Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-01-26 18:06:20
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Vankathka said: »
Decimation with proper buffs would beat Primal but...gain TP slow? What? With Malignance and AM3 BST can achieve 80+ STP on its own with minimal effort, swap Warlocks for SAM Roll and off you go.

With outside buffs maintaining AM3 is fairly trivial.

Now you lose a lot of your MACC and on anything tough you lose your dmg. Going to get resists all the time. Maybe apex mobs. but that is kinda nothing.

Also with rage, you can go sam/fighters now. Can cap attack perhaps easier than any other job. Making decimation a pretty nice build for bst.

Guess you could drop wiz for fighters. but then your damage takes another big hit.

So yeah, tp slow and hit hard or TP fast and hit soft. annoying issue with magic WS builds.
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-01-26 18:14:34
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Sorry but no, Primal Rend is not going to be resisted on Apex level mobs at all, very few things resist light damage, you sound like you used Leaden Salute on a Volte mob and declared magic WS get resisted alot.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-01-26 18:17:46
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Spaitin said: »
Maybe apex mobs. but that is kinda nothing.
Vankathka said: »
Primal Rend is not going to be resisted on Apex level mobs at all
You did read that it would probably work on apex mobs? but apex mobs are fairly weak targets. You need something tougher. And 73k on apex mobs is pretty bleh for a magic WS. Gonna need a tougher target.

Vankathka said: »
you sound like you used Leaden Salute on a Volte mob and declared magic WS get resisted alot.

Lol at that assumption.
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-01-26 18:19:03
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The point being Trueflight is light based and has 0 issues landing on Volte mobs and Rangers aren't exactly going oh my god, get me some magic accuracy, you need to relax.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-01-26 18:24:13
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Vankathka said: »
Trueflight is light based and has 0 issues landing
Trueflight has a MUCH better build than primal rend.... the daggers alone...

Yeah lol trueflight has MUCH more macc in the build.
Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2020-01-26 18:25:23
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Saying deci spam is our best option is a mistype I am assuming. Calamity or mistral with proper gear/buffs is going to ourperform deci by a bit if you build properly. Using aymur off hand magian axe the tp bonus is extremely silly that its looking like all you need is a glowed aymur to beat deci. Once you get perfect augs on certian peices or amazing dark matter augs. You will outperform deci. Simply due to am3 being stronk and tp gain being stronk.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-01-26 18:27:20
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Ozaii said: »
Saying deci spam is our best option is a mistype I am assuming. Calamity or mistral with proper gear/buffs is going to ourperform deci by a bit if you build properly. Using aymur off hand magian axe the tp bonus is extremely silly that its looking like all you need is a glowed aymur to beat deci. Once you get perfect augs on certian peices or amazing dark matter augs. You will outperform deci. Simply due to am3 being stronk and tp gain being stronk.

Not really.

Asura.Sirris said: »
Xilk, using your spreadsheet, with a few corrections and added gear, I get Dolichenus ~20% ahead of Aymur R15 with Mistral Axe and around ~25% ahead of Pangu path A, both with offhand TP bonus. Edit- haven't check Fencer build, to be fair.

I'm not saying that Ambu axe beats out Aymur overall, because the mythic has a broad set of benefits that include being the best pet physical and, now, buffing axe, but I feel like Aymur skews towards the pet boosting side more than the master melee side. AM3 maintenance is not the easiest on beastmaster either. And, just like for warrior, Doli/Decimation is easier to gear for. Doli is also an excellent offhand for Primal Rend and Cloudsplitter spam, with a huge spread of stats.

Aymur did get a boost with this update- easier to do pet buffs at higher TP, and Rage on the master means that we aren't nearly as attack starved, so we can probably drop Meg +2 gloves in favor of Totemic +3?

They just discovered that the spreadsheet was pretty wrong (common occurrence with spreadsheets). Granted calamity is a small chunk ahead of mistral. not 20% though.


