Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
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Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-05-12 11:49:01
came back to check how tp affects ??? Needles.
Seems it only affects Range of the move.
from the video, it looks like Run Wild and Unleash will still increase the damage, but I'm thinking geo bubbles and corsair rolls will have absolutely no affect on ??? needles.
Maybe pet affinity will
Serveur: Bismarck
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Posts: 12
By Bismarck.Claddy 2019-05-13 04:44:59
Are Desultor Tassets worth using on BST? I wasn't sure if they would be used instead of Valorous Hose during the ready move, or if they count as precast gear for a ready move and Valorous Hose will still have time to swap before the move goes off. Thank you.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-05-13 05:05:57
Are Desultor Tassets worth using on BST? I wasn't sure if they would be used instead of Valorous Hose during the ready move, or if they count as precast gear for a ready move and Valorous Hose will still have time to swap before the move goes off. Thank you.
Precast gear is exactly how Desultor tassets and Charmer's merlin are used for Bst Ready Moves.
reducing ready recast by 10 seconds between the 2 pieces. they are very powerful and very valuable.
You then swap your potency pieces such as arktoi, kumbhakarna, aymur, valorous hose, or totemic trousers +3 in for the midcast of the ready moves. yes you can take advantage of both sets every time.
By sharazisspecial 2019-05-25 08:13:20
Anyone with Aymur bis set have numbers of how much their pet does in endgame/apex? The pup forum has posted a ton of numbers and smn can hit 99k with flaming crush fully buffed/debuffed.
SE nerfed BST because they view it as a hybrid dps. But I feel quite disappointed in it's hybrid dps capabilties. Compare it to PUP who can ws 25k+ and sub warrior without any penalty to pet.
BST has fencer taking the spot of actual useful DD trait (giving up second weapon reduces pet damage and tp gain so where's the benefit?)
My master DD set isn't perfect so i do need to work on it. Are Bsts on this forum with good sets doing good numbers?
My BST is being out-damaged and out-tanked by my PUP in endgame currently, even though BST does make the trade of that the master and pet are much more vunerable.
By Nariont 2019-05-25 10:03:29
Ambu axe should give some solid results, gearwise id say bst is better off than pup is, both in master and hybrid gear. Biggest problem is losing ready pre and midcast axes and being locked into nin or dnc subs. Smites also a nice trait pup has that bst doesnt making it even more atk starved
By sharazisspecial 2019-05-25 10:24:34
I mastered bst and have the full magic damage set in guide. On paper it can do respectable damage. I like the pet fluffy Bredo. But in reality if your pet gets one status effect after reward is used. Your dps plummets. Pup gets at least a 3min overdrive where pet is nearly immune to status, Summoner can resummon avatar.
Quote: Ambu axe should give some solid results
So far my best numbers have been from mistral axe with Pangu. Ambu axe decimation was disappointing for me but my set isn't finished for that. I will work on my sets and see if i can get respectable numbers.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-05-25 15:02:47
So far my best numbers have been from mistral axe with Pangu. Ambu axe decimation was disappointing for me but my set isn't finished for that. I will work on my sets and see if i can get respectable numbers.
I only did a couple tests with Kaja Axe. I do have Dolichenus now (finally!) but haven't tested since getting dolichenus.
on Apex mobs with Kaja Axe, I usually do 32k decimation with frequent spikes at 44k. I could get an occasional spike up to 53k.
this was solo with trusts vs apex bats. If I was using Argosy set for this, but I only have legs/feet +1 from that.
If I change to a more triple attack heavy set instead, Its easier to spike up to 50k, but also have 24k ws's as well. I didn't parse long enough to get a good comparison.
ONly reason I haven't done the test with pet vs apex toads to match Aerix's test is I havent' had a cor to pull out there w/ me yet.
By Nariont 2019-05-25 15:14:49
But in reality if your pet gets one status effect after reward is used. Your dps plummets.
Agreed bst is about equal to drg at taking care of pet debuffs, and drg normally doesnt have to worry about its pet getting debuffed, really needs work in that area.
