A Proposal From Dramanue... An Honest Request

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A proposal from Dramanue... An honest request
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Caiyuo
Posts: 6524
By Seraph.Caiyuo 2009-08-19 01:14:01
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Since everyone covered most anything I'd say, I'll simply say that there's a lot to be said for shouting and reading up on any event you're looking to do and leading it yourself. I used to /hate/ having to do this, but at a certain point I hit a wall of just not wanting to ask my friend's to take me through things they'd already done the work for and not knowing anyone to join up with, so I had no choice but to shout in Whitegate in between my events each night. Simply looking like you know what you're talking about and being fairly specific about what jobs will work and how far along you are for people goes a long way.

Doing this I was able to clear Tiers 3 through 10 in Assault as well as clear Captain rank all in just over a month's time, so ever since I generally prefer to lead all my own missions or events. lol Finished much faster than I would've waiting for groups or other's shouts as well as making a handful of smart and skilled friends along the way. Good luck, and I'll just note I especially agree with Blazza and Tarowyn on their points.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: framerate
Posts: 159
By Unicorn.Nitsuj 2009-08-19 02:00:05
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I'm not trolling I swear, but you should try and take the time to learn something.

I noticed on your ffxiah profile it says "Since I don't know how to link my linkshell community website thing".

What about Salvage? Why don't you shout to start a group? I would assume you just haven't taken the time to learn how Salvage works.

I find it hard to believe you don't have any friends? I've been around since PS2 release too, and I have a very close knit group of friends that I've grown to love as much as RL friends through my countless hours of helping them get what they need and them doing the same for me. Where are all the people you helped over the years? Surely there has to be a few that you've helped and have gotten help in return (i.e. not the kind of guy that says "sure I'll help you get your joyeuse tomorrow!" and then tomorrow convienently logs of 15 minutes before pop time). You have to have a few actual friends...

More importantly, take the time to figure out things you don't understand. There's nothing worse than having a new person join my linkshell and having to explain to them *again* how to get from Whitegate to Testing Grounds to enter Einherjar. If they looked it up themselves it'd save us all time and I could focus more on assigning jobs and giving points etc.

I'm not saying I know you're a lazy person or anything, but that's just the immediate impression I got when I read your ffxiah profile. I'd start there... read the help, ask a few people (feel free to IM me) and get your ls community profile setup (and take off that "i'm too lazy to fix this" message.. change it to "I'm an amazing RDM" message ^^)

Try and find one or two awesome friends that you know in game and start yourself an assault static, and then a salvage static. Spend an hour reading up on strats then go in blind and figure it out. They're not too hard, and it's a lot of fun.

And if you really don't have *any* friends to start a static with, then get off that server. Either you've done something wrong or that server is a joke. Take one of these nice people's offers and jump ship. Go to a new server where you can introduce yourself with pride and make friends that will last (and hopefully that will start a static with you :P)

Good luck, and if you end up on Unicorn, look me up.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Alijah
Posts: 264
By Fenrir.Alijah 2009-08-19 02:53:04
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I've been reading this thread on and off throughout the evening and as others ahead of me have said, at first I understood your plight but as the thread has gone on, I'm feeling less and less. You laid your complaints on the table--which were valid, mind you--but then as people gave suggestions you seemed to brush them off and then even go as far to claim people on Fenrir hate you because nobody has sat down in the thread to coddle you.

Im very sorry if I sound harsh, I dont try to--but Im trying to be honest. First and foremost, I have to defend my home server. We have our elitists, but so does every server. But it's hardly as elite as you may feel. Im very sorry that you've had run-ins with some jerks, but we're not all that way. I was 'born and raised' and I've been very happy on Fenrir and I feel lucky to have some of the friends I do. I hope you run into some of the great people I have met.

Second, and this isnt aimed at you but as the population of Vana'diel as a whole: Im really tired of the word elitist getting thrown around cause someone expects you to do your job. Here's a quick comparison:

You show up to your party with NQ staves (or a MND Wand and Shield for your para/slows). You swap them out accordingly, but then someone kicks you from party because you don't have the HQs. This is an ELITIST. Now, next day. You show up to party with a light staff and that's it. No gear swaps, you're casting Para and Slow in it, and heck, even /healing (hmp, not cures) in it. Party leader kicks you. He is NOT an elitist. There is a very, very big difference between being an elitist and expecting you to DO YOUR JOB.