Ozaii said: »
Simply due to am3 being stronk and tp gain being stronk.
AMIII is actually not that strong on a DW build. basically you get half the benefit you would get when compared to 2 handers. Any MA you put in gear or buffs further dilutes it's potency. It is really frustrating honestly. It is nice on the WS, but for calamity/mistral extra hits are not exactly gigantic spikes in dmg. AMIII fairly commonly becomes a DPS loss in shorter fights. If you can prefight it, then that helps. Malignance improves, but doesnt fix DW AMIII.
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-01-26 18:28:42
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We can offhand a Malevolence, infact most do, the point being from Apex to Caturae to Volte mobs Primal Rend is fairly consistent, if we should infact need more magic accuracy, we can offhand Pangu, eat a stewpot, but you're arguing just to argue, Primal Rend is 'weak', it has a bad modifier low FTP ceiling, no one disagrees there, but the resists and the TP slow? nah.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-01-26 18:29:47
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Vankathka said: »
We can offhand a Malevolence, infact most do, the point being from Apex to Caturae to Volte mobs Primal Rend is fairly consistent, if we should infact need more magic accuracy, we can offhand Pangu, eat a stewpot, but you're arguing just to argue, Primal Rend is 'weak', it has a bad modifier low FTP ceiling, no one disagrees there, but the resists and the TP slow? nah.

Never said it was weak. just said 73k isnt impressive. can you quote where i said it was weak? I think you just want to argue. IF you are offhanding then you have to wait til very high TP values to get good numbers, meaning your DPS will be pretty meh even at 99k average.

Spaitin said: »
My point being, it isnt a very good indicator of where bst stands against other DD.
This was my point. if you think this means I think primal rend sucks......... You seems oddly defensive. I am not attacking you lol.
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-01-26 18:32:34
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I'm flat out saying its weak, why it only has a 7.5 FTP at 3k TP is beyond me. Theres a reason I really only use Dolichenus when master meleeing, everything else is just whatever.

You just made an absurd claim of slow TP and resists and I'm saying, no.

Edit- Thinking on this, its really not that the mod or FTP is
terrible its that we have 0 gear tailored to really support a magic WS outside valor augments. Would've been nice if Ankusa gear got some MAB or an Augment path on Emicho.
Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2020-01-26 18:33:22
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Oh well sucks. Imma just run tests. If deci spam with doli is the best damage that bst can muster then this might be a little disappointing.
Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2020-01-26 18:35:03
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Has the bst calamity and mistral been tested with dark matter augments? Like augments on pieces with 9 to 10 wsdamage and str and such?
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-01-26 18:38:37
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Its an overly simplified look at BST, if you're using pets and meleeing, you can make Aymur work, but the problem will always be that if you are infact using Aymur + Pet you need pet rolls, therefor you are now locked out of SAM/Chaos/Fighters and weakening the rest of the party by needing pet rolls, so if you take away pet rolls, you have a weak pet that's now just used to support, so use Dolichenus instead for better results.

BST pet attack means far too much and until thats changed or they make it so pet STR etc effects ready moves I don't see melee damage + pet damage ever being relevant in the high end.
Posts: 2,760
By Nariont 2020-01-26 18:39:51
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honestly comparing any single target magic WS to LS/TF aint fair, those WS are monsters as far as formula goes, being said PR/splitter are definitely on the lower end of the dmg scale due to their low ftp/formula/gear those jobs get, least war gets odyssean to use.

Are there any end-game mobs that heavily resist light though, outside of some select ambu mobs i suppose?
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-01-26 18:41:52
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There is really no situation I've been in that's had Primal Rend get a resist outside of mobs flat out reducing light and or magic damage.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
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By Asura.Geriond 2020-01-26 18:45:16
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7.5 ftp at 3000 TP isn't bad at all on a magic WS with a 30% damage bonus from mythic. Trueflight and Leaden are the only ones that do better in that category.
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-01-26 18:49:18
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With a 60% CHR mod and 30% DEX, like what the hell were they smoking when they thought that was acceptable?