As for deci it shouldnt be that bad, threw together what i think would be its best set, even gear below this it shouldnt be too far behind pup ws
ItemSet 366854
Maybe argosy body and proper aug'd valor boots would be better?
As for hybrid builds ive been wonderimg, with proper buffs is it worth gearing for pets haste and the like, or just using it as a ready machine?
By sharazisspecial 2019-05-25 15:26:02
Thanks for the sets and numbers
By sharazisspecial 2019-05-26 11:19:03
Any ws numbers for Rank 15 Aymur Primal Rend on endgame/apex?
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-05-30 15:32:43
Any ws numbers for Rank 15 Aymur Primal Rend on endgame/apex? Nope. Not r15 sadly
but I didn't have trouble hitting 30k Primal Rends on Apex Bats. Fernagu offhand helps alot with this. though at high tp, malevolence is better, and faster tp gain.
Its in a video earlier in the thread. duo'ing w/ corsair. I honestly don't remember if we were using wizards roll or not, but I was using fluffy bredo for mdb down.
My Primal set is better now, but haven't tested it. would like to get Orpheus Sash and r15 Aymur first. I'm hoping to get 40k
I was also able to burst bredo up to 65k ~ 75k damage. wasn't using puppet roll. but it was step 3 or 4 in skillchain.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-05-30 15:39:27
Agreed bst is about equal to drg at taking care of pet debuffs, and drg normally doesnt have to worry about its pet getting debuffed, really needs work in that area.
I guess I'm the only one who carries a full stack of pet Roborant around for when I need it?
Also for Decimation, Methinks if you can get the super rare DM augments of QA 3% you are in excellent shape. and yes Beaztmaster, I'm still jealous.
By Nariont 2019-05-30 17:13:18
i more meant that your ailment recovery is your health recovery, i.e: puppet has repair for health recovery aswell as status recover, and then has maintenance, and eraser if you want to go further.
so just for the sake of it, i could remove 3 enfeebs with repair with +3 af boots aswell as a near full heal, then up to another 4 with maint, then another 1-3 stat removal every 30s~ or so depending on maneuvers. BST in comparison, you use reward and thats all you get for a good minute. Both jobs need their pet as ailemt free as possible sometimes as its not as expendable as say avatars are, bst just has more limitations at removing ailments than pup does
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-06-09 11:30:00
I notice that Digirbalag in Falkirk's lua has mab/macc. Is that a DM augment? BG-wiki shows only pet atk/acc augments listed for that axe.
Anyone with Aymur bis set have numbers of how much their pet does in endgame/apex? The pup forum has posted a ton of numbers and smn can hit 99k with flaming crush fully buffed/debuffed.
SE nerfed BST because they view it as a hybrid dps. But I feel quite disappointed in it's hybrid dps capabilties. Compare it to PUP who can ws 25k+ and sub warrior without any penalty to pet.
BST has fencer taking the spot of actual useful DD trait (giving up second weapon reduces pet damage and tp gain so where's the benefit?)
My master DD set isn't perfect so i do need to work on it. Are Bsts on this forum with good sets doing good numbers?
My BST is being out-damaged and out-tanked by my PUP in endgame currently, even though BST does make the trade of that the master and pet are much more vunerable.
Summoner can hit higher numbers because Volt Strike/Flaming Crush have more favorable synergy with Astral Flow stat bonuses plus AM3/gear multihit. For zerg SMN will win every time, our biggest boost is the longer duration of Unleash. Sustained pet-only fights, like say Omen bosses, I find I can hang with the Nirvana summoners in my ls because we get about 2 Ready moves for every blood pact, plus BST pets have higher attack, so more consistent damage outside of Bolster. Compared to puppetmaster, eh, I don't know. Usually on PUP my auto is tanking so I can't compare. The auto has a ton more survivability of course, can hit pet DT cap plus that huge regen. Reward isn't enough, particularly on like Fu where ultimately my pet is pulling hate before 50% and getting hit extremely hard.