You say you dont use elaborate plugins. Thats all well and good but that doesnt mean you shouldnt be using gear swaps. An Rdm is only as good as his macros, to be honest. No point in getting the nice gear if you're not going to use it properly.

All of that being said, you say you dont have access to certain zones or endgame events. Well then, no offense, but you're not getting into an endgame shell. Once again, this is not being elitist, it's expecting people to join and be able to do their job. Would you apply for a job as a Doctor and then ask them to help you through med school? No, you get the degree first. You need an entry level social. Thats not trying to be offensive, I know you've been playing 5 years but you're obviously still a bit behind on some quests. I wish I could give you the name of some decent beginner ls's on our servers, but I've been in my home-shell for a while now, so it's been a while since I've had to look. But idk about you but when Im standing around in WG, I hear plenty of recruiting shouts for various event shells.

Everyone has already said what I would, and they used less words. So all I can say is Im sorry you've had such a terrible experience on Fenrir, maybe you should try another one out and see how you mesh there. Should you choose to stay here, I hope you find some sort of family for you to fit into.

tl;dr version: (didnt realize how much I'd typed x.x) Sorry you've been unhappy but I promise there are nice people on this server and I hope you run into them. =)
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Mantikor
Posts: 9
By Odin.Mantikor 2009-08-19 04:41:57
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Now would you please stop falling prey to this troll anymore?

Check his other posts and maybe his SS he's playing dumb.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Ninian
Posts: 1667
By Remora.Ninian 2009-08-19 04:50:30
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Mantikor said:
Now would you please stop falling prey to this troll anymore?

Check his other posts and maybe his SS he's playing dumb.

Yup, you're right.

Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 443
By Gilgamesh.Tallulah 2009-08-19 07:04:32
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I understand how you feel to an extent. Besides having a dynamis LS I have nothing event wise going on in this game. I don't have a LS, and that makes getting some things very very difficult. Not having a group to do things with makes this game extremely difficult at times if not impossible. It's very frustrating to me at times.
Main reason I don't have a LS, besides hating damn near everyone, is that I enjoy having time to do whatever I want when I want. Another reason is the last 3-4 LS I have been in have had piss poor leaders that when ***got tough bailed and broke the LS. Also, bad experiences with one particular LS really ruined end game for me because of a select few people.
I hate not being able to get Salvage, Ein, and Sea gear. It boils down to;
1.) I am not a leader. I get too pissed off and would not be a good leader. I've tried numerous times and I cannot deal with morons.
2.) I hate people.
3.) If I don't have free time in this game to do what I want I eventually go insane and quit for like 2-3 months.

I have/had some very good friends who are/were very helpful in the past to help me get some things. If you have a few of skilled friends you can do a lot of things. The amount of things that can be accomplished with 2-3 people is limited though. It's really frustrating.
On the counter some extreme *** can really ruin this game at times. It's sad and pathetic.

I've just accepted it for now. I could do the things I want if I looked into it most likely. Hell, I've been on TAU44 forever. It's annoying, but if I REALLY wanted to get it done I probably could.
I think there are always options. You just need to find them.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Katniss
Posts: 704
By Sylph.Lotusbluete 2009-08-19 07:09:06
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Well, it must suck not to get the chance to do endgame, but...

as for myself, i NEVER had a LS for Missions. I got COP, ZM, WOTG, TOA and the Mini Add ons done simply by shouting for the fights. You solo your Cutscenes, Quests or easier fights and then shout for the BCs. Even if it takes you 3 hrs to get 6/6, still worth it.
Of course you dont get ***done when you wait for others to shout for missions which most of the ppl finished 4 years ago. Go to ffxiclopedia, read up strategies and fights and start shouting. Its what i do and it works. You might need a few tries on each mission, but thats still better than sitting in WG, waiting and do nothing.
That reminds me a bit of the DDs being like "I never get any party invites! Ive been seeking for 5 days w/o an invite now!".... um... why not just start your own party? Nothing easier with level sync nowadays.
And for stuff like Simmi or Serket... most of these "Lower" HNMs are solo/duoable. If you dont have a Duopartner, you can still do Nyzul Isle for a small chance to get these.
I know at first its hard to lead stuff, but you get used to it. I started as a gimpy noobish RDM when i just hit 75 (was my first job) and since then i always started my own exp parties, shouted for all my missions (you also make new friends that way btw ...) and i still shout for Nyzul, Assaults and whatever I need. Of course I also have friends to do stuff with, but when no one's on or ppl are busy, I just shout. And ya... met most of my good ig friends that way.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Jewkitten
Posts: 224
By Unicorn.Jewkitten 2009-08-19 07:25:45
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There is two things that separate the elite from the nub

Time and Knowledge

*taking the Time to expand your Knowledge^^


Study it, look up all the jobs and learn everyone's role and how they fit together. Look up all the missions you need and don't need, perhaps lead a run of something you already done, for others.

