Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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By Vaerix 2023-09-16 23:57:03
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »

Acuex as well
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By kapua 2023-09-17 17:14:21
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Hello,new beast here.Trying to find information on how +1 pet level gear works for pet.Do you have to keep that gear on during summon? Does the pet drop in level if you take it off? Some information I'm finding says the summoned beast is 1-2 levels lower than you unless you summon with relic hands, but then I am finding things that say the pet level is based on main hand ilvl, just trying to better understand if anyone can help me out in dumb dumb terms. thank you.
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By Asura.Sechs 2023-09-17 18:21:48
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kapua said: »
Do you have to keep that gear on during summon?

Does the pet drop in level if you take it off?

Some information I'm finding says the summoned beast is 1-2 levels lower than you unless you summon with relic hands, but then I am finding things that say the pet level is based on main hand ilvl
Both are kinda true... but it's a bit more complicated. Should probably read the Jugs page on BGwiki.
It all gets confusing because of the rules which were in place pre-ilevl and those after when new jug pets got added.
Like take the Beast Affinity merits. Normally useless on recent jugs, but can be useful to bring up the max potential level of some slightly older jugs which used to cap lower.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Neviskio
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By Asura.Neviskio 2023-09-17 20:52:50
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Been wondering for a while are the ws sets for attack cap? I see sroda ring so kinda wondering. If they are some sets don't seem to show non attack cap sets, to my limited understanding admittedly.

Been trying to sort my bet gear for fun since it's one of my 3 jobs to master level but I don't reckon I'll be at attack cap ever lol.
Posts: 1,846
By Felgarr 2023-09-17 22:20:51
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Asura.Sechs said: »
kapua said: »
Do you have to keep that gear on during summon?

Does the pet drop in level if you take it off?

Some information I'm finding says the summoned beast is 1-2 levels lower than you unless you summon with relic hands, but then I am finding things that say the pet level is based on main hand ilvl
Both are kinda true... but it's a bit more complicated. Should probably read the Jugs page on BGwiki.
It all gets confusing because of the rules which were in place pre-ilevl and those after when new jug pets got added.
Like take the Beast Affinity merits. Normally useless on recent jugs, but can be useful to bring up the max potential level of some slightly older jugs which used to cap lower.

I couldn't find an explanation so, I'll explain it:

If your level is less than 99: your pets level is 1-2 levels below you (random).

If your level is less than 99 and you're wearing relic hands with no merits, your pet will spawn 0-1 levels below you.

If you're 99 with an item-level Axe and item level relic gloves, your jug pet's level is either:

1.) if the pet uncapped: The main-level of your Axe if the pet is uncapped
2.) if the pet is capped: 99 plus 3 levels for each Beast Affinity merit. (5/5 yields +15 pet levels)

I'm under the impression that 1 or 2 cannot exceed 119. HOWEVER, the following items can increase your pet Level further and stack beyond 119:

+1 Level for a Nukumi Earring (NQ/+1/+2, doesn't matter).
+1 Level for Gleti's Boots
+3 Level for Prime Weapon Spalirisos

This gives you a maximum pet level of 124 for uncapped jugs.

If I am mistaken about the pre-gear cap (with out Summon Pet: Lv+1) being 119, please correct me. (But I doubt SE would let us use relic hands and 5/5 Beast Affinity to go beyond 119).

As an example, Crude Raphie (Shadowy Broth) caps at 99. If called with BST Relic Hands and 5/5 Beast Affinity Merits he becomes 99+15 = level 114. If you include +5 from gear above, he becomes 119.
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By 2023-09-17 22:21:28
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Serveur: Asura
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user: Neviskio
Posts: 116
By Asura.Neviskio 2023-09-18 09:17:46
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Well pretty much all the ones in the guide, I'm not super sure as a whole if they are the normal or attack cap version, don't usually play bst trying to learn but usually if on a job I see sroda it's either attack cap or there's no other alternative.

