno",
"Port Windurst","Windurst Waters","Windurst Woods","Windurst Walls","Heavens Tower",
"Port San d'Oria","Northern San d'Oria","Southern San d'Oria",
"Port Bastok","Bastok Markets","Bastok Mines","Metalworks",
"Aht Urhgan Whitegate","Nashmau","Tavanazian Safehold",
"Selbina","Mhaura","Norg","Eastern Adoulin","Western Adoulin","Kazham"}
-- Avatar Spells --
Avatars = S{
"Leviathan","Carbuncle","Odin","Cait Sith","Atomos"}
-- To Trigger Auto Elemental Siphon: Use The Following Spirit Spells Again --
Spirits = S{
"Fire Spirit","Ice Spirit","Air Spirit","Earth Spirit","Thunder Spirit",
"Water Spirit","Light Spirit","Dark Spirit"}
-- Spirit Pacts --
SpiritPacts = S{
-- Magical BloodPactRage --
Magical_RagePacts = S{
'Inferno','Earthen Fury','Tidal Wave','Aerial Blast','Diamond Dust','Judgement Bolt',
'Fire II','Stone II','Water II','Aero II','Blizzard II','Thunder II',
'Fire IV','Stone IV','Water IV','Aero IV','Blizzard IV','Thunder IV',
'Nether Blast','Searing Light',
'Howling Moon','Ruinous Omen','Level ? Holy','Conflag Strike','Impact'}
-- Hybrid BloodPactRage --
Hybrid_RagePacts = S{'Burning Strike','Flaming Crush'}
-- Magical BloodPactRage Affected By TP --
Magical_TP_RagePacts = S{
'Heavenly Strike','Wind Blade','Holy Mist','Night Terror','Thunderstorm','Geocrush',
'Meteorite','Meteor Strike','Grand Fall','Lunar Bay','Thunderspark'}
-- To Trigger The Following BPs: Use The Appropriate Avatar Spells Again --
-- Can Replace Whatever BPs You Like For Each Listed Avatars --
BloodPactWard = {
Garuda = "Fleet Wind", Ifrit = "Inferno Howl", Fenrir = "Ecliptic Growl",
Titan = "Earthen Armor", Leviathan = "Spring Water", Carbuncle = "Soothing Ruby",
Diabolos = "Noctoshield"}
-- Debuff BloodPactWard --
DebuffBloodPactWard = S{
'Diamond Storm','Sleepga','Slowga','Tidal Roar','Nightmare','Pavor Nocturnus',
'Ultimate Terror','Somnolence','Lunar Cry','Lunar Roar','Mewing Lullaby','Eerie Eye'}
Cure_Spells = {"Cure","Cure II","Cure III","Cure IV"} -- Cure Degradation --
Curaga_Spells = {"Curaga","Curaga II"} -- Curaga Degradation --
sc_map = {SC1 = "Garuda", SC2 = "Ramuh", SC3 = "Fenrir"} -- 3 Additional Binds. Can Change Whatever JA/WS/Spells You Like Here. Remember Not To Use Spaces. --
sets.Idle = {}
-- Idle Sets --
sets.Idle.Refresh = {
head="Con. Horn +1",
neck="Bathy Choker +1",
ear1="Etiolation Earring",
ear2="Infused Earring",
body="Witching Robe",
hands="Serpentes Cuffs",
ring1="Evoker's Ring",
ring2="Defending Ring",
back="Campestres's Cape",
legs="Assid. Pants +1",
feet="Serpentes Sabots"}
sets.Idle.Movement = set_combine(sets.Idle.Refresh,{
ring1="Warp Ring",
--feet="Herald's Gaiters"
sets.Resting = {}
-- PDT Set --
sets.PDT = {}
-- Kiting Set --
sets.Kiting = {feet="Herald's Gaiters"}
-- Sublimation Set --
sets.Sublimation = {}
sets.Precast = {}
-- Fastcast Set (empty = To Fix Club/Staff Issue) --
sets.Precast.FastCast = {
head={ name="Merlinic Hood", augments={'"Fast Cast"+6','DEX+7','Mag. Acc.+9',}},
neck="Orunmila's Torque", -- 5%
ear1="Etiolation Earring", -- 1%
ear2="Loquac. Earring", -- 2%
body="Shango Robe", -- 8%