Well now I'm curious I tend to know how to gear properly but wondering if anyone has any improvements to this set, should I add more WSD and change some of the Valor augments?

ammo="Pemphredo Tathlum",
head={ name="Ankusa Helm +3", augments={'Enhances "Killer Instinct" effect',}},
body="Sacro Breastplate",
hands={ name="Valorous Mitts", augments={'Rng.Acc.+12','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+23','Accuracy+12 Attack+12','Mag. Acc.+17 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+17',}},
legs={ name="Valor. Hose", augments={'Enmity+1','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+30','Accuracy+10 Attack+10','Mag. Acc.+13 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+13',}},
feet={ name="Valorous Greaves", augments={'Accuracy+8 Attack+8','"Mag.Atk.Bns."+25','Mag. Acc.+11 "Mag.Atk.Bns."+11',}},
neck="Baetyl Pendant",
waist="Orpheus's Sash",
left_ear="Friomisi Earring",
right_ear={ name="Moonshade Earring", augments={'Attack+4','TP Bonus +250',}},
right_ring="Weather. Ring",
right_ring="Fenrir Ring +1",
back={ name="Artio's Mantle", augments={'CHR+20','Mag. Acc+20 /Mag. Dmg.+20','CHR+10','Weapon skill damage +10%',}}}

Aymur / Malevolence for weapons.
Posts: 2,760
By Nariont 2020-01-26 19:30:23
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short of lucking into DM augs/+1ing the ring that's about as good as it gets i think

If only BST could use daybreak, yeah?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2020-01-26 19:40:23
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Epa Ring instead of Fenrir's.

I think the thing with Primal Rend (or Cloudsplitter) is that, on BST for Dyna if you have those options available, it allows you to slot into a ranged/magical party and still bring the potent Corrosive Ooze effect to the table, yeah? They don't necessarily have to compete with Leaden Salute or Trueflight. Also, when my LS does wave 3s, we typically have the full suite of buffs for the ranged party, including marches and SAM roll, so TP gain shouldn't be terrible.
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-01-26 20:14:49
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The problem is, is that BST isn't needed and no one really knows what it can do, they know you can Tegmina Buffet powerlevel and even then they'll be like whats that? oh the grasshopper and thats it, even less know of what it can do in terms of debuffing, even fewer have the gear to pull it off, you need extreme amounts of magic accuracy to land these debuffs in high end content, infact for Wave 3 you'd probably need 2 Pangu's to land on Volte mobs with consistency.

Then you add in the fact that Ooze is AoE and you need to play around that, and as that isn't needed to win people are gonna not want to play the game of resleeping adds even if its the strongest debuff in there, NMs or Bosses is abit of a different story but its also much harder to land (if you even can on Wave 3 Boss) Defense/Attack down/MDB down.

Its easier to just go Summoner and use Blessing/Shiva for MAB Favor and Support CORs/RNGs and make use of Shock Squalls stun for crowd control.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,009
By Asura.Saevel 2020-01-26 20:19:10
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In pure unadulterated damage Decimation is going to win, now the degree depends on the target. If you can SC then you actually want to do Decimation -> Smash Axe -> Decimation -> Decimation, those last two and the resulting SC's are quite large.

Mistral has much better TP scaling the Calamity and BST has access to both an TP Bonus Aeonic and a TP Bonus off hand (if you wanna use it). The only benefit to Calamity is the extra 50% WSD modifier.

Calamity 2.5 / 6.5 / 10.375
Mistral 4.0 / 10.5 / 13.625

A note on doing SC's, if the BST can get something like Acumen + Maliase + Samurai's + Wizards they can do this with Aeonic.

Cloud Spliter -> Ruinator -> Primal -> Cloud Spliter

That would great a very powerful Darkness followed by a more powerful Umbra.
Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2020-01-27 02:16:29
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Out of curiousity the calamity set listed on the guide is using argosy but would it not be better to use the relic +3 peices for their extra stat modifiers and similar atk while also having meva as a moot point as well?
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-01-27 05:20:27
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Yes, I use ankusa set for calamity. Not argosy
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-01-27 05:34:30
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Asura.Saevel said: »
you can SC then you actually want to do Decimation -> Smash Axe -> Decimation -> Decimation,

Also, If you're using Raaz pet, you can substitute smash axe for Sweeping Gouge to still maintain the induration. You get the additional defense down debuff to make your 4 step a little better.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2020-01-27 09:53:21
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Ozaii said: »
Out of curiousity the calamity set listed on the guide is using argosy but would it not be better to use the relic +3 peices for their extra stat modifiers and similar atk while also having meva as a moot point as well?