It might be the case sroda is the best for non-attack cap just wanted to be sure before I make a clown of myself due to my ignorance of bst :P
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By 2023-09-18 10:04:48
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Serveur: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2023-09-18 11:47:24
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kuroki said: »
mistral and calamity are your savage blade equivalent

Or, as more practical advice... switch to Naegling is your savage blade equivalent
Serveur: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2023-09-18 13:33:40
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Phoenix.Capuchin said: »
kuroki said: »
mistral and calamity are your savage blade equivalent

Or, as more practical advice... switch to Naegling is your savage blade equivalent
Don't say it too loud, you're gonna make the BSTs angry! xD

Is Ruinator that bad btw?
I messed around a bit with Dolichenus and Decimation and with lotsa buffs and PDL I can say that WS is nomnomnom.
Without those requisites I'm not sure it's gonna beat Savage/Mistral.
Serveur: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2023-09-18 14:34:35
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Doli/Decimation gets me the best numbers for physical WS spam pretty much regardless of whether I'm mega buffed. Moderately decent buffs is all it takes. For me, even when "solo" I'm dual-boxing and have buffs from at least one actual player-strength BRD GEO or COR (my alt with Idris and max potency songs/rolls)and that's enough, and in party I'm generally getting better (or at least the same quality) buffs. Even easier to justify if you're also using pet moves with strong def- effects on the mob like Corrosive Ooze or Swooping Frenzy (or atk+ master buffs from something like Rage from sheep pet, or Frenzied Rage from Vivacious Gaston).

Savage is good too. A little sad to see, but it is what it is (see also: me hating Savage regularly beating any katana WS on NIN). It just has better fTP mods than the axe single-hit damage varies with TP options, and that's before accounting for Naegling's atk+ and associated WS damage boost. If you can still get good accuracy with Sword mainhand, it's just better damage. And if you can't get sufficient sword accuracy, Decimation's your physical go-to.

I normally use Savage for something like Bumba. I typically bring BST to help everyone with Purulent Ooze taking 10% HP off the top + Corrosive Ooze Def-33%, then supplement with whatever master damage I can add, and Decimation, Mistral, Ruinator, Primal Rend, Onslaught are all off the table due to SCing wtih Savage. Calamity or Rampage could be used, but Savage is just better damage than either. I bet Savage is probably worth it in other situations too, but it feels so dirty that I tend to just use axe instead.

It's too bad Tri-Edge was saddled with an underwhelming associated WS in Ruinator (and one that gets little benefit from TP Bonus). Had the Aeonic weapon boosted Mistral Axe instead, that would have been a contender.
Posts: 238
By Minaras84 2023-09-22 22:06:28
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I wasn't a fan of SB on Bst as obviously I'd rather use axes.
However...if Naegling is paired with Fernagu, the numbers one can pull are pretty insane, especially if using Zhivago (for obvious reason).
And my gear is far from perfect.
For example, on ApexM Mycelars (lvl 134-136) it's an easy 60k SB and 99999 Light.
Can't reach those number with Doli/Decimation.
And this is with trusts.
I agree about Tri-Edge, such a waste of money
Meanwhile... i'm having lots of fun with R15 Aymur and Primal Rend.
Pretty good numbers _without_ a Geo.
Posts: 238
By Minaras84 2023-09-22 22:14:57
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Asura.Sechs said: »
kapua said: »
Do you have to keep that gear on during summon?

Does the pet drop in level if you take it off?

I'm confused about this.
I was under the impression that once summoned with ankusa, mirke,acro etc etc you could swap to whatever gear you needed and the pet level wouldn't decrease?
Posts: 1,846
By Felgarr 2023-09-22 23:47:13
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Minaras84 said: »
Asura.Sechs said: »
kapua said: »
Do you have to keep that gear on during summon?

Does the pet drop in level if you take it off?

I'm confused about this.
I was under the impression that once summoned with ankusa, mirke,acro etc etc you could swap to whatever gear you needed and the pet level wouldn't decrease?

I'm under the impression that level does not change once pet is summoned (assuming you stay in item level weapons or your /checkparam stays the same level. Your character's item level is also visible in the status/equip screen on the top-left corner).

(If you change from item-level axe to non-ilevel Axe, I imagine your pet does get down-leveled).

I'm not on Beastmaster at the moment, but could someone post "/checkparam <pet>" with i-level Axe/relic hands (and gleti's if possible). Then change Axe to a 115 axe, then 99 axe and then back?)
Posts: 2,759
By Nariont 2023-09-23 06:48:28
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+level gear for pets is constantly checked, thus needs to be kept on if you want to keep its level. The relic gloves and such only need to be worn on summon
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-09-23 08:16:29
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I don't have tp bonus Ikenga's Axe

but I do think the All jobs bst code results would be pretty good that Tri-Edge + Ikenga would be pretty awesome.

The TP Bonus 1000 then another 250 from Moonshade Earring, means the advantage of Doli/Decimation for ws's at 1k tp is abrogated.