I do think beastmaster needs an adjustment. The master and pet are both more vulnerable compared to both summoner and puppetmaster. We should do more damage under Unleash, or they should give us a greater range to give our pets commands so it's more safe. Even say 10' would be better. Reduce the Reward timer. And Christ, give us the -Ready time through merits or JP rather than tying it to gear.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 325
By Asura.Biglovin 2019-06-09 13:23:15
And Christ, give us the -Ready time through merits or JP rather than tying it to gear.
Seriously, this.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-06-20 06:53:20
Gearset updates for guide:
Decimation & Ruinator: Gere Ring Replaces Regal Ring
TP set: Gere ring replaces Chirich +1
Gere Ring also replaces Ilabrat Ring for Mistral Axe and Calamity.
For Calamity, none of the Argosy set is BiS. Ankusa +3 set is. there is more attack on Ankusa set. also, the combines STR + VIT on Ankusa is better than the STR on Argosy +1. multi-attack doesn't do much fore mistral/calamity
My tests show that even with 5% WSD and perfect STR/attack for fern stones, Valorous body/legs/feet would not beat out argosy +1 A for Mistral Axe. Even then the improvement is minuscule. so unless, you can get REALLY good WSD Dark Matter augments, its REALLY not worth it in my opinion. The WSD Valorous just not good enough for mistral/calamity.
I also can verify that the recommendation by Unagihito and Aerix for Mistral axe set are better. That is swap in Lustratio harness +1 path A and Lustratio Leggings +1 path D for the higher strength, attack and WSD set bonus. These are BiS in slot for bst on Mistral Axe.
oh, and swap in Ishvara earring for Telos earring on both Mistral Axe and Calamity sets
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-06-23 15:14:51
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Gearset updates for guide:
Decimation & Ruinator: Gere Ring Replaces Regal Ring
TP set: Gere ring replaces Chirich +1
Gere Ring also replaces Ilabrat Ring for Mistral Axe and Calamity.
For Calamity, none of the Argosy set is BiS. Ankusa +3 set is. there is more attack on Ankusa set. also, the combines STR + VIT on Ankusa is better than the STR on Argosy +1. multi-attack doesn't do much fore mistral/calamity
My tests show that even with 5% WSD and perfect STR/attack for fern stones, Valorous body/legs/feet would not beat out argosy +1 A for Mistral Axe. Even then the improvement is minuscule. so unless, you can get REALLY good WSD Dark Matter augments, its REALLY not worth it in my opinion. The WSD Valorous just not good enough for mistral/calamity.
I also can verify that the recommendation by Unagihito and Aerix for Mistral axe set are better. That is swap in Lustratio harness +1 path A and Lustratio Leggings +1 path D for the higher strength, attack and WSD set bonus. These are BiS in slot for bst on Mistral Axe.
oh, and swap in Ishvara earring for Telos earring on both Mistral Axe and Calamity sets
What does a perfect Mistral Axe set look like, this? What kind of numbers are you getting from Mistral?
ItemSet 367415
I'm surprised that perfect WSD Valorous doesn't win out for Mistral.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-06-24 17:38:23
Sorry, I mis-typed a bit. 5% wsd Valorous body/legs/feet DOES beat argosy +1, JUST barely according to spreadsheet. like average damage is ~130 greater. 7% WSD from Dark Matter Augments would be even better. I've never gotten a good WSD augment from dark matter on Valorous. and I've tried alot.
however, lustratio +1 body/feet + Argosy +1 legs are better.
You lose too much attack and str on valorous.
ItemSet 367420
blank ring is Gere Ring of course, though Epaminondas is very close.
Only reason methinks it works this way is because bst is so much more deficient regarding str/att compared to Heavy dd's.
I even went out to parse the difference between using wsd legs/feet on mistral axe vs argosy +1 legs/feet
vs Apex Toads, using same trusts and same gear setup except those 2 pieces. (Sylvie, Ygnas, Joachim, Koru moru, Ulmia, and corrosive ooze from Generous Arthur) Weapons: Pangu / Purgation 3k tp for weaponskills.