Afew of my shells elite players have quite NQ gear but amazing knowledge and skill, which is rewarded with respect because they do not act/identify themselves by what they lack, they act/identify themselves by what they HAVE which is a good heart, brilliant minds and the focus to acquire the knowledge that turns the most non-quality of geared players into assets that benefit themselves and the collective.

Being at peace with one's self + Open mind + Thirst for Knowledge > elite gear.

But all those things LEAD to elite gear.

There is a subtle mass of good peeps who have amazing things not cause they use ppl, lie or are snobs... but because they have Friends of like mind, and heart... that have gotten to know eachother beyond Need, and have bonded by Giving to eachother far more than they ever take.

good loot is simply the side-effect of real friendship and patience

smokeoutls.com XD
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2009-08-19 07:51:53
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Going to keep this short since there's a lot of text in this thread already.

Been around since PS2 release.

I'm just now getting CoP done. I got tired of waiting for others, so I started a group to get the promies done. That promy group has turned into a static. That static has grown to 12 people that need it, and several others that volunteered to help when needed. Only 5-6 are in my LS. The rest I picked up along the way.

Whenever you're in a PT or something, ask if they have any friends that need the same missions as you. Same for forum goers. Same for linkshell members.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Dramanue
Posts: 327
By Fenrir.Dramanue 2009-08-19 08:26:53
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Mantikor said:
Now would you please stop falling prey to this troll anymore?

Check his other posts and maybe his SS he's playing dumb.

I'm assuming you meant to say "Check his other posts and maybe his screenshots. He's playing dumb."

I have no idea really what you're talking about. I'm honest and truthful and not trolling. I really don't know pictures in my screenshots lead you to think I was trolling, but in order to I guess "prove" myself, I'll post my screenshots here.

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This is me staring at a sparkly in Delkfutt's while I'm trying to gather my stones to make the Omnis stone. I'm wearing the only piece of "leet" equipment I own which is the Pahluwan Khazagand. I got this from doing the assault mission with the Lamia over and over and over again for like 3 weeks straight. My assault current ranking is just high enough to purchase the Sentinel Shield.

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This is a screenshot of the sunset from the boat to Aht Urghan from Mhaura.

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This is a screenshot of daybreak in Sauromugue Champaigne [S]. Again, here I'm wearing the Pahluwan Khazagand. On my side you can see my Mensur Epee.

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This is me attempting to solo this mission with the Khimaira pet with the Tarutaru NPC. I did this quite a while back and won only after like 3 attempts. That's a Scorpion Harness and a Mensur Epee at my side. If I remember right, I gravity'd kited him while the npc nuked it.

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Screenshot of the multicolored ring thing when you go up to Sky.

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Screenshot of fighting (with a full alliance) a Taurus while in a panty party. I didn't get mine.

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Me trying to make a funny on shout on one of my few hyper days. I have no idea how this makes me look elitist or how it shows that I have a Joyeuse and/or am trolling.

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Standing on an island in Sky during an Aurora. I'm wearing my Assault Jerkin which I solo'd for many years ago. Took me 4 attempts to attain it. That is not Mensur in that screenshot, btw.

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Me as a level 50ish BLM.

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Me as a level 19ish RDM on my first trip to Jeuno what feels like eons ago. This was before I even knew what a Joyeuse was or let alone what RDM artifact looked like. I don't even think I had a sub at this point.

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A tragic accident with a treasure chest with what I believed to have been an impossible to decipher code.

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"Dram is the Diabolos master from many sources". One of the few compliments that I have screenshotted. This is back when it was possible to stun kill Diabolos, although now I believe he builds up a resistance to stuns over time... Not sure, though.

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Picture of a Tarutaru with Ragnarok.

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Picture of myself wearing glasses from leveling my clothcraft and the argent coat which I bought on the AH. That's a Mensur Epee. The shield is Genbu's, but that's just about the only piece of god wear that I own. I've neglected it to be honest because I really don't care for it. Ugly piece of poop for a piece of "god" wear.

