Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium

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Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-08-31 13:54:31
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Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2020-08-31 14:00:02
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Asura.Eiryl said: »

Is that symbolize trying to fit BST into optimal setup or trying to shape BST into party composition? :D
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-08-31 14:20:41
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SimonSes said: »
Is that symbolize trying to fit BST into optimal setup or trying to shape BST into party composition? :D
Probably both...

For optimal set up. Probably something similar to what I said.

For shaping bst into a party composition? That one is obvious, slug when you need attack, something else when you dont. Hippo for when terror lands etc. Gear wont change very much, if at all. More attack in sets if you are attack starved. Pay attention to killer effects in the semi rare cases when they apply or really even help much. Sam is basically the only one I see bst helping much. And that is in the rare case when jinpu works. All the others fall into "do I need attack or no"?

It is pretty easy to fit bst into a party, it is pretty easy to have bst work with other jobs, that has never been a problem. It is hard to make bst a top end choice for either of those options. I would say, at minimum 3-5 better jobs for the same slot when you consider a bst in MOST content. Yeah we all know bst is good for wave 3 lol.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-08-31 14:25:17
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It's the inability to simply accept that suboptimal is ok.

Not a BST specific issue. More of a forcing the player to conform to "the meta"

No fun allowed. Only ruthless, uncompromising efficiency.

And look, I get it. No one wants to lose a run, waste excessive amounts of time. It's not the jobs, it's the players. There's no "good method" of choosing the player, so you latch onto the only metric you can control, the job.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Rwolf
Posts: 148
By Bismarck.Rwolf 2020-08-31 16:08:50
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
There's no "good method" of choosing the player, so you latch onto the only metric you can control, the job.

I wholeheartedly agree. It always existed but players use to feel more control with things like /checking someone, /sea all to see if your subjob was leveled and reputation. Now and days the masses can't be convinced unless you have a perfect strategy.

Having BRD COR GEO has become more of a dominant strategy than any SMN burns or any other abhorred strategy. Just looking at Qiqirn ambuscade, the amount of foaming at the mouth and brain melting because you can't use those buffs. No one barely knows what non-meta jobs can do to fill those roles.

And a good deal of that rolls right back to wanting control, feeling like you're not wasting time. Though I think I'd add an addendum to say being ridiculed or seen as a bad player for not leading a guaranteed victory certainly feeds into it as well.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Safiyyah
Posts: 737
By Asura.Sirris 2020-09-01 00:48:34
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I think at this point even the "I need to get into an Asura pug" argument is kinda void. 95% of Asura shout groups are some kind of merc *** that is super-optimized to sell slots. I actually outparsed my LS dancers in every Ambu group last month that I came BST (but of course they had to keep up full steps versus my only doing initial slug debuffs). Every job outside of the very strongest melee dps jobs has the same issue, which is "why would I take you when I have the ability to take a MNK/DRG/SAM/DRK instead". I even feel a huge gap between my R15 Trishula DRG and my R15 Chango WAR. Unless I need flexibility or the fight is very short I get almost no use from warrior. Even the toughness argument favors BST over other jobs. You can dump hate every 30 seconds on BST. It's the best enmity shed in the game and yes, that does matter because tanking is a very uneven role at best and you aren't guaranteed smooth hate generation.

I still think we need beastmaster adjustments. If we want beast to be like dragoon then we need a damage boost. Straight damage boost. I just don't know what the appropriate level of that boost is.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: eelman
Posts: 237
By Bahamut.Unagihito 2020-09-01 02:04:01
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Reworking Axe WS damage would be a great start!

Also, this doesn't look like it only hits once to me:

Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2020-09-01 02:38:35
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Asura.Sirris said: »
I still think we need beastmaster adjustments. If we want beast to be like dragoon then we need a damage boost. Straight damage boost. I just don't know what the appropriate level of that boost is.

