Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 698
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2019-10-02 11:24:26
Quetzalcoatl.Beaztmaster said: »Hng. Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
To briefly revisit this topic, using the Run Wild testing method we can verify the amount of Pet:MAB that is given by each item level beyond 99.
For example, Warlike Patrick at iLvl 119:
Fireball (1540 TP)
w/Pet:MAB+68 & Run Wild = 4556 damage
w/Pet:MAB+93 = 4556 damage
These damage values work out to be the same because Pets gain MAB+32 when they're iLvl 119.
68 + 32 = 100 MAB
93 + 32 = 125 MAB
So with Run Wild's 1.25 multiplier we're able to compare the 2 scenarios and deduce the missing piece of the MAB puzzle.
[Edit from September 2023]:
Here's the complete table from level 99 to 123:
The entire testing process couldn't be completed with purely WarlikePatrick (natural level cap: 104), but because of this:
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »Fireball ... has the same fTP as Snow Cloud too. it was possible to fill in the level gaps with AudaciousAnna and LuckyLulush.
The MAB gained per item level is the same as Avatars.
I think Automatons get more per item level, but I couldn't find the update notes or testing on it...
As a tiny bonus demonstration: FluffyBredo (innate MAB+40) at level 99 and level 119 -

This is on a BST with 0 Job Points (so no Ready Damage+) to compare the MAB differences via Ambuscade Cape (Pet:Magic Damage+20).
The Magic Damage+20 adds 28 damage in the first example (level 99, MAB+40 total), since
20 * 1.4 = 28
and Magic Damage+20 adds 34 damage in the second example (level 119, MAB+72 total), because
20 * 1.72 = 34
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 88
By Asura.Patb 2019-10-02 14:09:56
How can I tell if the additional effect landed on moves like Purulent Ooze or Corrosive Ooze? Should I be gearing those strictly for pet macc?
By FaeQueenCory 2019-10-02 14:12:50
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »but I couldn't find the update notes or testing on it... Here's the testing from that. Had to click a bit down the rabbit hole.
However, I question it slightly, since the post I linked shows that the automaton was uncapped in dINT for the nukes (+24INT added damage), so the gains from 99 to 113 could be skewed from that. (+70ish INT is kinda huge)
However, Byrth mathed it out to 40 MAB at 113. And he's reliable. So it's fairly probable that since BST and SMN pets have innate MABs, SE figured to double the iLv MAB for PUP.
It would be much easier to confirm and double check now that we can compare 113/117/119 automatons fairly easily.
By clearlyamule 2019-10-02 14:20:26
How can I tell if the additional effect landed on moves like Purulent Ooze or Corrosive Ooze? Should I be gearing those strictly for pet macc? With additional effects there is no way to know unless you see it proc. You can't even see it wear off because chat doesn't recognize debuffs your pet put on it as yours or even an allies. If you are going just for the effect then yeah do some macc
By clearlyamule 2019-10-02 14:21:45
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »but I couldn't find the update notes or testing on it... Here's the testing from that. Had to click a bit down the rabbit hole.
However, I question it slightly, since the post I linked shows that the automaton was uncapped in dINT for the nukes (+24INT added damage), so the gains from 99 to 113 could be skewed from that. (+70ish INT is kinda huge)
However, Byrth mathed it out to 40 MAB at 113. And he's reliable. So it's fairly probable that since BST and SMN pets have innate MABs, SE figured to double the iLv MAB for PUP.
It would be much easier to confirm and double check now that we can compare 113/117/119 automatons fairly easily. Also might be worth going back because from what I could see people didn't even consider different frames could have different bonuses or that there could be innate percent based bonuses
I'd also suspect bst pets gain bonuses at different rates given they have different end totals and when I was doing some 119 bst pet stats I had accidentally done some with non 119 pets and iirc it was kind of weird like would jump
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-10-02 15:46:44
How can I tell if the additional effect landed on moves like Purulent Ooze or Corrosive Ooze? Should I be gearing those strictly for pet macc?
