The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide (v2)

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The 6th Ministry's Secret: A Summoner's Guide (v2)
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Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Frod 2016-11-24 14:04:40
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Chriscoffey said: »

I got this after about 68 stones so I believe it's a decent augment to check against.
that is 14 int, 15 macc, and 1 mab short of perfect. if it were on body or head, it would beat apogee +1 as well.
Serveur: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Darkspawn 2016-11-24 16:24:28
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what stones did you use? Fern?
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By 2016-11-24 18:05:37
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Serveur: Odin
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By Odin.Llewelyn 2016-11-30 21:41:39
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Not really knowledgeable on how base Avatar's Favor potency is calculated. Should I be midcasting Avatars in any Skill+ or Empyrean head for Favor purposes or is it irrelevant and am I safe to just midcast in spell interruption- gear?
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Frod 2016-11-30 22:57:41
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Odin.Llewelyn said: »
Not really knowledgeable on how base Avatar's Favor potency is calculated. Should I be midcasting Avatars in any Skill+ or Empyrean head for Favor purposes or is it irrelevant and am I safe to just midcast in spell interruption- gear?

Potency is calculated every tic i believe. You need to essentially idle in 575 skill while wearing empyrean head. Swapping out at any time will have the potency drop almost immediately, you'll usually see this via the buff blinking when you break tier.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Pergatory
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By Asura.Pergatory 2016-12-01 17:57:27
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Swapping to a higher favor tier for BP timer's purposes seems to adjust favor instantly without even having to wait a tic. It may be the same for the favor effect itself. Shouldn't be too hard to test with Titan's Favor.
Serveur: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Byrth 2016-12-01 18:32:29
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Asura.Pergatory said: »
Swapping to a higher favor tier for BP timer's purposes seems to adjust favor instantly without even having to wait a tic. It may be the same for the favor effect itself. Shouldn't be too hard to test with Titan's Favor.

I second this, but favor potency does seem to matter because if you pop avatar's favor and then BP I only get -4 seconds or something (which corresponds to capped JPs and head).

So it's something like "maximum favor potency you've ever had is the new max."
Posts: 517
By Zubis 2016-12-03 19:17:22
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I've been letting my Cure set slide a bit. Any easy improvements to make? Assume my current augment gear is augmented with the max Cure Potency you can get for that item.

ItemSet 348056
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Mithlas 2016-12-12 23:10:24
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Convoker's Doublet +2 (Omen upgrade):
DEF:132 HP+75 MP+201 STR+26 DEX+25 VIT+26 AGI+26 INT+34 MND+34 CHR+34 Accuracy+40 Evasion+51 Magic Evasion+90 "Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Haste+3% "Blood Pact" ability delay -10 Resistance to current avatar's element +40 Avatar: Accuracy+35 Magic Accuracy+35 "Blood Pact" damage +14

:0 That accuracy though.
Serveur: Ragnarok
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user: Garota
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By Ragnarok.Garota 2016-12-12 23:53:04
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Artifact Fully Upgraded:

Convoker's Horn +3
Head DEF:112 HP+56 MP+98 STR+22 DEX+24 VIT+24 AGI+24 INT+29 MND+29 CHR+29 Accuracy+47 Evasion+56 Magic Evasion+95 "Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Summoning magic skill +19 Haste+6% "Refresh"+3 Avatar: Accuracy+41 Magic Accuracy+41 Haste+10%

Con. Doublet +3
Body DEF:142 HP+85 MP+211 STR+31 DEX+30 VIT+31 AGI+31 INT+39 MND+39 CHR+39 Accuracy+50 Evasion+61 Magic Evasion+100 "Magic Def. Bonus"+7 Haste+3% "Blood Pact" ability delay -15 Resistance to current avatar's element +50 Avatar: Accuracy+45 Magic Accuracy+45 "Blood Pact" damage +16

Convo. Bracers +3
Hands DEF:100 HP+37 MP+86 STR+16 DEX+38 VIT+34 AGI+15 INT+29 MND+43 CHR+29 Accuracy+48 Evasion+42 Magic Evasion+57 "Magic Def. Bonus"+4 Haste+3% Occasionally converts damage taken of avatar's element to MP Avatar: Accuracy+43 Magic Accuracy+43 Enmity+15 "Double Attack"+10%

