I already weighed in but gonna restate that
Cerberus.Neojuggernaut said:
»Never understood why people get so butthurt with other people using hacks that didn't involve anyone else. #SalvageGate
There is a legitimate adverse effect on people who don't use tools, being that massive amounts of gil get injected into the economy when large amounts of NPCable items are created like fishbotting and cruor/blinkers. However, most of the buttmad is from people who stand in town all day complaining that there's nothing to do. They don't earn gil to buy things or improve themselves or their characters and then complain that they can't clear content because... reasons.
I, personally, don't care much what other people use. Things like botting JP's doesn't matter to me because it can't be monetized outside of the 500K or so you get from NPCing sparks. When it comes to salvage exploits, all it does is drive down the cost of alex, and people who don't have deep pockets SHOULD love that.
I already weighed but gonna restate that as an achievement in itself, it is cheapened by others basically obtaining it with little to no effort. I'm saying it cheapens the game. Somehow I get the reaction to that sentiment would just be some "lol it's dying/dead anyway" but people have been saying that what 6, 7 years now? Since release? Whatever it's an old and false idea.
Sure it might not seem to matter much most the time. But now you're the only kid on the block not botting somehow and everyone else is geared up with 2+ mythics because why not it's easy. And suddenly it seems like maybe it wasn't such a good idea to just type in the cheat codes.
I mean sure, you could do godmode in Doom 2 and beat the game easy. Some people super enjoyed that. I'm not one who did, I liked to put it on Nightmare mode just to see how far I could get because I felt it made me get better at the game and that those skills would translate to real life somewhere. At least the liking a good challenge did.
And say this continues and SE does precisely nothing. Everyone strutting around with 11+ mythics. You're new to the game wonder how everyone got it, and it's common knowledge at this point. You do it just to keep up with everyone else at this point it's a necessity. And then the people standing around in town with nothing left to do... would be people with all the mythics unlocked because they got them easy mode. Not that there isn't already those people.
And now? The game as it is now? There's people running around with RME's they wouldn't have otherwise. I'm sure there's people that made one that wouldn't have if the cheat didn't exist. So what about the flood of RME's? It definitely cheapens the game.
Whether or not you think that matters is your opinion but I don't think it can be argued that it doesn't. And personally, I do think it matters, in direct proportion to the amount of cheapening that goes on. You guys wouldn't care or want anything if it was just given as soon as you log in. I'm not saying you're advocating that but at some point, no one likes cheapening.
It is something that League of Legends feedback often realizes for example, they want things a certain degree of difficulty they want their champs balanced even if their OP, because they care more about the health of the game as a beautiful thing than like their own power level because it would just cheapen it, you know? The entire experience.