Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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By Ruaumoko 2020-01-27 12:46:53
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You know what, I think I'll gear up BST the next time a CP campaign is announced. This is getting interesting.
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-01-27 12:53:31
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Come to think of it, I wonder if the trouble of landing Ooze had to do with pet debuffs having a lower priority on certain wave 2 bosses Orc Yagudo which could explain the difference, I haven't really messed around on wave 3 bosses on BST so I had no comment there but yes with full axe swaps landing stuff in Wave 2 is consistent with Familiar its just annoying losing TP.

Your Wave 3 Boss runs Xilk, did you have 2 Pangu/Ankusa Axe swaps I assume? Given the circles the boss might even have less resist rates then the Wave 2 bosses.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-01-27 13:20:46
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Asura.Saevel said: »
I'm deliberately avoiding the pet as it's primarily used to buff the master or apply the appropriate Kill Instinct buff. Killer Instinct is amazingly powerful due to BST's ability to use it on multiple types of monsters. Then we have stuff like Corrosive Ooze and Sheep's Rage.

Honestly any setup that's going to have the BST doing damage is going to be buffed exclusively for melee / magic with 0 pet buffs, so expect any offensive pet attacks to miss or do really bad damage. Pets become more of a source of buffs for the master then anything else.

I think the difference in perspectives of the players in this discussion is very interesting.

I think Saevel fits a perspective like this:

Very experienced player with several mastered and well geared jobs picks up bst 'later' in career. Looks at bst in the lens of a DD role. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Therefore the variety of pets only matter in how well they can support the master

Whereas I think players like myself and Falkirk are maybe more 'traditional' beastmasters. We played the job before the level cap increased over 75.

The job was always much more pet focused. "Growing up" with the job so to speak there is a central dilemma that still exists now, but was much more stark in the 75 days. that is you could solo to 75, but then getting into endgame for your bst was a nightmare of difficulty.

My way of thinking has long been that I want to be able to do everything on bst. The perspective of the solo'er is that you need to be able to cover every type of situation.
that means many support jobs. That means having sets fleshed out for physical or magical damage, both pet and master, etc

I've always viewed bst as a complete hybrid pet job. I say complete hybrid because I dont' feel it has a singularly defined role. I don't just want to be a damage dealer. However, the argument has long been wanting validation for being able to deal good damage to gain that spot in end game.

Whereas I think a player like Saevel is more likely to just opt to choose the job more ideally situated for a fight or event. (yes I know you play lots of jobs, you are actually entertaining bst, so ofcourse this isn't any sort of strict rule)

I am rather like that with Rune Fencer and corsair. I have both of them and I have rema for each of them. but I'm not particularly enthusiastic about either and I have no interest in capping out dd specs for my Rune Fencer. They are good, fun jobs, but not my favorite by a long shot. I only have it for tanking because there were not other rune fencers in my group.

Whereas I"m a huge fan of playing Beastmaster. I was able to team up for a bst duo the other day and fight Alexander on Easy difficulty. It wasn't the ideal setup for the fight, but we had alot of fun and got my sacro breastplate (finally!). (I already had all the other drops from this fight. I've tanked it on run many times in the past on VD).

We had fun because we really enjoy the job and got to try out different approaches to the fight with various pets and the new buffs. I was using Peter to keep us cured, so my dps wasn't the best, but it was a real pleasure to do the fight that way.

I enjoy the game more when I play Beastmaster. I've played it since most players only had 1 or 2 jobs. I'd rather play an event on bst than other jobs.

So I'm not trying to make bst better at dd than a warrior drk or mnk, etc. but I do want to show how well bst can perform so I'm not shut out of opportunities before I start.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Papesse
Posts: 443
By Carbuncle.Papesse 2020-01-27 13:22:36
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Attack/Defense Down debuffs from Corrosive Ooze always land no matter the target's level, meva, water/wind SDT, etc.
Max HP Down from Purulent Ooze is subject to resists but lands very easily on wave3 bosses (2m dmg!) with Water Threnody and Geo-Languor.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-01-27 13:25:50
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Vankathka said: »
Your Wave 3 Boss runs Xilk, did you have 2 Pangu/Ankusa Axe swaps I assume? Given the circles the boss might even have less resist rates then the Wave 2 bosses.

Ahh.. well I was actually just using Pangu and Ankusa because I was upgrading those axes at the time. So I was not swapping them in and out, I was using them. didn't have my Aymur R15 yet at the time either.

