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Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5381
By Bahamut.Baconwrap 2016-07-27 15:56:10
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Phoenix.Komugichan said: »
The Cid mission on this one seems almost impossible unless you have one of the FF8 medicas and good synergy as RW pretty much needs to be SS/SG. It is a little lame they have 4 motes as Cid reward. Going to skip out on Cid for this one as well.
You pretty much need Dreamstage to complete the CM of Ifrit.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: smithra
Posts: 15
By Lakshmi.Smithhart 2016-07-27 19:41:13
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Mastered Ifrit but going to skip CM also
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 262
By Phoenix.Komugichan 2016-07-27 20:14:32
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Did an 11 support half price draw not bad considering I didn't have Vega 42
Guide Master
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-07-27 20:22:43
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The game is mocking me, this is like some kind of cruel *** joke. Like holy ***. Really mad.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 262
By Phoenix.Komugichan 2016-07-27 20:30:56
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You already have SG right? I am a little jelly I still wanting to get SG.
Guide Master
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-07-27 20:31:51
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Not only that but I had Thyrus before pulling the last SG. Basically a 25 mith rosetta. If I could give it to you I would.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 262
By Phoenix.Komugichan 2016-07-27 20:47:11
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It is too bad SG is only good for the Soul Break as there are not any Core hard dungeons.
Posts: 5188
By Faelar 2016-07-27 20:59:16
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Half-price draw, disappointing :/

Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: hyunkyl
Posts: 558
By Sylph.Hyunkyl 2016-07-27 21:09:51
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Got Aegis Killer and All Rounder on my half-pull, kinda nice for back row :)
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Radiuz
Posts: 1274
By Bismarck.Zuidar 2016-07-27 22:05:05
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Sentinel's Grimoire, Killer bow (XII), and gun from XIII for sahz
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2016-07-27 22:44:23
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Debating on pulling. All I stand to get from this is potential realm synergy.

I have Ramza for support as it is now and no plans on swapping him out for any other SB that's obtainable in this
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2016-07-27 22:45:36
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lol yeah waste of mythril. Got red XII's hairpin (The magic one). I already had one, so that makes 2. (not that i ever used the first one to begin with)
Posts: 1450
By fillerbunny9 2016-07-28 00:20:02
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I am thinking I am going to hold off on this nightmare pull. all I would really want is Sentinel's Grimoire, but Ramza is my primary Support character and I have cultivated a strong list of Stoneskin II/SG Roaming Warriors.....
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Brocovich
Posts: 136
By Odin.Brocovich 2016-07-28 02:10:33
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Sylph.Tigerwoods said: »
All I stand to get from this is potential realm synergy.

Same here, but i got Magic Comb (Red XII hairpin) and Cyclone Grimoire... stuff, that no one else can use...
Still wonder why they added such weird weapon types like hairpin, armgun, blitzballs or lulu puppets.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1388
By Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget 2016-07-28 02:50:27
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Yay, more VII synergy lmao... and Sazh, idk. Might find a niche use for him for 13 dungeons? Maybe?
MSPaint Winner
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2012
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2016-07-28 12:22:48
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JP got a new kind of dungeon last night: Nightmare Dungeons.

Featuring bosses at levels 200 and 250.

Guide Master
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-07-28 12:46:48
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New XIV Banners in JP:

Banner 1
Healer's Circlet Yshtola BSSB "Asylum" Medica(h85), Stoneskin(Absorb 30% of Max HP's worth of damage); Attack Command: "Tetragrammaton" 0CT Curaja Defend Command: "Medica" AoE Heal h25

Curtana Minfilia BSSB "Echo" 8xST Holy/Non-ele physical dmg, EnHoly; Attack Command: "Rage of Halone" 2xST Holy/Non-ele and Power Breakdown Defend Command: "Glory Slash" 2xST Holy/Non-ele and Magic Breakdown

Veil of Wiyu Alphinaud BSSB "Aerial Blast" 8xST Wind/Non-ele summon magic dmg, EnWind; Attack Command: "Wind Blade" 4xST Wind/Non-ele summon magic dmg and Powerchain Defend Command: "Aetherflow" 2xST Wind/Non-ele summon magic dmg + restore 1 ability use

Holy Shield Minfilia SSB "Hydaelyn's Protection" Party ATK +50% and Guts(Endure an attack that would normally deal more than your HP in damage and leave the defender at 1% HP)

Evoker's Doublet Alphinaud SSB "Deployment Tactics" Party ATK/MAG +30% and Radiant Shield(Reflect % of damage received back at the attacker)

Wizard's Gloves Papalymo SSB "Ley Lines" Party MAG +30%, Quickcast 3 and Haste

Omnirod Y'shtola SSB "Aetherial Pulse" Party Protect, Shell and Heavy Regen

Thyrus Y'shtola SB "Stoneskin II" Party DEF/RES +200%

Healer's Robe Y'shtola SB "Medica II" Medica(h50) and party Esuna

Banner 2
Kaiser Knuckles Yda BSSB "The Forbidden Chakra" 8xST Fire/Non-ele physical dmg, enemy Full Breakdown

Lilith Rod
Papalymo BSSB "Enochian Firaja" 8xST Fire/Non-ele magic dmg, EnFire

Sasuke's Katana Thancred BSSB "Kassatsu: Katon" 4xAoE Fire/Non-ele physical dmg, Imperil Fire

Temple Silas Yda SSB "Bootshine Demolish True Strike" 4xAoE Earth/Fire physical dmg, enemy DEF/RES -50%, self ATK/DEF +30%