Convo. Spats +3
Legs DEF:124 HP+67 MP+109 STR+35 VIT+21 AGI+27 INT+44 MND+34 CHR+29 Accuracy+49 Evasion+47 Magic Evasion+127 "Magic Def. Bonus"+7 Haste+5% Enmity-8 Avatar: Accuracy+50 Magic Accuracy+50 Enmity+12 "Store TP"+10

Convo. Pigaches +3
DEF:82 HP+23 MP+71 STR+20 DEX+21 VIT+20 AGI+42 INT+27 MND+29 CHR+44 Accuracy+46 Evasion+75 Magic Evasion+127 "Magic Def. Bonus"+6 Haste+3% Avatar perpetuation cost -6 Avatar: Accuracy+40 Magic Accuracy+40 Evasion+40 "Blood Pact" damage +10


Lugalbanda Earring
DEF:3 Magic Evasion+10 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5 Avatar: Accuracy+15 Ranged Accuracy+15 Magic Accuracy+15 "Blood Pact" damage +10

Enmerkar Earring
Pet: Accuracy+15 Magic Accuracy+15 "Store TP"+8 Damage taken -3%

Shulmanu Collar
Neck DEF:6 Accuracy+20 Attack+20 "Double Attack"+3% Pet: Accuracy+20 Attack+20 "Double Attack"+5%

Adad Amulet
DEF:8 HP+25 Damage taken -4% Pet: Magic Accuracy+20 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+10

Other gear:

Udug Jacket
DEF:148 HP+114 MP+69 STR+30 DEX+30 VIT+30 AGI+30 INT+30 MND+30 CHR+30 Accuracy+45 Evasion+50 Magic Evasion+86 "Magic Def. Bonus"+5 Haste+4% "Resist Sleep"+90 Damage taken -10% Pet: Magic Accuracy+45 "Magic Atk. Bonus"+45

Other stuff kinda cool that SMN can also equip:

Erra Pendant
DEF:6 Magic Accuracy+17 Dark magic skill +10 "Absorb" effect +5% "Drain" and "Aspir" potency +5

Kishar Ring
Magic Accuracy+5 "Fast Cast"+4% Enfeebling magic effect duration +10% "Absorb" effect duration +10%

Enki Strap
INT+10 MND+10 Magic Accuracy+10 Magic Evasion+10
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,213
By Asura.Frod 2016-12-13 00:03:19
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horn has 4 skill and another tic of refresh
body is king phys BP.
hands, legs, feet are meh, (macc pieces?)

RIP esper earring. Rip escha zitah torque and reisinjima torqe. new pet Macc earring

udug is interesting, but still puts it short of apogee +1(by 15 mab in my estimate)

shamash doesn't have smn on it.

No new grip for pet stuff (please kill vox grip sometime SE, it's from toau)
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Garota
Posts: 251
By Ragnarok.Garota 2016-12-13 00:08:04
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Oops! You're right about Shamash. But Vox is more like Scars of Abyssea. But at least now we got Sancus Sachet & Elan Grip?
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Frod 2016-12-13 00:19:09
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Ragnarok.Garota said: »
Oops! You're right about Shamash. But Vox is more like Scars of Abyssea. But at least now we got Sancus Sachet & Elan Grip?

still need vox, and it's showing it's age and miniscule stat boost. Same with Summoning earring and that's what, CoP era?

Both for the same reason too. Because there just is no other +skill pieces for either slot.
By Verda 2016-12-14 00:17:06
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Asura.Frod said: »
horn has 4 skill and another tic of refresh
body is king phys BP.
hands, legs, feet are meh, (macc pieces?)

RIP esper earring. Rip escha zitah torque and reisinjima torqe. new pet Macc earring

udug is interesting, but still puts it short of apogee +1(by 15 mab in my estimate)

shamash doesn't have smn on it.

No new grip for pet stuff (please kill vox grip sometime SE, it's from toau)

I agree with a lot of what you said here is my take on things though.

Con. Doublet +3 This is so amazing :D We had to deal with no accuracy or attack on our best physical BP body and now we get tons of accuracy and 4 more bp damage :D I've also always wanted to test the resist by your avatar's element. It has potential to be very strong and SMN could have the unique ability to make themeselves immune to certain status effects based on their active avatar and combining it with other gear if that's how it works. Ex. using stun resist gear and this with ramuh out vs sovereign behemoth.