hands={ name="Merlinic Dastanas", augments={'"Fast Cast"+6','Mag. Acc.+15','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+9',}},
-- 6%
back="Swith Cape", -- 3%
waist="Witful Belt",
legs="Psycloth Lappas", -- 7%
feet={ name="Merlinic Crackows", augments={'"Fast Cast"+7','MND+3',}}}
-- Precast BloodPact --
sets.Precast.BloodPact = {
main="Espiritus", -- -2
ammo="Sancus Sachet", -- -5
head="Con. Horn +1", -- -8
neck="Caller's Pendant",
--ear1=" Earring",
ear2="Andoaa Earring",
body="Con. Doublet +1", -- -6
hands="Glyphic Bracers +1", -- -5
ring1="Evoker's Ring",
--ring2="Defending Ring",
back="Campestres's Cape",
--waist="Klouskap Sash",
--legs="Assid. Pants +1",
--feet="Serpentes Sabots"
-- Elemental Staves --
sets.Precast.Lightning = {main='Apamajas I'}
sets.Precast.Water = {main='Haoma I'}
sets.Precast.Fire = {main='Atar I'}
sets.Precast.Ice = {main='Vourukasha I'}
sets.Precast.Wind = {main='Vayuvata I'}
sets.Precast.Earth = {main='Vishrava I'}
sets.Precast.Light = {main='Arka I'}
sets.Precast.Dark = {main='Xsaeta I'}
sets.Precast['Enhancing Magic'] = set_combine(sets.Precast.FastCast,{waist="Siegel Sash"})
-- Precast Cure Set --
sets.Precast.Cure = set_combine(sets.Precast.FastCast,{
head={ name="Merlinic Hood", augments={'"Fast Cast"+6','DEX+7','Mag. Acc.+9',}},
neck="Orunmila's Torque", -- 5%
ear1="Etiolation Earring", -- 1%
ear2="Loquac. Earring", -- 2%
body="Shango Robe", -- 8%
hands={ name="Merlinic Dastanas", augments={'"Fast Cast"+6','Mag. Acc.+15','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+9',}},
-- 6%
back="Swith Cape", -- 3%
waist="Witful Belt",
legs="Psycloth Lappas", -- 7%
feet={ name="Merlinic Crackows", augments={'"Fast Cast"+7','MND+3',}}})
-- Midcast Base Set --
sets.Midcast = {}
-- Haste Set --
sets.Midcast.Haste = {}
-- Cure Set --
sets.Midcast.Cure = {
neck="Phalaina Locket", -- 4%
ear1="Mendi. Earring", -- 5%
body="Heka's Kalasiris", --15%
hands="Telchine Gloves", --10%
feet="Medium's Sabots"} --12%
-- Curaga Set --
sets.Midcast.Curaga = {}
-- Enhancing Magic Set --
sets.Midcast['Enhancing Magic'] = {}
sets.Midcast['Enfeebling Magic'] = {
head="Befouled Crown",}
-- Stoneskin Set --
sets.Midcast.Stoneskin = set_combine(sets.Midcast['Enhancing Magic'],{})
-- Avatars Sets
sets.Avatars = {
sub="Oneiros Grip",
ammo="Sancus Sachet",
head="Beckoner's Horn",
neck="Caller's Pendant",
ear1="Etiolation Earring",
ear2="Infused Earring",
body="Witching Robe",
hands="Glyphic Bracers +1",
ring1="Evoker's Ring",
ring2="Defending Ring",
back="Campestres's Cape",
waist="Klouskap Sash",
legs="Assid. Pants +1",
feet="Con. Pigaches +1"}
sets.Avatars['Carbuncle'] = set_combine(sets.Avatars,{hands="Carbuncle Mitts"})
sets.Avatars['Diabolos'] = set_combine(sets.Avatars,{waist="Diabolos's Rope"})
-- Avatar's Favor Set --
sets.Favor = set_combine(sets.Avatars,{})
-- Spirits Set --
sets.Spirits = set_combine(sets.Avatars,{})
sets.Midcast.Pet = {}
-- BloodPactWard/PD Set --
sets.Midcast.Pet.BloodPactWard = {
ammo="Sancus Sachet"}
-- Magic Accuracy For The Listed Debuff BloodPactWard --
sets.Midcast.Pet.DebuffBloodPactWard = set_combine(sets.Midcast.Pet.BloodPactWard,{})
sets.Midcast.Pet.Physical_RagePacts = {}
-- Physical BloodPactRage Sets --