Ninja Tekko Thancred SSB "Jugulating Kiss of the Wasp" 0CT 4xAoE Bio/Non-ele physical dmg with Auto-stun

Stardust Rod Papalymo SSB "Enochian Blizzaja" 5xST random Ice magic dmg, EnIce

Air Knives
Thancred SSB "Jin-Chi-Ten" 4xAoE Wind physical dmg, party Haste

Temple Gloves Yda SB "Internal Release" Party MND +30% and Crit 50%

0 idea on the thematic reason on making Minfilia a Knight or who thought it was a good idea but w/e
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Morier
Posts: 898
By Phoenix.Morier 2016-07-28 12:51:10
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Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget said: »

Yay, more VII synergy lmao... and Sazh, idk. Might find a niche use for him for 13 dungeons? Maybe?
He is my attack buffer since no shout. Pretty good imo. Got his boon this nightmare draw.
Posts: 1534
By ScaevolaBahamut 2016-07-28 14:37:01
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YouTube Video Placeholder

...and Last Judgment!
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5381
By Bahamut.Baconwrap 2016-07-29 10:07:22
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I was able to clear Neo-Bahamut thanks to Song of Swiftness and Focus. Didn't even need to create Bahamut 5*
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Devrom
Posts: 665
By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2016-07-29 11:34:55
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Laguna's ice res down from his SSB doesn't work with Riona's ice-none elemental command from her BSSB against Ifrit. Is this because Ifrit's ice weakness already capped or Laguna's ice res down doesn't stack with that ice-none elemental attack?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5381
By Bahamut.Baconwrap 2016-07-29 12:22:02
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Bahamut.Vinedrius said: »
Laguna's ice res down from his SSB doesn't work with Riona's ice-none elemental command from her BSSB against Ifrit. Is this because Ifrit's ice weakness already capped or Laguna's ice res down doesn't stack with that ice-none elemental attack?
Because he's already weak to ice.

Has anyone done the new Nightmare dungeon. I can't figure out the CPU boss.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Devrom
Posts: 665
By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2016-07-29 13:05:51
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Bahamut.Baconwrap said: »
Bahamut.Vinedrius said: »
Laguna's ice res down from his SSB doesn't work with Riona's ice-none elemental command from her BSSB against Ifrit. Is this because Ifrit's ice weakness already capped or Laguna's ice res down doesn't stack with that ice-none elemental attack?
Because he's already weak to ice.

Prothescar said imperil attacks increase weakness tier one level. That is why I asked.
By Draylo 2016-07-29 13:10:14
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Bahamut.Baconwrap said: »
Bahamut.Vinedrius said: »
Laguna's ice res down from his SSB doesn't work with Riona's ice-none elemental command from her BSSB against Ifrit. Is this because Ifrit's ice weakness already capped or Laguna's ice res down doesn't stack with that ice-none elemental attack?
Because he's already weak to ice.

Has anyone done the new Nightmare dungeon. I can't figure out the CPU boss.

I haven't looked it up or anything but you might have to knock the nodes down to 5% or so health until his countdown reachs 1, then AOE them so its weakened. Otherwise focusing on the CPU after the nodes are left in critical health. That's what I was thinking of unless theres a way to get the nodes to stop respawning somehow.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5381
By Bahamut.Baconwrap 2016-07-29 13:42:16
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Bahamut.Vinedrius said: »
Prothescar said imperil attacks increase weakness tier one level. That is why I asked.
As far as I know Laguna's gun doesn't increase weakness on Ifrit, but I could be wrong. I thought imperil effects didn't work if it was already weak to that element.

Draylo said: »
I haven't looked it up or anything but you might have to knock the nodes down to 5% or so health until his countdown reachs 1, then AOE them so its weakened. Otherwise focusing on the CPU after the nodes are left in critical health. That's what I was thinking of unless theres a way to get the nodes to stop respawning somehow.
I get up to the second phase but I can't figure out what to do beyond that? Am I supposed to kill it in second phase? I really don't want to hone multi-break if I don't have to lol

Edit: I was able to master without honing multi break r1 is enough if you can deal enough damage in phase 2.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Leoheart
Posts: 118
By Asura.Leoheika 2016-07-29 13:55:57
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »

The game is mocking me, this is like some kind of cruel *** joke. Like holy ***. Really mad.

Same results, I got the healing grimoire though... I now have 5/6 Tyro SBs, just missing his BSB now.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Devrom
Posts: 665
By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2016-07-29 14:45:27
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I have 13 mythrils now. Any way to get 12 more free mythrils until nightmare banner ends (I have completed all dungeons and daily events)? It looks like login rewards won't be enough.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5381
By Bahamut.Baconwrap 2016-07-29 14:48:13
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Bahamut.Vinedrius said: »
I have 13 mythrils now. Any way to get 12 more free mythrils until nightmare banner ends (I have completed all dungeons and daily events)? It looks like login rewards won't be enough.

I would hold off. I don't think this lucky banner is worth the mythril.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Devrom
Posts: 665
By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2016-07-29 14:51:37
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Bahamut.Baconwrap said: »
Bahamut.Vinedrius said: »
I have 13 mythrils now. Any way to get 12 more free mythrils until nightmare banner ends (I have completed all dungeons and daily events)? It looks like login rewards won't be enough.

I would hold off. I don't think this lucky banner is worth the mythril.

But I need shout :( Luck might be on my side!
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
By Ragnarok.Raenil 2016-07-29 15:37:01
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There's a Tactics event not too far away.
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