It kinda depends. I have a toggle for macc in my version of Falkirk's lua. Sometimes you want the damage from these moves, which is respectable for bursting with despite their high charge cost, but other times the additional effect's support potential is all that matters.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-10-02 17:42:45
i shifted my Purulent Ooze set to use max Magic Accuracy. I pretty much only use it for max hp down.
I keep my Corrosive Ooze set in mab. however I use Falkirk' lua, so its pretty easy to change to higher acc sets. which i have several tiers defined.
Also, proc rate on Corrosive ooze is very good. You will see the difference in your damage. unless you already have pdif capped from other buffs.
For purulent ooze, you will see the targets hp increase.
for example, you run in, hit a mob 1x. it is at 99% hp instead of 100%. Use Purulent Ooze right away, and see its hp go back up to 100% for a brief bit. Then maybe a min later, the hp drops an extra 10%
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 698
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2019-10-06 09:14:03
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-10-15 10:11:49
Does anyone have even a semi-current BST spreadsheet they could share? I'd like to do some comparisons between different melee and WS sets and buff scenarios.
Also, Reward has a cap on its maximum recast reduction from gear? Meaning that, with AF2+3 legs, we only need NQ bonnet to cap? Honestly it shouldn't have a cap on recast reduction at all, lol.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 698
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2019-10-15 11:13:33
Also, Reward has a cap on its maximum recast reduction from gear? Meaning that, with AF2+3 legs, we only need NQ bonnet to cap? Honestly it shouldn't have a cap on recast reduction at all, lol.
This is true, yes.
Any combination of hat/legs with recast reduction will cap your gear contribution to Reward's timer (-23 seconds).
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »The NQ bonnets are -10sec and the HQs are both -15sec.
Was doing some Reward testing so I could answer your question thoroughly:
Reward Recast Reduction caps at -25%, and the only thing that breaks the cap is the Reward Recast merit category.
0/5 Reward Recast Merits
Reward Recast = 1min 30sec
w/  = 1min 20sec
w/  = 1min 15sec
w/  = 1min 13sec
w/  +  = 1min 7sec
w/  +  = 1min 7sec
5/5 Reward Recast Merits
Reward Recast = 1min 15sec
w/  = 1min 5sec
w/  = 1min
w/  = 58sec
w/  +  = 52sec
w/  +  = 52sec
So... Reward Recast Reduction caps at -23 seconds (25% of 90) and you don't even need an HQ Bonnet to cap as long as you have reforged AF or Relic legs. Hope that helps. :)
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-10-15 11:20:12
Bst dps Spreadsheet
I trust it for tp sets pretty well.
however, I went on a long rant several pages back (probably more than once) that I don't fully trust it for weaponskills.
particularly the vit mod for setup 2 with calamity is broken
but also the damage formulas just don't quite line up right for weaponskills.
I haven't figured out how to fix it. I did update tp values from Byrth's original, but the mistakes that are still here are in the original also.
there is not PDL here at all.
its the best I can do.
Regarding Malignance offensively
the defensive properties are the most compelling imo, but the fact that they are combined with such good TP set properties is really amazing. Its not the max tp set, but its not far behind that either. If you have only ever geared up for pet on bst, malignance is a very easy way to jump into a great place for tp. And all that store tp pairs very well with Aymur Aftermath.
Shoot, in wave 3 divergence, or any other high level content, I would TP in Malignance set anyway.
FYI Falkirk, need to update the notes about Farsha MND in reward set.
its 35 MND ... and if its r15 then its actually 50 MND
edit: actually... thats probably what you mean from the note... the base 35 + 15 MND... oh well wasn't clear to me at a glance. not sure a better way to say it.
Ironically ankusa trousers +3 are only 21s reduction, so you can't quite keep max recast reduction without the headpiece.... inventory woes remain.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-10-15 14:58:22
That's a big help, thanks Xilk! I just finished Aymur, I wanted to play around with some sets, trying to get some idea of what to build around. Now to do trials, and then finish Farsha and AG it.