sets.Midcast.Pet.Physical_RagePacts.LowACC = {
sub="Elan Strap",
ammo="Sancus Sachet",
head="Con. Horn +1",
neck="Melic Torque",
ear1="Gelos Earring",
ear2="Andoaa Earring",
body="Con. Doublet +1",
--body="Tali'ah Manteel +1",
hands="Merlinic Dastanas",
ring1="Evoker's Ring",
ring2="Globidonta Ring",
back="Campestres's Cape",
waist="Incarnation Sash",
legs="Enticer's Pants",
feet="Con. Pigaches +1"}
sets.Midcast.Pet.Physical_RagePacts.MidACC = set_combine(sets.Midcast.Pet.Physical_RagePacts.LowACC,{})
sets.Midcast.Pet.Physical_RagePacts.HighACC = set_combine(sets.Midcast.Pet.Physical_RagePacts.MidACC,{})
sets.Midcast.Pet.Hybrid_RagePacts = {}
-- Burning Strike & Flaming Crush --
sets.Midcast.Pet.Hybrid_RagePacts.LowACC = set_combine(sets.Midcast.Pet.Hybrid_RagePacts,{
sub="Elan Strap",
ammo="Sancus Sachet",
head="Con. Horn +1",
neck="Melic Torque",
ear1="Gelos Earring",
ear2="Andoaa Earring",
--body="Con. Doublet +1",
body="Tali'ah Manteel +1",
hands="Merlinic Dastanas",
ring1="Evoker's Ring",
ring2="Globidonta Ring",
back="Campestres's Cape",
waist="Incarnation Sash",
legs="Enticer's Pants",
feet="Con. Pigaches +1"})
sets.Midcast.Pet.Hybrid_RagePacts.MidACC = set_combine(sets.Midcast.Pet.Hybrid_RagePacts.LowACC,{})
sets.Midcast.Pet.Hybrid_RagePacts.HighACC = set_combine(sets.Midcast.Pet.Hybrid_RagePacts.MidACC,{})
sets.Midcast.Pet.Magical_RagePacts = {}
-- Magical BloodPactRage Sets --
sets.Midcast.Pet.Magical_RagePacts.LowACC = {
sub="Elan Strap",
ammo="Sancus Sachet",
head="Con. Horn +1",
neck="Melic Torque",
ear1="Gelos Earring",
ear2="Andoaa Earring",
body="Con. Doublet +1",
hands="Merlinic Dastanas",
ring1="Evoker's Ring",
ring2="Globidonta Ring",
back="Campestres's Cape",
waist="Incarnation Sash",
legs="Enticer's Pants",
feet="Con. Pigaches +1"}
sets.Midcast.Pet.Magical_RagePacts.MidACC = set_combine(sets.Midcast.Pet.Magical_RagePacts.LowACC,{})
sets.Midcast.Pet.Magical_RagePacts.HighACC = set_combine(sets.Midcast.Pet.Magical_RagePacts.MidACC,{})
sets.Midcast.Pet.Magical_TP_RagePacts = {}
-- Magical BloodPactRage Affected By TP --
sets.Midcast.Pet.Magical_TP_RagePacts.LowACC = {
sub="Elan Strap",
ammo="Sancus Sachet",
head="Con. Horn +1",
neck="Melic Torque",
ear1="Gelos Earring",
ear2="Andoaa Earring",
body="Con. Doublet +1",
hands="Merlinic Dastanas",
ring1="Evoker's Ring",
ring2="Globidonta Ring",
back="Campestres's Cape",
waist="Incarnation Sash",
legs="Enticer's Pants",
feet="Con. Pigaches +1"
--feet="Hagondes Sabots"
sets.Midcast.Pet.Magical_TP_RagePacts.MidACC = set_combine(sets.Midcast.Pet.Magical_TP_RagePacts.LowACC,{})
sets.Midcast.Pet.Magical_TP_RagePacts.HighACC = set_combine(sets.Midcast.Pet.Magical_TP_RagePacts.MidACC,{})
-- Shock Squall Set --
sets.Midcast.Pet['Shock Squall'] = {
body="Tali'ah Manteel +1"}
sets.JA = {}
-- JA Sets --
sets.JA['Mana Cede'] = {hands="Beck. Bracers +1"}
sets.JA['Elemental Siphon'] = set_combine(sets.Midcast.Pet.BloodPactWard,{feet="Beck. Pigaches +1"})
sets.JA['Astral Flow'] = {head="Smn. Horn +2"}
-- Melee Set --
--sets.Melee = set_combine(sets.Midcast.Haste,{})
sets.Melee = set_combine(sets.Avatar)
-- WS Base Set --
sets.WS = {}