So Yes I had at least 1 of those on, and tali'ah+2 set and I did NOT have trouble landing corrosive ooze at all. Even when say Obstatrix was low hp and I'd landed it several times before.

This was before/during when ambuscade axes were brand new also. certainly didn't have dolichenus yet.. it wasn't fully upgradable if it even existed yet.

so.. I actually have more pet macc gear now than then. C. Palug Ring, Voluspa Tathlum, I think I was slow to get a Kyrene's earring too, so thats another 57 Pet Macc methinks.

Wow, Ruau is actually showing interest in bst now. This is a great guide. I highly recommend it. I don't think I've ever seen you comment on the bst forums.

Even though I didn't write the guide (Falkirk wrote it while I was on long break from the game) I felt very validated when Bhuuki had such praise for it.

It mirrored my own impression. I'm a long time beastmaster. This is best job guide anyone has written for this game. (And there are many really good job guides out there). When I came back in 2015, I had alot of catching up to do. this guide was perfect.
Posts: 1,853
By Felgarr 2020-01-27 13:46:26
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Carbuncle.Papesse said: »
Attack/Defense Down debuffs from Corrosive Ooze always land no matter the target's level, meva, water/wind SDT, etc.
Max HP Down from Purulent Ooze is subject to resists but lands very easily on wave3 bosses (2m dmg!) with Water Threnody and Geo-Languor.

Do you happen to know over what duration of time Purulent Ooze did this 2 million damage? That is really impressive.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-01-27 13:47:03
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
you can SC then you actually want to do Decimation -> Smash Axe -> Decimation -> Decimation,

Also, If you're using Raaz pet, you can substitute smash axe for Sweeping Gouge to still maintain the induration. You get the additional defense down debuff to make your 4 step a little better.

I'm deliberately avoiding the pet as it's primarily used to buff the master or apply the appropriate Kill Instinct buff. Killer Instinct is amazingly powerful due to BST's ability to use it on multiple types of monsters. Then we have stuff like Corrosive Ooze and Sheep's Rage.

Honestly any setup that's going to have the BST doing damage is going to be buffed exclusively for melee / magic with 0 pet buffs, so expect any offensive pet attacks to miss or do really bad damage. Pets become more of a source of buffs for the master then anything else.

Agreed with everything here. For solo CP I was using either AAGK or Raaz to Induration for me, since Smash Axe is so pitiful
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-01-27 13:50:10
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Felgarr said: »
Do you happen to know over what duration of time Purulent Ooze did this 2 million damage? That is really impressive.

Purulent ooze is max hp down 10%
if it lands, it instantly does that much damage ON A WAVE 3 BOSS, but you can only use it effectly 1x per fight and you lose your chance if you damage them below 90% hp before using it.

most players won't notice it until it wears off though. which could be a minute later... You don't really care about the duration though, you just want to skim off that hp right away, basically 'for free'

(as an aside, I had a little fun on domain invastion before using purulent ooze midfight, and hearing other players be confused how the dragon's hp appeared to go UP).
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-01-27 13:54:25
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Carbuncle.Papesse said: »
Attack/Defense Down debuffs from Corrosive Ooze always land no matter the target's level, meva, water/wind SDT, etc.
Max HP Down from Purulent Ooze is subject to resists but lands very easily on wave3 bosses (2m dmg!) with Water Threnody and Geo-Languor.

That seems odd because the defense down portion is very easy to notice and I swear it hasn't landed for me however now I'm sure I'm wrong about that.

Edit- This is in fact completely true, went to apex removed all items and Corrosive Ooze landed, however it did not overwrite Impenetrable Carapace which is probably what caused me to assume it wasn't landing, may not overwrite defense up.

Edit2- So it does overwrite WaterWall from Apex Jagils
Is there something special about Impenetrable Carapace, gonna check Scissor Guard next.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-01-27 13:57:51
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The discussion turned interesting a few weeks ago and I got a few of my friends to pay attention to BST in LS. Another is playing the job with me. We are learning all of the niche things it can do and it's pretty cool. I had a bunch of gear sitting on my character but only played it here and there. After the update, things got interesting. That point about Peter curing is funny, I just did that in dynamis last week. It was kind of cool staying alive like that while using Snarl to transfer hate from my DPS. There's small little unique things that make the job worthwhile, but too much of it is unknown. I appreciate a lot of the traffic that is coming here now since I just read and move along.