I need to work on getting that Malignance set. The stats pair up with AM3 so nicely.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 90
By Sylph.Excalin 2019-10-18 12:59:53
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Ironically ankusa trousers +3 are only 21s reduction, so you can't quite keep max recast reduction without the headpiece.... inventory woes remain
Really depends on how you look at it, can you reduce the need for those 2 seconds with the extra amount you heal from wearing a piece you have with higher MND?
The same goes for the feat, how many merits? How often do you use Reward?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-10-25 03:26:47
Yay BST up next, *** the whole list of whatever they're thinking of and change the commands range back to what it was, kthx
By Felgarr 2019-10-25 03:54:03
Thanks Falkirk and Xilkk and others for continuously testing and updating this thread. Beastmaster's my favorite job.
Yay BST up next, *** the whole list of whatever they're thinking of and change the commands range back to what it was, kthx
If they're sincerely going to try....I would love both a distance revert AND something to help us fight up close. If they're going to half-*** the BST update, then just revert the distance.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 55
By Siren.Quagmire 2019-10-25 03:59:55
20 gil on SE just giving a better charm rate ='( and reducing the yalms to heal pet.
By Draylo 2019-10-25 04:09:33
I can't allow that, sorry!
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-10-25 05:54:47
Bst Updates.....
I've been impatient for them... Now I'm nervous.
Bst/drg works quite well when using Aymur. You actually take advantage of Fencer, and it stacks really well with the new wsd bonus from /drg (which I read applies to all hits).
I was surprisingly able to self skillchain (master only) just as well with /drg am3 as I was with /nin am3.
The jumps work pretty well to get the last bit of tp to skillchain after a magical weaponskill. My biggest challenge before was getting tp fste enough after Primal Rend or Cloudsplitter. Other ws had enough multi-hit or stp on ws set that the return was enough to skillchain after already.
my testing was with apex jagils and full trusts for lots of haste, etc.
However, I did find that using Pangu or Dolichenus I had a much harder time making self skillchains w/out am3.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,327
By Bahamut.Negan 2019-10-25 06:41:42
New pets, that is all!
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-10-25 07:05:27
Its hard to whittle down the list I made for desired BST adjustments.
If I say undo the range nerf and give us new pets (which restore previous pets that we lost from low levels) its like being happy that SE stole my shirt then gave it back as a birthday present...
Even though, those 2 things are probably the simplest and most desirable changes.
However, I think the enmity changes I listed would have the most impact. It is perhaps the most unlikely. Pet Enmity from self-buffing ready moves being the more important of the 2, and enmity gear modifying enmity from snarl being then next.
Also, having pet shields or more killer effects gear is more of a gear adjustment than a job adjustment. So I don't expect alternate ready recast reduction or pet stat shields yet.
Some utility from charm and tame, I really don't think SE will touch. I'm almost afraid they will waist the entire update doing something like this, even though I would like to be able to use both while already having a pet. They could be modestly useful as crowd control and enmity tools this way at least.
OR SE will just surprise me with something I didn't think of. who knows.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,105
By Asura.Shiraj 2019-10-25 07:24:58
I hope BST becomes great again. I've been wanting to play this job for so long, but couldn't have a reason to gear it aside from wanting to play it, but that doesn't get invited to content. /cry
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-10-25 11:03:59
Is that... a new pet in the screenshot? Looks like a firefly pet?
At a bare minimum I expect that beastmaster will lose its reliance on Charmer's Merlin and ASA pants to cap -Ready recast time. I... actually don't care as much about the range thing. Increase it to 10-12' or even 15'? Sure, that makes us even better and more foolproof as a solo/pet strat job.