sets.WS.Shattersoul = {}
sets.WS.Myrkr = {
head="Beckoner's Horn",
neck="Sanctity Necklace",
ear1="Influx Earring",
ear2="Moonshade Earring",
body="Witching Robe",
hands="Otomi Gloves",
ring1="Mephitas's Ring",
ring2="Mephitas's Ring +1",
--back="Bane Cape",
legs="Psycloth Lappas",
feet="Medium's Sabots"}
sets.WS["Garland of Bliss"] = {}
-- Idle Reive Set --
sets.Reive = {neck="Arciela's Grace +1"}
sets.TH = {waist="Chaac Belt",feet=""}
function pretarget(spell,action)
if midaction() or pet_midaction() then
elseif spell.action_type == 'Magic' and buffactive.silence then -- Auto Use Echo Drops If You Are Silenced --
send_command('input /item "Echo Drops" <me>')
elseif spell.type == 'WeaponSkill' and player.status == 'Engaged' then
if not spell.english == 'Myrkr' and spell.target.distance > target_distance then -- Cancel WS If You Are Out Of Range --
add_to_chat(123, spell.name..' Canceled: [Out of Range]')
elseif spell.english:ifind("Cure") and player.mp<actualCost(spell.mp_cost) then
elseif spell.english:ifind("Curaga") and player.mp<actualCost(spell.mp_cost) then
elseif spell.english == 'Shiva' and pet.isvalid then -- Change Shiva Spell To Sleepga When Shiva Is Present --
send_command('input /pet "Sleepga" <t>')
elseif spell.english == 'Ramuh' and pet.isvalid then -- Change Ramuh Spell To Shock Squall When Ramuh Is Present --
send_command('input /pet "Shock Squall" <t>')
elseif Avatars:contains(spell.english) and pet.isvalid then
send_command('input /pet "'..BloodPactWard[pet.name]..'" <me>;wait 5;Release')
elseif Spirits:contains(spell.english) and pet.isvalid then
send_command('ElementalSiphon;wait 1;Release')
elseif buffactive['Light Arts'] or buffactive['Addendum: White'] then
if spell.english == "Light Arts" and not buffactive['Addendum: White'] then
send_command('input /ja Addendum: White <me>')
elseif spell.english == "Manifestation" then
send_command('input /ja Accession <me>')
elseif spell.english == "Alacrity" then
send_command('input /ja Celerity <me>')
elseif spell.english == "Parsimony" then
send_command('input /ja Penury <me>')
elseif buffactive['Dark Arts'] or buffactive['Addendum: Black'] then
if spell.english == "Dark Arts" and not buffactive['Addendum: Black'] then
send_command('input /ja Addendum: Black <me>')
elseif spell.english == "Accession" then
send_command('input /ja Manifestation <me>')
elseif spell.english == "Celerity" then
send_command('input /ja Alacrity <me>')
elseif spell.english == "Penury" then
send_command('input /ja Parsimony <me>')
function precast(spell,action)
if midaction() or pet_midaction() then
elseif spell.action_type == 'Magic' then
if buffactive.silence or spell.target.distance > 16+target_distance then -- Cancel Magic or Ninjutsu If You Are Silenced or Out of Range --
add_to_chat(123, spell.name..' Canceled: [Silenced or Out of Casting Range]')
if spell.type == "SummonerPact" then
if Avatars:contains(spell.english) or Spirits:contains(spell.english) then
if Cities:contains(world.area) then
add_to_chat(123,'Unable To Summon Pacts In Town')
elseif spell.english:startswith('Cur') and spell.english ~= "Cursna" then
elseif spell.english == 'Utsusemi: Ni' then