WSD Valorous: Avg Mistral Axe damage = 25330
Argosy +1: Avg Mistral Axe damage = 26948
It was noticeable just from a few weaponskills, but I took a larger sample of each anyway.
Now, UNLESS you already have Lustratio +1 or WSD pieces from other jobs, I don't think its worth making them just for bst. (And this is coming from the Beastmaster who carries 35+ jugs in wardrobe at all times).
Lustratio will only be Best in Slot for Mistral Axe
Ankusa set will only be best in Slot for Calamity
Argosy will best BiS or VERY near it for Ruinator, Decimation, Mistral Axe and Calamity. Probably all the other STR based Physical WS also, but I almost never use any of them. They are too weak and don't have level 2 skillchain properties.
All the physical Axe weaponskills are fantastic with the Argosy +1 set. whereas if you max each set, you will fill more inventory on an already inventory intensive job for minimal benefit.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-06-24 19:23:58
I also parsed the difference between argosy set and swapping in skormoth mask, tali'ah manteel +1, and Meghanad chausses +2 for lots of Triple attack.
They are very close, but Argosy still winning.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-06-25 01:04:16
How do numbers compare for Mistral Axe versus Decimation with Dolichenus? I made that as a toy and I've been very pleased with it so far, but I'd like to take my BST a step further with other WS too...
Your average Mistral looks a little below my average Decimation, I think?
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-06-25 06:30:08
My Test is Solo. I'm using only trusts and pet to boost it up. Also, I did not stop for when frailty bubble was down. I wanted a sample to be an accurate represenation of combat, instead of just max damage.
Also On Decimation, there were some w/ less damage because I killed the apex toad. Multihit weaponskills will miss some hits.
So there is definitely room to improve the damage in my test, but it requires other player characters. I do not multi-box.
I did not use Dolichenus with Mistral Axe. I used Pangu and Purgation.
My Dolichenus/Decimation average was 24630 Damage. It was Less than my Mistral Axe. However, I should clarify that I'm only using Argosy +1 legs and feet. My other Argosy Pieces are NQ.
It doesn't matter so much in Mistral Axe set, the head, and hands are ankusa and totemic respectively. However, the Decimation set would be significantly improved by 3 more HQ pieces.
I've gone back and forth on the value of getting Argosy set. so I've been slow to get all the HQ pieces. kinda love/hate on it.
I expect Mistral Axe to be less damage than Decimation while using Dolichenus. Pangu has higher damage rating. also, I made sure to get 3k tp for mistral axe, but not for dolichenus, because my accuracy was already overcap for my target, and tp does almost nothing to improve damage on Decimation. so Decimation DPS w/ Dolichenues was clearly higher than getting 3k TP with Mistral Axe. You can spam decimation alot more often without losing damage.
IN order to do similar things with Mistral Axe and Calamity, you need tp bonus Fernagu in the off-hand, which comes with its only Accuracy problems. 1250 TP bonues (Fernagu + Moonshade) is a very nice boost.
If I use Fernagu in offhand, I hit harder weaponskills at lower tp ofcourse, but I usually drop from 95%+ acc down to 75% ~ 80% accuracy just from offhand misses.
I do more damage with Calamity than Mistral axe or Decimation usually, but that is with Pangu. it doesn't even consider the skillchain bonus on Dolichenus. However, Physical weaponskills damage the best one is Calamity for me.
Also, what is your target to get higher damage? I am taking average damage. I had spikes up over 40k withe Decimation, but usually 22k ~35k. some lower down at 12k.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-06-25 10:53:58
I was doing my Decimations on Apex Crawlers (GenerousArthur's defense down and Frailty from my alt). This is my set, rings could be better of course:
ItemSet 367166
Decimation is really cool with Dolichenus. Very consistent overall. I guess I'll make a Mistral Axe set next. Would probably stick with Barbarity +1 offhand since, like you say, you lose so much accuracy from that offhand slot.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-06-25 11:19:05
Looks like a great set. almost perfect.