Why? DRG is a pure DPS with almost 0 support for the party (basicaly only circle/breaker vs dragons), no subtle blow, no good magic WS etc.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-09-01 03:00:26
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Asura.Sirris said: »
I even feel a huge gap between my R15 Trishula DRG and my R15 Chango WAR.
I kinda feel the same way but opposite. I cant make drg do as much dmg as war no matter what buffs I use or how I cycle jumps. They are pretty close though. Weird how some people just perform better with certain jobs. Drgs complete lack of a good MEVA set is frustrating. I typically pull out drg if I am partnered with a sam for their very nice 4 step double dark. Wrong thread for that though. In longer fights (basically just wave 3 boss), I had all the big DD about even, shorter fights had a touch more variance, but still fairly close. Which one wins really just depends on party composition. Each one has an edge over every other. Shockingly, SE balanced DPS pretty well. Also, in game parses on wave 3 are pretty horrific ways of guaging DPS. I had a max whm out DPS a max sam a few times. . . does that mean whm is a better DPS? lol. Or maybe your party member is bad/hungover/ or downloaded a lua that creates big lag... or more likely, buffs are not cycling very well. Maybe they are actually doing more DPS than you and pull hate and are forced to play turtle forever. TONNNNSSSSS of reasons wave 3 parses are crap shoots. THey really just tell you how you did on that run. Nothing more. Ive been bottom and top of the parse with the same group in the same setup doing the same thing.

I mean... of course you out DPS dnc in last months ambu? Dnc had to spam like 20 JA to bst 1 ready?

Asura.Sirris said: »
"why would I take you when I have the ability to take a MNK/DRG/SAM/DRK instead"
I think bst has it even worse. I would take a second cor, RDM DNC, THF, RUN, BLU or any of the big DD before I take a bst tbh (so 11 other jobs). The hate shed thing is kinda meh for me. I actually would prefer if you could double hate on master. Bst is actually super durable. Id rather have hate on the malignace job than on the pet you cant cure. Malignace gear basically makes any job capable of tanking all but one gease fete NM without much issue, as long as they can hold hate. Wave three it can be useful if you dont plan for hate in the beginning with the smn or bards? Probably pretty nice if you dont have buffers that are with it enough to swap parties during the run. Maybe if you have tanks that arnt claiming mobs well?
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2020-09-01 05:03:35
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Asura.Sirris said: »
I still think we need beastmaster adjustments. If we want beast to be like dragoon then we need a damage boost. Straight damage boost. I just don't know what the appropriate level of that boost is.
Intersting you bring up Dragoon because to 'fix' Beastmaster damage output all they really need to do is copy two things from it.

  • Beastmaster needs to get the Weapon Skill Damage Boost job trait, to the same base potency as a Dragoon (+21%). This will fix Axe weapon skill damage without also buffing Warrior. Dragoon's trait will still be stronger since it gains an additional +10% while the Wyvern is alive.

  • Run Wild needs to be adjusted to copy all active Enhancing/Song/Roll effects to the pet. Run Wild dismissing the pet prevents abusing the ability but if SE are set on the pet being a viable damage source they need to do something to this effect. I don't understand for the life of me why a Dragoon is the only job capable of copying buffs to their pet (Spirit Link and Empathy).

Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Saevel 2020-09-01 07:27:12
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First step would be to remove BST's requirement to sub NIN for Dual Wield. After that we can start looking at ways to bump up damage without breaking other things.
Posts: 75
By Vishwambhari 2020-09-01 07:55:32
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Asura.Saevel said: »
First step would be to remove BST's requirement to sub NIN for Dual Wield. After that we can start looking at ways to bump up damage without breaking other things.
I'd rather get a trait for JA haste when equipping one 1h weapon, it would feel more "fresh" to me.
Posts: 9200
By SimonSes 2020-09-01 07:59:17
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Spaitin said: »
Bst you are only getting 33% defense down which wont cap attack. Using a dnc with a sam, drg or war gets you 48% defense down which actually will cap attack on a lot of content with light shot dia.