if buffactive['Copy Image (3)'] then
add_to_chat(123, spell.name .. ' Canceled: [3 Images]')
elseif sets.Precast[spell.skill] then
elseif spell.type == "WeaponSkill" then
if player.status ~= 'Engaged' then -- Cancel WS If You Are Not Engaged. Can Delete It If You Don't Need It --
add_to_chat(123,'Unable To Use WeaponSkill: [Disengaged]')
if sets.WS[spell.english] then
elseif spell.type == "JobAbility" then
if sets.JA[spell.english] then
elseif spell.type:startswith('BloodPact') then
elseif spell.english == 'Spectral Jig' and buffactive.Sneak then
send_command('cancel Sneak')
if sets.Precast[spell.element] and Elemental_Staff == 'ON' then
function midcast(spell,action)
equipSet = {}
if pet_midaction() then
elseif spell.action_type == 'Magic' then
equipSet = sets.Midcast
if equipSet[spell.english] then
equipSet = equipSet[spell.english]
elseif spell.english:startswith('Cur') and spell.english ~= "Cursna" then
if spell.english:startswith('Cure') then
equipSet = equipSet.Cure
elseif spell.english:startswith('Cura') then
equipSet = equipSet.Curaga
if world.day_element == spell.element or world.weather_element == spell.element then
equipSet = set_combine(equipSet,{back="Twilight Cape",waist="Hachirin-no-Obi"})
elseif spell.english == "Stoneskin" then
if buffactive.Stoneskin then
send_command('@wait 2.8;cancel stoneskin')
equipSet = equipSet.Stoneskin
elseif spell.english == "Sneak" then
if spell.target.name == player.name and buffactive['Sneak'] then
send_command('cancel sneak')
equipSet = equipSet.Haste
elseif spell.english:startswith('Utsusemi') then
if spell.english == 'Utsusemi: Ichi' and (buffactive['Copy Image'] or buffactive['Copy Image (2)'] or buffactive['Copy Image (3)']) then
send_command('@wait 1.7;cancel Copy Image*')
equipSet = equipSet.Haste
elseif spell.english == 'Monomi: Ichi' then
if buffactive['Sneak'] then
send_command('@wait 1.7;cancel sneak')
equipSet = equipSet.Haste
elseif equipSet[spell.skill] then
equipSet = equipSet[spell.skill]
elseif equipSet[spell.english] then
equipSet = equipSet[spell.english]
function aftercast(spell,action)
if pet_midaction() then
elseif not spell.type:startswith('BloodPact') then
function status_change(new,old)
if Armor == 'PDT' then
elseif pet.isvalid then
if SpiritPacts:contains(pet.name) then
elseif buffactive["Avatar's Favor"] then
if sets.Avatars[pet.name] then
if Kiting == 'ON' then
elseif buffactive["Sublimation: Activated"] then
if Kiting == 'ON' then
elseif new == 'Engaged' then
elseif new == 'Idle' then
equipSet = sets.Idle
if equipSet[IdleArray[IdleIndex]] then
equipSet = equipSet[IdleArray[IdleIndex]]
if buffactive['Reive Mark'] then -- Equip Arciela's Grace +1 During Reive --
equipSet = set_combine(equipSet,sets.Reive)
elseif new == 'Resting' then
function buff_change(buff,gain)
buff = string.lower(buff)
if buff == "aftermath: lv.3" then -- AM3 Timer/Countdown --
if gain then
send_command('timers create "Aftermath: Lv.3" 180 down;wait 150;input /echo Aftermath: Lv.3 [WEARING OFF IN 30 SEC.];wait 15;input /echo Aftermath: Lv.3 [WEARING OFF IN 15 SEC.];wait 5;input /echo Aftermath: Lv.3 [WEARING OFF IN 10 SEC.]')