Convo. Bracers +3 might be better now for Volt Strike, Pred Claws and Eclipse Bite, I doubt that but it's at least a good pet TP piece and debuff blood pact ward piece and pet enmity +15 could actually be useful. Occasionally converts damage taken of avatar's element to MP is something I always felt I should make more use of on SMN as well and would like to test someday, lots of questions on it like does it reduce damage or just give you mp? What is the proc rate? Does the proc rate increase with ilvl/HQ level? What % of damage does it convert to MP? etc.

Convo. Spats +3 are magic acc ya but also great pet stp, since TP effects both physical and magical pacts it's worth worrying about imo.

Convo. Pigaches +3 are an upgrade for anyone without HQ Apogee feet and for those of us with them it is a high accuracy alternative, missing attack and 2 bp damage for a ton of accuracy. Given our lack of high acc bp damage gear this and the body combined made physical pacts better on high end content.

Convoker's Horn +3 more refresh, more smn skill, and a pet tp piece :D You have to give up favor tiers for it but in return you get more mana and if nothing else it's great for no avatar out idle and for bp ward timers.

Definitely some overlap though with last months ambu gear but I'll take magic acc and high acc tp set for SMN.

Kishar Ring is double the FC of most rings.

Udug Jacket is amazing for DT 10%. The rest is just bonuses imo. Though resist sleep is the least useful resist SMN could've gotten due to sacrifice torque. It's also nice in that it comebines magic acc and mab.

Shulmanu Collar is a straight upgrade and may be best in slot for fTP carry BPS like Volt Strike.

Enmerkar Earring is amazing because it is 3% pet DT instead of the 1% we had, on top of acc and magic acc in large amounts and pet STP.

Lugalbanda Earring is an insane upgrade, it's double even the adoulin SMN earring of 5 bp damage and adds tons of master defensive stats and magic acc and acc for the avatar. Between this and Enmerkar we gained 30 magic acc for debuff wards alone.

Adad Amulet is a straight upgrade too for magic pacts.

Enki Strap about the only piece i'm not that excite about but it is nice for enfeebles or low tier nukes and I won't say no to magic evasion.

I've been silently smiling since the update b/c SMN got by very well let us hope the trend continues.

Edit: Pigaches have less bp damage than HQ Apogee, but HQ apogee have zero accuracy. They also have more BP damage than NQ Apogee.

Zubis said: »
I've been letting my Cure set slide a bit. Any easy improvements to make? Assume my current augment gear is augmented with the max Cure Potency you can get for that item.
Mine needs some work too (especially with -enmity). I'll try to get back to you on that.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Annalise
Posts: 84
By Bismarck.Annalise 2016-12-14 16:33:35
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Verda said: »
Convo. Bracers +3 might be better now for Volt Strike, Pred Claws and Eclipse Bite, I doubt that but it's at least a good pet TP piece and debuff blood pact ward piece and pet enmity +15 could actually be useful. Occasionally converts damage taken of avatar's element to MP is something I always felt I should make more use of on SMN as well and would like to test someday, lots of questions on it like does it reduce damage or just give you mp? What is the proc rate? Does the proc rate increase with ilvl/HQ level? What % of damage does it convert to MP? etc.

Someone tested it awhile ago and it was garbage. The percentage was low, and it is damage to the summoner, not the avatar. So the summoner taking lightning damage when Ramuh is out.
By Verda 2016-12-14 17:05:14
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Bismarck.Annalise said: »
Someone tested it awhile ago and it was garbage. The percentage was low, and it is damage to the summoner, not the avatar. So the summoner taking lightning damage when Ramuh is out.

I kinda assumed it would be to the summoner. I'd still like to have the actual weights some time if you can't tell I'm a fan of using or having available to use all the tools at my disposal and tend to not disregard things much I just don't always have time to get to stuff. Still, thank you very much for the info :)
Serveur: Sylph
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user: Gaztastic
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By Sylph.Oraen 2016-12-14 17:37:11
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I've spent basically all of my time on SMN caring about magical BPs and Flaming Crush. However, I finally broke down and started working on Nirvana, and I'd very much appreciate some tips on proper physical BP sets.

I know that multi-attack has become a much more valuable stat for BPs, particularly Volt Strike, but would it take precedence over BPD on Merlinic pieces, for example?

Was looking at something along the lines of this set:
ItemSet 348269

Shulmanu Collar for the neck eventually, Lugalbanda over Esper, and then the +3 version of Convoker body and feet. I've never seen above 30 acc or attack on Merlinic augments, and have actually never seen attack and accuracy together, so I'm assuming the loss of 2 BPD on the head in favor of at least 40 extra stats would do better, but I'm really not sure. I remember a while back Verda posted a BP damage calculator, but I lost that when my storage hard drive died. Does anybody happen to have that sitting around?