Beyond that, there are significant changes that I'd want for BST, in line with what dragoon and monk just got:
addition of good stat scaling to Ready moves so that Familiar and +stat gear becomes legitimately potent
increase the job point category of Ready move damage bonus to be a multiplier at the end of the calculation rather than just first hit
adjustment of Killer Instinct to include all mob families for an actual dps job ability
no cap on the -recast of Reward
addition of more pets who can self-sc and cover more chain types
addition of more pets with high magic damage comparable to summoner
reduction in charge cost for certain pet Ready moves
changes to axe weaponskills; in particularly higher mod/fTP for Mistral Axe so that it matches or exceeds Savage Blade
I can't allow that, sorry!
I can already hear your little fingers at work trying to type some kind of shrill "nerf BST" post on the OF.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-10-25 11:28:23
Is that... a new pet in the screenshot? Looks like a firefly pet?
Yes... Thats EXACTLY what the picture looks like.
funny I check the wiki's right when I confirmed the image... but I see 0 information on what lucani tp moves actually are.
Beyond that, there are significant changes that I'd want for BST, in line with what dragoon and monk just got:
addition of good stat scaling to Ready moves so that Familiar and +stat gear becomes legitimately potent
increase the job point category of Ready move damage bonus to be a multiplier at the end of the calculation rather than just first hit
adjustment of Killer Instinct to include all mob families for an actual dps job ability
no cap on the -recast of Reward
addition of more pets who can self-sc and cover more chain types
addition of more pets with high magic damage comparable to summoner
reduction in charge cost for certain pet Ready moves
changes to axe weaponskills; in particularly higher mod/fTP for Mistral Axe so that it matches or exceeds Savage Blade
Sorry to be critical, but One item on this list makes me cringe badly: Native Dual wield
I understand that it feels like beastmaster ALWAYS needs to sub either nin or dnc. Both for master melee, and pet stat bonuses, dual wield is incredibly beneficial.
However, breaking the meta, and contradicting Fencer with dual wield is a poor way to address the problem. Which is why I insist on Pet bonus shields and other ready recast reduction gear instead. Dual Wield makes alot more sense for thf, dnc, and blu... which they were added to. It makes less sense for bst. I actually like Fencer, and would enjoy more fencer builds. Instead of staying pigeonholed with dual wielding all the time, I'd rather have viable options for both dual wield and axe + Shield combo.
I'm very curious which ready moves you would change the charge cost of. AND which Weaponskill property combinations you would be interested in for ready moves.
Primarily I wish we had Fragmentation on Something other than ??? Needles. OR Amigo Sabotender to level up. Also more pets which can solo a level 2 skillchain would be nice.
Though we do have all level 2 properties on pets, Fragmentation is perhaps the least available for beastmaster.
we have 2 pets which can solo fusion
1 which can solo distortion
but none which can use 2x level 1 weaponskills to make gravitation or fragmentation
I really like the suggestion get rid of/improve the 25% reward recast reduction limit
I'm a bit confused about how you are comparing bst pet magical damage with summoner pet magical damage. I would like snow bunny and lynx pets leveled up because I want Snow Cloud and Charged Whisker at higher magic accuracy ant reliability. However, without puppet roll or geo malaise, I can already burst these up around 32k damage.
I've burst Bredo up to 75k damage (with Geo, but without puppet roll)
So when it comes to pure power for pet magic damage, I really don't think Summoner has anything on bst.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 698
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2019-10-25 11:29:12
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-10-25 11:32:14
Where is this info coming from Falkirk?
Names are different, but descriptions are exactly like normal ladybug abilities.... which actually gets me thinking... can any other player apply Amnesia to mobs? They took it away from us with ladybugs... but if we had it with lucani/glow bug that could be really cool.
Its VERY likely that all NM's are immune.... but its also plenty likely that they would overlook such a thing if players can't apply it in the first place...
who need subtle blow, mewing lullaby, tp drainkiss, etc if you can land amnesia, right?
maybe I should test w/ contagion transfer shield.. I've been holding on to that for a long time.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 148
By Bismarck.Rwolf 2019-10-25 11:53:12
SMN can apply Amnesia with Cait Sith's Eerie Eye. It's not a decent duration and the gaze part of it is annoying.