People are hard headed and say things like "BST can't get buffs, its gonna have to sit in tank party", but it can still add use to an alliance for things even if it's not being buffed to bandwidth. Interested to see what other things people can share about BST since I'm still building a lot of sets
Guide Maker
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 699
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2020-01-27 14:03:44
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Carbuncle.Papesse said: »
Attack/Defense Down debuffs from Corrosive Ooze always land no matter the target's level, meva, water/wind SDT, etc.
Max HP Down from Purulent Ooze is subject to resists but lands very easily on wave3 bosses (2m dmg!) with Water Threnody and Geo-Languor.

This is good info, thanks!
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-01-27 14:05:26
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Ironically, I didn't put myself in the buffed dd parties on bst most the time in dynamis.... Even though my bst was better dd than some of the others.
It was because the other dd's would not have a role, while I could do alot to support even without buffs.

Kinda backwards
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-01-27 14:18:28
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So the Pet stats on Ankusa Axe only apply while in Dynamis? Or is that a typo? That does not seem right. Normally the base stats are fulltime and they lock only 10 acc/macc behind the dynamis requirement for Su4s. Trying to understand how that is to be understood. (is the 10acc/macc for master dynamis only or everything after the "Dynamis D" text?)
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-01-27 14:29:31
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
So the Pet stats on Ankusa Axe only apply while in Dynamis? Or is that a typo? That does not seem right. Normally the base stats are fulltime and they lock only 10 acc/macc behind the dynamis requirement for Su4s. Trying to understand how that is to be understood. (is the 10acc/macc for master dynamis only or everything after the "Dynamis D" text?)

Ankusa axe always gives +40 acc, Racc and Macc to pet and master. However in Dynamis it also gives another +10 each for total of +50 just like Pangu
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,009
By Asura.Saevel 2020-01-27 14:53:06
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
Very experienced player with several mastered and well geared jobs picks up bst 'later' in career. Looks at bst in the lens of a DD role. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I mastered BST awhile back and did it 100% as melee DD using Jug Pets for Killer Instinct effect.

I'm approaching this from a LS leader who organizes events, assigns roles / jobs and formulates strategies. I am responsible for the positive outcome for 12~16 other people who do events with us and therefor can not play favorites. If someone wanted to bring a BST into one of our events, I'm responsible for finding a role and if it will have a positive effect on the other 12~16 people present.

Personally I don't care what people do with trusts or a couple of friends on their own, that's their business and their entertainment. I'm concerned with how to fit BST into a melee / magic party or alliance because this is the bottom line, FFXI is driven by buffs. There are only so many buff slots available and due to buff stacking it's not feasible to do hybrid setups, you are buffing for Melee, Magic or Pet. BST's ability to do "Pet" has been severely restricted and that's almost exclusively in the domain of SMN's now, this leaves two other places remaining.

Now those of you who want to play BST have two options, adapt your play-style to work with others or don't and become Frod. Your game, your choice.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,009
By Asura.Saevel 2020-01-27 14:57:18
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
Wow, Ruau is actually showing interest in bst now. This is a great guide. I highly recommend it. I don't think I've ever seen you comment on the bst forums.

Myself, Rua, Push and others talk about this stuff all the time, sometimes for hours. Most of his job videos are the results of us brainstorming ideas and then him putting them into a really good format. It's always a "how can we make Job X perform in Function Y" and then we check gear, abilities and map those against role requirements to formulate how that setup could work.
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-01-27 15:09:33
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So from quick testing, Corrosive Ooze doesn't overwrite some forms of defense up so it may not overwrite Bilateral shield or shell guard or arm block, or if it fails to overwrite an attack boost maybe the whole thing refuses to land, either way I have noticed the effect not landing due to some reason, though good to know its completely not magic accuracy related.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-01-27 15:38:08
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Asura.Saevel said: »
I mastered BST awhile back and did it 100% as melee DD using Jug Pets for Killer Instinct effect.

I'm approaching this from a LS leader who organizes events, assigns roles / jobs and formulates strategies. I am responsible for the positive outcome for 12~16 other people who do events with us and therefor can not play favorites. If someone wanted to bring a BST into one of our events, I'm responsible for finding a role and if it will have a positive effect on the other 12~16 people present.

Personally I don't care what people do with trusts or a couple of friends on their own, that's their business and their entertainment. I'm concerned with how to fit BST into a melee / magic party or alliance because this is the bottom line, FFXI is driven by buffs. There are only so many buff slots available and due to buff stacking it's not feasible to do hybrid setups, you are buffing for Melee, Magic or Pet. BST's ability to do "Pet" has been severely restricted and that's almost exclusively in the domain of SMN's now, this leaves two other places remaining.