I'm believe I can get up to 60k numbers at that point. Then again, having a 25% def down move that skillchains w/ Mistral Axe isn't readily available... that really annoying that not only does Savage Blade have better tp bonuses than Mistral, it also has better skillchain property synergy.

Oh Wait! Blitz should hopefully solve this!
I'm guessing this for a non-Nyame Blitz build:

ItemSet 393115

need more testing information but this probably a decent set w/out nyame.

Might want gleti's gloves and crepuscular pebble instead though.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-09-23 08:23:46
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Felgarr said: »
I'm under the impression that level does not change once pet is summoned (assuming you stay in item level weapons or your /checkparam stays the same level. Your character's item level is also visible in the status/equip screen on the top-left corner).

(If you change from item-level axe to non-ilevel Axe, I imagine your pet does get down-leveled).

I'm not on Beastmaster at the moment, but could someone post "/checkparam <pet>" with i-level Axe/relic hands (and gleti's if possible). Then change Axe to a 115 axe, then 99 axe and then back?)

The old pre-ilvl level does not change after pet is summoned. This is affected by jug pets level cap, beast affinity merits, and Relic Gloves.

However, things got even murkier after ilvl was introduced, because pet ilvl is dependent upon ilvl of mainhand weapon. This does NOT make it independant of the merits, relic hands and jug level though... nice and needlessly complicated.

If you summon a pet that caps at 99 with a level 99 weapon equipped and without the relic gloves, your pet will be limited to level 99 even if you equip a ilvl weapon afterwards. however, if you have the relic gloves one, and change weapon afterwards, the pet level can go up to 114 thru merits and relic gloves bonuses.

IIRC if you summon ilvl 119 pet then equip an ilvl 113 weapon in the main hand, the pets level will drop to 113, then be restored when you equip a 119 weapon again.

The last layer which is from Spalirisos, Gleti's boots, and Nukumi Earring are a different method altogether. They will not benefit a pre-ilvl pet AT ALL.

however they will adjust the level of the pet on the fly as they are equipped or unequpped just as Nariont said.
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Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Falkirk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2023-09-23 17:48:02
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<BraveHeroGlenn> Level 123!
I've only tested a little bit so far.

The Aftermath Pet:PDL+ has no effect on the two ranged Ready moves: Needleshot and Leaf Dagger.

The Aftermath Pet:PDL+ has no effect in Level Correction zones: Pet pDIF is still busted there.
But (so far) it applies as expected everywhere else.
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 59
By Asura.Beanen 2023-09-23 19:21:44
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Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »

<BraveHeroGlenn> Level 123!
I've only tested a little bit so far.

The Aftermath Pet:PDL+ has no effect on the two ranged Ready moves: Needleshot and Leaf Dagger.

The Aftermath Pet:PDL+ has no effect in Level Correction zones: Pet pDIF is still busted there.
But (so far) it applies as expected everywhere else.

How is the weaponskill hitting?
Posts: 238
By Minaras84 2023-09-23 19:35:45
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
I don't have tp bonus Ikenga's Axe

but I do think the All jobs bst code results would be pretty good that Tri-Edge + Ikenga would be pretty awesome.

The TP Bonus 1000 then another 250 from Moonshade Earring, means the advantage of Doli/Decimation for ws's at 1k tp is abrogated.

I'm believe I can get up to 60k numbers at that point. Then again, having a 25% def down move that skillchains w/ Mistral Axe isn't readily available... that really annoying that not only does Savage Blade have better tp bonuses than Mistral, it also has better skillchain property synergy.

I've never tried Tri-Edge paired with Fernagu actually.
I might give it a go

Damn Falkirk, GJ.
Why do i hate so much Sortie T.T
Serveur: Asura
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user: arcajeth
Posts: 74
By Asura.Hotworks 2023-09-23 22:58:58
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Asura.Beanen said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »

<BraveHeroGlenn> Level 123!
I've only tested a little bit so far.

The Aftermath Pet:PDL+ has no effect on the two ranged Ready moves: Needleshot and Leaf Dagger.

The Aftermath Pet:PDL+ has no effect in Level Correction zones: Pet pDIF is still busted there.
But (so far) it applies as expected everywhere else.

How is the weaponskill hitting?
Make one and find out.
Posts: 1,846
By Felgarr 2023-09-23 23:12:24
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Asura.Hotworks said: »
Asura.Beanen said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »

<BraveHeroGlenn> Level 123!
I've only tested a little bit so far.