I hope the distance is reverted. It is such an unnecessary leash. I still sometimes forget it's there when I'm trying to in the heat of battle move and realize it's too far from pet even if I'm in melee range on bigger targets.
I agree with BST being more Fencer oriented natively and bringing more shields into the mix. I hope it's a decent update but if not I hope people voice their continued concerns on official forums. Other jobs got multiple updates, so I don't see why not.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-10-25 12:02:03
With a duration that short, it's not unreasonable. I hope they do give BST something unique like that. I'm a fan of jobs getting unique abilities in order to encourage variety.
By clearlyamule 2019-10-25 12:37:07
Also Vermeil Bhuj but from what I recall it had terrible proc rate and durations more like longer stuns (though to be far with capped haste you got a lot of attempts in a short time)
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-10-25 13:17:43
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Sorry to be critical, but One item on this list makes me cringe badly: Native Dual wield
I understand that it feels like beastmaster ALWAYS needs to sub either nin or dnc. Both for master melee, and pet stat bonuses, dual wield is incredibly beneficial.
However, breaking the meta, and contradicting Fencer with dual wield is a poor way to address the problem. Which is why I insist on Pet bonus shields and other ready recast reduction gear instead. Dual Wield makes alot more sense for thf, dnc, and blu... which they were added to. It makes less sense for bst. I actually like Fencer, and would enjoy more fencer builds. Instead of staying pigeonholed with dual wielding all the time, I'd rather have viable options for both dual wield and axe + Shield combo.
Which is more likely, S-E adding several new pet stat-stick shields, or adding Dual Wield to allow us to use all of the nice pet stat axes that we already have? That's where I'm coming from. I agree that it contradicts with fencer but we haven't gotten enough usable pet shields. We are the only job that would use pet shields. I doubt Square is going to put forth effort to give us more.
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »I'm very curious which ready moves you would change the charge cost of. AND which Weaponskill property combinations you would be interested in for ready moves.
Primarily I wish we had Fragmentation on Something other than ??? Needles. OR Amigo Sabotender to level up. Also more pets which can solo a level 2 skillchain would be nice.
Though we do have all level 2 properties on pets, Fragmentation is perhaps the least available for beastmaster.
we have 2 pets which can solo fusion
1 which can solo distortion
but none which can use 2x level 1 weaponskills to make gravitation or fragmentation
That's exactly what I want :)
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »I'm a bit confused about how you are comparing bst pet magical damage with summoner pet magical damage. I would like snow bunny and lynx pets leveled up because I want Snow Cloud and Charged Whisker at higher magic accuracy ant reliability. However, without puppet roll or geo malaise, I can already burst these up around 32k damage.
I've burst Bredo up to 75k damage (with Geo, but without puppet roll)
So when it comes to pure power for pet magic damage, I really don't think Summoner has anything on bst.
As you say, we need more magical element coverage. That's critical! But no, on serious stuff, summoner can do much more magical damage. Access to the same or more pet mab/macc PLUS the +blood pact damage multiplier. I play both SMN and BST and it's not uncommon to hit big bursts on Kei, or Zerde, 80k-max damage. I've hit some decent bursts on Bredo or Arthur for 40-50k in Dyna but SMN can do more, and we don't even have the Ready frequency advantage there like we do for physical because those are 2-3 charges. I'd like Bredo's moves to be one charge, and he be the serious darkness nuking pet, and some kind of light counterpart (coerl?)
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
Just the amnesia alone, if it's unresistable like Mewing Lullaby, would be tremendous.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 153
By Asura.Bixbite 2019-10-25 13:32:39
They need to buff BST way more then they did PUP. Especially because they buffed both master and puppet DD by a lot.
Why would you ever bring bst over smn/pup in most content that is the issue that needs addressing. BST doesn’t Tank, Heal, Nuke, Support or Debuff strong enough to be competitive. They can’t really address these issues without a rework and new pets.
So will they take the easier route and just give Bst a huge buff to their damage output.