Now those of you who want to play BST have two options, adapt your play-style to work with others or don't and become Frod. Your game, your choice.

become Frod ReallY?!!? lol

I don't disagree with you at all.

I do adapt my bst perhaps more than any other player. certainly as much as any other bst.

Shoot, I keep testing different ideas for tanking on blu. I even tried with /brd for enmity generation.(/brd a failure btw)

Anyway, I understand the perspective of Alliance leader for events as well. I've been leading a divergence shell for a couple years not because I wanted to, but because the other leaders quit and it fell to me. So I know exactly what you mean and its a fine perspective to take.

And you are also right that the most crippling aspect is that buffs are the limiting factor in party and alliance setups. And that pet vs player buffs is a huge dividing line, and that bst is getting pushed out of the pet-centric party style.

Only 1 question then:
From Linkshell event leader perspective, would you allow a skilled well equipped beastmaster? and if so, what role or roles?

I guess I should also say, which events would you definitely NOT bring a bst?
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-01-27 15:40:38
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Vankathka said: »
So from quick testing, Corrosive Ooze doesn't overwrite some forms of defense up so it may not overwrite Bilateral shield or shell guard or arm block, or if it fails to overwrite an attack boost maybe the whole thing refuses to land, either way I have noticed the effect not landing due to some reason, though good to know its completely not magic accuracy related.

I think it stacks with def+ buffs. Just like berserk and rage and cocoon and defender stack and then their effects are additive to each other.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Shiraj
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By Asura.Shiraj 2020-01-27 15:43:29
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I still believe BST's Corrosive Ooze is one of the best support moves for Dynamis. And the supertank option available with a good set.
-33%DEF/ATT down literally beats a Bolstered Geo Frailty with Idris on wave 3 NMs.
Why wouldn't you want that.
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-01-27 15:44:50
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Hmm, possibly.

Requires more testing I suppose.
BST is one of my favorite jobs to play with the knowledge of Ooze flat out landing perhaps people will be more inclined to deal with its downsides, IE waking up mobs, or Purulent Ooze removing 10% HP from mobs, but alot of people simply just don't care, its not GEO or BRD.

Edit- I quite agree, the debuffs are potent and the damage potential from Decimation is there, me and this Ambuscade Axe are BFFs for life apparently, but anyway.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-01-27 17:11:04
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Asura.Shiraj said: »
I still believe BST's Corrosive Ooze is one of the best support moves for Dynamis.

Bst is a bit of a hidden hero on dynamis. Makes it super easy to cap attack and makes the risk of being one shot by mobs much less.

But bst isnt good in dynamis because bst is good. more just because ooze is good.

edit**** it is honestly one of the best overall jobs for wave three clears. A bit awkward to put into the group. but well worth it. it is better than an Idris geo on wave three, plus it isnt a bad melee. Wish more people played bst for dynamis. Probably the best cleaver for waves 1-2.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,009
By Asura.Saevel 2020-01-27 19:24:02
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
From Linkshell event leader perspective, would you allow a skilled well equipped beastmaster? and if so, what role or roles?

They are a utility DD like DNC / NIN / BLU / THF / ect and would go into a DD party slot.

The biggest issue isn't groups accepting BST's, it's BST players changing their mind set. There is different gear, macros and mentality that goes along with being a DD in an alliance and that mentality is incredibly hard to get across to people who are used to playing on their own or in pet onry setups. In a DD setup your pet's damage is useless and any effort to increase it is effect taken away from increasing your own damage, which is useful. The pet should be thought of as a form of utility in the buffs and debuffs it provides access to.

BST's are still complaining about the distance nerf and refusing to play any other way.
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-01-27 21:42:28
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Semi-rant here, but this whole 'still complaining over the range-nerf is valid and heres why.

BST is one of the few jobs aswell as ninja that has been nerfed over the years and the range one is just another nail hammered in.

BST has lost charm for all intents

BST is now the weakest pet job that the job is built around
and its just annoying, they keep nerfing this job and saying no you play this way now melee + pet only, but we have no traits to take advantage of it, no way to buff our pets outside COR rolls that are limited to 2, Killer Instinct does not work in any relevant event
We have Fencer but WAR gets 2 higher traits and better shields

We have 2 REMAs centered around magic WS but no innate gear aside from augments to make use of it.