send_command('timers delete "Aftermath: Lv.3"')
add_to_chat(123,'AM3: [OFF]')
elseif buff == 'weakness' then -- Weakness Timer --
if gain then
send_command('timers create "Weakness" 300 up')
send_command('timers delete "Weakness"')
elseif buff == 'astral conduit' then
if gain then
if not midaction() and not pet_midaction() then
function pet_midcast(spell)
if spell.english == 'Perfect Defense' then
elseif spell.type == 'BloodPactWard' then
if DebuffBloodPactWard:contains(spell.english) then
elseif sets.Midcast.Pet[spell.english] then
elseif spell.type == 'BloodPactRage' then
if Hybrid_RagePacts:contains(spell.english) then
elseif Magical_RagePacts:contains(spell.english) then
elseif Magical_TP_RagePacts:contains(spell.english) then
function pet_aftercast(spell)
if not spell.interrupted and message == 'ON' then
if spell.english == "Ecliptic Howl" then
if world.moon_pct > 89 then
send_command('input /p [Ecliptic Howl] ACC +25 | EVA +1')
elseif world.moon_pct > 74 then
send_command('input /p [Ecliptic Howl] ACC +21 | EVA +5')
elseif world.moon_pct > 59 then
send_command('input /p [Ecliptic Howl] ACC +17 | EVA +9')
elseif world.moon_pct > 39 then
send_command('input /p [Ecliptic Howl] ACC +13 | EVA +13')
elseif world.moon_pct > 24 then
send_command('input /p [Ecliptic Howl] ACC +9 | EVA +17')
elseif world.moon_pct > 9 then
send_command('input /p [Ecliptic Howl] ACC +5 | EVA +21')
send_command('input /p [Ecliptic Howl] ACC +1 | EVA +25')
elseif spell.english == "Ecliptic Growl" then
if world.moon_pct > 89 then
send_command('input /p [Ecliptic Growl] STR/DEX/VIT 7 | INT/MND/CHR/AGI 1')
elseif world.moon_pct > 74 then
send_command('input /p [Ecliptic Growl] STR/DEX/VIT 6 | INT/MND/CHR/AGI 2')
elseif world.moon_pct > 59 then
send_command('input /p [Ecliptic Growl] STR/DEX/VIT 5 | INT/MND/CHR/AGI 3')
elseif world.moon_pct > 39 then
send_command('input /p [Ecliptic Growl] STR/DEX/VIT 4 | INT/MND/CHR/AGI 4')
elseif world.moon_pct > 24 then
send_command('input /p [Ecliptic Growl] STR/DEX/VIT 3 | INT/MND/CHR/AGI 5')
elseif world.moon_pct > 9 then
send_command('input /p [Ecliptic Growl] STR/DEX/VIT 2 | INT/MND/CHR/AGI 6')
send_command('input /p [Ecliptic Growl] STR/DEX/VIT 1 | INT/MND/CHR/AGI 7')
elseif spell.english == "Lunar Cry" then
if world.moon_pct > 89 then
send_command('input /p [Lunar Cry] Enemy ACC -31 | Enemy EVA -1')
elseif world.moon_pct > 74 then
send_command('input /p [Lunar Cry] Enemy ACC -26 | Enemy EVA -6')
elseif world.moon_pct > 59 then
send_command('input /p [Lunar Cry] Enemy ACC -21 | Enemy EVA -11')
elseif world.moon_pct > 39 then
send_command('input /p [Lunar Cry] Enemy ACC -16 | Enemy EVA -16')
elseif world.moon_pct > 24 then
send_command('input /p [Lunar Cry] Enemy ACC -11 | Enemy EVA -21')
elseif world.moon_pct > 9 then
send_command('input /p [Lunar Cry] Enemy ACC -6 | Enemy EVA -26')
send_command('input /p [Lunar Cry] Enemy ACC -1 | Enemy EVA -31')
elseif spell.english == "Dream Shroud" then
if world.time <= (0*60) or world.time >= (1*60) then
send_command('input /p [Dream Shroud] MAB +13 | MDB +1')
elseif (world.time <= (1*60) or world.time >= (2*60)) or (world.time <= (23*60) or world.time >= (0*60)) then
send_command('input /p [Dream Shroud] MAB +12 | MDB +2')
elseif (world.time <= (2*60) or world.time >= (3*60)) or (world.time <= (22*60) or world.time >= (23*60)) then
send_command('input /p [Dream Shroud] MAB +11 | MDB +3')
elseif (world.time <= (3*60) or world.time >= (4*60)) or (world.time <= (21*60) or world.time >= (22*60)) then
send_command('input /p [Dream Shroud] MAB +10 | MDB +4')
