Star Wars: The Force Awakens

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens
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Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 525
By Asura.Leonlionheart 2016-01-03 22:53:25
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Altimaomega said: »
I can almost forgive him coming back online when Rey showed up.

Apparently, in the book(? may have been script or a deleted scene or something) the reason R2D2 woke up was simply because BB8 showed up with the rest of the map.
Posts: 93
By Malebolge 2016-01-03 22:56:15
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Altimaomega said: »
Not In the first 13 days! You do realize this movie has broken every single movie record right? TFA has made over 1.5billion so far wordwide and has not even opened in China yet. (Which was a huge oversight I think) It has already made 4x the amount The Phantom Menace made just in the United States!

Bad movies just don't do this. Sorry.....
Glad to hear you think 101 Dalmatians was a better movie than Empire Strikes Back.

Asura.Leonlionheart said: »
Apparently, in the book(? may have been script or a deleted scene or something) the reason R2D2 woke up was simply because BB8 showed up with the rest of the map.
Well that makes no sense, considering it's to BB8 that C3PO says R2D2 has been inactive since Luke left.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
By Shiva.Shruiken 2016-01-03 23:16:22
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Malebolge said:

Anyway, if my theory posted earlier is correct, and Rey was a youngling in Luke's new Jedi Order, that would mean R2D2 knows her and booted up because he was in her presence. He may have been ordered not to boot up UNTIL he was in her presence.

And I think Phasma will turn out to be a good guy who intended for Finn's conditioning to fail/wear off, and lowered the shields to Starkiller base so easily on purpose. Too early to tell if her characterization sucks, because we don't really know anything about her.
Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2016-01-03 23:23:24
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Malebolge said: »
Glad to hear you think 101 Dalmatians was a better movie than Empire Strikes Back.

I don't know, it was pretty good.

Are we seriously going to argue about whether box office receipts are an indication of the quality of a movie?

Lots of people enjoyed this movie, it's got some flaws, it's not the best movie ever, etc etc etc...

If you are that upset about your 11.50, I suggest you go back to the theatre and demand a refund.
Posts: 93
By Malebolge 2016-01-03 23:25:52
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Shiva.Shruiken said: »
This movie's writing isn't bad! You'll see when the next movie fixes it!

Jassik said: »
Are we seriously going to argue about whether box office receipts are an indication of the quality of a movie?
I didn't say box office=quality, that was the fanboy's comeback to me saying the movie was bad.
Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2016-01-03 23:32:08
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Malebolge said: »
I didn't say box office=quality, that was the fanboy's comeback to me saying the movie was bad.

No, that's not what he said, and calling him a fanboy isn't helping your case.

Asura.Leonlionheart said: »
I thought it was (good), as did millions and millions and millions of others. Agree to disagree is all I can offer you

Let it go, man. You made your point, the movie blew, burn Disney to the ground, etc.
Posts: 93
By Malebolge 2016-01-03 23:33:50
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Jassik said: »
Malebolge said: »
I didn't say box office=quality, that was the fanboy's comeback to me saying the movie was bad.

No, that's not what he said

Altimaomega said: »
TFA has made over 1.5billion so far ...Bad movies just don't do this.

Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
By Shiva.Shruiken 2016-01-03 23:36:53
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Someone needs a stress ball

Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2016-01-03 23:37:26
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You brought up gross ticket sales, but it doesn't matter. You weren't completely blown away by the movie and you're determined to make anyone who enjoyed it feel bad. I'm sure there's a few thousand other forums you could do that on.
Posts: 93
By Malebolge 2016-01-03 23:39:16
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Jassik said: »
You brought up gross ticket sales
Asura.Leonlionheart said: »
Malebolge said: »
And I'm sorry this movie wasn't good.
I thought it was, as did millions and millions and millions of others.
Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2016-01-03 23:40:38
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Holy crap, nobody is this dense...
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
By Shiva.Shruiken 2016-01-03 23:42:18
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Jassik said: »
Holy crap, nobody is this dense...

The dense is strong with this one.
Posts: 93
By Malebolge 2016-01-03 23:43:11
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Jassik said: »
Holy crap, nobody is this dense...
You didn't read = I am dense.

Meanwhile, TFA defenders be like
Shiva.Shruiken said: »
Too early to tell if her characterization sucks, because we don't really know anything about her.
Posts: 12259
By Jassik 2016-01-03 23:46:21
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Asura.Leonlionheart said: »
WELP sorry you didn't enjoy it.
Malebolge said: »
And I'm sorry this movie wasn't good.
Asura.Leonlionheart said: »
I thought it was, as did millions and millions and millions of others. Agree to disagree is all I can offer you
Malebolge said: »
Phantom Menace made a billion dollars too, but sure, agree to disagree.

YOU brought up box office receipts.

To be honest, nobody really cares whether you liked it or not and everyone has been plenty civil about it.
Posts: 93
By Malebolge 2016-01-03 23:47:26
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He brought up the millions of people who saw the movie. You're saying I brought up ticket sales because I just did the unit conversion to dollars? And I'm the dense one? Do you think those millions and millions and millions saw it for free?
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 125
By Leviathan.Tribalprophet 2016-01-03 23:50:38
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I can only hope that Malebolge will spend dozens of posts complaining about every popular movie they don't like from now on.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 125
By Leviathan.Tribalprophet 2016-01-03 23:54:54
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Malebolge said: »
He brought up the millions of people who saw the movie. You're saying I brought up ticket sales because I just did the unit conversion to dollars? And I'm the dense one? Do you think those millions and millions and millions saw it for free?