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My whm staring up at a bright glittery thing. I forgot what I was doing here.

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Again, wearing my Genbu's Shield. At my side is what looks to be a Joyeuse, but it's actually a Verdun that I bought years ago to make it look like I had a Joyeuse... I sold it after a while and got an Aramis and then traded the Aramis for god knows what. I now only use the Mensur until I can get the real Joyeuse.

I am not trolling, all that I have spoken is true. I apologize if my screenshots have dismayed you.

Note: I never stated that I didn't have Sky.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-08-19 09:08:02
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Yeah I'm not really sure where he was going with saying you were playing it dumb. But still, put some effort into actually getting shells for the things you want.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Didgist
Posts: 291
By Fenrir.Didgist 2009-08-19 09:41:36
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I think you should join DuckHUNT.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Dramanue
Posts: 327
By Fenrir.Dramanue 2009-08-19 12:40:48
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Okay, I'm back and have read over the larger posts and the newer posts. I've decided to stick around Fenrir and see what happens there. I've got a lot to say, but I'll try to condense it so that the submit button doesn't cause my ideas to vanish as it usually tends to do.

People have suggested paying money out in order to get the things I want. I'm going to have to shoot that idea down. I don't see that as a fair way of getting something, and rather, takes the glory out of getting the item whatever it may be. I've seen others who buy their way through the game and I don't want to be like them. I want to get things out of deserving them, not out of just buying them. It is a wonderful idea, and it does work for some people, but I just don't believe in it.

Shouting constantly for a team is a great idea and one which I'll attempt to invest some time in. I just need to find the time when Aht Urghan's inhabitants are listening instead of just being afk or something and showing off their pretty armor in front of the MH. XD No, but seriously, I just have to figure out when people will reply to my shouts. Most of the time, people just ignore the shouts or the city is just dead quiet to the point that any shouts are automatically ignored. And for the times that the shouts are busy, it seems that they're also ignored for other things.

I know most of the missions, and what it takes to do them. That's one of the main reasons I've not completed them because I've failed a few times in attempting them. For those mission "quests" that seem soloable, I usually tend to read up on wiki's discussions page and see if RDM or any other of my jobs can do it on their own. Sadly, that's one of the main reasons I leveled the jobs I did. NIN for tanking in case we need a tank, SAM for DDing (although my "dd" is very, very subpar due to my equipment), BLM for nuking and the such. I guess I also feel shy at times when shouting because I never see shouts for these things either and I fear that my shouts will just be shot down. For instance, I have the quest for Sleepga II unlocked, but in the last year, I've yet to see anyone shout for help on that quest. Do people even do these quests any more? Or are they the realm of gilsellers who do the quests and just sell the scrolls (in a party of 6 gilsellers, they could sell all 6 scrolls for a nice loot I'd imagine). That was, of course, just an example.

As far as obtaining an LS goes, I've received multiple private messages from different people, both in Fenrir and in other servers. I've no plans to move out. Fenrir is where I grew up in and I'm not giving up on it. I'd love to find a LS to take me in. I'm not asking for an LS to instantly cater to my every want and need. I want to prove to them that I deserve what I want. In a way I've always imagined that there would be people that would go like "You know, Dram is an awesome red mage, let's go and get him Joyeuse tonight since we have the ToD. Also [insert other person's name here] is a good player, he could lot on it, too." It'd be interesting to "deserve" something rather than just win it, I guess. That's just me and not everyone would see it like that. I'm sure some are even seeing the idea of helping people due to what they deserve as being preposterous. Am I wrong to think this way? I'm not sure.

I tend to see all things as both negative and positive and end up overanalyzing the weights of each action. In the end, I decide against any action. I think that's my crux, and true, tis something I'll have to get over.

So, in closing, I'd like to thank everyone for all their ideas and I'll take them to heart. To those who believe in my words, thank you. And for those who believe me of being a troll, all I can say is that I am who I am.

Final Note:
I formed an LS named "ThisIsNotForYou" so that I could link my char to my profile. Hopefully it works now. This, of course, is not my final LS. It's just temporary. I apologize for any confusion such would cause.

