Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13,642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-10-06 20:48:07
I saved up over 600 mythril for a chance at Ragnarok and the Wizer Rod. I got both on the first 11 pull. It was a bit anticlimactic, but I'll take it....
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2016-10-06 20:59:23
100 Gem - Trash
11x Draw - Trash + Some off banner FFIV Thunder rod from the stone ages.
Brother on the other hand, drew OSB with his 100 gem. Good for him... good for him..
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13,642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-10-06 21:20:03
Sheesh, lol. And on a similar note, I did a couple more 11 pulls to aim for the Climhazzard armor for the wind boost and got that and another Rag in the process. The question now is do I combine or not? The stats are way better than other swords at the moment, making me want to hold off for when I have two sword users. I can get an 8* AC Buster Sword, but even with that completely maxed it'll still probably be a bit lower.
Serveur: Ultros
Posts: 2,204
By Ciri Zireael 2016-10-06 23:49:02
Keep separate until later when you get more 6* bases.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19,647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-10-07 04:11:43
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
By Sylph.Cherche 2016-10-07 04:38:32
Valefor.Prothescar said: »
By fillerbunny9 2016-10-07 13:13:39
Bought 3 Dark Matter 5* from the gyshal exchange. Now have 8* Platinum Sword (T), Excalibur (6), Rune Blade (6), Grand Armor (T). I've still got some 7* armor pieces and Kefka's Flute to throw them at....
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27
By Valefor.Eguil 2016-10-07 13:13:53
So i have 100 mythril saved up and pretty good FF7 synergy. Would you guys recommend i try pulling ragnarok sword for cloud?
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,642
By Cerberus.Valmur 2016-10-07 14:13:12
So i have 100 mythril saved up and pretty good FF7 synergy. Would you guys recommend i try pulling ragnarok sword for cloud?
I'd wait till the FF3/FF14 event (some OP relics on both banners) if you have decent FF7 synergy,
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27
By Valefor.Eguil 2016-10-07 15:07:28
Awesome thanks! Is there a particular weapon that I should aim for in those events?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 118
By Asura.Leoheika 2016-10-07 15:36:15
Decided to use my dark matter on this:
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 665
By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2016-10-07 18:44:03
3x 11 pulls:
Ragnarok (a.k.a WOOT)
Wizer Rod (Aerith BSB)
Crystal Cross x2 (Yuffie SSB)
Crystal Comb (Red XIII SSB)
5* Thunder Rod (IV)
Cloud's Guise
Cid's Googles (SSB)
Ragnarok came in the last 50 mythrils. I wouldn't have kept pulling if I had found it by the first pull, but can't complain~ Finally feeling lucky again with my pulls \o/
By crimsondragon 2016-10-07 23:06:16
Is it worth starting this game up or is too far along to bother?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13,642
By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-10-07 23:11:55
Is it worth starting this game up or is too far along to bother?
The power creep is rapid enough that it's probably fine to start whenever. It might take some months to get into endgame, but that's to be expected. They bring back the best equipment rather often, so you stand a decent chance at getting some of it.
By crimsondragon 2016-10-07 23:19:41
Do the characters come back often as well? I played a bit when it just came out but lost my account or something when my phone broke.
By Faelar 2016-10-08 00:03:21
Did a few pulls, here's the good stuff:

Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,203
By Asura.Karbuncle 2016-10-08 00:16:43
Do the characters come back often as well? I played a bit when it just came out but lost my account or something when my phone broke.
Yes, and you get these Blank Hero items more or less that will let you select 1 hero to claim (as well as Blank Memory Crystals to break their cap).
You usually get 1-2 of these per event, so you can pick some of your favorites if you're impatient waiting for them to come back around.
You do get some from doing Core Dungeons though, but the trade off is a Greater Growth Egg either way so up to you.
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
Posts: 118
By Diabolos.Prodigy 2016-10-09 22:44:25
Memory Crystal III lode?
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
Posts: 118
By Diabolos.Prodigy 2016-10-10 23:43:44
I don't think the dragon zombie ultimate + is working right. It says after the "fourth" incarnation it uses Pandora's box. Instead it uses it every time it dies. I get close every time but it screws me as usual.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 558
By Sylph.Hyunkyl 2016-10-12 08:57:44
Mustadio's coat from the lucky banner XD
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5,381
By Bahamut.Baconwrap 2016-10-13 10:46:15
I don't think the dragon zombie ultimate + is working right. It says after the "fourth" incarnation it uses Pandora's box. Instead it uses it every time it dies. I get close every time but it screws me as usual.
I had to use wall and a magic blink for that fight. Pandora's Box is just brutal otherwise. L
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
Posts: 118
By Diabolos.Prodigy 2016-10-14 18:06:46
Bahamut.Baconwrap said: »I don't think the dragon zombie ultimate + is working right. It says after the "fourth" incarnation it uses Pandora's box. Instead it uses it every time it dies. I get close every time but it screws me as usual.
I had to use wall and a magic blink for that fight. Pandora's Box is just brutal otherwise. L
Managed to force it down via unconventional methods.... lol
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
By Sylph.Cherche 2016-10-14 18:56:17
Pulled Eiko's BSB. RIP enemies.
But also's Lightnings BSB commands relative value.
By fillerbunny9 2016-10-14 19:33:30
Zombie Dragon + you need Wall, a good Curaga, Magic Breakdown, Shellra, and a good deal of luck for the other rounds to not hit you hard with AoE. it took me a few resets to get the right timing and combinations down.
I hate to drop Agrias, but may have new waifu.
By Faelar 2016-10-14 19:40:09
I hate to drop Agrias, but may have new waifu.
2 BSB in one pull, nice. I need Beatrix's BSB ; ;
By fillerbunny9 2016-10-14 19:44:04
I hate to drop Agrias, but may have new waifu.
2 BSB in one pull, nice. I need Beatrix's BSB ; ;
payback for my incredibly long stint of bad luck. =/
By Faelar 2016-10-15 09:19:13
Pulled Ingus' SSB (Break Blade?) from the half price banner. :|
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 202
By Fenrir.Surgator 2016-10-15 15:35:39
okay here is my question! i can go to the 3 phase before dying with my team , i don't have any 5 spell honed because that cost me too much orb! the event finish tommorow of the 160 difficulty ffvii event..
i don't have that much crystal but i think with 4-5 crystal i can pass that boss to have that mc 3 but the question is , is it worth it or better wait to get another mc 3 on another place where it would be a lot easier? i feel like if i don't get it now i will fall a lot behind to the point i don't know if i'm gonna be able to make them since all my perso are 80 and i get trashed by that boss!
Started playing a few days ago under the suggestion from a linkshell mate. The game is definitely nostalgic, & I am having a blast. It's for iOS, and Android smartphones and tablets. Currently trying to complete these timed events.
Any one else loving the global release of this game? It's been out in Japan for some time. We finally get in on the goodies