You can argue that BST could go /dnc and then reach 46%. Tho applying and maintaining box step lv5 by /dnc is a little harder and slower, than lv10 with DNC main. You would also need to use haste samba or adjust DW in gear on BST.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Rwolf
Posts: 148
By Bismarck.Rwolf 2020-09-01 11:50:47
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SE said in the Digest for last BST adjustment that they know it needs more and we're considering songs affecting pets. I wish they would, rolls and GEO buffs too. Would eliminate need for all these pet specific buffs.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-09-01 12:14:19
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Vishwambhari said: »
I'd rather get a trait for JA haste when equipping one 1h weapon, it would feel more "fresh" to me.

I would love that, But SE is against it for some reason.
Asura.Saevel said: »
First step would be to remove BST's requirement to sub NIN for Dual Wield. After that we can start looking at ways to bump up damage without breaking other things.
That would actually be pretty good.
SimonSes said: »
You can argue that BST could go /dnc and then reach 46%.
I have done that, it works but basically just turns the bst into a debuffer. By the time you get level 5 steps with haste samba you have like 30 seconds left on ooze.

Considerably more efficient to go with a sam or war with a dnc instead. Gets more defense down as well.

Bismarck.Rwolf said: »
SE said in the Digest for last BST adjustment that they know it needs more and we're considering songs affecting pets. I wish they would, rolls and GEO buffs too. Would eliminate need for all these pet specific buffs.
Honestly, bard buffs would be a good start, but then you need rolls and geo to affect pet as well.

Ruaumoko said: »
Run Wild needs to be adjusted to copy all active Enhancing/Song/Roll effects to the pet. Run Wild dismissing the pet prevents abusing the ability but if SE are set on the pet being a viable damage source they need to do something to this effect. I don't understand for the life of me why a Dragoon is the only job capable of copying buffs to their pet (Spirit Link and Empathy).
Yeah, make run wild behave like spirit link would be a great idea. Make it cure the pet and transfer all buffs to the pet. I like it. Or even better, make tame guage charm do something like transfer buffs to the pet. Or make then like SATA? or something. They are so worthless.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-09-01 12:21:15
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Spaitin said: »
Honestly, bard buffs would be a good start, but then you need rolls and geo to affect pet as well.
Do people really forget about Drachen Roll, Beast Roll, Puppet Roll, and Companion's Roll? Sure, you can make the point about affecting both pet and master, but if they make Chaos/Fighters/Samurai/etc. affect both, then why in the world would anyone use the above 4 anymore?

And GEO spells indirectly affect pets too, at least the debuffs do.

Sure, BRD songs would help, but the other two jobs already support pets, and not just BST pets either....
Posts: 2753
By Nariont 2020-09-01 12:23:20
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not so much forgotten as you're limited to 2 rolls/cor, hard to justify those over the usual chaos/fighters/sam depending on situation

been wondering for awhile if itd not be better to just make those rolls do something trait related to pets, and just let pet receive atleast the acc/atk/macc/matk rolls that other jobs get normally.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-09-01 12:26:45
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Nariont said: »
not so much forgotten as you're limited to 2 rolls/cor, hard to justify those over the usual chaos/fighters/sam depending on situation
Yes, depending on the situation.

I'm just saying in general. There are already rolls for pets, and pets also benefit from GEO debuffs. BRDs are the only "pure buffer" job who doesn't benefit pets at all.