So the whole refusing to adapt isn't really the case, its that they keep taking everything away from the job and offering nothing in return, the pets sharing buffs is a nice thought, but they just turned the pets into buff batteries.

And yes I understand in dynamis we have the strongest debuff and thats great, but its only the strongest debuff as GEO is nerfed into oblivion there, everywhere else, it still won't be used.

not only are we weaker then PUP and SMN now but far more risky as no range.

So what were doing right now is once again changing our playstyle and hoping to find a way to use it somewhere other then solo.

Its ironic that the jobs best potential is in Dynamis Divergence and no one will invite the job there.

Edit- While this comes off as a very negative post, its just to highlight the current problems of this job, anyone who plays BST as a main will find a way to make it work myself included.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,009
By Asura.Saevel 2020-01-27 22:30:39
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You have created your own self fulfilling prophesy. By refusing to play any other way you create the impression that there is no other way to play. Those who would of been receptive to bringing you DD will now dismiss the idea entirely. You have nerfed yourself.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-01-27 22:31:35
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Bst is a hidden hero in dynamis. And pretty much crap everywhere else. I would currently call bst a bottom 3 job.

The recent update was an overall nerf to the job sadly. Master DPS potential is the same and pet dmg/debuffing was actually nerfed.

They gave you some durability buffs which is kinda whatever.

Basically bst is just a melee with a pet that does stuff sometimes.

The same issue for upclose DPS is there. You can buff the pet OR the master.

I would like to see them revert most of the last "update"
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-01-27 22:35:22
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Asura.Saevel said: »
You have created your own self fulfilling prophesy. By refusing to play any other way you create the impression that there is no othe4 way to play. Those who would of been receptive to bringing you DD will now dismiss the idea entirely. You have nerfed yourself.

I have every set listed on the front page and then some, so no I don't refuse to play 'any other way' I'm saying they keep taking away ways to play the job and offering nothing in return.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-01-27 22:46:48
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Asura.Saevel said: »
By refusing to play any other way you create the impression that there is no othe4 way to play. Those who would of been receptive to bringing you DD will now dismiss the idea entirely. You have nerfed yourself.
That is a pretty silly comment considering the front page of this guide is filled with DPS builds for the master. Not to mention that most of the last 5 pages have been how to max use the master as a DD.

The obvious issue is bst isnt a particularly good melee. and not a very good pet job either. people dont invite it because it isnt very good.
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-01-27 22:57:16
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Spaitin said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
By refusing to play any other way you create the impression that there is no othe4 way to play. Those who would of been receptive to bringing you DD will now dismiss the idea entirely. You have nerfed yourself.
That is a pretty silly comment considering the front page of this guide is filled with DPS builds for the master. Not to mention that most of the last 5 pages have been how to max use the master as a DD.

The obvious issue is bst isnt a particularly good melee. and not a very good pet job either. people dont invite it because it isnt very good.

Honestly its just annoying to play BST as a WAR with a pet, Saevel has a point but I would've much rather sacrificed more master melee damage for a way to actually use our vast arsenal of pets instead of just essentially 2, 3 if you want a defense boost as just buff support, even on Apex pet damage is questionable, but in lower end content like Salvage II or AoEing in Reisenjima pets absolutely wreck stuff, the damage just falls off a cliff as soon as you raise the level past 119.

What they could do perhaps is, allow Run Wild to be permanently on but keep its long recast to force you into using a certain pet for awhile, or have something like each WS you do increases pet Ready move by 3% a max of 10 stacks. Anything that isn't okay use Rage and your Sheep just afks in the corner for 9 minutes.

Basically we need our version of Flaming Crush as a ready move that is stand alone, can be self geared and does well. I vote Brave Hero Glenn to save us.
Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2020-01-28 00:47:26
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Ok ran some dyna with the bard sleeping post ooze. It made a large change in damage. Was pushing damage a little higher than corsair although he was multiboxing. And used aymur delich fernegu and blurred axes as the main weapons. Was amusing setting up and such for am. I recomend this! Great defense debuff made the adds die very swiftly! And 38k calamities and 40k decis and such was fantastic! However of course as waves went on. Wave 2 saw lower numbers and wave 3 i had to stop using aymur all together as just using delich blurred was much more offensive by a mile and wasnt worth using aymur for buffs/debuffs if my damage was lower than the support. Even though bst is kind of support in this situation. These numbers given were the highs for these weapon skills.
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