The Aftermath Pet:PDL+ has no effect on the two ranged Ready moves: Needleshot and Leaf Dagger.

The Aftermath Pet:PDL+ has no effect in Level Correction zones: Pet pDIF is still busted there.
But (so far) it applies as expected everywhere else.

How is the weaponskill hitting?
Make one and find out.

Bruh. This is your first post in the Beastmaster forums in 14 months...and this is how you choose to participate?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: arcajeth
Posts: 74
By Asura.Hotworks 2023-09-23 23:44:54
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Yep. Solid advice and if he was serious about the job he’d already have one made.
Posts: 238
By Minaras84 2023-09-24 02:09:03
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Minaras84 said: »

I've never tried Tri-Edge paired with Fernagu actually.
I might give it a go

I did.
Ruinator is reeeeeally terrible.
I would augment Tri-Edge only if the + % DMG was like Doli lol.
Posts: 9,210
By SimonSes 2023-09-24 06:52:51
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Minaras84 said: »
Minaras84 said: »

I've never tried Tri-Edge paired with Fernagu actually.
I might give it a go

I did.
Ruinator is reeeeeally terrible.
I would augment Tri-Edge only if the + % DMG was like Doli lol.

The intention for this setup is clearly NOT to use Ruinator, because its damage doesn't scale with TP. You should use Mistral or Calamity.
Posts: 238
By Minaras84 2023-09-24 08:19:56
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SimonSes said: »
Minaras84 said: »
Minaras84 said: »

I've never tried Tri-Edge paired with Fernagu actually.
I might give it a go

I did.
Ruinator is reeeeeally terrible.
I would augment Tri-Edge only if the + % DMG was like Doli lol.

The intention for this setup is clearly NOT to use Ruinator, because its damage doesn't scale with TP. You should use Mistral or Calamity.

but the problem is that calamity or mistral axe alone take me nowhere.
I tried Mistral > Primal Rend > Ruinator and its still extremely weak.
You can't simply spam mistral or calamity like you do with savage blade, there is absolutely no comparison.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Xilk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2023-09-24 11:08:02
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Minaras84 said: »
but the problem is that calamity or mistral axe alone take me nowhere.
I tried Mistral > Primal Rend > Ruinator and its still extremely weak.
You can't simply spam mistral or calamity like you do with savage blade, there is absolutely no comparison.

like any weaponskills on bst you choose the best weaponskills and skillchain them w/ pet ready moves for best effect.

so you want something like Rhino wrecker > Calamity > Mistral axe
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Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Falkirk
Posts: 698
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2023-09-24 20:18:10
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When testing Spalirisos (Prime Axe Stage 4), I've been trying to follow in the footsteps of Unagihito
and the testing taking place in the Prime WS Information thread.

This is what I have so far. Took a cue from Prothescar and found that
x/1024 values were making the most sense to fit the numbers.

Pets don't get access to any PDL traits naturally.
The x/1024 values are very close to what has been reported by SimonSes and Ahlen.

AM1 (1000 TP) = 40/1024 (~4%)
AM2 (2000 TP) = 70/1024 (~7%)
AM3 (3000 TP) = 101/1024 (~10%)
Posts: 238
By Minaras84 2023-09-25 09:22:56
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
Minaras84 said: »
but the problem is that calamity or mistral axe alone take me nowhere.
I tried Mistral > Primal Rend > Ruinator and its still extremely weak.
You can't simply spam mistral or calamity like you do with savage blade, there is absolutely no comparison.

like any weaponskills on bst you choose the best weaponskills and skillchain them w/ pet ready moves for best effect.

so you want something like Rhino wrecker > Calamity > Mistral axe

Yeah but that's the whole point isn't it.
Why do i need to bother using a pet when i can simply spam SB and get better results.
Especially when you have to pair your ws to a conal ability from the pet.
That's why i was trying to fit Ruinator into the equation.
To try and leave the pet out and see if Ruinator was worth it.
Id love to use some Gaston for a very selfish attk+ and spam axe ws and be content with them.
And i can't, cause SB is superior, as simple as that.
Posts: 238
By Minaras84 2023-09-26 06:16:39
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Question about Stalwart Angelina.
Never tried this pet before today as i noticed its "Extirpating Salvo" opens Light with SB and it's a single target move.
However, everytime Angelina performs it, she loses between 6 and 8% hp.
Is this intended?
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