elseif (world.time <= (4*60) or world.time >= (5*60)) or (world.time <= (20*60) or world.time >= (21*60)) then
send_command('input /p [Dream Shroud] MAB +9 | MDB +5')
elseif (world.time <= (5*60) or world.time >= (6*60)) or (world.time <= (19*60) or world.time >= (20*60)) then
send_command('input /p [Dream Shroud] MAB +8 | MDB +6')
elseif (world.time <= (6*60) or world.time >= (7*60)) or (world.time <= (18*60) or world.time >= (19*60)) then
send_command('input /p [Dream Shroud] MAB +7 | MDB +7')
elseif (world.time <= (7*60) or world.time >= (8*60)) or (world.time <= (17*60) or world.time >= (18*60)) then
send_command('input /p [Dream Shroud] MAB +6 | MDB +8')
elseif (world.time <= (8*60) or world.time >= (9*60)) or (world.time <= (16*60) or world.time >= (17*60)) then
send_command('input /p [Dream Shroud] MAB +5 | MDB +9')
elseif (world.time <= (9*60) or world.time >= (10*60)) or (world.time <= (15*60) or world.time >= (16*60)) then
send_command('input /p [Dream Shroud] MAB +4 | MDB +10')
elseif (world.time <= (10*60) or world.time >= (11*60)) or (world.time <= (14*60) or world.time >= (15*60)) then
send_command('input /p [Dream Shroud] MAB +3 | MDB +11')
elseif (world.time <= (11*60) or world.time >= (12*60)) or (world.time <= (13*60) or world.time >= (14*60)) then
send_command('input /p [Dream Shroud] MAB +2 | MDB +12')
elseif world.time <= (12*60) or world.time >= (13*60) then
send_command('input /p [Dream Shroud] MAB +1 | MDB +13')
elseif spell.english == "Sleepga" then
send_command('wait 30;input /echo Sleep Effect: [WEARING OFF IN 30 SEC.];wait 15;input /echo Sleep Effect: [WEARING OFF IN 15 SEC.];wait 10;input /echo Sleep Effect: [WEARING OFF IN 5 SEC.]')
function pet_change(pet,gain)
-- In Game: //gs c (command), Macro: /console gs c (command), Bind: gs c (command) --
function self_command(command)
if command == 'C1' then -- BloodPact Accuracy Toggle --
AccIndex = (AccIndex % #AccArray) + 1
add_to_chat(158,'BloodPact Accuracy Level: '..AccArray[AccIndex])
elseif command == 'C2' then -- Kiting Toggle --
if Kiting == 'ON' then
Kiting = 'OFF'
add_to_chat(123,'Kiting Set: [Unlocked]')
Kiting = 'ON'
add_to_chat(158,'Kiting Set: [Locked]')
elseif command == 'C5' then -- Auto Update Gear Toggle --
add_to_chat(158,'Auto Update Gear')
elseif command == 'C7' then
if Armor == 'PDT' then -- PDT Toggle --
Armor = 'None'
add_to_chat(123,'PDT Set: [Unlocked]')
Armor = 'PDT'
add_to_chat(158,'PDT Set: [Locked]')
elseif command == 'C17' then -- Lock Main Weapon Toggle --
if Lock_Main == 'ON' then
Lock_Main = 'OFF'
add_to_chat(123,'Main Weapon: [Unlocked]')
Lock_Main = 'ON'
add_to_chat(158,'Main Weapon: [Locked]')
elseif command == 'C9' then -- Message Toggle --
if message == 'ON' then
message = 'OFF'
add_to_chat(123,'Message: [OFF]')
message = 'ON'
add_to_chat(158,'Message: [ON]')
elseif command == 'C8' then -- Distance Toggle --
if player.target.distance then
target_distance = math.floor(player.target.distance*10)/10
add_to_chat(158,'Distance: '..target_distance)
add_to_chat(123,'No Target Selected')
elseif command == 'C6' then -- Idle Toggle --
IdleIndex = (IdleIndex % #IdleArray) + 1
add_to_chat(158,'Idle Set: '..IdleArray[IdleIndex])
elseif command:match('^SC%d$') then
send_command('//' .. sc_map[command])
function check_equip_lock() -- Lock Equipment Here --
if not buffactive["Astral Conduit"] then
if player.equipment.left_ring == "Capacity Ring" or player.equipment.right_ring == "Capacity Ring" then
if player.equipment.back == "Mecisto. Mantle" or player.equipment.back == "Aptitude Mantle +1" or player.equipment.back == "Aptitude Mantle" then