Nariont said: »
been wondering for awhile if itd not be better to just make those rolls do something trait related to pets, and just let pet receive atleast the acc/atk/macc/matk rolls that other jobs get normally.
That would be better, but that requires work from SE and they have to ignore BLU more than to fix that.
Posts: 2753
By Nariont 2020-09-01 12:34:41
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its just a pain that in order to be a party situation you have to give up on the pet being an asset dmg wise. Puppets "kind of" get around this but they fall behind all the same, target marker and attuner+the basic atk/acc/haste only do so much, bst pets are in a much worse spot in that aspect. relying entirely on their bases(through traits/gifts) and whatever gear you can cobble together, and food which thankfully got increased a ways back.

in a pet only situation yeah the rolls are great
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-09-01 12:37:59
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Do people really forget about Drachen Roll, Beast Roll, Puppet Roll, and Companion's Roll?
SUre they exist, but they only affect the pet. THe master is FAR stronger than the pet so it is stupid to use them since you only have access to two. SO now you super buff the master and the pet has floored acc and attack. The only real option for the pet is to play as a buffer/debuffer. Basically because of how buffs work with bst and pet atm, bst plays like a gimp rdm.

You could make it a bst only thing by using run wild or something, i mean drg already does it. Sam roll wouldnt do a ton for the pet, fighters/chaos/rogue/monks/wiz/warlock would be the main rolls that help the pet.

Asura.Kingnobody said: »
And GEO spells indirectly affect pets too, at least the debuffs do.
If that was enough to cap attack, then that would be something, pet will need fury to cap attack most of the time.

Nariont said: »
in a pet only situation yeah the rolls are great

Bst no longer is in pet only situations for the most part. Kinda sad, but I am okay with it.
Posts: 2753
By Nariont 2020-09-01 12:41:40
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bst can do pet only situations same as before, its just annoying due to distance not impossible.
Posts: 983
By Spaitin 2020-09-01 12:42:39
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Nariont said: »
bst can do pet only situations same as before, its just annoying due to distance not impossible.
It "can", but it is so weak now that it is just not a good idea. Master is so much stronger now that it is much better to just have 5/5 malignance and melee next to the pet. Also, tandem strike.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Rwolf
Posts: 148
By Bismarck.Rwolf 2020-09-01 13:00:02
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They can just change what BST DRG and PUP rolls do. PLD and WHM rolls got changed to be more in line with today. It's no different.

It's not a competition for dev time. They aren't ignoring BLU to work on BST. They've updated multiple jobs before. They said in the same digest they consider the rest of the job updates to be for strong jobs, and they are not sure how to update them. Could post on Official Forums feedback for BLU.
By shamgi 2020-09-02 00:51:49
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I've been getting 40k bursts with Gaston without any real buffs.

Maybe my pet burst gear has come together, but I'm curious: is it possible he's also a casting job? Maybe BLM? I don't think the 30 MAB would be making that much of a difference.
Guide Maker
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2020-09-02 07:50:59
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shamgi said: »
I've been getting 40k bursts with Gaston without any real buffs.

Maybe my pet burst gear has come together, but I'm curious: is it possible he's also a casting job? Maybe BLM? I don't think the 30 MAB would be making that much of a difference.

It's technically possible, though all the other pets with "caster" jobs (including PLD and DRK) have an MP pool. You can check them with <petmpp> text command in-game.

Comparing your 40k Charged Whisker to Xilkk's field tests from a couple years ago, I assume there is some other factor in play beyond the iLvl bump and MAB+30. Target?

Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
Yeah, I've taken the time to test pretty much all the magic burst ready moves. They all burst the same proportion up.
Snow Cloud         18k   (Ice)
Dust Cloud         22k   (Earth)
Molting Plumage     8k   (Weakest Element we have is Wind!)
Stink Bomb         18k   (Earth)
Nepenthic          23k   (Water)
Charged Whisker    32k   (Thunder)
Fireball           22k   (Fire)
Gloom Spray        28k   (Darkness)
CorrosiveOoze      39k   (Water)
PestilentPlume     37k~  (Darkness)
Foul Waters        37k~49k  (If Pestilent Plume up damage goes high; Water)
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3364
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2020-09-02 12:22:39
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SimonSes said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »

Is that symbolize trying to fit BST into optimal setup or trying to shape BST into party composition? :D

Just get a bigger hammer, that *** will fit.
Posts: 47
By Gaigin 2020-09-02 19:24:16
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Hi all,

I am a recently returned player after a year break, and then a ten year break before that.