We used Argosy because BST was extremely attack-starved before the update. Argosy is still great for Decimation but other WS we can probably start switching over.

Vankathka said: »
The problem is, is that BST isn't needed and no one really knows what it can do, they know you can Tegmina Buffet powerlevel and even then they'll be like whats that? oh the grasshopper and thats it, even less know of what it can do in terms of debuffing, even fewer have the gear to pull it off, you need extreme amounts of magic accuracy to land these debuffs in high end content, infact for Wave 3 you'd probably need 2 Pangu's to land on Volte mobs with consistency.

Then you add in the fact that Ooze is AoE and you need to play around that, and as that isn't needed to win people are gonna not want to play the game of resleeping adds even if its the strongest debuff in there, NMs or Bosses is abit of a different story but its also much harder to land (if you even can on Wave 3 Boss) Defense/Attack down/MDB down.

Its easier to just go Summoner and use Blessing/Shiva for MAB Favor and Support CORs/RNGs and make use of Shock Squalls stun for crowd control.

BST absolutely brings more to the table than SMN for Dyna- Impact can be handled by RDM and you'll get more damage out of red mage in magical WS party than you would summoner, plus broad benefits of Distract/Addle/etc. You have extra slots in the 3rd (tank?) party, and having ATK-33% is huge on wave 3 boss with nerfed GEO bubbles, even if you are using mostly magic damage with something like a corsair/ranger setup. Just makes sense to bring BST since you have 18 alliance slots, IMO.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-01-27 11:03:15
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Asura.Sirris said: »
You have extra slots in the 3rd (tank?) party, and having ATK-33% is huge on wave 3 boss

This is a very salient point about BST placement in an alliance. Even if you're not able to get buffs and contribute DPS wise (which every BST would love), the ability to put a potent defense/attack down on an AOE radius is pretty useful in Dynamis. Everybody benefits from it, dps and survival-wise. Don't need to engage really either, just fight > bstpet 2 > sit in DT build. It's unique and strong enough so DRKs and WARs don't have to spend time swapping weapons for Infernal Scythe + Armor Break (though SAM can land ageha just fine).
Posts: 125
By Vankathka 2020-01-27 11:11:21
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You're assuming these debuffs land 100% of the time, they don't.

BST pets have magic accuracy issues and I don't know why but landing status effects on high level mobs is difficult and you don't fully know if they landed or not due to how pets work, but even on Apex I need to use Familiar to land SG Defense down close to 100% accuracy. Wave 1 mobs its fine, wave 2 I need to full swap my axes to land defense/attack down on NMs and on the bosses it requires multiple uses to land, Wave 3 Boss I'm unclear on how well it lands.

SMN also has 99k Flaming Crushes with minimal effort all the way to wave 3, Tidal Roar for 25% attack down Shock Squall to stun all mobs for 10 seconds with a good magic accuracy set, the ability to give a TP Bonus to CORs/RNGs and give a MAB Aura with Shiva if its needed.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-01-27 12:34:49
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I landed corrosive ooze consistently in dynamic, even on the wave and 3 bosses. I made dozens of runs on bst. I augmented 2 axes and a neck. I was constantly using corrosive ooze to very good offensive and defensive effect.

I did not have trouble landing it at all.

The only pet enfeebles I've had trouble landing, are usually from underleveled pets
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,009
By Asura.Saevel 2020-01-27 12:42:01
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
you can SC then you actually want to do Decimation -> Smash Axe -> Decimation -> Decimation,

Also, If you're using Raaz pet, you can substitute smash axe for Sweeping Gouge to still maintain the induration. You get the additional defense down debuff to make your 4 step a little better.

I'm deliberately avoiding the pet as it's primarily used to buff the master or apply the appropriate Kill Instinct buff. Killer Instinct is amazingly powerful due to BST's ability to use it on multiple types of monsters. Then we have stuff like Corrosive Ooze and Sheep's Rage.

Honestly any setup that's going to have the BST doing damage is going to be buffed exclusively for melee / magic with 0 pet buffs, so expect any offensive pet attacks to miss or do really bad damage. Pets become more of a source of buffs for the master then anything else.
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