if Lock_Main == 'ON' then
function actualCost(originalCost)
if buffactive["Penury"] then
return originalCost*.5
elseif buffactive["Light Arts"] then
return originalCost*.9
return originalCost
function degrade_spell(spell,degrade_array)
spell_index = table.find(degrade_array,spell.name)
if spell_index > 1 then
new_spell = degrade_array[spell_index - 1]
add_to_chat(8,spell.name..' Canceled: ['..player.mp..'/'..player.max_mp..'MP::'..player.mpp..'%] Casting '..new_spell..' instead.')
function change_spell(spell_name,target)
send_command('//'..spell_name..' '..target)
function sub_job_change(newSubjob, oldSubjob)
function set_macro_page(set,book)
if not tonumber(set) then
add_to_chat(123,'Error setting macro page: Set is not a valid number ('..tostring(set)..').')
if set < 1 or set > 10 then
add_to_chat(123,'Error setting macro page: Macro set ('..tostring(set)..') must be between 1 and 10.')
if book then
if not tonumber(book) then
add_to_chat(123,'Error setting macro page: book is not a valid number ('..tostring(book)..').')
if book < 1 or book > 20 then
add_to_chat(123,'Error setting macro page: Macro book ('..tostring(book)..') must be between 1 and 20.')
send_command('@input /macro book '..tostring(book)..';wait .1;input /macro set '..tostring(set))
send_command('@input /macro set '..tostring(set))
function select_default_macro_book()
-- Default macro set/book
if player.sub_job == 'WHM' then
set_macro_page(1, 12)
elseif player.sub_job == 'RDM' then
set_macro_page(2, 12)
elseif player.sub_job == 'SCH' then
set_macro_page(3, 12)
set_macro_page(1, 12)
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 535
By Asura.Arico 2017-12-20 18:15:19
n it's actually true, due to lag.
I avoid Mote includes like the plague so my understanding of how they work is vague, but I would wager if you remove that condition and just have it always skip swap when conduit is up, it should work more consistently.
I think it's only sometimes. As my Flaming Crush damage varies from 9000 to 99,999 in a single fight. Is there a non-motes SMN lua that people use? I have no attachment to this one.
I'd start with changing line 428 into Code eventArgs.useMidcastGear = true
The comment says that's what you should use but then nowhere is it actually used in the code
I'll try this. I'm on PLD in an event right now. Will post results in a few hours.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 694
By Shiva.Alistrianna 2017-12-20 18:37:09
I'd start with changing line 428 into Code eventArgs.useMidcastGear = true
I actually have that line in the code with Mote's lua myself and there is still swapping issues with Conduit.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,445
By Asura.Pergatory 2017-12-21 10:01:22
I wrote mine from scratch more or less: https://pastebin.com/Fa5PtueC
It's very simple but works well for me. That said, I can't promise there won't be Conduit issues because I don't spam during Conduit. I try to manually time so there's only 1 macro press per BP, to help avoid JA lockouts.
By Poovvipbovvip 2017-12-24 13:56:26
I'd like to share a video of a SMN player called Marutai, he also has a few SMN solo videos in his channel.
By Pantafernando 2017-12-27 05:39:59
Eyeballing, how much would increase a flaming crush dmg changing from espiritus (with pet mab/macc) to a nirvana?
My current set is more than enough to beat D meeble with 4 but the same setup dont have enough gas to beat it on VD (dealing 60% before astral cond wears off) so wonderng if nirvana alone could make for that difference.
Thanks in advance.