Apologies for all the questions, I just want to make sure I'm gearing the best I can.
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 1,213
By Asura.Frod 2016-12-14 17:45:15
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Verda said: »
Bismarck.Annalise said: »
Someone tested it awhile ago and it was garbage. The percentage was low, and it is damage to the summoner, not the avatar. So the summoner taking lightning damage when Ramuh is out.

I kinda assumed it would be to the summoner. I'd still like to have the actual weights some time if you can't tell I'm a fan of using or having available to use all the tools at my disposal and tend to not disregard things much I just don't always have time to get to stuff. Still, thank you very much for the info :)

it's posted on BG. like a 15% chance to absorb like 10% of the damage. in short, too little too rarely. it needs a huge boost on +2/3 to be viable, and i don't expect it.

Sylph.Oraen said: »
I've spent basically all of my time on SMN caring about magical BPs and Flaming Crush. However, I finally broke down and started working on Nirvana, and I'd very much appreciate some tips on proper physical BP sets.

I know that multi-attack has become a much more valuable stat for BPs, particularly Volt Strike, but would it take precedence over BPD on Merlinic pieces, for example?

in order to get gear with bpd and atk and DA on it, you need to go back to helios. so you're looking at 7 bpd, 30 atk, 4 DA on each slot, a moderate to large step back on some slots.

For the most part, to take advantage of the TP insanity, and mostly for volt strike only, i've been popping wings to 3k tp and just proccing 3k aftermath, that gives you a solid bout of multi attack on pacts, works well with setup into AF/AC and just works wonders. This whole multiattack gimmick just really is a large boost to nirvana summoners. non nirvanas have to essentially gimp their gear to get substantial DA.
By Verda 2016-12-14 20:15:09
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Sylph.Oraen said: »
started working on Nirvana
Early congrats :)

Sylph.Oraen said: »
I know that multi-attack has become a much more valuable stat for BPs, particularly Volt Strike, but would it take precedence over BPD on Merlinic pieces, for example?

It's too soon to really know, BP damage is going to always increase damage, where as multi attack will sometimes increase damage and if you have AM3 up double attack will prevent the triple attacks portion of OAT from taking place as often so it becomes a pretty complicated question to answer without accurate models for the physical BPs in question, which we don't really have. My advice for now is just sub in double attack when it doesn't cost you any BP damage. Incarnation is great for example as well as the new double attack neck Shulmanu Collar. As frod said I don't really think going back to helios is worth it but we don't really know right now. I know for certain using am3 while maxing BP damage will probably end up the best choice though.

Sylph.Oraen said: »
Apologies for all the questions, I just want to make sure I'm gearing the best I can.
Here you go:

It is more of a gear optimizer though than a calculator in the sense of knowing the output of a specific pact, and it is for magical BP's only.

Asura.Frod said: »

it's posted on BG. like a 15% chance to absorb like 10% of the damage. in short, too little too rarely. it needs a huge boost on +2/3 to be viable, and i don't expect it.

Hmm, well that works to be statistically the same as always absorbing 1.5% as mp, so like half of an Ethereal Earring but with much less consistency. Against some mobs it'd be a way to get mp back at lower mp but it is pretty situational. The wiki lists it as 20-25% though, so that'd put it up to 2.5% statistical average, Papesse said it's the same as evoker's too but i do wonder if +1, +2 and +3 would add to that because some jobs still find ethereal earring useful, while you aren't front line on SMN all the time of course and this has more conditions to fulfill I'm not convinced it's useless just less than necessary and situational.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,213
By Asura.Frod 2016-12-14 21:09:45
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it doesn't give you MP, it does damage to your mp, like manawall, but near infinitely shittier.
Serveur: Bismarck
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user: Annalise
Posts: 84
By Bismarck.Annalise 2016-12-14 21:29:39
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Asura.Frod said: »
it doesn't give you MP, it does damage to your mp, like manawall, but near infinitely shittier.

Here was the link from the original testing which says it actually gives you MP
Posts: 517
By Zubis 2016-12-14 22:35:07
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Has any SMN done Omen yet? I hope it's not one of those events where SMN isn't considered a good pick.