Again, thank you.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Darkmoose
Posts: 456
By Odin.Aramina 2009-08-19 12:55:35
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Dramanue said:
People have suggested paying money out in order to get the things I want. I'm going to have to shoot that idea down. I don't see that as a fair way of getting something, and rather, takes the glory out of getting the item whatever it may be. I've seen others who buy their way through the game and I don't want to be like them. I want to get things out of deserving them, not out of just buying them. It is a wonderful idea, and it does work for some people, but I just don't believe in it.

Just something to ponder on this vein...

If you spend 100 hours camping an NM before you get a drop, or you spend 100 hours farming in order to have the gil to merc it out, how is either of those not deserving? You've worked hard to get it either way, whether it was through your own personal victory, or putting yourself in a financial position to hire someone to do it for you.

If you need to feel the personal satisfaction of killing that NM, i can understand that. I have recamped things I had bought just to "get my gil back" and because I wanted to kill that darn NM. However, when it came to Dune Widow or saving for Enfeebling Torque... yeah, I just farmed the gil. Was a mathematical decision for me based on how fast I could farm versus how long I expected it to take to get the drop.

There's a difference between buying gil RMT style and buying your way through the game, and farming/crafting/mercenary etc to make gil and use that gil to buy things that you want.

In the end, I hope you find what you need. I do recommend that you look up Etain or Maiev through their blogs, even though neither of them plays much or at all. They are both long time Fenrir folks that have experienced all aspects of the game, and they probably have some very good suggestions for you where you might be happy. Also, they are both very nice and write back if written to.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Sevourn
Posts: 9481
By Carbuncle.Sevourn 2009-08-19 14:56:22
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I respectfully disagree with your stance on R/EX gear. I very much agree with Aramina's take on the issue. Still, you seem to feel strongly about it, and i doubt you will be swayed. I still have to say though, refusing to use windower and refusing to pay for R/EX gear seems to me like hogtying yourself for the sake of hogtying yourself.

That's not really what i want to post about, though. I have a tip for obtaining your Joyeuse. I dinged into mine at 70 PLD. I only had /WAR sub and didn't really contribute to the battle. I asked around and found three people who wanted Joyeuse. I also had one friend willing to help who didn't need it.

Anyway, the deal we made was that the sword would go freelot each time and the ones of us who got it first would stick around and help the others. I didn't have much to offer in the fight, so i did all of the camping. If someone was camping, got claim and won, it was a lost cause.

The times that charby popped with no one there to claim, i called the others on skype and they logged on or rushed to ssg. It took several tries each time to even catch it unclaimed.

The first time we killed charby, Auro, our NIN won, who wanted it for his COR. I won the second lot. We ended up getting it for all but one person, who decided he didn't want it after all.

Anyway, if you really want Joyeuse, I was thinking you could shout for or or round up a few people who want it, and offer to get ToD or even offer to camp til it pops and call them. Again, some people may get their sword and leave, but if you are persistent, it will drop eventually.

You have to really want it badly to be willing to do it this way, but you will get it sooner or later. When i got mine, i entered SSG and promised myself i wouldn't leave it til i got the sword.

Just a thought. Hope it works out for you.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Didgist
Posts: 291
By Fenrir.Didgist 2009-08-19 15:42:53
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Dramanue said:
In a way I've always imagined that there would be people that would go like "You know, Dram is an awesome red mage, let's go and get him Joyeuse tonight since we have the ToD. Also [insert other person's name here] is a good player, he could lot on it, too." It'd be interesting to "deserve" something rather than just win it, I guess. That's just me and not everyone would see it like that. I'm sure some are even seeing the idea of helping people due to what they deserve as being preposterous. Am I wrong to think this way? I'm not sure.

I thought this way for 3 years.

After losing a years worth of Sea pops, most of my friends, and watching a LS I helped build from day one come to resent me i've learned a few very important things about Final Fantasy.

1. Maybe 5% of the population gives a ***about helping other people and doing things right. The other 95% bot, steal, manipulate, lie, or do whatever it takes to discredit your character in order to help them succeed. Call it Geek politics, people really do not care that you are a real person.

2. If you are walking around acting like Jesus, expect to be hung a cross. I learned this the hard way. If you are a crusader for being honest by not using Windower, doing everything the non-mercenary way, and actually 100% deserving everything you come across people will grow tired of you and begin to avoid you. People here are playing to win, not for their Christ-Chex.

3. RDM can solo anything you want. Its what I did for a year after Maiev ***-listed me on Fenrir. Got more than I did from Duckhunt doing it too.