He said millions of people enjoyed this movie.

He never said millions of people enjoyed Phantom Menace.

You're pretending people said things they didn't just to make it look like you're winning an argument about a movie you don't like and others did.
Posts: 93
By Malebolge 2016-01-03 23:59:37
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Leviathan.Tribalprophet said: »
He said millions of people enjoyed this movie.

He never said millions of people enjoyed Phantom Menace.

You're pretending people said things they didn't just to make it look like you're winning an argument about a movie you don't like and others did.
He said "millions of people liked this movie" as a defense to "this movie is bad". He is making the argument that popularity equals quality. You can't even (well, shouldn't) play stupid about it because his next post confirms this as his point and expounds on it.
Posts: 4394
By Altimaomega 2016-01-04 00:00:36
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Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
Shiva.Viciousss said: »
I've never seen the origin of the purple lightsaber crystal explained or defined in the canon. Yellow, Green, and Blue all have meanings, as does red (obviously). Mace Windu was given his crystal as a gift, he didn't even forge it, so its impossible to say whether or not the crystal was formed using the dark side. I doubt we ever get an answer.

Nah, nah, you just can't read and are wrong as usual too Viciousss :P

What Vic said is on the totally opposite side of the trolling/harassing spectrum. I can even agree with it.

Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
I don't believe the purple light saber actually means this.

In fact I am going to say purple light sabers don't actually have a meaning outside of vanity.

and this
Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
Such meaning. Much wow.

and this
Asura.Floppyseconds said: »
Yeah, that is not really a counterclaim at all. Also, not surprising.

Neither my quote nor yours says anything about a meaning they would have.

Is just being a irrational jerk.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: ryanx
Posts: 712
By Lakshmi.Ryanx 2016-01-04 03:57:00
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Star Wars sucks
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-01-04 07:36:05
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Lakshmi.Ryanx said: »
Star Wars sucks
That was a very thorough synopsis of your opinion. We cannot argue against such strong and defining opinions such as yours. Congratulations, you made us all redefine our feelings towards the movie because of your in-depth feelings towards the series.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-01-04 07:42:37
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Man. Still so many people nerdraging and picking things to ***because it wasn't basically their own fanscript.

I think I'll go see it again and enjoy it even more knowing how much people are seething.

The one and only true downside to rendering the EU "non-canon" is that HK-47 doesn't officially exist in the Star Wars universe, and that is very, very sad.

But the nice thing is that it's all fiction and KOTOR is so far in the past of the "current" Star Wars universe that I'm just going to tell myself it existed anyhow and it doesn't really matter.

Silly meatbags.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-01-04 07:46:01
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Ramyrez said: »
Man. Still so many people nerdraging and picking things to ***because it wasn't basically their own fanscript.

I think I'll go see it again and enjoy it even more knowing how much people are seething.

Then you too will wish they actually made the Thrawn trilogy the next movie trilogy. But knowing Hollywood, they will still *** it up anyway.

Edit: Not directed towards you Ramy, just in general.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-01-04 07:47:22
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Besides, I already watched it twice. I might get the DVD when it's released, but I'm not 100% sure yet.

May wait a couple of years if I feel the itch to watch it again.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-01-04 08:01:54
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I enjoyed the Thrawn series all right, as well as the written EU stuff that I got around to (Truce, Courtship, the KOTOR games), but I guess I'm just not particularly heartbroken that they've been rendered "non-canon."

Let's not forget that a lot of the "original" EU content was ***George Lucas made up on the spot for names and backstories so they could sell toys of characters that were in the movie for all of eight seconds.

And like I said a few pages ago, this series perfected the retcon before some people posting here were even alive.

I just know I'm eager for the ongoing story.

A better discussion to have: Now that the EU is up for grabs, I wonder what the official word is on Boba Fett?
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2016-01-04 09:12:31
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Lakshmi.Ryanx said: »
Star Wars sucks

Finally someone making sense !
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2016-01-04 09:13:26
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I'd love to sit here and read tidbits of info about a franchise I don't care about...but I got things to do today !
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2016-01-04 09:21:33
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Found this review it is spot on:

Science fiction is supposed to be all about exploring the unexplored, not rehashing the well-trod. As its key franchises become increasingly more important to the bottom line of huge studios that are fending off streaming and view-on-demand, expect them to become more formulaic, and less interesting. It’s already begun: one of the most unabashedly creative enterprises of the 20th century has been rendered another largely enjoyable, but mostly forgettable Hollywood reboot.
Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-01-04 09:23:59
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Ramyrez said: »
A better discussion to have: Now that the EU is up for grabs, I wonder what the official word is on Boba Fett?
Still digesting in the pit of the Sarlacc.

Cause clones take a while to process. Also very gamy.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2016-01-04 09:27:35
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Ramyrez said: »
A better discussion to have: Now that the EU is up for grabs, I wonder what the official word is on Boba Fett?
Still digesting in the pit of the Sarlacc.

Cause clones take a while to process. Also very gamy.

Well, EU wise he managed to jetpack the hell outta there, but who knows now!?

Too much of a badass to be left out of the loop for good. Especially with Disney talking spin off movies.

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