Lugalbanda Earring is really nice and I'd hate for it to be inaccessible.
By Verda 2016-12-15 11:34:45
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I haven't been on SMN yet but I'm sure Papesse has, there's zero reason to think SMN wouldn't be useful for Omen, I imagine quite the opposite really, a properly setup conduit could probably delete a Glassy NM with little risk to the party, or be very nice support and damage for the megaboss and who knows maybe a conduit kill on those is possible too, they are lower level than Teles.

Thunderspark is slow but you can AoE with it, you can one shot with it if the geo uses malaise and gets on the hate list of all he mobs first (though that can be dangerous to the geo).

Anyway I ended up going RNG first because that fit our party comp best. And since I did the first few on RNG I want to cash in my cards at least before switching. I also thought going either THF or RNG first would help me because of TH.

The only thing I don't know if how good SMN would be at the mini objectives as I don't know if the WS requirements are met with BPs or not. I think if you have a lot of accuracy support you could use a Kclub to do a lot of the ws X times, X criical hits, X skillchains ones especially if you sub WHM, but that's hardly a solution for everyone. Dia spam for the magic objective, stone spam for magic bursts. You should have a member equip naked then HP+ gear so you can heal them (or to yourself) for the 500 HP healed X times objective. SMN is boned on the do X JA on a mob unless you sub DNC. Kclub and rogue's roll I imagine would near instantly complete the crit objective as long as you have accuracy support.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,213
By Asura.Frod 2016-12-15 13:11:39
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Thunderspark and stunga pair well with cleaving trash and smn throwing af/ac can help tremendously on boss. I would argue that smn is probably second only to blu in this event for damage and utility. And unlike blu, we actually want and can use most accessories.

Wouldn't spamming assault on the mob trigger x-ja requirements? It does count in other events like void watch
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Papesse
Posts: 443
By Carbuncle.Papesse 2016-12-15 13:30:08
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500 HP healed : Very easy with our Apogee set
JAs : Also very easy since Assault works
Criticals : Ramuh's Favor is a huge bonus
30k MB : A 60k MB Thunderstorm didn't work for me...

So far, I did Gin & Kin and my SMN destroyed them. Volt Strike does 40~50k and much more when AM3 is up.
Kin doesn't even have Regain (I haven't tried on Gin), Mewing Lullaby can lock everything except Target, I suspect the 75/50/25/10% moves to be abilities/not TP based.
By Verda 2016-12-15 13:31:17
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well it's great Assault works, thanks Papesse.

And ya frod I agree SMN would be good for this event. The cleaving isn't really optimal due to requiring coordination with another player and 22s recasts but it is usable.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,213
By Asura.Frod 2016-12-15 17:05:59
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Verda said: »
well it's great Assault works, thanks Papesse.

And ya frod I agree SMN would be good for this event. The cleaving isn't really optimal due to requiring coordination with another player and 22s recasts but it is usable.

For the large part, between you and a blu, two AOEs should kill a wave, if you aren't focusing on secondary goals.
Guide Maker
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Brixy
By Phoenix.Brixy 2016-12-16 14:30:00
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For physical bloodpacts is it worth going back to helios after the adjustments? I have been using a full set of bp+7, acc +28-30, and double attack +7/8 for all but the body to test it out. Ramuh has spiked as high as 60k on this months intense ambuscade. Averaging around 36k volt strikes and 48k on a double attack so it's quite a large jump in damage since it transfers ftp now.
Posts: 199
By minikomby 2016-12-17 01:34:35
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Hello everyone

thinking about making a Ramuh BP specific set but i tried the other night following ifrit rules, just didnt work.

this i i got.

(set name)
sets.midcast.Pet.RamuhBloodPactRage = {gear goes here}

and my current rules for BP and ifrit are:

-- Custom spell mapping.
function job_get_spell_map(spell)
if spell.type == 'BloodPactRage' then
if magicalRagePacts:contains(spell.english) then
return 'MagicalBloodPactRage'
elseif ifritRagePacts:contains(spell.english) then
return 'IfritBloodPactRage'
return 'PhysicalBloodPactRage'
elseif spell.type == 'BloodPactWard' and == 'MONSTER' then
return 'DebuffBloodPactWard'

I tried to follow same example for ramuh but always got mensages saying about End thing and line.

can anyone help me to make my rule please.

im using Kinnematics smn lua
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: edrakali
Posts: 37
By Ragnarok.Alihasan 2016-12-17 04:22:07
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What does Volt Strike BP set look like now?
pls exclude HQ abj and af1+2/3
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