I was wondering if we should start a thread of usable self skillchain with pets we can use. I have been trying to test beyond the standard Primal Rend + Tegmina Buffet > Darkness.

As a for instance, I decided to finish my Guttler the last time I was active, and I am finding I am doing WAY more damage with the new Energized Selfina move. Rhinowrecker > Onslaught > Gravitation only, but it is way more damage then I am getting with darkness on Apex mobs (7000 Rhino > 9000 Onslaught > 9000 Gravitation > Shantotto II MB twice for 6000 Stone. Plus the emnity is far more balanced and the pet is tougher if it does take damage.

Is there anything else you guys are using as a go to for self skillchains, particularly with the new pets.If there is a better place to be asking please let me know :)

Edit: also adding in, if Shantotto II does empirical research, doing Rhino Wrecker again does light. 18k light last time it went off. Fighting Apex Mandroga's (because of killer instinct with vermin > plants)
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Xilk
Posts: 1421
By Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk 2020-09-02 21:39:15
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shamgi said: »
I've been getting 40k bursts with Gaston without any real buffs.

Maybe my pet burst gear has come together, but I'm curious: is it possible he's also a casting job? Maybe BLM? I don't think the 30 MAB would be making that much of a difference.

Are you using familiar?

I didn't find the chart Falkirk had... about which magical pet ready moves are affected by pet int and which are not, but I'm pretty sure he said charged whisker is affected by pet: INT

familiar will give +60 int if you have all the job points in it. That should give a nice boost to the damage. hmm I should probably put a little effort into getting some pet int and pet mab on same pieces. I don't think I have any atm.(iirc the blu spell uses dex as modifier though... so whichever) I'll have to test again.

your best skillchains will depend alot on which weaponskills you have the best sets for. If you have desultor tassets with sic/ready recast reduction in your ready set, you can squeeze in 2x rhinowreckers around your master.

I would like something like Rhinowrecker > Calamity > Rhinowrecker > Cloudsplitter
for Distortion > Fusion > Light
if you are focused on that pet.
Those who focus on Decimation with Kaja Axe / Dolichenus tend to like Vivacious Vickie:
Decimation > Sweeping Gouge > Decimation > Decimationi
which is Induration > Fragmentation > Light
you can do the same with Primal Rend > Sweeping Gouge > Primal Rend > Mistral Axe if not useing Kaja/Dolichenus

Bst has alot of options for skillchains. if you trying to list them all out for pets.. I did it a few years ago, haven't updated it. it was a few pages long though. Its more useful to understand all the skillchain properties and how they work in my opinion.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-09-02 22:10:18
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I don't know what people's comfort with using the program called FfxiCalc is, but that's my resource for finding and learning any skillchain combination I need depending on my pet. Hasn't been updated with the new ones but it's great for creating multi step SCs for a variety of pets.
Guide Maker
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 697
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2020-09-02 22:19:48
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Quetzalcoatl.Xilkk said: »
I didn't find the chart Falkirk had... about which magical pet ready moves are affected by pet int and which are not, but I'm pretty sure he said charged whisker is affected by pet: INT

Here it is, updated to include Charged Whisker and Venom Shower (both affected by Pet:INT).

1540 TP 1540 TP
Dust Cloud126892689
Acid Spray129563076
Molting Plumage129983159
Cursed Sphere132913291
Purulent Ooze234023538
Stink Bomb233743535
Nectarous Deluge233743535
Charged Whisker248525000
Dark Spore331833183
Silence Gas331833183
Nepenthic Plunge341064267
Corrosive Ooze342824419

1040 TP 1040 TP
Bubble Shower118841884
Gloom Spray226612802
Venom Shower228643025
Foul Waters238354044
Pestilent Plume238354044

Snow Cloud/Acid Mist/Aqua Breath aren't listed here, but for future reference, their damage is not affected by Pet:INT.
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