If you really want a concerned LS then stop taking everybody's ***and start looking out for yourself. If you go out to camp a Joyeuse with someone and they won't let you lot it is your own fault for not leaving. No one felt bad for me when I lost everything because I let it happen to me expecting people to do the right thing.

Do not expect people to think you deserve anything, and do not expect merit for being an honest person.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 12
By Fenrir.Korruption 2009-08-19 16:18:00
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Well time to be the bad guy. I call *** on you, not being able to get any kind of ls or not finishing CoP. I cant tell you how many ls I see everyday sprouting up. They may be shout sky ls, but they are endgame ls regardless. Also, I see tons of CoP shouts everyday. I find it hard to believe that you cant accept one of them and get it completed. You cant blame Fenrir for being elitest and not accepting you, when you cant help yourself. Its not anyone's fault but your own for lacking social skills in a MMO. If there are any grammar mistakes you can sue me. Taking some painkillers for my mouth. This topic really bugs me because he isnt asking for help, he's asking for hand outs.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Imola
Posts: 59
By Remora.Imola 2009-08-19 17:02:15
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I've been playing this game since Feb of 06 on PC. The only way to get things done is by shouting/sending tells to random jobs you need that's not in town to see your shouts.

Once you finally make a party chit-chat, make conversation do jokes, ask if anyone else needs other quests to get done and if they want to static it.

Every time I want to get a long mission done this is my strategy,

-I read up online do my homework on what to expect.
-I start the quest seeing what I can solo.
-Do shouts in town to finish the CNM's of the missions. Or you can read shouts that needs help on previous part of the mission then team up after...
-Plan to static the rest with the current members.

(This should fix your missions issue, trust me it works. I just did this with the two new expansions so I know it still works.)

To get into an End Game linkshell
Once you get those missions done CoP/WotG etc etc actually you just really need sea.
Apply to endgame link shells. Go to their websites majority of the Endgame LS has applications and you can explain your story there. For being a rdm u should get a quick "Look for me ingame for a pearl." DO NOT EXPECT ENDGAME LS TO LOOK FOR YOU~

Hope this helps~
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2009-08-19 17:12:13
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Many endgame shells don't accept people without Sky and Sea access though, which makes that a top priority.

I agree as shouts go, I see CoP shouts several time in any given week. ZM isn't that hard, you only need 3 people at most for the fights until you get to Divine Might (which is after Sky access). As a Red Mage, all you need is 2 DD, you're on healer and sleeper duty for the fights against multiple mobs. If you go shout you should be able to get sky access within the next two days no problem. CoP requires more people oftentimes but again, shout for people if you don't see a shout going already.

You want stuff done? Take initiative and start runs yourself, saying "plz help me ; ;" here just isn't going to get the job done. Sorry, but it's true.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Dramanue
Posts: 327
By Fenrir.Dramanue 2009-08-19 17:58:29
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Sevourn said:
I still have to say though, refusing to use windower...

Didgist said:
If you are a crusader for being honest by not using Windower...
I'm getting a lot of these although I never stated that I don't use Windower. I use Windower, I just have nearly all the plugins disabled. The only one I ever use really is expwatch and that's only when I am not in a sync party because it seems to kill its functionality.

I also see people stating that I don't use gear swaps when I do. Nearly all my macros have gear swaps, but they're just through the ingame macro editor. I don't use the one through windower plugins which would allow more than the normal amount of items to be swapped in. But again, this isn't about how I play the game, I'm just putting that out there since some people were questioning it. I apologize if I did not make my statements about not using gear swaps correctly.

Either way, aside from the few negative replies, I thank all for their assistance and I shall take those ideas to heart. As previously stated, thank you.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-08-19 18:01:40
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Tbest said:
tl;dr kinda... I just skimmed through the post. But... Came out with that you want an LS to do missions with / chat / etc. Soooo.... Could join Fairy. =) My shell does all that. And there's free gil too! =D

Follows people to fairy and joins up with tbest...
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Paulus
Posts: 619
By Bahamut.Paulus 2009-08-19 18:21:17
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It's all about networking. All it takes is one dedicated friend to get things started but you will go through a lot of different people trying to find a group of friends to sustain anything successful. Check out the retired section of our salvage spreadsheet just to get my point.


One of these people quit for legit RL reasons, others just didn't want to show up of their own free will. Others just stopped coming. Now we're at the point with a solid core of people where we can kill bosses on a more regular basis. That's allowing us to finish about 3 pieces a month.