Only ring that could be better is the new Gere Ring from Odin or you could get Regal Ring from Ou, but Gere is best now. Epona is still best with Decimation also.
ah, yeah, apex eruca are good prey. Toads have about 6~8 more levels than eruca so defense and such are higher. should explain the damage difference methinks.
I didn't save the numbers, but I was hitting Apex bats in Dho Gates considerably harder than the Apex Toads in Woh Gates back when I first got Kaja Axe.
Barbarity +1 is the BEST offhand for both Mistral Axe and Calamity for Bst. that is at high TP (over 2k).
Perfect Augments on Purgation would be 3rd after NQ Barbarity methinks.
Fernagu is actually BiS for most the really good Axe Weaponskills because they scale so much for tp. Decimation being a clear exception.
Its hard to pull off getting tp fast enough, but the following skillchain is really fun with Decimation:
Decimation > Sweeping Gouge > Decimation > Decimation
The last Decimation is hard to pull off. but its Induration > Fragmentation > Light
Though it would probably be more fun to close the 5th or 6th step with Decimation to make Light.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 29
By Bismarck.Xzerper 2019-07-02 04:56:35
Off-Subject, but I've read through the entire main OP, and a few other links, and can not find the Mote-Include.lua file to go with the Gearswap Falk posted. May I kindly ask where this is? Thank you!
By phunky 2019-07-02 09:11:54
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
Its hard to pull off getting tp fast enough, but the following skillchain is really fun with Decimation:
Decimation > Sweeping Gouge > Decimation > Decimation
The last Decimation is hard to pull off. but its Induration > Fragmentation > Light
Decimation > Ripper Fang > Decimation > Decimation also works and creates the same skilchain.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-07-02 14:31:26
Off-Subject, but I've read through the entire main OP, and a few other links, and can not find the Mote-Include.lua file to go with the Gearswap Falk posted. May I kindly ask where this is? Thank you!
[url=https://github.com/Kinematics/Mote-libs/blob/master/Mote-Include.lua]Your text to link here...[/url]
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-07-05 14:17:42
Falkirk, I'm using your lua, and it's overall great, but I'm having an issue with axe-swap off mode. It's not going back to my TP gear in aftercast. If I Ready, or WS, it's staying in that gear. Trying to troubleshoot it but I'm missing where the problem is.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-07-05 17:14:52
Falkirk, I'm using your lua, and it's overall great, but I'm having an issue with axe-swap off mode. It's not going back to my TP gear in aftercast. If I Ready, or WS, it's staying in that gear. Trying to troubleshoot it but I'm missing where the problem is.
Most Likely lacking complete gearsets in the active tp set. I suggest reviewing what your tp sets are and making sure you have the gear, and making sure you didn't leave anything in mog house.
if I recall correctly, Falkirk removed extra master tp sets in his because some ppl complained about them, preferring a pet only setup.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2019-07-08 09:51:21
So this is an amazing addition for us:
master DT plus pet acc, macc, and double attack? It'll be in several sets.
Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »Falkirk, I'm using your lua, and it's overall great, but I'm having an issue with axe-swap off mode. It's not going back to my TP gear in aftercast. If I Ready, or WS, it's staying in that gear. Trying to troubleshoot it but I'm missing where the problem is.
Most Likely lacking complete gearsets in the active tp set. I suggest reviewing what your tp sets are and making sure you have the gear, and making sure you didn't leave anything in mog house.
if I recall correctly, Falkirk removed extra master tp sets in his because some ppl complained about them, preferring a pet only setup.
That's exactly what it was. Found the missing set and now everything works perfectly.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2019-07-08 12:50:48
Yes, I like that ring.
Its nice to have the master dt, though there are many other comparable or better options for that.
however it means we have both ring slots full now for the Pet Magic Accuracy set.
And we get a pet double attack ring which is very welcome.
It is also slightly better pet acc than the varar ring +1. Though that one does have pet STP in it as well.
So I think for bst its mainly those 3 sets it is now a Best in Slot option: Pet Macc, Pet Acc, and most importantly Pet MultiAttack.